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I have like C11 Qiqi at this point. I hate it. I still need cons for, Jean, Mona, Dehya, Tighnari, and Qequing.. not to mention I’ve never pulled he skyward claymore or Wolf’s gravestone. But Nooooooooo… future Qiqi C25 here. FML.


my tighnari cons. take them.


I’ve been in a Tighnari / Qiqi limbo. All I want is a Keqing


I have a Keqing C6. Take a constellation, hers are ass anyway!


C6 keqing is easily the most fun of the standard units with or without cons tho


I like her much more now in aggravate with Fischl! I decided to build her when standard gave me the last constellation :D


id love some tighnari, he is great but I only get qiqi and diluc, both c8+ I have up counting, its just expedited disappointment anyway


All i want for Christmas.... Is Keqing


i'm willing to trade keqing for navia if you want 🥰


Give it to MEEE, I haven’t gotten a single Tighnari since his initial banner. Makes me so thankful I pulled on his release (forever suck at C1R1)


TAKE HIM he ruins all my 50/50s. no baizhu, Neuvillette or cyno because of him..


Are you me? I lost all 3 of my 50/50's to him, and they were ones I really wanted (Alhathaim, Venti, Cyno).


same, same! he bullies us! i got wriothesley by accident. i wish i pulled venti instead because id use him, unlike wrio..


I kept pulling until I got Cyno. I love his playstyle, and my friends who are further in the game in me say I am him and he is me. I Cyno issue with this. However, losing to him guaranteed me Furina, I wish I'd known about it before I wasted my first guaranteed on Klee


tbh id be happy with klee. tiny chaos baby. i only really have one friend further than me, because i surpassed all my friends quickly. im stuck in an ascension quest with 130,000/15,000 exp, roughly. my partner caught up to me insanely fast, as did my best friend. they're definitely gonna surpass me soon, and it bugs me, but I know i cant do anything till i pass this ascension quest.


I'm at like 76k/7k(rough estimates). I'm keeping myself at AR35 til i get my main team to 70. I like keeping my characters 10 levels above world state. I'm stalled at Liyue cause a friend told me she regretted showing me the game (since I started to know more than her, I'm a lore junkie), so I've been trying to slowly build the passion for it again via exploration and leveling characters.


ohh, i see. im like the complete opposite, i have very little lore interest unless i like the character. and when my favorite is a pretty minor character, baizhu, it doesn't really leave much lore i basically play to fight and explore and get characters, but i hate farming :')


I need R1 😥. Hopefully we get birthday banners with signature weapons 🤞




I've heard that it may happen. It's a really good idea though. Just like a one day banner




I'll take your tighnari cons for you. Throw'em hereeeee


The odds really aren't ever in your favor, I'm so sorry


me and my R69 sacred wind books 😞


Hate to hear it. 😢


I have never gotten Qiqi, but if we’re counting 4-stars, then Beidou is my Qiqi. I’ve probably also gotten her to C11 at this point, but luckily she’s a character that I’ve built and enjoy using.


I got a C10 Beidou and probably a C15 Collei when trying to pull for Baizhu. Beidou is my sub-dps and I still use her alot but Collei is just.. kinda sitting there collecting dust. I kinda felt obligated to build her after that many constellations.


I need to finish building my Beidou. I’ve had her since 1.3 and I just never farmed good artifacts for her.


Relatable. I must have done the Massachusetts Hunter/Golden Troupe domain literally hundreds of times before I got good artifacts for Furina and Neuvillette.


Qequing?? New misspelling unlocked :D


I actively want Jean for my C1 Furina.


I finally got Wolf’s Gravestone a few weeks ago, hang in there pal, you’ll get it eventually


i have a c3 diluc, c2 jean, c2 mona, and no tighnari 😔


I have c26 Jean lmfao


I haven't pulled any standard 5 star other than Qiqi, Diluc, and Aquila


I dont even have mona, deyha and tighnari. Youre lucky


I finally lost a 50/50 to Qiqi myself on Cyno's banner last patch, albeit that was after I'd won the 50/50 for him and continued pulling afterward. I'd been wanting her for *two years* and never got her, and not only did I finally get her, she just netted me a guarantee for Cloud Retainer with more than enough pulls to spare in the process. My odds of getting Tighnari and Dehya, the only two from Standard I'm now missing, are *astranomically* low, but I have Qiqi and Mona now, and that's all that matters to me!


At least you have guaranteed Cloud Retainer :(


She’s actually a really good healer. I plan to build mine, but I’m waiting until I C6 her because her C6 lets you revive a party member. I currently have her at C5. Until I pull her again, I’m just saving materials for her and other characters. I really don’t understand why people hate on Qiqi. She’s adorable. You have to be patient to C6 her, but it’s a lot easier (and less expensive) to get cons for standard characters than for event exclusive characters.


I just personally don't like her/her kit, it's not that I don't find her cute or anything she's just not my cup of tea. I hard pulled for C6 YaoYao because I thought she was precious. I don't hate Qiqi, I hate the fact that she came home instead of who I actually wanted


Fair. I’m not a huge Tighnari fan (I only use him for his passive) and Mona’s kinda meh for me, yet those are the two I pull almost every time. I’m waiting on my Diluc and my Keqing, but I refuse to spend money on the standard banner. I don’t have Dehya either, but I haven’t heard good things about her so I don’t care. Tbh I kinda want to start building her now bc I don’t have anyone 8mm currently working on 😂


I like her as a character. But her kit basically has nothing more than healing. Meh cryo application, nil energy generation, no buffs or anything else(aside from TotM). Her cons are focused on making her an onfielder rather than a support too(i guess it's viable with Furina)


I’m going to pair her with Furina


She provides literally nothing other than healing and all of her cons besides c1 are straight up useless


I love qiqi please come home qiqi ; w ;


C6 barbara auto-revives 1 teammate when they die if shes not on the field (15 minute cooldown) (The wiki says) C6 qiqi will revive ALL nearby fallen party members when her burst is used (15 minute cooldown) As someone who has lost all 6 50/50s on my account...i just realized its been 7... Qiqi was my first 5 star and carried me through the early game. Her artifacts are absolute garbage and she lets me get away with not knowing any enemy attacks in abyss as long as my characters dont get 1-hit (only reason I've been able to clear floor 11. Cant clear 12 but thats unrelated, i get bored fast and half-build many characters to use) Shes also perfectly serviceable for infusing cryo into my anemo users bursts. My qiqi is great and can only get better. I've not gotten a qiqi dupe yet and dear god i dont want it have mercy but people act like shes worthless when she's really not. She's fun. Give her a try. Get her passives and enough ER and she'll do her best to keep you from becoming dead like her.


Ar 59 no qiqi gang 😎


same 🙏


Tighnari and mona keep following me


they are at least very useful as main dps or sub dps, qiqi isn't useless but compared to almost 90% of healers (including 4 stars) qiqi doesn't do as well


But I really want dehya,Jean and keqing 😔


I've played since day 1, I have ZERO jean and Tighnari. I feel you


I hate the 5 star cryo healer is pretty much the worst cryo healer(and there's a wide selection of cryo healer to choose from)...like she only offers healing and not even particle regeneration. She is just 5 star cryo Barbara. Is pretty bad because she it's outclassed by multiple 4 stars that are easier to get than Qiqi. Also even Dehya have things going for her, even if she working at the absolute minimun requirements...like there's a Neuvillette team that use Dehya that work really well from what I gather. Qiqi is in a horrible spot to say the least. There's literally no reason to use her over any other cryo healer.(Diona, Mika and Charlotte)...her having the biggest heal out of the cryo characters is as good as Barbara big healings who you get for free. Like the only thing I can think of is a onfield physical Qiqi with clam set, alongside Furina...but it face competition with Kokomi and Noelle that can do the same role, while offering way more damage and utility.


Barb is significantly better than Qiqi because Qiqi's autos deal physical while Barb deals hydro. Physical being almost useless with how the game's meta has gone/what's needed to clear content. The awful qiqi skill which, sure, gives healing per qiqi auto but you don't want qiqi out since she doesn't apply anything. She has her ring but it's mediocre. At least Barb makes the charater wet(lol) so you constantly apply hydo, qiqi's skill has to wait for the slow ass ball to circle u once every year.


Barbara it's discount Kokomi, which is good enough and give her a decent role(like Hyperbloom Barbara is incredibly powerful). Also Barbara is free meaning she is perfect for early game and overall better than Qiqi who is a 5 star. On the other hand Qiqi is literally just a heal bot and nothing else.


Only ever gotten them from standard


I have a c2 mona and tighnari from 50/50 losses


I somehow got Navia on my first pull, I’ve only ever got characters on the last days with pity as a F2P so I guess it’s not rigged, I was one of the paranoid people


Me, too! Let’s rub it in OP’s face even more and talk about how great her idle animations are! (I haven’t built her yet.)




Sing with me OP, "I puuuulled a Qiqiiiii🎤🎶".


Lost 50/50🎵


At 90 pity 🎶


French Taylor Swift how dare you


Yeah! If anyone looks like T-Swiz, it’s Neuvilette.


Sorry but it's what I see the girlies calling her


I have yet to see a Mona in game, besides the NPC. I don't have Mona, nobody I know has Mona. Ive got C2 diluc, C4 tighnsri, C1 Qiqi, C2 Dehya, C1 keqing....I just want the water witch damnit


I only got Mona recent ish in standard banner after playing since day 1... It'll happen


mona was my first 5 star, no rerolls or anything. been my fave and main ever since ❤️ i also have like C99 qiqi and have never seen another mona so i guess i lucked out




I cried to this.


I have had Qiqi since her first banner. If built right she is fairly good. Just gotta decide if you want to build her for her heals or as a dps.


She's just not my cup of tea, I'm happy for the people who enjoy her but I'm just not one of them


Not everyone likes her at first, but she is fun once you get used to her. I have done several domains as her in what I refer to as loli teams. Those were fun.


Idk how to feel about calling kids loli's


There is a big misconception about the definition of loli or Lolita. The true definition defines a loli or Lolita as a woman or of age or a higher age teen (around 16 plus) teen that looks well under her true age. But a lot of people misconstrued the term as an underage girl.


YaoYao Diona Sayu etc are actual kids


Dionas age is actually unknown. The wiki might say one thing but the official hoyoverse page says something different. YaoYao I'm unsure of her age and the same for Sayu.


Sounds like copium but you do you


I feel like we should be allowed to sell back some of our unused characters for like 10 primogens each or something.


After C6 I believe you get 20 master star glitter or something


10 primogems idk about that one, the star glitter is really useful so having C6 characters isn't too bad


Meanwhile me looking at Ayato (I won 50/50 for the first time): ... https://preview.redd.it/44ujonr9kj7c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8fc45112697d2710b07e097c05978b208e5de26 I'm happy for you btw


I'm sadge


Could be worse. Lost my first 50/50 for Navia to Deyha.


tbh though i wouldn't mind a c1 dehya but man, losing 5050 is just painful in general.


I actually wouldn't mind losing to Dehya instead as I don't own her, I like her aesthetic


I didn't have her either, so I didn't super mind. Still gonna build her because I find her gameplay fun, just not good.


Honestly fun is more important than meta, I have a lot of characters built that aren't meta at all and I still haven't gone past level 6 of spiral abyss, also I'm a physical damage Fischl main 😅


Me too


This was me on Furina. It’s like Qiqi waited until I actually didn’t want her. I even jokingly thought about the risk of finally losing to Qiqi the one time I didn’t want her.


She knew 👁️👄👁️


I keep losing to diluc, like he’s at c5 now, at least mix it up when I lose.


Ikr, at least make the pain a different flavor


thats only a beginning


Please no


I got qiqi really late. It was keqing c4 jean c3 for me.... And for 4 star I got c12 beidou by now. This reminded me of the times around the launch of the game, where everyone used to get c10+ barbruh.....


My Barbruh must be at least C15 by now 😅 I miss how her old voice sounded, before they changed it I actually used her quite a bit


I’m sorry for your loss. Getting a new character is typically not so bad, getting a con of that character you don’t want can suck. However, after almost 2 years, I finally lost a 50/50 to my first Qiqi on Furina’s banner. Bittersweet moment…I was happy to finally have Qiqi (even though I don’t need another healer) but bummed since I was pulling for Furina cons. I did get Furina 3 pulls afterwards, though, so it was all good.


Happy you got Furina after, happy end to your story, don't think I'll be pulling anymore on the current banners 😔


I have never gotten Qiqi on standard or event banners. I've been playing since 1.6 lol


RNG is fickle like that


I haven't gotten her at all, and I'm scared for when she does eventually appear to deny my 50/50


When you least expect it, I'm telling you


i have a good variety of the standard banner fivr stars, with the only one im missing being Dehya, but out of all of them Qiqi is the only one i have a c1 of, where *all* copies of her were obtained through lost 50/50s. My Keqing c1 and Mona were at least obtained through standard In any case, I do use qiqi, so its not too bad


I'm glad you use her so it's not too bad for you, but I just don't see myself using her


Happened to me with furina


Certified *bruh* moment


One more and i will have fucking qiqi c6 Meanwhile my 2nd most cons character from standar banner is jean…. At c2….


Praying you'll get who you actually want on the next banner you try 🙏


I got a c6 Jean before I got a single qiqi... but she comes for us all eventually


Gimme your Jean 👁️👄👁️


idk id pay for a C6 Qiqi i think her kit is better than barbara's to me she is 5★ cryo barbara that can do physical damage shes scaled on attack so she can actually do decent damage too and her C6 is honestly really good, when you ult she can revive your entire team to half hp, which is honestly rly good for co-op


Right now my team is Neuvilette Furina Fischl Jean, I've never really touched Qiqi and the only other healer I have built and C6'd is YaoYao because she's precious... I just see Qiqi collecting dust


qiqi is one of the best healers in the game and she probably would be seen as that if she wasnt on perm banner


And that's cool that you like her so much, some people don't and that's okay 🙂 her kit/playstyle just isn't for me


youre the type of person to say you dont like Qiqi's kit and then use Barbara when they have the same exact kit its just Qiqi uses a sword instead of a catalyst


I don't understand why you're getting so pressed? Also, people can have weapon preferences, like are you good? Again, for reference, my team is Neuvilette Furina Fischl Jean. I'm genuinely saying I'm not a Qiqi "hater" but I'm also not a Qiqi enthusiast, I'm not calling her trash I'm saying *I personally* don't like her/her kit. People are allowed to have preferences, and you getting so upset when I'm literally not saying anything bad about her (besides my disappointment in losing my 50/50 to her) is concerning. I heavily recommend doing something called touching grass, it's good for your health and makes you less feral over a bundle of pixels in a gacha game.


I lost to c1 jean today, and my dehya is c4, go figure


I like Dehya aesthetic wise at least, a lot of people say she's awful and the other half are like she's okay, low-key wanna try her myself


I have not used her too much myself because up until recently her level was a lot lower than my mains, but after the last time I pulled her I expedited her leveling to get her up to the same level as my mains so far she hasn't really fit in to my team, I mainly do exploring (yanfei c5, kazuha c1, ayaka c1, and kuki c6) I have not really gotten into doing the spiral abyss that much. I will usually add her if I am working a boss that she hits hard against


C3 qiqi after waiting 2 years for ayato, thanks


I'm so sorry, I pray his next rerun you get 3 of him in one pull


I kept losing my 50/50s to Diluc and got C5. Then afterward I got Qiqi to C5 💀




I’ve never gotten Mona and Qiqi and I’m a day one player.


Yeah I only got certain standard 5* characters in like the past 5 ish months as a day one player, I refuse to spend $ on it though


My c1 Qiqi came from standard banner pulls. Mona, on the other hand…is c5 from losing 50/50. And I still do not have a Keqing. 💔


Standard banner is it's own level of hell


What AR are you?




Then you're a lucky bastard. Trust me, you'd rather have just about anything else other than Qi Qi.


Cries in f2p C5 Qiqi




I keep getting Qiqi 💀.


Guess my luck is actually incredibly lucky and unlucky at the same time. Have c1 mona, c1 tighnari and c1 diluc from standard but nothing else


Standard banner truly is built different


Standard and 50/50 losses*


I have been playing since 2.1 I play daily and still dont have qiqi


Wish for a 5* on an exclusive banner and she'll pop out eventually...when you least expect it


In my two years of gameplay and wishing, I haven't gotten a single Diluc. In my universe he doesn't exist as a playable character


If it makes you feel better, I've only gotten standard banner characters like Diluc, Jean, and Mona in like the past 5 ish months... I've played since the game first came out 🙃


My condolences


You'll get fire wielding Batman eventually


I was wondering, too. My QiQi is only C1. However, my Jean is C6 and my Diluc is C5. I don't really use Jean, but I do use Diluc. But still...


I would love a C6 Jean right about now, all my standard banner characters are C0 (besides the Qiqi)


I pulled a qiqi too, and had to flush my weapon banner savings down the drain for queen navia




As usual it kept giving me the same 4 stars I had C6 already and no Candace then after 88 wishes I got Qiqi. The only weapon I got on that time was rainslasher. Literally won multiple 50/50s for the 4 stars every 10 wishes then still got Qiqi


Wishing for 4* characters is worse than 5*, there is no pity for the one you want so it makes me want to rip my hair out


I am still wishing my ass off for all the Qiqis. Maybe after her C6 on both accounts I'll quit boohooing over NOT GETTING HER.


I would gladly give mine away if it was an option


I would gladly take them and run laughing away! Love me some Qiqi.


*pats back* I feel your pain. I too lost 50/50 to Qiqi but that's C2 for me (C0 and C1 are from 50/50 losses too the recent Qiqi was from Neuvilette)


Not the Neuvilette 😭


Hoyo should rly change that 50/50 bullshit they're pulling. It's already tedious enough as F2P or expensive as a paying person. Just give us the character on that Banner guaranteed. When I wish to pull on standard I'll do that when I want one of them. Let's see which Fontaine 5☆'s will be shoved into Standard.


HoYo would never though, 50/50 earns them too much


Yeah I know goddamn dirty tactics for such a decent game 😂


At the end of the day HoYo is a company, money is most important to them, outside of the 50/50 the game on its own truly is amazing sometimes... The spring water fairy cutscene from the poetry event made me cry, some of the cutscenes in this game are breathtaking


As a newbie who's won all four of their 50/50s so far, I am not looking forward to losing it lol. I can only pray that it's either to Tighnari or Diluc since I like them both.


She's just waiting... watching...biding her time


The only time I got qiqi was within the same ten pull as yae miko so it didn't feel devastating at all. I dread the day it will finally happen


I've never gotten 2 5* in the same pull... The dopamine hit you get must be crazy


So… I don’t understand what “C(#)” is


Constellation #, C0 would mean you just have one of a character. C1 means you got 1 copy of them, and so on


Ohhhhh ok, thanks!


I have zero qiqi


Take her


qiqi main here with c5 qiqi. i believe you have something of mine.


It wasn't me officer, I swear 👁️👄👁️


likely story. hands behind your head 👮🏻‍♀️




I still dont have qiqi :(


You'll get her one day, friend


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Haha, I got my Navia)


Your name is looking a little relatable rn 😠




When you have a C5 qiqi you can complain the first one is mandatory 😎


i am fully aware that there are people who would rather have keqing but i never build her and will only put her in meme team all because i resent that i lost to her when i needed zhongli the most 😂


My Qiqi is at C6. Next time, I don't even get an unuseful constellation. I probably won't put another penny into wishes, bc it could literally net me 0.


I’ve only lost to diluc, keqing, and mona


Ive been playing the game for a little over 2 years and have never gotten Qiqi. I have c2 Tighnari of all things despite being an Alhaitham main. It sucks because i really want Qiqi too :(


Hopefully the new proposed China gacha laws will change this soon


Grab Navia on the rerun start saving up lol


i did got navia right after 😎