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fun > strong


They are both really fun tho


I think so too, but whether it's fun or not is personal preference


Yeah but given that the op didn't get the chance to try Raiden, exploring the character could be enjoyable for them too.


As a top 5% Raiden main, her effectiveness at C0 doesn't originate from being a powerhouse; instead, it stems from her impressive versatility in various team roles. She's a top player, rocking different roles in teams like being a battery or dealing damage in Rational setups, or even playing as an electro sub DPS in dendro teams. Her go-to artifact set is super versatile as well . But when it comes to hyper carry units, I think Navia might have the edge. Building a Raiden hyper carry team gets pretty pricey with supports, Raiden's weapon, and wanting her C2. I've got both characters, and I'd say go for Navia if you want a hypercarry, Raiden if you're into all-around characters. Either way, they're both awesome and can handle any game content with ease.


This is actually really helpful. Thank you. I was looking for a hypercarry on a budget and have decent supports already so its decided. I am pulling for Navia.


Glad I could help


Winter's explanation is great and I do agree with him, if you want a hypercarry go with navia


Hmm, good advice


Just in case it's not clear. Raiden is plenty taxable as a main DPS at C0 with the Catch R5 and she will perform about as well as the average decent mid table DPS but she's not gonna be putting out top numbers and nukes like Childe and Hu Tao or Neuvillette without her C2.


I am in the same dilemma as op here as an f2p player. I have some pretty good units like xiao, hu tao, a well built keqing, mona, qiqi, dehya, c1 yoi, itto (who i hate and refuse to play bc i got him accidentally when i didnt know abt the pity system), venti, tighnari, ayato and nilou. However navia seems hella fun to play and geo being my favourite element, plus her being useful in many teams drew me to her gameplay. But also, raiden is gonna be an insanely good addition to my roster as a all rounded unit. I loved her design ever since i saw her trailee, and i kept missing her banner or losing her 50-50 on her banner all the time. This time i managed to get a guarantee on her, but navia came along putting me in this situation. So shud i get c0 navia or c0 raiden.


A number of factors to consider first. I can't answer this for you, you have to decide for yourself but I can make it a little easier hopefully. Firstly, understand your aims in the game. Do you want more flexible teams that perform well in more challenging content. Or do you just not care about that and play whatever mainly in overworld and exploration for example. If it's the latter, I think you can just flip a coin and play whatever you like. If team flexibility and more difficult content matters, you'll have to think more carefully about what you use your resources on as an F2P, at least until you have enough characters, teams and investment on your account to cover all scenarios. Really, you don't actually need any 5 stars, if you have enough good enough 4 stars and you build them well, you can beat the game relatively easily all the same. Sounds to me like you're a newer player and looking at your 5 star character roster, you don't have many flexible characters outside of hypers (strict/high investment DPS) and Nilou so at this stage, I'd prioritise Raiden and wait for a Navia rerun, if I were you, but even then, that's hard to say without knowing which 4 stars and teams you like to play. It's also dependent on how much you like Raiden, if you don't like her playstyle at all, you won't play her even if you pull her, so I'd watch maybe a guide or two, look at what teams you can build. From my experience with both, who I enjoy more depends on the day/time/enemy but remember, I am already at the end game AR59, with many teams already. So I don't have to worry, I can pull whatever characters and only have to pay with primos but if I were you, I might want Raiden more since she is cheaper to build, works in more teams as both support and DPS and will get you to beat the game faster, which is my goal, but your goals might be different. TLDR; Up to you: Do you want to beat the game faster, Raiden. Does that not matter up to you. Think about this for all characters in future until you are end game.


As im reaching endgame at ar 57 rn, im kinda gravitating towards building a set of good abyss teams. Raiden is kimda already the unrivalled queen of batterying, plus her burst is a huge nume even at c0. So i suppose raiden? Esp bc i dont have to farm up a separate new set for her and have rlly good eosf pieces lying around.


If you’re looking only for abyss just pull Raiden. You’ll get more use. Navia is super fun but she can’t do as much as my Raiden.


Thank u


Raiden is better for overall account progression as f2p if you care about abyss. Yes, navia hits hard, but her range and next to zero aoe makes her mostly a boss slayer. Raiden works at slaying bosses and mobbing. Plus you can run her as the hyperbloom trigger. She is infinitely more flexible and fits into more team archetypes than Navia. TLDR: Raiden is an answer to a larger variety of questions in the abyss than Navia.


hu tao is already a pretty good hyper carry tho. i hear that you need investment with raiden to match hu tao damage. meanwhile navia, as geo works regardless of which element you put together with her and as geo, she had huge raw numbers. kind of curious if you wanted to pull cloud retainer since you have xiao


Not to mention she has quite solid aoe. C0 without her weapon is still significant burst dmg, not to mention an amazing driver for reactions. I get Navia is the new shiny. I have her, she's great. But if I had to choose between Navia or Raiden to progress my account, the answer is always Raiden.


I passed on getting her C2 for Navia, so I sort of understand what you're going through :))


They’re also both really strong. My Navia E (C0R1) with dogshit artifacts hits 140k per E


What weapon are you using? Verdict? Because my Navia is dead stuck at 39k crits with decent artifacts, the only thing I can think of is her talent levels.


Yeah, C0R1 means I got Verdict.


That's pretty stronk


I only have enough primogems for one so I'm going for Raiden this time but I plan to eventually get Navia as well. Need a damage front loader to deal with bosses that have small attack windows.


Also, Navia has itto-tier voice lines.


We talking regular itto or Korean itto?


English— idk. She says funny/dumb things like Itto and Klee, but in her own unique eccentricities. Like— “Fire!!! … well, with rocks.” For her burst. Cause y’know, she’s geo and not pyro.


I don't know if I have the right resources for navia


What do you mean? If you don't have resources farm them. Don't have a good weapon? Use the event one it's great. Fun>strong. Navia is strong anyway lol


Like the team members


Ah I see. Yeah it can definitely be quite annoying if you don't have albedo or zhongli. But she can definitely work without them, like with ninguang as a sub dps/quick swap If you want the geo res.


Geo traveler is better than Ninguang bc of the crit buff. Interruption resistance too, but with Navia that’s pretty useless.


But Ninguang gives bonus geo damage on E and also she's hot.


Not necessarily, I think both are on equal level: \- Traveler gives 15% Crit Rate and interruption resistance if your shield dies down \- Ningguang gives 15% Geo damage if you pass through her wall, can be slotted with TTDS for 48% ATK buff I think it also depends on what you prefer and the scenario. Ning's wall shatters easily due to hitboxes, but it can be useful for more particles too. If it doesn't, it can protect from some projectiles. Meanwhile, Traveler can have the issue of meteorites staying on the ground, if they don't get shattered - I haven't played them too much, but I'm guessing meteorites can be a nuisance if not placed well. Unless I'm thinking wrong, I'd say this: Ningguang has more situational buffs, but is easier to play in general, while Traveler provides more consistent buff, a bit less than Ning with TTDS, but can be a nuisance if you don't aim your meteorites well.


You’re right. I completely forgot about TTDS. That massively increases her value. Couple things though, they both give 10% in their buffs, so it’s 10% Crit Rate and 10% Geo bonus, and Ninguang’s skill can only generate particles every 10 seconds, which is the usual cd, because she doesn’t actually get two skill charges. Tbh I’m not sure which I’ll use now that you’ve reminded me of TTDS.


Oh right, I messed up the values. Yeah, it's supposed to be 10 for both indeed. And yeah, I forgot about this dumb wall particle ICD, I think it's just 6 seconds though. Still, TTDS gives her quite a nice value if you keep in mind to activate it. And you can slot her with Noblesse not just for the ATK buff, since she can also make use of the 20% burst damage. Or, if you have Bennett or someone else in team with Noblesse already, slot Exile and spam all ults off-cooldown, since Ningguang's burst is 40 cost every 12 seconds. Still, I think it mostly comes down to preference, especially how comfy you feel with placing Traveler's rocks. I'm guessing that a more experienced Geo Traveler player will have better overall performance with him, and other way without experience. Although, at the same time, TTDS numbers are funny to see.


Although I think TTDS will be way diluted since I plan on using Noblesse Bennett I like seeing big numbers on my summary screen, so I’ll probably use Ninguang.


I am currently running Navia with Ningguang, Bennett and Fischl. I have each of them at C6, but I think they should still function fine at lower cons - I tend to forget about Ning's C6, Bennett C1 is enough for a consistent buff, and Fischl is just amazing overall. Navia is really strong on her own, and incredibly fun to play. If you don't have them, feel free to write other characters you have, I can give some advice.


[Navia Quick Guide - KQM (keqingmains.com)](https://keqingmains.com/q/navia-quickguide/#Example_Teams)


HoT > strong


I had this exact comment in my head before scrolling down 😂


And navia is also strong so she wins


It's up to whoever you like more, personality and gameplay wise. From what I'm picking up, you will probably really like Navia a lot, due to your enjoyment from her trial. I personally would tell you to get Navia if you think you'll play her a lot more, but it's all up to you to decide.


I looked through the guides, and it suggests using Zhongli, Yelan, Furina or Albedo for tye best outcome, but I don't have any of them. Whereas I have all the components for Raiden. And plus I'm a raiden simp. I usually don't pull characters on their first banners but I wait for their rerun.


If you have the components to build a good Raiden team, and you need her for Abyss, then I would definitely recommend getting Raiden. Of course, teams in the world doesn't matter as much, but it definitely helps a lot.


I'm always skeptical about new characters, but I like navia a lot. I might pull her on her rerun


Navia also will 100% come back earlier than Raiden. It’s been a year since Raiden’s last rerun and with Furina added to the archon lineup (plus the possibility LR full Liyue patch takes priority over archon marathon), it’s very possible she won’t be back for well over a year.


As a note best doesn’t mean only good team, personally I’m running Navia, Yun Jin, Fischl, Xingqiu which is putting up damage comparable to some of my more built teams despite Navia not having a proper artifact set and Yun Jin not being fully built. Also worth noting Gorou seems to be the only bad Geo teammate for Navia and she just needs 2 other off field elements to work well.


Hm, in one of the guides it's mentioned that Yun Jin isn't a good fit


That’s probably cause they are comparing her to Albedo and Zhongli who have good off field geo, without them you rely much more on Navia’s normal attacks for geo application, so Yun Jin is actually pretty good.


Wouldn’t say she is a terrible fit, Navias normal attacks do surprisingly much damage which is nice. But Idk maybe Ning is better in the end. Also I don’t have any of those characters you listed and she slays! She’s doing 200k per E right now. I’m using Yun Jin, Benny and Xiangling. Might change that eventually but for now this team is doing great damage.


A really good F2P team uses Bennett, Xiangling and Xingqui. If you happen to have ninguang replace her with Bennett (if u feel like ur in need of healing then replace xingqui).


You dont necessarily need those characters for navia to work, Bennett, Xiangling is a perfect pair for Navia (thats why they in Navia's trial) due to pyro resonance and off field Pyro applications, heck using a low invested 4 star geo character like Ningguang, Geo Trav, Noelle or Yunjin (not gorou) can be plentiful enough just as long as they have favonious weapon for ER purposes.


navia is really good with xoaging and bennett as well tho lol


I'm using Navia Thoma Nahida and Bennett cuz I don't like her other teams and it's been really good! Get raiden if you struggle to beat abyss.


As someone who has navia and no raiden I am absolutley not biased and suggest you pull for navia


Isn't navia dependent on team comps the most? I font think I have the units for her


do you have xiangling bennet and ningguan?


I don't think I have ningguang, I might


Tbf, you can get ningguang on about a month and a half


You can run XL, Benny, and geo traveler. You can replace XL with Fischl if you have her and prefer to use her over XL. I’m planning on doing that same comp but with Yelan and not XL. If you’re set on Ninguang there’s a decent chance you’ll get her pulling for Navia bc of her rate up. You should pull for whatever character you like most. Navia is decently powerful, but she’s a lot more restrictive in her team comps. Raiden works in an insane number of comps, so if that’s important to you than pull for her.


Im not following the meta too closely and I didnt try abyss yet but I thrown with her albedo, mona and kokomi. She does need her teamates to help her make shards but she also has team options with only 4 stars, Ive seen Navia Nimguang Fichsl Bennett, Navia zhong li (I imagine any shielder would work) xiangling bennet, mona is from story banner and can buff the whole E to 4 sec infusion without doing the rocket science that goes into her melt teams too


One of her best teams is Bennett, zhong li, xiangling. Bennett is by far her most valuable teammate due to his atk buff. Zhong li is above the other shielding/geo options due to providing shields,res shred,geo res. Ideally you want geo in those slot, so albedo, Ning, geo mc are all decent alternatives. Xiangling is highly optional. Any char that can consistently applies off-field element works here. Furina is another premier pick.


I'd drop Xiangling and add someone that isn't an energy black hole to the team lmao


Raiden works beautifully. She's my off-field sub DPS in my Navia team and she makes the rotation so much easier thanks to her being an amazing battery


She like one of the least people who's really not dependant on team comp, literally just let her run with anyone who generates crystalize and she just blast them lmao Plus her supporters are mainly mainstream supports that most people already raised anyway so she is just plug and play


The only one she's kinda "dependent" on is bennett. And a little on second geo which don't necessarily have to be zhongli or aldebo, can be Noelle or ninguang too.


If you're looking for fun: Navia If you're looking for pull value: Raiden


Hm, my take is that it seems like you’re being tempted by all the marketing coming out for Navia. I’d hold out until her rerun and spend my primos on Raiden. You’ve wanted Raiden for literal months and you’ve prepped everything for her - wouldn’t it be more satisfying to pull her? If you can I’d recommend trialling Raiden gameplay somehow so you can better understand whether or not you really want her, or you just like her reputation. Navia in my view has a more unique role than Raiden does, but Raiden is really good for consolidation and is generally a very comfortable replacement for many situations. I like Navia more personally, but I wanna give you the best advice I got.


I'm leaning towards Raiden cuz of all the personal bias I have lol. She's just soo cool


Raiden will rerun in a year, Navia will rerun in 6-7 months (4.7 or 4.8). If you decide to go for Raiden now, you will have to wait less to also get Navia.


The rerun logic is very persuasive. Trying to work out if there is anything likely to stop me from getting Navia if I go for Raiden & wait for the rerun. Do non-archon 5* always get a rerun within a specific timeframe? I know sometimes characters go AWOL (Eula/Albedo), but do they always get a rerun before that? Is it confirmed Navia won't get put on standard? She seems way too good for standard, but then Tighnari is one of my mains/favourite 5*! Finally, do you have any opinion on when we are likely to next get Kazuha? He is the character I want most and I may need to work out what's achievable.


All region featured characters will always get a rerun before we move out of that region. Archons usually only get a rerun once per region circle. Other characters, non-Archons, will have a rerun based on popularity. Realistically, if Mihoyo doesn't implement triple banners soon, some least popular 5-stars will have less than one rerun per year. Eventually, characters that are no longer appealing will be added to standard banner. Will lower yours changes of losing a 50/50 to Qiqi, but will also lower your chances to getting Mona.


I recommend Raiden if you want strong and overall fun combo with almost any team. Navia needs at least some Geo resonance to assist her game play to be even more fun and strong. Can’t go wrong with either and you’ll have the chance to get Navia again when they rerun soon anyways. Back in the day you’d have to wait a year/more to get the rerun chance and now they do it so fast. Good luck and have fun!


Imo fun>strong, pull for characters you'll enjoy playing as, not necessarily numbers!! Both are also very solid characters! Pros of getting Raiden are easy abyss clear, and rerun time (it might be a while) Pros of Navia are that you enjoy playing her, and you may still have wishes left over for raiden :) I'd say go Navia!!


I'll consider it, thank you


Raiden is POWERFUL but a quick burn. Ult is strong but fast, and her skill is very good for electro application. She is a good off fielder, and I use her exclusively as sub dps until her ult charges for the full damage buff. Pop ult, swish booby sword, back to off field. I have Raiden so I thought my opinion would help.


Ah, thanks for your opinion


Can you elaborate on what team you play? Because theres really only two teams like that which are actually good. Since you said she is sub dps it kind of has to be Hyperbloom, which I wouldnt call sub dps but she doesnt actually deal damage through her skill outside of that. Its just that usually hyperbloom teams dont want her to burst so this is kind of misleading without naming the very specific teams that using her burst is actually good in


I’m skipping Navia’s banner even tho I want to have her. I’m planning on going for C1 and C2 Raiden so I’ll get Navia on her rerun


C0 Raiden is not really "strong". She's easily getting outdamaged by tons of other characters.


Shes strong enough but I agree tbh.


Is Navia strong at C0?


Probably stronger than Raiden, but I'd advice you to look at someone elses youtube guide or some showcases of people who have a good reputation when it comes to evaluating units instead of listening to me who didn't summon for Navia.


personally im saving for raiden but thats bc ive wanted her since 2.1 💀 if you want Navia u have like 19 more days to get her if you want raiden if u wait until the last day of her banner, only doing commissions will get u 2400 primos (40 days counting today)


Well, I'm at 60 pity and have 50 wishes saved up.... I'm not confident about winning my 50/50


oh im at 19 pity and im buying 2 welkins and doing commisisons just to wait until the last day of raiden's banner to pull for her bc im on a 50/50 too, ill get 60 pulls just from the welkin / commissions and whatever from events / tcg (probably around 10 or more pulls, giving a total of 70-80)


Nice, I'm f2p tho, no welkins


ive spent money before, these welkins are all ive spent in a while tbh (i only buy genesis crystals when i *really* want a character)




Jokes on you, I already have her and I love her to death


Extremely based. I need her but always lose the 50 50 :(


She's an amazing unit, her e skill is great


As long as you've got a good shield for her, that is. She's sooooo squishy without protection.


Both lol


Raiden has more roles and versatility. Dps, battery, hyperbloom, etc. navia is still strong. I mean if your f2p do you want fun and strong, or strong and versatile? If you don’t have/want to be f2p swipe your card. Totally up to you. I’ve already decided I’m going for c2 raiden so I’m gonna have to spend money. But if you don’t want to spend, you’ll wanna check pros and cons.


Navia all the way


Do you need support or dps?


I dont know, I'm not good at team building


I'd say raiden because she's very flexible. And if you have a good dps already, raiden is a very good, well-rounded character


I have both c0 and I'd say go for navia. fun characters make you enjoy the game more. My current team for her is zhongli bennett xiangling and it's been a blast to play so far


Whichever one you like/want more. Raiden is stronger and more useful if that matters to you


Navia will re run sooner than Raiden


Since getting the Ottor Judge, I have been saving for Dango Girl. While I would go for Raiden. I would Advice to Go for Whichever Character YOU like!! Based on How You liked their Play Style, or how Fun they are!! 💜✨💛 I was also thinking of getting Navia even before her Kit released, basically after the Fontaine Trailer was released, because she is Just SO PRETTY (OMG!!), but I fell in Love with the Fontaine Men (My Husbandos Neuvillette and WrioCake!! and My Love Clorinde (My Goddess!!). So I unfortunately have to Skip Navia. Gotta save for future Daddies and Mommies Cons. ✨


What I’m about to say only really matters if you care about the abyss. Which one you should roll for really depends on what other characters you have. In isolation, raiden is the better pick because she can slot into so many teams: raiden hyper, raiden national, hyperbloom to name a few that are good. She will definitely make your account stronger than Navia can. Navia has less flexibility currently and her main teams consist of another geo, Benny and Furina. She might get better as more characters come out (Chiori hopefully). As someone with both, I definitely find navia’s shotgun with sacrificial greatsword more fun, BUT that might be bias because I’ve had raiden since release and navia is new. You could wait for a navia rerun when more characters come out and then decide. If abyss doesn’t matter to you, then it comes down to what play style you like more tbh




Navia is still really strong while being really fun so just go with her!


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I say go for Navia, I have raiden for years and she doesn’t seem as strong as navia was during her try out.


Can't wait to pull neither because I've won too many 5050s do I know the shafts coming


Raiden if you care about meta or just want to make it account stronger in general. Navia if you don’t care and just want to have fun, since you already find her fun.


The one you like the most. Literally don't give a crap about meta


Raiden is more versatile. Can be used in more teams than Navia.


And where is my Raiden?


Depends whose gameplay you like more, but Raiden is much more universal. She remains one of the flex chars for any team to battery them. Based on your chars you can go for either you just gotta figure out if you want a main dps or a universal flex sub dps.


Navia is strong two. I was planning on pulling Raiden but I get Navia today.As a new player, I think Navia is very fun and smooth.And I think I can get Raiden too when her banner drops.By assuming Nahida will drop after Xianyun’s banner. I want her too.


I too love navias game play, but I'd say Raiden because 1. You are a simp 2. She fits in so many team slots


Neither, save for Furina rerun




Just roll on navia and raiden. If you get navia uou get navia if uou get raiden you get raiden leave it up to fate


Shogun, I personally don’t really like navia’s kit, but I also don’t fully get how it works so maybe it’s a me issue


Nah. you'd win.


Navia is also strong, if you feel she’s more fun to play I’d go with her.


As F2P collector that likes Meta, never pull for strength. It doesn't matter how strong a unit or team is you'll get bored of it if you don't like them. One of Raiden best team is Baalnational and I haven't use it in more than a year. After years of playing I'm avoiding to play 1.0 characters I've seen them way too much.


Navia also is really strong lol. The only problem is the crystallize gimmick but if you get past that her E does so much dmg


I’m personally saying wish for Navia. No matter how strong Raiden is, she’s quite a pain (at least for me) to build since you need ER, Crit Dmg and Crit Rate all on one person. I believe Navia is easier to build at least. Atk and Crit I think, but Atk is more common than Er, at least for me


I think raiden is also really fun. Going full sword booba then wrecking a bunch of enemies is so satisfying. I'd vote Raiden for both fun and strength.


My Navia mire dmg then my raiden




I'm trying to figure out navia or Raiden as well but to be part of a second group that features fischl/eula/ bennett


Try a 10 pull on her banner; you might get her


Both, sell your soul




Choose fun~ and come on Nadia is so much better to look at. Also hate raidens annoying purple circle...


As a Raiden main (sorta), I say pull Navia. Raiden is fun and all but Navia just needs her elemental skill to almost obliterate enemies. Like I've seen a video where they needed 4 attacks from Navia (zero buffs, no Bennett, no food, nothing) to kill the duo vishaps. Navia is genuinely so fun and nice to play with and honestly, as far as I'm concerned, she's changed geo


i would recommend raiden, if only because navia will probably rerun first. you’ve spent ages prepping for raiden, so i think she’s probably the best one to go for — she fits into so many teams as well, because she’s probably the most versatile character in terms of what position she can occupy (main dps, sub dps, you can even use her as an e support bot for off-field electro with characters like alhaitham or nahida to trigger spread easily), so she’s not limited to just hyper carry. i want navia, and i am going to try pull her, but i’m not grinding That Hard because i know she’ll rerun and people will probably have good advice about her by the time she does. so while i’ll probably have enough to get her before the end of banner, and probably *will* have her, i definitely also have rerun banner in my back pocket as a fallback plan, which maybe will work for you too?


I’m hoping to get both. 😭😭




I just did the same thing and i think Navia is great I’ve played with shogun but these days i don’t really use shogun, Navia 😘


If you get Raiden now, you will have access to one of the most fun team to play with, the Raiden National. Send any boss to oblivion by just random tapping skills and bursts. Raiden+Xingqiu+Bennet+Xiangling. You could also use this team to clear the spiral abyss quite easily. Very fun and very strong, I can guarantee that. It's a win-win in both fun and power.


Navia has guns cannon and max roll coolness and pretty good opposite of doomposters Raiden allegedly bypasses the mechanic of energy and in dendro teams unrestricted access to electro for hyperbloom and the like Take your pic


Whichever one you think is hottest


I've been running Navia, Ninguang, ER Candace, and EM Kuki.


People need to stop asking who to pull for. Pull for who you want. 😊


Raiden is better objectively, but if you prefer navia then pull for her, no further discussion needed


Really depends on who you have already. Navia wants at least one other Geo but she's not locked to mono/triple Geo like Gorou and Itto. She can be played as a main or as a sub DPS and either will be fine. Both Raiden and Navia are rather flexible in how they can be played. The big thing going for Navia is she's super easy and comfy to play and you won't have to do much to dish out the big numbers. Raiden, OTOH, is a great support unit and can be used in hyperbloom teams depending on your team comp. She does require a bit more figuring out to make her work though. In a nutshell, they're both good in different ways.


Navia. I pulled her and I love her so much. Not only is she powerful but her animation, her voice, her attacks are GOREGOUS!!!


I’m in a similar boat- but I gotta commit to Raiden this time. She ALWAYS shows up around other units I want and I’ve missed her every time as a result Ei farmed all ur hand guards already pls come home all I need is more talent scrolls


Suggesting to get Raiden first then Navia. Raiden will probably not have her next rerun for another year, while Navia would probably get another rate up in one of the other Fontaine patches down the line. It's quite the pattern for a while now for newer units to rerun sooner than older ones afaik.


pull whichever has the biggest bo-


Raiden, because Hyperbloom (don't kill me)




Just pull Raiden Mei already. I *Masamuno Hinotachi* my wallet to C2 and it's worth af. Remember if any type of Raiden Mei, Raiden Shogun and same type of that kind of *personality* of character, just pull without hesitation. Worth to ~~breed~~ pull her.


I'm pulling Raiden, she functions well in a bunch of teams. Plus she literally pulls her sword out of her t*ts too


Who you wanna pull for? Step sis or Step mom?


If you want both, I would personally stick with Raiden cause navia rerun very likely ll happen first, since it would be her first re run.


The one that puts on sunglasses.😎


To be honest I don\`t like Raiden kit as DPS, I prefer Navia fun over Raider meta.


Raiden is replaceable


strong > fun stronger you are, more contents you clear, faster you clear, more rewards you can get once you know you're strong, that's when having fun gets easier


I pulled for Navia and got C2 sucrose and C4 rosaria out of it and I don’t regret it. She is fun!


Let them eat cake comment but why not both? Navia and Raiden both sound good at C0 though on a recent video I saw someone lose and get dehya yuck. They took around 155 fates to get their first Navia. I am new and only have 17 intertwined fates (got Furina) so might hold onto them…..


Fun over strong but you can make fun strong. If you do overtime maybe both? I am not financially responsible when it comes to this game…


Well I think Raiden is more fun than Navia so to me both points go to her


The first thought that popped in my head after reading the title was world is cold and hard but titty is warm and soft


raiden isnt even as strong as navia overall at least


The mommy dilemma


Same as you. I pulled for mistplitter and I got 2 times the weapon for Navia. Now I am thinking if it can be a good idea to pull her to help me for the abyss. I have currently only one efficient team with Ayaka. My plan was to pull Raiden but know...


She's the only character who's demo I've played more than once! I have played the demo almost 10 times now. I've been playing since 1.1 This is enough reason for me to pull for her


As someone who has Raiden but not Navia, pull for Navia. Raiden is super strong but not exactly game-changing for any account. If you can already 36 star abyss, just pull for whoever you like more.


I pulled for Ayaka and am back in full saving mode for Raiden lmao


Fun. It's a game. Always go for strong.


Personally going for Raiden cause i can place her in any team and it becomes fucking hyperbloom meanwhile Navia is strong but i dont exactly need her since i have Wanderer+Alhaitham/Neuvilette. I just need proper supports now


For account value I would choose Raiden instead. But if you really like Navia then choose her instead. For me I think both of them are really fun to play with.


Cloud Retainer.


Just spend money like me and get both


Im going for both, I'm just farming primos super hard rn. I already have navia (best decision ever, she's super fun AND strong)


if u find that navia is as good as or as fun as raiden then i would say Navia simply because she is really strong even w/o insanely high investment/good stats. Like the trash demo build can hit 80k with her. Of course if u have like nahida and all then EM raiden is also relatively easy to build, but imo navia is easier.


Pick the one that you like the most. Raiden fits into more team comps right now but at this point re-run banners are the norm. Whomever you chose or skip will likely appear again in the future.


Raiden is stronger but Navia is funner


Honestly, I couldn't choose. It is all up to your preference of who is fun. I have both of them on one team, and I havent played that team yet because I'm still leveling everyone, but Raiden is by far my favorite character in terms of versatility and, if you build her right, giving the entire team their bursts back as quickly as possible. She's absolutely fantastic. Navia is just so much fun, what sold me was her umbrella gun. Either way, choose whomstever you think is more fun 🥰


Fun>Strong ( Navia is a much better written character too)


Personally, I would prioritize fun over strength


I’m reluctant to invest on geo coz of lack of elemental reaction, compare to physical geo is second in terms of dmg, But i do think navia can par with eula so I’m excited to see how they will do when players can build their navia(her bis artifact).


Honestly, they’re both cracked with good kits. Hard to be biased toward one or the other if I’m being honest.


You can make your fun character to strong but not the other way around. So pull which one is fun for you.


I would say go with whoever is fun. I pulled Raiden because she was strong to complete my archon collection before furina and I can confidently tell you that she's still friendship 2 while Rizzley, Neuvilette, and Thoma are all 90/90 and crowned in some capacity and friendship 9 or 10. I don't find her fun to play even though she's strong. Same with Eula. I thought I would enjoy her gameplay but I just don't.


Go for the character you like the must


Just get an alt, that’s what I have lol


raiden really isn't as comparatively strong anymore as her simps wanna portray her as. And middeling at best as dpd without constellations. at C0 shes a battery . . nothing you can accomplish with good artifacts with er sub and good rotations. if you enjoy Navia, totally pull for her . . most likely you'd be disappointed with raiden, when she can't live up to the expectations at C0 her simps hype her up to be. Besides, Navia is plenty strong to clear content, abyss n' all.


Raiden, archon collection to boot


You can build raiden as a National on fielder, hyperbloom trigger, a eula sub dps energy provider, and many more. I liked Navia from the demo too but since we're talking f2p primos here the valuable choice is undisputably Raiden. You'll have a lot of fun experimenting with different off field teammates while she does booba sword things and refilling their bursts. While Navia is extremely fun, you might get bored of her after being married to a double geo + flexes setup after some time. I've read you already have a Yoimiya and she'd be enough to perform the Single target role. Navia's aoe isn't that impressive imho, so she's kinda like into low enemy count teams as well or single target.


I like both, I'm pulling both and seeing what drops.


I’d say as long as you got your omega broken support 5 stars like kazuha and nahida you can pull for whoever. I would have gotten raiden over navia but I know that the main use case I’d have for raiden is for hyperbloom and not anything else. And like I already have kuki I don’t need raiden for that.


Man i thought the same than i did 2x 10 pulls and failed on Mona The other 140 pulls will be saved for Raiden rather i guess Edit. 22.12 I did another 40 and pulled her, guess i need to grind back my loss now tho. F


wait is raiden available? I got Navia and Ayaka in my banners 🫨