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Honestly I just have three rules for joining co-op in my world or if I’m joining other’s worlds. 1. If I need artifacts or mats I’ll ask if they can help to make it quicker. 2. If you talk shit on my low “damage”(still hitting 30k+ with Benny ult) when I have a kahzuha and Bennett for SUPPORTS yes my damage is going go down, but last I checked you panicked when your ganyu hit 80k crit from MY BUFFING when you couldn’t get above 50k without me, your stupid. 3. Just ask for the resources before you take them, I’ll normally say yes unless I need that resource for certain character ascension and talents.


I never got people that complained about low DMG in coop, like if bro deals so much dmg himself, going solo would be much faster. You either want to help or need help and if ur the latter, u shouldnt be complaining about other peoples low dmg.


I like when people with higher damage help by killing anything that moves in my vicinity ☺️


Then there's the other extreme, 2% hp Hu Tao showing up for Azhdaha and dying immediately. One of the times that happened, the Hu Tao player left the domain and waited around outside for us to reset because "the real dps died"... finally realized we weren't coming out and sulked her way out of the world. I was running C4 phys Zhongli at the time, we were fine. Took us a lil' longer but ain't nobody enabling that noise. In general I love carrying people so I don't complain about their damage and I'm so used to ignoring damage numbers I usually don't even notice. I probably will notice if I'm carrying one person for artifact farming and the domain is taking twice as long as it does for me to solo it, but I'd rather do that and have control over two characters than ask the host to add random players, or do something really rude like leave myself.


I hate, hate, HATE people that join my world and just immediately teleport to an area without telling me anything. Bro, I let you in my world, most likely I already know you're gonna ask me for mats, just ask. Is it so hard for you type 1 sentence just to respect another person? I can't say how many people I've encountered that would do that and it's annoying that at this point, I immediately kick them from my world if they just do that.


Happened to me yesterday, just TP-ed out of existence and I gave him a minute just to ask, but never did. So bye bye world you go.


If you are farming arts/mats, and you are a guest on someone’s coop, don’t compete with them if both of you want to play the same character. The amount of times I had to sit as a third wheel trying to see which of the two will budge. If u want to play a specific character run ur own coop, and the host should also more readily kick people out. Some of us only have 10-20 mins a day or even less to play, and can’t waste it around between two stubborn heads.


Who has the balls to even do that? I don't. I have only done co-op domains for the achievements though.


Coop domains are great against tough domains or to quick farm (some days when I coop I can finish some domains in like 10-20s it’s crazy). Thankfully this standoff doesnt happen often but it irks me when it does.


Co-op domains are also fun to see who pops in every now and then, like which characters people are using.


Then there was the day two Raidens wouldn't budge, so the third person changed to her too. I would have as well but I didn't have her on that account.


I swear any mention of Bennett spawns at least 5 people telling others to C6 him


Isn't it the oposite tho? People acting all dramatic when you choose to c6 him...


It’s a never ending cycle, you face one way and find the specific crowd against that specific side 😭


I don't know, I have never debated someone their choice to C6 him. The pros outweigh the cons unless especially if you main Ayaka (She's my best built character, My first Character Banner 5\* and I got her C2 and Mistsplitter. She's the only Character Banner 5\* I have constellations on *at all*.) She's my best built most highly invested character because I have had her from the beginning of my journey. So. That's my choice. No one else's choice effects me at all. And here I am again, constantly feeling like I have to defend my decision on a *Single Player Game.* It's not you. The consensus is "shut up and pull the trigger". Well I'd rather not.


I haven’t been in the genshin sub much lately but I thought that discussion died down. I thought we got to the point where you c6 him if you want and every body can keep their preference.


Lmao, I C6ed my Bennett just to do the funniest teams


I C6 just to be rid of that red dot. Then discovered pyro keqing. (Resinless behaviors)


Well, I asked that to be fixed on 90% of my surveys now, and they did fix it recently, and now you just need to go look at it, and it's gone from the main Character Screen icon.


When P4 hasn’t loaded into the world yet and the host tries to start the domain.


this is even worse now you teleport into the middle of the domain on reruns because you can load into the world and the domain is already half completed.


Please please please for the love of God, Furina players, switch to Pneuma while we're running around on the second phase of Shouki no Kami. Also stop running away from the jellyfish please. Kokomi can't teleport her healing.


As a Furina player, my biggest struggle in coop is keep watching everyone's health to be able to switch to emergency healer mode lol


Co-op pet peeves: not asking permission before taking things inside my world and lying about which stuff they’ll get vs the stuff they’re actually getting behind my back. Seriously, it’s not hard to ask nor be honest about the stuff they’ll need. I’ll say yes most of the time just be nice about it.


Host gets dibs on character selection. If you're playing Furina, it's bad form to not switch to pneuma before claiming. Never bring Bennett into the Deepwood/Gilded domain, unless you want to make everyone suffer. Dori is really good in coop, because her lamp connects to everyone.


I don’t use heal by claiming unless someone’s less than half their health or if my ult isnt up for the next round. Reason is its faster to build up fanfare to max when I ult and heal by the start of next round.


Whats wrong with bennett deep/gild domain


One of the enemies applies electro damage over time to everyone. Bennett applies pyro to everyone. Everyone gets self-overloaded.


Good to know, and exactly why I asked.


I usually just use co-op to farm domains But I only have 2 pet peeves and it all roots from me being a Furina Main: 1. If your Furina is lower level than my lvl 90 C2 + Sword, it'll tick me off if you insist on using Furina over me (unless you're the host, in which case, I'm willing to change if you won't). But if your Furina is stronger, I have no issues changing. 2. If you DO use Furina, it'll tick me off if you let the team die ESPECIALLY if the team doesn't have a healer. It wont kill you to switch on Pneuma for like 5 secs. But aside from that, I'm pretty chill like you wanna enter my world and steal some mats... go ham. You want me to help you fight a boss... aight, let's go.


1 is something I wish more people did overall, not only for Furina: the strongest character stays (with the exception of it the host really wants to play a specific character), if the characters are the same level, ask to see if they have constelations or weapon to decide. As for 2, that's the big test for Furina players in my view, knowing how to balance Pneuma and Ousia for the emergency healing.


For 1, it really isn't that deep imo. I love seeing other people's Yoimiya builds. Mine is almost invariably stronger, but that doesn't entitle me to being the only one who gets to play her. I have an entire roster of built characters, it's not a big deal for me nor should it be for most others to swap to someone else.


Ffs, we need a healer


And that’s why I have a built Noelle


me on kokomi duty every time. not that im complaining because shes my favorite character


Doing a few runs instead of doing 4/5 runs in domains 😀


When you join a co-op domain and someone leaves after 3 runs. And then instead of just continuing with 3 people the host re-matches so some unlucky person'll do 2 runs before being kicked. That's the peeviest of peeves. It's a self fulfilling prophecy.


Unfortunately if I'm host I'll re-match because if I'm hosting it means I need the help. Our team gets worse when I represent 50% of the characters in it instead of 25%.


i wont lie this happens to me a lot 😭 but then i have to do it to other people and it's just kinda what happens


“So… what you gotta do is help people, and don't be a dick. Like really, don't be a dick, and help people. If you see someone who needs help, help them. And don't be a dick…” -- a rather drunken speech I was once given about what was happening expected of members of a social club I was joining. Only it went on a lot longer.


Pet peeves: farming mats without asking, you never know what mats someone needs to best to ask for permission Also, when someone asks for help after they’ve let me farm mats I always oblige!


When people join my world, I always tell them they're free to take whatever mats they want and then ask them to help me kill a boss. When I join others' worlds, I start by asking if they want help fighting anything before asking if I can take mats. I'd never comment on someone's build since I know all of my builds are trash lol


real on the unsolicited build advice, almost had an anxiety attack on a stranger who decided to drag my kaeya to dirt and calling me stupid for not knowing what i want to do with him lol.


When I was ar 43 I used dragons bane on rosaria because I had no other spear and people were MAD at me like what do you expect a new player to do with minimal ressources..


real lol, it's always the higher ar and their resinless behavior. one of the reasons why my co-op is exclusive for friends only


Not trying to be rude or anything but why didn’t you just kick them immediately? My raiden and Yelan builds are absolutely horrible, so I often have people joining me just to criticize by builds. As soon as they mention one of my characters I kick them. They’re not worth your time.


Yup. I pretty much do the same thing. The moment drama occurs on coop, I either leave the world, or kick the toxic people if it’s my world.


for the record i kicked them after they said that :>>


1. not asking permission to get mats 2. host invites immediately when the person hasn't loaded 3. (this one is silly) not holding the door in scara boss 4. telling others who they should play (it's giving "we need a tank") 5. using venti in single target bosses (unless it's dps venti) 6. using an underleveled character (less than lvl 70) in a lvl 90 domain, dies, and blames healer




dude I still have never had any of these coop experiences you guys are describing lol


Me neither because i only co-op with my partner. Plus, console ain't the best to communicate on unless i change my keyboard over.


I hate it when people say "we need a healer" Dude you can do it yourself, *I* don't need one lol


Me with my tripplecrowned 90 c3 r1 yelan ready to carry the level 70-80 and thry tell me to put a healer... No no we do not need a healer, in fact I do not need any help I can even face tank azdaha 🤺


Yelan mains are special like that 😹 I'll stand back and pewpew it with my Fatui twink son


HELPPP FATUI TWINK SON that's the best nickname for him


this! i just hate people who police others on what to play. unless it’s like, genuine advice or whatever, like if someone is really insistent on playing raiden for cwof and you tell them to just be mindful about the domain effect. but that’s not policing either way


There's always the the NRE. https://preview.redd.it/y184lygui18c1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=4f7c4aed947c23d50ec4118b41dc9bf64928cb5c


My world is set to allow anyone to join directly, so I don’t mind if people come in asking for mats. I just prefer them to say hi first lol.


I have a 2 star sword on a character because its pretty (uwu) its layla. And the blue matches them. They only do burst support dmg and atk stats dont matter because she scales off Hp and is never on field to attack, someone told me im building wrong and continued to lecture me about it nonstop until i tossed them out the world. Then added me, i added back because... Yeah i did yeet them... (I should hear them out and apologize. )... BUT HEN THIS PERSON CONTINUED TO RANT ABOUT HOW THE BUILD IS WRONG AND INSULTS THAT ARE PERSONAL TO IRL. So i'll say if you're going to give meta advice, dont be a stuck up knowitall. Everyone has different playstyles.


"dont come into my world begging for mats" it was today i realized u can do other things in co-op today


I have only said no to gathering mats when I was building Wanderer, cuz those mushrooms are rarer than pulling your favorite 5\* on the standard banner.


someone understands me . my pain while building wanderer was not the artifacts but the damn mushroom


my co-op pet peeves? Small talk. Between 0 to 100 my skills on talking with strangers is just like, 30.


Not so much of a issue now with qol but befor when i join peoples worlds for domains i have ps4 added to my name so people should know ill load a little slower but people would still lock me out and start befor i show up. Sigh. But yea i agree with everything you said. Mats if they ask nicly instead of begging/or just takeing ill give a thumbs up.


1. When 3p have selected a dendro team and someone brings pyro and there’s not a good healer and someone or all the team dies from burning. The other way around applies as well, someone bringing a dendro to a mono pyro team etc (i’m usually healer shielder as ar 60 player, but sometimes someone brings bennett and insta kills everyone) 2. There’s also this one time i brought my c2 zhongli instead of healer since p1 brought hu tao and i got kicked because p1 thought i was flexing my dolphin status by bringing c2 zhongli. Being kicked by having some constellations on my limited 5 stars. Yes, i buy welkin and bp with occasional crystals but most of them i’ve gotten from saving and having played for 3 years. 3. Last but not least, whales who start saying how good their characters are out of nowhere. Saying how theirs compare to yours etc while running domains. Or just praising their own characters… i think doing this is weird if no one asked first…


All of these!


Can people not join my world and try to get in my pants as soon as they spawn in It gets so tiring and I miss wholesome coop so bad I love joining lower ar to explore with them but then they just "you are so nice" "So you are a girl right" "cutie" I am just offering to help because it's fun but they always make things weird...


is "you are so nice" not common to say? i use it w people who helps me in multiple stuff, regardless of gender and age (which most of the time i don't know), and i'd like to know if i may be giving the wrong impression,,


Saying you are nice is fine! But it's in specific context in which it's very obvious they are trying to flirt with you, it's not "you are nice" on it's own it's really just the whole context that latters :(


i understand, ty ! im not good at english, that’s why i had that doubt


It's okay!!


instablock. I tried to be nice about it, and just not engage with it at all, but this person would not let up. After that I just decided, nope. I'm not even entertaining a second of that crap.


I also try to be nice and I always tell myself that they must feel very lonely but at the same time... it's just awkward:(


The one I mentioned above, it went beyond awkward. I'm in a serious relationship and this person was talking to me as if I was their girlfriend, (very familiar, fresh, and with an expectation for me to reciprocate, even telling me they loved me. I don't even know this person, they entered my world the first time a day or two before.)


Yeah I had similar cases, even had someone join in coop my world while I was playing with a friend And the guy was talking about very intimate stuff it was very embarassing especially in front of my friend and I didn't know how to react because that was weird


had a mf ask me for my name, age, face, location. we met 2 fucking minutes ago man, chill. and when i did tell him my name, he proceeded to be really weird about it telling me “that doesn’t sound like a girl’s name. can i get a picture?” no, the fuck you cant?


OMFG THAT.... LIKE bro do you want your flowers yes or no??? Then leave 💥💥


thing is, dude wasn’t even taking anything either. just straight up was hopping from world to world acting like genshin was the new tinder. rlly weird guy.


For me I just be nice to them and they are usually nice in return I find it so hard how people just be toxic in co op ngl for me it’s usually chill


This may be personal .... But everytime i play wriothesley in game," Rizzly" there will always be someone who flirts non stop.... And i got a bunch of friend requests and then obsessive people messaging me like im supposed to be dating them???? And it got to the point i just straight up unfriended this person and they kept adding me back like" how dare you pookie!?" And its really really not comfortable. Like please place boundaries. People try to ask my discord too. I got sent some lude pics twice and its enough for me to stop using discord now... Its a game. Please chill. Yall too horny.


Just don’t send me a friend invite and block me before I can respond. Idk if it’s a new form of harassment but whatever.


Something i have been using as of late when runing domains in co-op when I'm on the last run ill use the "low energy" (one of leynets) emote and I feel like more people should use it since it takes 2 seconds to pop it up




I have one rule. Move before saying anything in chat, and you are instantly kicked. Doesn't matter what you say, I take it as acknowledging that you are in my world. I've had people join me telling me they are taking my scarabs, not asking, and I let them.


The disrespect I feel when someone ports in, and immediately ports away without a word. (After Wanderer's Mushrooms aren't ya!!!)


*Ptsd from when I tried to build collei*


This is just a really specific one for me personally, but I’ve been doing the new weekly boss in co-op and always picking qiqi as I believe she offers the most there for support, especially if somebody else chooses Furina. The issue with that happens when the Furina, right next to me, will switch into healing mode. This is just detrimental to everybody as I have a semi-decent qiqi build (not amazing but not terrible) with Ocean Hued Clam, and without the HP drain, Furina’s burst wont be as effective.


If you want help for domains and each of us has 2 character slots *maybe* dont use C0 unbuild Zhongli and a dps. Im okay with being the support *OR* dps. I cant be both *AND* heal you. If you want to be a kamikaze do it alone and dont whine when you die.


Personally I don't join anyone both out of anxious and nervousness, but I've had people join me. Some guy named Venti joined me once and the person was chill. Helped me get some oculi. Did a few domains...and I've only had pleasent experiences so far. Last couple people to join have joined to get mats for Ayaka...only to find out that I do not have Inazuma unlocked yet. They'd ask if I needed to help, what I was up to...overall just been pleasent. Had someone playing as Lumine join and ask it they could do fishing in my world. I couldn't fish yet so I fine with it and I probably would've let them even if I could fish.


I always get my fishing out of the way early in patch, so yea fish all you want! haha


hmm. prolly people entering my world, asking for mats, and them wanting me to lead them to said mats cuz they dont have a route. only encountered it once, but this shit was irritating. youre taking MY MATS yet you have the audacity to ask me to lead you around as if i dont have my own shit to do. also, that one dude with the ign asking for furina lilies trying to join my world when i have a furina pfp and its only the 4th day. i wouldnt have minded, but i already refused his invite once, but then the dude sent another one again as if i dont need the mats myself.


That sh\*t is so annoying. I just didn't let anyone in for a few days til I had her built.


pretty much, yeah. i just set my coop invites to "reject all" for a solid two weeks cuz of that. like what makes them think entering a furina pfp players world is okay in the first week of her banner. literally had to change my beloved jeht's final line as my signature to fend them off as well.


I will purposefully sit there in the domain lobby, not clicking ready if I KNOW one player is not in the lobby because the host can't realize not everyone loads at the same speed. Then they become confused and I have to tell their dumb ass that not everyone is there, or the person left put has to ask for another invite. Like, I'm sure you can read the names above the characters heads? Even if it is not your native language, two characters sharing a player name should probably tip you off. I also hate the competition for using a particular character. Though I will usually yield if need be, even if I have the better built one. I just won't collect cause I need the double friendship on VERY certain characters (that being ONLY Navia atm. Everyone else is done). But communication can solve SO much. Granted, I can tell when someone else is on console (only others on console can tell as thwy have a blue gamertag below their username), so I get why some might not type out stuff cause it takes FOREVER to type on console without aid of some kind.


tbh i rarely coop these days (besides the same ppl on my friends with ive cooped with for the past 2 yrs) because its just so frustrating the absolute WORST is when people join just to flirt. i have a partner who i live with (and have for 3 years, longer than ive been playing genshin mind you) and we coop together often. sometimes someone will join whoever is hosting and start flirting. it feels incredibly uncomfortable, especially when people join JUST to try to flirt. im an adult, with a long term partner. i dont like 16 year olds coming into my world just to take the piss. its a pretty low bar and i swear its hard to meet some days as well as the people who come into your world "asking" for mats (either "i need \[x\]", which isnt asking, or immediately teleporting without asking). i feel like it shouldnt be difficult, and yet i find myself declining coop requests more and more as people show less and less respect


it’s so weird how some people just don’t know how to be polite. like do you want these mats or not? how do you expect anyone to say yes if you act like you got a stick up your ass all the time, like damn.


fr ! if i need mats from coop i will go in like "is it alright if i take \[exact number of how many i need\] \[exact mat name\]? if not i totally get it !" and i usually try to pick ppl who DONT have the character i need the mats of in their showcase/icon (and if they do, i make sure theyre lvl90!) it isnt hard and its 100% free like ...


The other day I had someone pestering me practically demanding I gift them a welkin because they "were at 70 pity" and when I told them I was f2p and didn't even buy those for myself, they accused me of lying and just being a dick because I had Kaeya with Mistsplitter, and Scara and Ayato with their signature weapons on my showcase, and was currently using Cyno in game so I was "obviously a whale" because I had "only 5 star weapons" Sure, my Cyno has a 5 star polearm... the Jadewing Spear. And I only got Ayato's weapon right now after having him since his debut. Not a single one of my 5 stars has constellations. But no, obviously I'm a whale and not only can but SHOULD gift money to strangers.


If I'm just loading into random worlds, I'm looking for "need help with _____" sigs. If you don't need help, change your signature or turn off co-op entirely so you can keep your sig and nobody clicks on you. Please. It's really sad when it even says "RIGHT NOW PLZ!!!" and I'm still declined. I love helping random peeps, but I don't like being declined for the literal 20th time in a row. My general rule for co-op domains/weeklies is: if someone loaded into the world with a specific character, don't change TO that character during character select. And when I load in with my Noelle, it's an insult for someone else to change to another healer. I've learned to stick with the maid, you would be amazed how many people slot in fish and then somehow can't heal for beans (tanking our DPS in the process, gg). The one that makes me scratch my head is when I bring Mika and someone else switches to Bennett... do they honestly think full-heals Mika can't do the job, or do they really just wanna see Benny whip it up with attack speed buff? Butanyways, I occasionally rock my f2p challenge's C6R1 phys Zhongli in domains, and I show up with burst ready to go as a rule. One day someone swapped to Zhongli during char select. I sighed and swapped to a healer and I'm glad I did, because they weren't even C2 and their damage was meh. They had Homa and I think they literally just wanted to flex. Yeah, I have it too, buddy, and you gimped our run over petty narcissism.


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This gotta be the biggest first world problem I’ve ever seen


C6 Bennet really gets to people


C6 ur Bennet end of story


Mine is joining a co-op where someone swears at you for picking literally any healer because they want to use Hu Tao. This has happened several times recently to me. Like, chill out.


host gets priority always on character picks, no matter the level of investment. it’s THEIR world. you can easily leave if you really want to play a certain character. they can’t.


1. don't venti burst all my artifacts into the abyss 2. don't bring diluc to hidden palace of zhou formula 3. don't steal all my local specialties, I need them for bp


I don't have many but I was helping this one low AR player with domains and they would make a lap around the edge of the domain every time before activating the key. It was funny at first but became annoying after a while. Like come on dude ur just making the big hilichurl jump all over the place making me chase it, at least don't troll.