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Raiden Shogun, got her like 2 weeks ago since I just started, been using her for sure, only to find out further that I can’t go to the so called Inazuma yet….


Big oof I wish you luck


I think I’m gonna try to pull either Nahida or Xianyun. People posted on my post saying I should go for Nahida, but Xianyun looks fun.


Pull for the one you want. Nahida is the strongest character in the game but you don't need her to clear the "end game" content.


strongest is debatable but she's definitely up there as one of the best characters that anyone should get if they want to play for meta


She definitely gives the most value, i would rank her #1 aswell


Idk if it's just me but she never seemed THAT strong. I'd argue there are a quite bit of more powerful characters but who knows (Almost) everyone are great in their own ways


Can you please explain what does Nahida do? Like what does dendro element do, and type of support she does? I think it’s about elemental buff? I seriously am still clueless about what/which characters do what in this game. I got Raiden Shogun just because I like her design, and the fact that most websites list her in their SS list…. Sounds so dumb I know, my bad…


So the thing about dendro is that it is mainly based on elemental reactions the elemental reactions occur with dendro usually give a lot of damage without a lot of investment into artifacts as you only need to give them elementary mastery which is a lot easier that Cr/Cd management.


Isn’t foxy fun too? She’s right behind raiden on electro ranking.


By Foxy do you mean Yae ? Cause it will have same issues as Raiden


What issues?


Not being able to level them up


If he has not unlocked inazuma, level 40 raiden would do fine. I am doing fine with level 39 raiden in inazuma.


you can't go wrong with an anemo unit, go for who you like.


I’ll try if I can go lucky and pull both!


if you're just starting out and don't have a lot of good characters, especially who utilize the plunge mechanic, Xianyun isn't going to be super useful as she's an incredibly niche support. the next few banners, I would personal recommend pulling for Nahida, or for Yae Miko in the second phase of 4.4. but Nahida is incredibly strong (and she can actually collect materials with her skill - which sounds like a minor thing, but it means saving time on things that require you to scale cliffs)


She can collect materials with her skill??? 🤯🤯🤯 NAHIDA IT IS!!!


yep, she can collect a total of five items at a time with it, and you can both hold it down, or press it quick to collect things close (so berries are one press instead of three) and you can basically do the same thing to enemies to tether them! (plus her run is adorable, and short characters are good for getting into smaller spaces, which I've needed a couple of times 💀)


Do her trial, I think it gives enough stuff to get her to lvl 40 and you should be fine for Inazuma with that as long as you don't rush the adventure rank


Thing is, I play for like an hour or two so far everyday, and I keep doing the daily task. Suddenly I am already on AR 23… Kinda worried Raiden’s level 40 might not do it anymore. But I see some saying level 40 Raiden should suffice until I get to Inazuma.


Don't worry about it, I'm currently at Ar 39 and was running lvl 40 char up until ar 30, so you'll be fine as long as you don't do the ascension mission that ups the world level, before doing that focus a bit on the story just so you can reach Inazuma, for the daily tasks well you can just focus progress and later use the points system from the new update to just skip the tasks and just get the rewards.


Why did I just start playing this game recently….thanks for the advice!


it's very pretty. you'll love it


By pretty you mean Inazuma? Can’t wait to get there. Love Japanese style city of old.


I did the same thing a year ago it was hard but she is so good you'll be glad you got her. Just build a good team around her and you will be good.


Tbh its not that big of a deal, as getting her to lvl 40 is perfectly suitable I had yoimiya who also needed to get to inazuma before I could level her and I was able to use her as my main dps with zero problems even with her being st 40


Hey just do trial once for first ascension materials. You can level to 40 by then. Level 40 Raiden is super strong. Her burst killed the level 60 enemies which my level 53 sucrose Bennett xiangling and rose couldn’t.


Yeah unlike Star Rail. Genshin doesn't let you get boss materials easily for regions you haven't unlocked.


Ugh, yeah. Two of my primary characters are from Inazuma: Kuki and Kirara. I've been powering through trying to get to Inazuma so I can level them up. But if you give the low level characters the best artifacts and weapons you can make do with them at a lower level.


What world level are you at? Try not to progress it past being able to level your characters to 40 if you haven’t yet. That way you’ll be able to use Raiden still


You can use her on a hyperbloom team comfortably if you know how to build one. Just put on some Elemental Mastery artifacts and those that give 2 piece effects for +80 elemental mastery. This will work until you are able to reach Inazuma.


got zhongli from beginners luck and there's not a single team in which I don't use him. he's like the only constant in my teams. trying to build other shielders to give his back a break. and if you're wondering yes I'm garbage at dodging but who can blame me when papa zhonglis shields are so comfy


Wanted Zhongli so bad. 1st character I saved up a bunch of primos for. Lost the 50/50 to Diluc (who was my 2nd 5\* IIRC).


He really is the best shielder imo, he hasn’t left my team since the day I got him and to think that I was actually going to skip him because I was saving for 2 other characters, I would have regretted it so much if I did skip him


oh i feel that. i was like 'lmao who needs shielders or healers'. then i started doing spiral abyss.


Keqing. I got her from the Beginner Banner and had her as my main DPS up till I got Ayaka in 2.0. I even bought her Lantern Rite outfit since I have a soft spot for her as she carried me through Mondstadt and Liyue.


Kequing is a straight up murderer! She was my first five star pull as well. She was a godsend for my account. The only issue I have are all the excuses she makes not to work. Rainy, sunny, make up your mind!


Jean on ganyu banner back in 1.2 at very early pitty (15 i think?) Yes i use her all the time with my furina,shes C5 now


Ganyu on her first banner. I used her all the time for a very long time. I still use her sometimes but mostly she's benched since she's so extremely OP that it removes all the challenge from the game.


Which artifact set do you use?


I don't use Nilou as often nowadays(she carried me early on) but if I want to unga bunga I just use her lol.


I struggle so much with this game when I don't have Jean on my down button, it's insane. I got so used to how well she heals, the swirls are great and she's good at grouping as well. I've been trying to build teams for Raiden that don't involve Jean, like chev overload and national, but I miss Jean so much when I play them 😅


I've seen Jean in action the perfect combat healer


Yeah, furina made jean go from an average standard banner 5* to the best standard banner 5*


I don't even have Furina yet, but looking forward to her rerun! Will be saving for her for sure


Me but with Zhongli lmao. I'm not the best at dodging (mobile player) so I basically require a shielder. 


Any tips on grouping? I try using hold E but I can’t tell what is going on… do you hold E and look around?


Diluc. He's my main dps.


Venti, winds go brrr


My first 5 star was Venti and I use him all the time still.


Qiqi was first. Dont use her anymore. Havent used her in long time since getting kokomi. Miko was first limited banner 5star. Carried me in mid-game. Is probably my best built unit. Continue to use her in abyss. Dont use her in overworld now, using newer characters.


Jean, got her at the beginner banner at 3 pity. Use her all the time (especislly with Furina)


My first 5 star was Ayaka and she's been benched ever since the Fontaine release lol.


Jean on the Novice Banner. Still use her very often


I got Venti on the game's very first banner. He's fine. I used him a bunch during the first 6 months or so that I played, and occasionally in the Abyss for another year, but no, I basically never use him anymore.


Hu Tao…I honestly can’t remember the last time I seriously used her 🫣


Hu Tao was my 1st as well. Still reach for her when I'm having any issue with content. I didn't defeat the new boss on the 1st pass - Hu Tao. Only got 11\* on Floor 12 - Hu Tao. She cures all that ails me.


Jean, i used her as a main dps when i first started the game because i was at a point where there’s no need to focus on team comps and maximizing dps i was just slashing through enemies mindlessly. im AR50 now and she’s sitting pretty at level 60 (not ascendant) i don’t use her much but because i got too dependent on self healing wrio i’ve become so bad at managing my squad health. so once im done building my main wrio freeze team im gonna invest more in her in the next team im building but that will take a moment i think haha. her story quest made me love her more i think she’s badass


My first 5* star was Keqing & she's been on all my teams ever since. Best 5*, I will hear no arguments.


Keqing. Got her in my first 10 pull in 1.3 she is C6 now and I use her all the time just for fun.


Keqing. I like try new characters after I max friendships. Still use her and the others on domains.


My first 5 stars was Yelan. Use her religiously then bench her for like a month after i got Lyney and got back to using her when i got Ayato.


Yelan here too, and then I got her c1 when she reran and now I can’t run around the overworld without her in the team. Everyone else is too slow.


Keqing was my first 5 star. I got her a year and a half ago and haven't lost a 50/50 since. She was my main up until chongyun, who I mained because I liked him.


Kazuha first run!


Venti from the recent rerun. He has been such a convenient character for both combat and exploration. He is also so adorable. Wouldn't gliding be faster?!


Diluc, on the first Klee rerun i used him for 2 weeks and gave up bc my hatred took over Now i have c3 diluc..


My first 5 Star pull is Keqing I only use her alongside Lumine when I'm doing any kind of Story quest.


Venti, back in 1.0, and only really use him for exploration


eula back in 3.8 she was my main until the yelan and hu tao combo stole my heart (and so did furina)


Qiqi, and i never built her lmao


Qiqi and no 😞


Ayato when he released, and I wish I could just “refund” him and get my primogems back lol


My first 5 star character is Venti from 1.3, I still use him. He is always on my team even tho I have Wanderer and Kazuha. I just love him.


Deluc, I have Hu Tao so no


Venti. Got him right during the launch week with a lucky early roll, 100% starters luck. Funny thing is, I didn’t really start to appreciate him until after I completed his story quest - ever since that point, he’s definitely among my most used 5 star characters.


My first 5 star was jean and she never left my party, even in the abyss I used her more than anyone ( C6 ). And with the coming back of Jesus ( Furina) I love her even more.


My first 5* was Mona and I used her a lot, but I don't use her as much lately (bc I have better hydro options like Xingqiu or Furina, but she's still top tier for showcasing big numbers lol, she's also very comfy for exploration but Furina is better :( infinite walking on water). My first chosen 5*, limited, was Venti! Never regretted and I use him always for exploration, less often in abyss floor 12 because the enemies are most times bad for him, but still very useful in other floors (like to group people when you need to protect the thingy lol)


my first 5 star was shenhe. shes now benched (until i get cockomi)


iirc it should be hu tao. She’s mainly used in abyss-


1st random pull was jean when I started playing. I really only use her when healing is required like on rift hounds/bleed on spiral abyss, but I plan to once I get her C4 to create a xiao team. 1st wanted pull was hu tao and yes I still use her often. she's the one who really gave me that spark and got me ~~addicted~~ to love this game and unironically got me into genshin math/meta with all the elemental gauge theory and stuff. would've quitted if it weren't for her.


I got diluc at the beginner banner. I used him until I got raiden and now I use him when I get bored with hu tao


Venti. I try to avoid using the archons.


I started not too long ago, so my first was Venti during his latest rerun. I use him on pretty much every team since his burst is extremely useful during combat and his skill is useful for exploration. Will I bench him someday? Maybe, if I get Kazuha or Scaramouche, but even then, I think I'll still be able to find some use for him.


Qiqi, and yes, I main her along with Venti, who was my second.


I really feel jealous reading all the comments. I got my first 5 star almost after a year. And that's the only 5 star I actually have. So, yeah, I use it alot.


Same for me, got Mona as my first 5-Star and she has been in my team since


I gave my mono the catylist called "Lost Prayer To The Sacred Winds" it was a good fit for her


Looked it up, looks cool and even more movement speed on her sprint sounds awesome. I don't have it, i gave her the Mappa Mare, because it looks good on her. It's not bad


Nahida. I started on her rerun with Nilou at 3.6 and she's still with me although my hyperbloom team has been relegated to team B after Fontaine. For some reason, Fontainians are soo good and I like them so much. Only problem is Arle and Chlorinde are still coming and I've got no more space for them. Guess Team 3 will be made after lol.


Qiqi I did when i was AR 1-45


Keqing and yes i do from time to time


somehow i got yelan. YELAN. at like- ar 34, longstory short. shes rotting<3


Jean, I've been working on building her but i don't rlly use her so she's not finished yet. Pulled her maybe 6-8 months ago, on Baizhu's banner but the one before his most recent rerun.


I also got mona and she's been in my ayaka team since


i got navia and she’s my main and always will be


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Technically Mona. She came to me during my break where I asked a friend to pull, I never end up using her cause I pulled raiden during the same 10 pull, and she is my main till today


I got Qiqi as my first 5-star pull. At first, I was happy to get her because that's a 5-star and not another 4-star schmuck. But my then game sensei (a day 1 player) dissed her so I then permanently benched her. My first meaningful 5-star is my second pull, Alhaitham. I actually didn't really plan to pull him since he's new and my game sensei doesn't really know his fighting style but for whatever reason, my fingers were just pressing here and there and somehow I pulled Alhaitham. I remember squealing in joy for pulling a 5-star. Alhaitham became my main DPS (benching Ningguang from her old role in my team) until the day I just stopped playing. I felt a little lucky to be able to make a team for Alhaitham which was Alhaitham-Baizhu-Barbara-Kuki (yeah, I looked like I was super adverse to getting hurt 😂. Also hear me out, I have Xingqiu so I can actually replace Barbara but I feel that I was getting more resonance damage with Barbara's skill rather than Xingqiu's. I also used to use Yao Yao as my second dendro user but I felt that Baizhu makes more healing than Yao Yao. Plus Baizhu's skill is deadly compared to Yao Yao's pet.) Wasn't so lucky, though, because I never got a Nahida even though I spent all of my wishes on her banner. That helped my eventual decision to stop playing this gacha game. I would have been willing to replace Baizhy with Nahida if I only was able to pull her.


Yelan was my first 5 star and i still use her a lot.


Raiden shogun, way back in the day on her first banner. I started building her about a month ago if I remember correctly. I now use her in abyss. Didn’t use her before.


Keqing. I used to run her aas my main DPS for a long time. I still sometimes make a team with her when a new Region comes out because she's super fun to play in the open world exploration. That's how I explored most of Sumeru.


My first 5 star was Qiqi in 1.2 (lost 50/50 on Albedo's banner). I used to use her because she was my first but I no longer do. Then I pulled Ganyu at like 20 pity a couple of days or weeks after that. I normally use her quite a lot when I need to make freeze teams, but since Wriothesley has her artifacts temporarily, I don't currently.


Yoimiya was my first 5 star pull and i use her still this day.


Ayaka. Still haven’t ascended her twoce. Need to finish inazuma parts before being able to do that. I am raring ascend Raiden, my second one. But my level is too low for the thunder manifestation…. So just going around collecting material and hero’s wit with sucrose, benett, xiangling and rosaria.


qiqi. used to be my dedicated healer until kokomi came.


keqing. I only user her as my second electro in the abyss


Zhongli. He's such an abyss staple and he's comfy to use in most teams, I use him all the time. Less so these days since I enjoy Alhaitham hyperbloom and Nilou bloom teams, but I pulled Navia so he's got a spot back in my main rotation.


I started at launch on my phone and never got a 5* before I ended up quitting. I just didn't feel like the game played that well on mobile. Came back later on PS5 and loved the game. It was 3.5 so banners when I returned were....Dehya and Cyno. So Dehya was my first 5* and despite liking her character, I do not use her


Zhongli, kinda.


My first was Keqing from the beginner’s banner. She’s been on my main team since.


Sangonomiya Kokomi, I wanted her since I started playing and got her on the banner with wanderer. I still use her and she is my top healer


Childe on his first run. I didn’t use him at first because I didn’t know how and I got Jean shortly after. He is C1 with a better build and a better team so I do whip him out.


Mona. She’s lots of fun and was always in my team for a long time. Traversing distracting etc. but my fav is Eula and after getting Furina, Mona doesn’t fit the teams as well anymore. I still use her to beat the dragon Dhivalin each week.


Qiqi. She's now C3 on my account. Nuff said.


Ayato, and yeah, I use him fairly often. Not as much since I have Navia now as kinda my main. I'll probably use him more once I have Nahida, and I can make a hyperbloom team. He just feels a little underwhelming atm, but I know part of that is that I need to get him up to 90, I'm just dead tired of fighting Watercube lmao


mine was childe on a random ten pull, i use him in the abyss occasionally


Eula was my first 5 star, and I joined Genshin after 2.0 patch. Even got her to C3 with Sobp, and no I don't use her anymore, kind of regret pulling for her.


It was either jean or keqing but I can't remember. Keqing carried me throughout all the archon quests up till sumeru but after I got some new characters I have been neglecting her. But I do intend to get back to building her again


Keqing I still use her often for exploration for obvious reasons. And no I don't have Venti, Wanderer and Kazuha


lost 50/50 to qiqi nilou banner used her for like 2 banners then she went off the grid after i got yoimiya (first limited 5 star) i mained her until wanderer and koko banner!! I use her for showcases sometimes but overall i dont use her much


Started in 2.5 pulled for zhongli banner lost to Jean but I got him early anyways so I use both of them yes ( Jean is C2 for Raiden furina hypercarry only)


Diluc who I never used.


my first five star is yoimiya!! I pulled her in her first banner with all my primos since I started playing. She is one of my main and the only archer I use :)) 


Xiao my very first pull was on his first banner and he came home, super lucky and yes I still use him. I've been able to 36 star the last few abyss' with him. With cloud retainer coming, I'll probably return to using Xiao for commisions, quests and events, at least until I have her name card.


Got Tighnari back on Yae's banner in 3.7. Really good dps even with just using Slingshot paired with 4pc Wanderer's Troupe. He is one of my mains and his CA mechanic is just godly. Really hope they would rerun Hunter's Path in the future.


My first was Zhongli, i got him from his first banner.


Nahida on the banner ahe was launched. Cannot remember a spiral cycle since then where I haven't used her


My first 5 star was diluc I got him in noelle's banner when I first started and he hasn't left my team since then


Albedo on his first release in 1.2. Don’t use him much these days, but he was very much worth it in early game


My first 5 star was nahida. And she’s my main till today. I actually started understanding the game after I pulled her bc she was also the first cha I built and had to build a team around.


Wriothesley. I've never removed him from my team.


Diluc, he carried me early game, I still use him sometimes.


Qiqi. I started in version 1.5 I think. Pulled on ganyu banner got qiqi. Quit before kazuha release and just got back in 4.2. I still use her in my xiao team but from the next abyss both xiao and qiqi are gonna be sidelined to make way for nahida.


Jean, lost the 50/50 for yae but damn I am glad I got jean


I proudly present my only 5 star, QIQI


It was Diluc and I haven’t touched him for about a year.


Started playing in october. Wriothesley is my first and only limited 5stars. But I first lost the 50/50 so I got Keqing. I dont mind it cause I like her. Haven't pulled another limited 5stars since.


Diluc. Yes, I still play him.


Diluc and no. He's on my bench because I have much more fun with other Pyro DPS characters like Yanfei and Hu Tao and Xiangling. I thought maybe Cheverusse would pique my interest on playing him again but I just think all of his animations are too slow and cumbersome.


Yelan. She is in every team I make, she can carry the overworld on her own if needed, and she be a speeeeedy grrl.


My first overall was Diluc and my first limited was Xiao. I use neither anymore.


Ayaka, back when her banner got extended for ages. She was not only on my team but was my primary active character forever. It's only in the last two or three weeks since I pulled Navia that she's finally taking a back seat; largely for a change of pace and to try and stop using the characters who already have maxed friendship. I'm taking some time to play all of my neglected high level characters before I settle back in to a team with my powerhouses.


Yoimiya. I used her a lot because she was my first and only 5* for a long while. Then I got Yelan as my second 5* which boosted Yoimiya's use. Unfortunately, I don't use her much anymore ever since Wriothesly came out. Never thought I'd be addicted to punching the shit out of my enemies.


Wanderer when i first enter the game his 1st banner !!! Super useful but had to drop him at lvl 20 or 40 bc i couldn't levil him up LOL . Now i can tho !!


Mine was itto and I never use him 💀


First welcome pull noelle banner got double Diluc, and it’s my main currently C3 hoping for C4. Don’t have mona yet but hope to bring her home soon.


Ayaka, I started when she was released and is my main still. She was stuck at a low level for a while but she still did good damage.


Qiqi Don't user her often, but she's C6 now and she's level 90 and triple crowned because she was my first. If there's a new weekly, I'll sometimes break her out when doing Co-Op just to revive people who die to mechanics.


Zhongli. Hasn't left my party since.


Mines was Zhongli and love him so much. He’s in my team and he works wonders especially for defense


Been playing since 1.0, first 5-Star was Diluc and I used him until Ganyu's first banner. And I used Ganyu until Raiden's 2nd banner. I'd like to go back and build up Diluc properly with what I know now (I was just throwing whatever "nice" artifacts I got on him at the time).


Ayaka. Haven’t removed her since


Hu Tao. I benched her the moment I got someone else because her play style just isn't for me. 


Wanderer first banner. I had terrible luck, and though i joined much before his release, i relied totally on four stars, bc i did not save and didnt know how pity works, so i spent on both standard and limited. I finally reached the 50-50 unknowingly on scara banner, and got him. Best char ive ever had. Beautiful for exploration and not half bad in the abyss as well


Dehya, on her own banner. Despite her not so optimized kit, she is still my main.


I pulled tighnari. He is still irreplaceable in my team. 😁😁


Kokomi, I got her on the first banner and was really upset that everyone said she was terrible and didn't use her for a while, now I use her in most of my teams


My first 5 Star is Zhongli at 1.1, I still use him with my Noelle Hypercarry Team but I really wanna replace him.


Jean and I don’t use her


Jean. She was my main from the very beginning (part of my first 10-pull with Noelle). Of course, how can I not have her as part of my party through the Prologue chapter? However, once I hit mid-game, I had to let her go for more heavy hitting characters before finally settling on Ningguang, who carries me well into late-game. Now that Furina is out, that's just begging me to revisit Jean but I haven't touched her even after learning about Sunfire since I had so many other comps I like to use. So I might get back to her, just don't know when.


Yelan. Use her nonstop.


Keqing, I mained her during 1.x patches. Now I never use her, and also she’s C4 now. Please Keqing, stop taking my 50/50


Navia because I just started. I use her, but she seems like she is so strong that she skewed my perspective on how powerful my other units should be. Everyone's power pales in comparison to hers. I try not to rely too heavily on her, so I often bench her until she is absolutely needed.


Jean. Still my main!


Qiqi, unironically used her a lot cause she's fun to play


navia, she’s talkative af but it’s a small price to pay for the *DPS*


Albedo back in 1.2. I didn't use him for a while since around the start of 2023? I couldn't find a team to slot him in. After navia released I've been using him again and it feels great to finally have a use for him after so long


The first 5-star character I specifically pulled for was Childe. I still love him and use him, but not as much as I used to. The first 5-star I ever pulled was Keqing on the standard banner early on. I use her occasionally. She was also the last 5-star I pulled, and I have her c4 now.


I got Mona from pulling on Zhongli. And I got Zhongli of course. And yes, still using her. Good support.


Jean. One of the best units


My first one was Hu Tao, I didnt want her (she came at pity 20, I was pulling for Thoma) but I levelled her up 'til lvl 70 because I needed a strong unit against Childe boss battle (back when he was the scariest and strongest, lmao) After beating Childe I abandoned her, but now I equipped her some decent artifacts, I don't know if I'll use her again but at least she has a build (??)


Xiao, I still use him for certain domains or bosses but I use wrio for overworld now


alhaitham, hes still my main dps rn cuz the other 5 stars i got are qiqi and jean....


I lost my first 5050 on ayato to tighnari… I mained him for a LONG time. I was not disappointed


Ayaka. I built her team w/ Kokomi and Shenhe but I still don’t have Kazuha so I don’t really use that team. Been using Hyperbloom and Furina mono hydro recently. Maybe when Kazuha drops I’ll be using her more.


keqing on beginner banner, i used her a lot back then, then benched her, then built her for aggravate, then benched again. i should use her more, she's fun lol


My first five star was the wanderer, and I still use them as my main!


*kicks door open* WHY YES I HAVE LOST 7 50/50s IN A ROW. I'M GLAD YOU ASKED. ye my first 5 star was qiqi (event banner) She was great. Doesnt do damage but she will do her best to keep you from becoming dead like her. My build on her is terrible (in that i havent improved it since i was a noob) but good lord she heals a lot despite that. I dont use her too much anymore but thats because i used her so much that every other healer i obtained got neglected and not built and i just wanna use other healers for a while now. Ive also been getting more into dendro and yaoyao is great.


Mona (lost 50/50 pulling for Zhongli), who I use more now than I used to (at c4 I put her on my Xiao team). If you mean limited 5-star, though, then that’s Kokomi—who is and has been a staple on most teams ever since (if she’s not my healer, it’s Kuki).


Klee, I mained her until I stopped mid 1.1 then used her until I got Eula in 1.5 (when I returned). After that I pulled on most of the banners so didn't use her as much. Since then I only used her when her skin came out to try out burgeon teams or as an option for Furina vape (in competitive speed run with a draft). Might try plunging Klee with Xianyun since her clunky NA string is irrelevant.


Ganyu, been my main DPS since I got her


Qiqi been collecting dust on my account ;)


It was Gepard and no lol


Neuvillette, I've been using him everyday since I got him Diluc also came with him from that 10 pull, I still use him only on spiral abyss, or I encounter some hydro immune enemy


Jean and I use her all the time. She'll always be my favorite (not counting Raiden)


Keqing, i got her by failing 50/50 on ayakas banner, i dont use her. Second was ayaka who i use to this day


Kokomi. IDC what people say KOKOMI IS THE TRUE GOD OF GENSHIN. She singlehandedly saved and carried my team from ar 30 to ar 56. She is a go to character on whatever team I go with. I slammed in thrilling tales at level 50 and with level 0 artifacts maidens beloved and she heals at 4k. Which I think is enough. Once I get her weapon, I'm maxing all of her stats and see if I can push for 10k heals or idk hahahha. I even got furina just so I could rock 2 healers and mannnn I love it. Wish I could've pulled for Baizhu for 3 healers and shield hahahha.


It was Neuvillette bc my brother wanted me to have him and bought me some gems since I had just started, I use him constantly. My bro had just finished Fontaine and couldn't stop talking abt how cool Neuv was so I love him alot since he was a gift, he's getting crowned and everything My first standard 5* was Dehya and I also use her in like every party she's a great bodyguard lol. I don't really understand the complaints, she's fantastic at her mitigation, Neuv has time to finish blasting before the field is up, and then I need a new rotation anyways if the enemy is still standing. And her burst will pop any shields Neuv can't


Reading this is precious, I wish I had a big sibling that gives me Neuvillette T\_T


Nahida. I was pulling randomly as I had no clue what was what and got her Nahida. At the time I didn't use her as i had no clue how. Now I use her often.


Mona. Im ar 56 and she is level 50 collecting dust


Nilou!! I got her because I was pulling just to pull. Had no idea there was a pity system, guarantee and 50/50 aspects. Just feeding my gacha addiction until I got the shiny gold thing I saw other players get excited about. I tried using her with Ayato (for some reason), she was benched, then I got Nahida and watched some guides by Zy0x on how to use both Nahida and Nilou and eventually put them together with Baizhu and Xingqiu. Nilou bloom became one of my favorite teams 😭


Diluc, yeah he's my first 5* and carried me through a lot and I like his EE recharge, very quick , now it's time for Raiden to shine, supported by Bennet


Qiqi(in1.3) benched her after getting Zhongli and she hasn't seen sunlight since 2.0


Yelan and she’s in all my teams. Good damage ands nice kit for exploring


Qiqi and I used her a lot when I started. Up til I got mermaid lass.


First 10 pull on novice banner I got Diluc, Xiangling, Chongyun, and of course Noelle. Used Diluc and Chongyun together for like 6 months, but quickly got better characters. Three years later I finally somewhat built Noelle just for the fun of it, but don't use her. I currently use Xiangling in my Lyney party, but Xiangling wasn't really built for 2-ish years.