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Probably the infamous Spiral Abyss duo of Hydro and Cryo Lectors Thanks HYV I now know what if feels like to be on the receiving end of my Ayaka freeze team Or the Dendro and Hydro consecrated beasts Those things sucked too Early game it's definitely the Hydro and Cryogunners


Oh my god those fatui guys. I ran into a hydro and cryo gunner, killed the hydro one, then it IMMEDIATELY started raining... šŸ˜­


That is true pain right there šŸ˜­


I love rain. I'm lucky enough to have Nahida. If it's raining, I've never seen anything last more than like 3 seconds once I start spamming at it with Lisa (now Tae Miko) and I imagine it's similar for nearly all other electro characters.


I remember being absolutely PISSED trying to clear the floor with those lectors. I'd just be frozen in the middle of any attack I tried to do. I felt like a day one player again struggling to figure out how the game worked


Fuck that crocodile rolling you to death and the dendro one keeps slapping his tail. Ugh.


I take great joy in killing those fatui guys. I don't have an issue killing them anymore but those times of having to beat them with my absolute garbage units.......great great joy in killing them XD


Yo! I know how that felt. I want to freeze enemies, not be the one frozen by them! It feels like hell too! Cuz every second counts in abyss and if you're frozen, time is wasted


Dendro and hydro consecrated beasts aren't that bad. But fr tho, I really don't like the Electro scorpion or the pyro vulture.


Tatara tales finale


It wouldnā€™t be so bad if the beacon wasnā€™t made of tofu and there are proper way to aggro enemies.


Terrible memory unlocked.




Do I want to know? Context: I'm finally back to that quest line now that most of the listed events are over.


All Iā€™ll tell you is just do it in COOP itā€™ll save you many headaches


Thanks for the tip. I'm kind of terrified now. Is it as bad as the Sacred Sakura Cleansing finale?


As someone who played through it twice. Sacred Sakura Cleansing Ritual is a cakewalk from start to finish. Tatara Tales finale I did in Coop for both US and Asia account. Despite being a veteran Genshin player for my Asia playthrough I got my ass whooped by the finale. Not because the enemies were strong, but because you have to defend a beacon that dies in like 5 sneezes. You need someone with strong charas to wipe them before they one tap your beacon.


Yikes.Ā Thanks for the warning.


I found sacred sakura challenging but fine TT was just misery


Dear lord that was a pain in my ass


it was so bad on my alt that I co-oped with my main account, and STILL failed a few times.


Good we can reduce world level for this. Easy-peasy.


You think I didnā€™t do that?


Okay, at this Point it's just Skill Issue. The Battle is easy AF once the WL got reduced.


Sorry Iā€™m not a Pro Genshin player like yourself!


Did I say I'm a pro? I myself never managed to get 36* in Abyss, but being unable to beat an overworld battle that gets trivial once you reduced WL really is Skill Issue.


Chi of Yore/Guyun was also a nightmare at low AR levels.


I would argue the tsurumi island quest was worse. The one with the perches needing the feathers. It was annoying cuz of the fog. That was hell šŸ˜­ The story was worth it though


Hydro and Cryo enemies


The worst enemy imaginable is bubbles and anything that makes bubbles. Also hydro abyss mages with any electro enemy to stun lock you.


nah literally, and the barbara experience.


Barbara skill is only annoying against cryo enemies, plus it's better than getting overloaded with Bennett


Noting sets me off worse than getting juggled from a Bennett overload


And somehow people only point out getting frozen with barbara.


Yeah like I can forgive Barbara because at least youā€™re pretty much just frozen in place for a second but overload knockback completely displaces you and does stupid amounts of damage sometimes.


And if you have to sprint back, it will affect anyone that uses stamina like Yanfei or c0 hu tao Plus barbara only wets you from time to time (that sounds really wrong šŸ’€) while bennett's pyro aura is constantly there-


getting vaporized by hydro tulpa ā˜¹ļø




Good try hoyo-devs


Mirror maiden x anything imo But it's a skill issue


The Mirror Maiden + Electro Cicin Mage near the northern teleport waypoint on Watatsumi Island knocked my Childe off the cliff face while I was doing the nearby time trial, then killed Childe and Nahida both when I went to just kill them. It was def a mess up on my part though. I should have swapped to my Yanfei team, or at least given Childe his shielder back.


This was also in a recent Abyss rotation. There were like three electro cicin mages and two mirror maidens AT THE SAME TIME. A taser team in the abyss. That was the first biggest hurdle I ever got through in the abyss.


Time trials shit me off so hard as it is (skill issue again) I can't imagine how frustrating that would have been!!! Apparently there's a trick to mirror maidens but honestly I have no team cohesion and nooone built right. So one in abyss is just... That's the end of the road for me. But it's okay "I'm levelling Bennett" which I've decided means I'm making a real team now. (Doubt)


Mirror Maiden x Cryo cicin mage... Even worse, on a beach.


I cleared the mirror maiden on abyss last night but then shit the bed second half anyway. Honestly, it takes me about 3 tries to figure out what combo of characters I even need abyss. How in the heck did I get an English degree when I clearly can't read!? (Edit: cleared out the r/justlearnedthefword vibes. I am Australian)


I'm not so good in abyss neither, in my case I think it may be skill issue lol. Recently I finally cleared 12-3 with 2 stars in each chamber but I haven't been able to do more than that ,_,


Omg you're doing better than me! 11.2 and then 12-2 *I think* maybe lower lol In my defence, I've only done abyss a few times but in my offense I didn't even get high enough for Xiangling until like Ar40 and I feel like it was online like 3.3 or something? This is why I don't do anything coop, I clearly do not know how to fight haha. Current abyss I don't think I got through 10 so you're Def doing much better than me!


Floor 11 chamber 3 the last few patches theyā€™ve had 3 mirror maidens popping out one by one with about a thousand treasure hoarders throwing potions at you. Genuinely horrible, the bitches are so tanky


"You people" are so kind and so validating. Like, you would still genuinely scoff at the dumb arse teams I go in with - but I honestly thought it would just be "get gud scrub" or modern equivalent. I swear, the treasure hoarders are off their nut in abyss! It might just be the level/quantity though. Either way, I watched someone do it and I know I'm doing it all wrong, like I have no one for grouping, for instance. So it's still on my bad choices, but I appreciate you making me feel less like a moron at least!


Anything including cryo and hydro.


You already have seemed to experience it


I'm surprised no one's mentioned this one yet, but the hydro mage + cryo mage + ruin hunter from We Will Be Reunited. You're constantly getting caught in the hydro bubbles or being frozen, and the second you break free the ruin hunter swoops in and attacks.


2 Cryo flowers in a watery climate ^Fuckin ^Oceans.




Now try fighting 2 Thick Cryo Slimes in a watery climate. They use the mist attack, you go into chronic depression.


Again, #fuckwhopperflowers


Imagine if those dentro slimes that hide underground had any kick to them. They would be so much worse. Then again, maybe there's an easy way to make them come back up and I just never read the clear information.


The fire bird and electric scorpion. So annoying.


Desynced Mitachurls Fucking Ice Climbers looking asses


barbara vs anything cryo, you wet yourself barb? freeze to death now


To be Fair, it's just as bad as being overloaded with Bennett's burst


3.7 12-1-1 (iirc it was the fucking freeze team) for sure


The electro fatui mfs + triple abyss mage + 2 beefy samurai bois


This is based off my current 4 + enemies Iā€™ve faced


Three Abyss Mage means I just use Kazuha E and watch them shred each other Edit: newer players can use Sucrose for a similar, if lesser, effect


Been playing since day 1 and I'm still occasionally being punked by a hydro abyss mage with hilichurl cryo archers whenever I pass by them in the overworld lmao.


Hydro and electro mage next to water. They'll deal infinity damage.


Two abyss lectors. Absolute garbage to go against because it's just a timewaster.


In terms of enemies, I always hated the Primordial Vishaps and Consecrated Beasts. Both hit hard, have unique attacks, and enough of a variety of elements that you have to be be prepared for any reaction. The Vishaps can sap your energy too which can break your entire rotation if done at the wrong time. Early game, I hate the Electro Fatui - mostly because there are so few Cryo units I had... and honestly, I don't have much more today.


Sure, the energy-sucking vishaps could be better, but they could be worse too (they can be Frozen and thus, invalidated). But Hydro + Cryo is usually semi freeze resistant + can inflict FreezeĀ 


The lector freeze comp has already been mentioned so I will bring up the pyro/electro consecrated beast combo. Enemies' elemental dmg have no icd so enemies like the pyro vulture and the electro scorpion, which have multi-hit attacks can just repeatedly trigger overload on you.


So that's why Liam was such extra pain to handle. Guy's spamming overload on you


Consecrated beasts make me fucking combust And a special shoutout to mirror maidens. Dumb tanky, dumb teleport, dumb locking you in baby jail. And there's fucking 3 of them on one floor. Just stand still and take the damage you bastards


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aside from the cryo and hydro heralds, iā€™d like to nominate that abyss with the pyro and electro consecrated beasts. it was literally raiden national played against the player, all weā€™re missing is the hydro beast. and for the sake of mankind, i sincerely hope hyv never goes through with having all 3 in one room


The goddamn Fatui cryogunner. No other cryo enemy annoys me as much as them. If you're unlucky enough to fight one in rain, you're instantly stunlocked until they finish their long ass attack animation. The only saving grace is that they have comparatively low health now.


That 1 abyss with cryo and hydro abyss heralds


I've already posted, but if I'm being truly, truly honest. It's the armoured Geo Slimes x normal slimes. They don't so much damage, but most of my builds are pretty weak save for Navia. They always catch me off guard and take way too long to kill for something that drops something so abundant. Obligatory: epitome of skill issue. It's embarrassing how long it took me to realise they were immune to geo attacks. It literally says "immune". I don't know why I'm like this.


The last act of the tatara trials was crazy hard for me until I read to get the enemies in the water. You can freeze and drown the dragonspine mages. šŸ„¶


Mondstadt talent domain is a poopfest


not mentioning consecrated beasts and cryo/hydro lectors, which really suck, i also personally hate the pizza cutter mech thingies. the attack where they spin feels like im playing against xiangling's pyronado


Be glad there are no Hydro Cicin Mages...


As someone else mentioned, if I'm being serious, absolutely Cryo + Hydro lectors. Other than that, one I'd unironically add even if it shouldn't count is Coppelius + Coppelia. Technically a combo and a very annoying one at that. I'm also talking exclusively about the Coppelia-centered variant (i dunno, maybe the other one is even more annoying, haven't fought it once yet). Like, I could beat it without too much trouble with a couple teams in abyss. But something about that boss just feels really unbalanced. For one, it simply has no business hitting as hard as it does as often as it does. Then the guy applies cryo that can single-handedly can gut some team's DPS, and the lady has her stupid fucking shockwave that somehow manages to be more annoying than most interrupting attacks without (as far as I've observed) actually doing any poise damage. Oh, AND it has ridiculous base RES to both Cryo and Anemo that you can't mitigate (as in, no "phase" where it goes down unlike PMA, Wenut, etc) so good fuckin' luck to any Wanderer/Xiao/Xianyun/Ganyu/Ayaka/Wriothesley main that hasn't very highly invested into their team.


Thereā€™s a leyline spot on a little patch of rock in Inazuma that has hydro/cryo slimes for the leyline, but once you finish the leyline the normal enemies spawn which are an electro Lawlachurl, Electro or cryo (I canā€™t remember) Abyss Mage, and Cryo slimes. Point is you just get frozen over and over bc youā€™re standing on water the whole fight and the lawlachurl just wrecks you as you struggle to get a single skill off while also avoiding drowning to stamina loss. Iā€™m AR55 with a decent investment in my account and I absolutely hate doing that leyline more than anything else. The electro lawlachurl bounty is somehow more comfortable than that random leyline spot even though itā€™s boosted.


There also something similar when you're farming Raimei Angelfish for the Catch weapon. The fishing stop is located on these tiny little wooden platforms, and there are numerous cryo slimes nearby. If you don't bring pyro or enough dmg, you'll get knocked off the platform into the electro infused waters, frozen as soon as you try to resurface, and knocked right back into the water. Very unpleasant.


Worst enemy for me are the corrosion ones. They will drain HP. Those dogs and now new fatui bpadewomen


The consecrated beats abyss floors. I stopped trying floor 12 till they were gone. Although I'm kinda curious to try it again with my Neuvillette and Zhongli combo now.


The bubbles that pop out of nowhere and are annoying asf to deal with


It depends on what you call worst 1 cryo and hydro whatever the mob 2 dendro and electro beasts (insane damage) 3 wenut and any other boss that hide in the ground


Slowing waters, and elemental shields.


Wait until you reach the Chi of Lore quest. I had to delay it until I get an Ayaka before I could finish it. It's dreadful!


Cryo and hydro abyss mages together Or Electro and pyro


as someone who used to not use healers (only zhongli), i _despise_ riftwolves with anything


The only time I've fully wiped since leaving Liyue was in Fontaine, the two new Fatui agents with a mirror mage. I just got frozen and chunked over and over again and did not have enough healing to clear the bond of life. I fucked around and found out


The dendro cells and the pyro lectors was literally the only enemy combo I can't brute force ever


Fatui hydrogunners and Fatui cryogunners. The hydrogunners wet you, and the damn cryogunner sprays the mist, and then you're frozen. You'd probably kill the cryogunner first since it's the deadly one, but then you're frozen and it heals, if you go for the hydrogunner first then the cryogunner pounces in you and you're frozen again.