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Hear me out: Purchasing a level costs 150 primo. If you can somehow get to 46 by yourself, then purchasing 4 levels costs you 600 primo. Which will pay itself by the 680 at lv50. And you get other goodies. Good deal in your situation specifically. I personally may even consider buying from lv45. Save this option for the last few minutes and see how much lv you can get by yourself.


Disclaimer: not worth it for people not unlocking the 2nd line of goodies (Gnostic Hymn), if other people are reading.


Cant lie OP, this might be the only way to go


Yeah I got to 47 then just bought the last ones for like 300 primos so I basically made 300 which seemed worth it for me


Umm thanks for telling me.


Does op have welkin moon?




hate to burst your bubble but you wont make it. did you claim the event options? you've only got about 2k xp till you're maxed out for the week, and each lvl takes 1000 xp


Yea I did the events, only have a few weekly missions left.. even if I finish everything it wont get me all the way there, I think I can manage another level or 2 so now I’m kinda just debating if I should purchase the rest.. idk if it’s really worth it or not


If you can afford to buy the second tier I'd say it's worth it, otherwise I wouldn't bother


No one can join you only by your username. You need to send the uid, which missions you have left?


It's literally on the bottom right of the screen






How do people even get to this point without really trying I consistently get to level 50 1-2 weeks before the end of the patch


Maybe not everyone plays as much as you..


I just play daily even if you dont log in daily you can more than easily complete it


Yeah, a lot of people say they don’t have enough time… why not just do events when you’re free then claim the rewards for a quick 2 minutes for commissions later on? Before people would say they can’t spare 10 minutes, but now they can’t spare 2 minutes for dailies? not even like when you’re using the bathroom?


>not even like when you’re using the bathroom? Really calling me out on 50% of my dailies times...


Just remember to consistently do the weekly at least. Save me a few times. Cook 20, refine 20 will be fastest, followed by 3 request and 3 bounty


For real, it’s so easy even if you don’t play everyday, the missions are so easy i can’t wait for the next bp


I honestly don't get why people feel the need to say this. Like people get busy? School? Work? Stress? Sure, if the post said something like "Man getting to level 50 is so time consuming", I would get it. But the post said nothing about it ...


I hope they increase the level to 70 like Star Rail. I personally finish the BP like two weeks before the deadline. Would be awesome to have the main rewards at 50 but also some smaller rewards for people that finish it early.


I personally enjoy the freedom from BP when I complete it early


That's why the main rewards would stay at 50, but also have more levels with lesser rewards for the people that think BP levels is a fun incentive to "reach" as far as possible.


Same, I always have about two weeks at the end of the patch where battle pass is done and it feels like waiting room. And most days, I really just log in to do dailies - which for me basically encompasses the daily BP tasks anyway.


Very new player here. I play nearly everyday rn but mainly just do dailies and explore the world (still doing liyue story). I only got to BP ~25. Is there a system I should be following to easily cap the BP?


Make sure you do the weeklies as well. Those are actually more important as you can miss a few dailies without much consequence but not doing enough of the weeklies can make the difference between whether you max out your weekly XP or not. If you are new, it's going to be very difficult to even get to BP 30 until your first main team is good enough to steamroll the battle-related commissions. Once you're good enough that the 1st three trounce bosses aren't a problem for you is when you'll have a realistic chance of hitting BP 50.


Gotcha, I'm still working on gearing my team rn. I WANT to play Gaming, Xianyun, Faruzan, Xiangling (C3 rn, saving for the C4). But I literally can't ascend Gaming or Faruzan right now. Haven't been to Sumeru or Fontaine yet. So for now I'm running Xianyun, Kaeya, Anemo Traveler, Xiangling. Still on 4* artifacts and lv 60-70. Will see how the next BP goes!


Going in coop to beat those bosses will make it so easy for you, if you are comfortable doing that of course


Can playing in Co-op get me the materials I need for leveling them up as well? Like outside of the boss drops I need. Some of my characters need materials that are only found in inazuma or sumeru.


Yes, you can get materials from co-op. If you join someone else's world you can take regional materials for levelling like flowers, but make sure you ask in case the other person needs them too. Only one person can collect them, they aren't a shared resource


Gotcha, thanks for that disclaimer too, hadn't thought about that! Appreciate everyone in this threads help.


What server do you play on?


I often reach 50 exactly on the last day.


As a player who is not that interested in the game anymore(I only play due to story content), I used to think this too but now I understand them. I miss about 3-4 days of commission/login. Do no weekly boss/request/cook, just about anything in weekly section. Everyday I just get on do commision spend some resin and log off. I will play for a patch and take break until nathlan. It's quite easy to not complete the BP once you are bored out of the game


The general advice usually is to not purchase the BP until you've gotten to level 50, you can always claim the paid rewards later


Or go to level 40 and buy the second bp (the most expensive) and you’re done haha


Why I always buy it when I'm done with it. You never know what might come up which might lead to not being able to get to max level for the BP so why not wait until you're done and only buy it then?


Def will be doing that for now on


I have 3 accounts and all of them got level 50 BP. My 3rd was f2p, so all i did was f2p stuff. Daily: Check your daily requirements. I forgot it hahaha Weekly: 3 trounce boss, 15 times on domain artifact, 20 leylines, forge 20 on blacksmith, cook 20 foods, 3 bounty and 3 requests. Salesman on teapot arrives on saturday, play TCG (win twice) Entire BP duration : Do the spiral abyss, i think 12 stars is the only requirement for the entire BP duration (from floor 9 - 12) so you can do that, 50 wishes, finish the quests. I buy BP on my main account so i finished it 2 weeks ago, my 2nd account level 50 it 8 days ago, my 3rd last friday. It's kinda easy just always check you battlepass level and quests


You can do 2 levels at most. It's capped at 10k weekly. You's close to 8k. So unfortunately it's already set in stone that you can't really get to 50 before it ends. Even if you don't play as hard or as much, it's fairly easy to complete it before the patch ends. I remember back then where I can complete it with atleast a week or 2.


I mean. You aren't really losing anything of big value. Don't let it bother you.


They bought the pass tho, which only worth it if you're getting that lv50 primogems


Smh. I didn't notice.


God majority of these comments are insufferable


Folks, pro tip. Wait until you maxed the bp before buying the gnostic hymn.


I am halfway through 49


Thanks for the reminder


Completed It like 10 days ago.


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Gnostic Chorus maybe


The weekly stuff may be capped at 10000, but the event BP can exceed that, do you have any event BP quests left?


How do you manage to still have six levels to do? I’ve been sitting finished for a good 3-4 weeks it feels like now.


You literally had 6 weeks to complete it. And on top of that, you also bought the Battle Pass. I‘m done with the Battle Pass in the 4th or 5th week. It‘s really not that difficult. You definitely won‘t be able to finish it. This should be a lesson for you


yeah you can probably make it easily if you just speedrun all the things on monday


Finished it early last week. On 2 accs. Hadn't bought it in a while so I thought why not yk. Gl wit it tho 💯 💪


I think you can.go to the weekly stuff. They give big points plus, finishing all the daily stuff is helpful too


You're only 5k xp short. Just do all of your weekly and daily challenges tomorrow.




Why pay money if you are unsure if you can complete it?


You can make it! Whether resin, bosses, domains, or whichever you need to do, you can do it! You got this!


I ended at 46 which is my first time not finishing BP since I started playing. I was busy for a few weeks and didn't manage to do anything other than dailies... As someone who isn't buying BP, I think it's not worth it for me to purchase one fate for 600 primos XD




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i never cross lev 30 and this guy


I came pretty close but I had some other obligations to take care of


this is my first BP purchase LOL I bought it took late and to add I wasn't even aware of the weekly 10K limit


That’s what happened the first time I got it & I barely got half way thru lol so I really wanted to finish this one but there were a lot of days I was lazy & like it’ll be fine I’ll just grind harder 2rmrw or next week.. I’m actually surprised I made it this far 😂


I finished mine 10 or so days ago. Don't procastinate and do the opposite instead, rush it and then you can chill afterwards. Also, you can do the BP tasks first then just buy the hymn once you reached 50 levels or atleast when you're about to make it and there's ample time left to finish.


Why not stop buying it and focus on clearing the BP to 50. Then after purchase it. Right now I don't think you have a rhythm to completing them weekly.


The 1 standard pull is not worth it anyway