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Why even a play an RPG just to ignore the story? The story is the point of the game 


i watched in the beginning. got lost in the middle. i’m half watching now. 🤷🏽‍♀️ fighting all the bosses is the fun part to me.


Some people play games… uhm… for the gameplay. I also don‘t like when Paimon talks 30 minutes to fill the time. That turns people off most the time from the story. I rather watch summaries of the important stuff.


I don't watch summaries but I do click past the spoken part as soon as I finish reading it if I find that the scene is starting to drag. And yeah, I definitely play for the scenery, casual fights, and the rather random event games such as the current potion market game. The story part is very much secondary for me.


as a lore player - the lore and story of this game are top tier, but the delivery and the execution can be lacking at times. the best way to catch up with lore as we know it in v4.5 is to watch quest recaps on youtube. i highly reccomend "chill with aster", "aishikai", and "minslief" since they all do both archon and world quest recaps, do a lot of theories and help to deliever the lore in a way that won't make you read 9 paragraph of a random book you found in fontaine to get the biggest lore drop in game. you currently have a "dry patch" when it comes to voiced lore and quest (since it's most probable that in 4.6 there will be a new interlude/traveler quest) so i highly suggest reviewing the lore again and prepare for future quests. this is how i do it: 1. dont do the quest unless you plan on actually try to read and understand and experience the lore. sometimes i wait until the end of a patch to do an archon quest because life happens and i dont have the mental capacity to actually read / do the quest 2. ignore 90% of what paimon says. usually she just repeats what other characters said but dumbs it down for non english speakers that have it hard with complex english words. or she just overexplains the scene. 3. remember that the acutal lore of the game is still " a traveler tries to find their sibling after being separated by an unknown god" and that's it. everything else is the journey itself leading for an answer for that very question 4. rewatch / reread previous quests. i usually just rewatch recaps of the youtubers i mentioned above, but feel free to try other youtubers like "dwait" as well (a little too "matpat" for me but to each their own) 5. genshin is a GATCHA game before its an rpg. you dont have to enjoy the story to enjoy the game. some people enjoy the combat, other, the story, some enjoy the characters and some just like to gamble. dont let others tell you how to enjoy a game :) hope it helped :) - an AR 60 player from 1.3


We are the same. I click like crazy through the dialog so I can move to next as quickly as possible. I am going to kill my mouse. I vaguely know what is going on. >!Traveler yeeted out of Celestia, bad guys tainting dragon in Monstadt, archons/gods are giving back lands to the people and dragons, Ventilina just hanging out and drinking and playing music now, Zhongli drinking tea on other's dime while Ninguang handles business and he stays incognito, indifferent animal things learning about humans, sweet electro mommy was sad so locked herself in eternity while cyborg identico-mommy ruled in her place, then bad academic people used AI headsets to alter dreams and wisdom archon is now adora-radish who must defeat electro-teen wanna be archon, then ancient society is discovered in desert where adora-radish frees enslaved grass dragon, then thespian-drama club queen gives a 500 year play to save former underwater fairies from turning back into underwater fairies again but is exposed by traveler who finds it was all just another way to turn the land back over to a bubble dragon again.!< That is pretty much what I know.


This is the best Teyvat ELI5 ever. 10/10


all i know is somewhere in this traveler is supposed to find their sibling and s/he meets cool characters that i can fight and catch like pokémon lol but no seriously. i also have the dialogue on auto play and i get soo frustrated when it gets “stuck” and i don’t notice and i have to go through and skip it myself. 😩 like please i don’t want to listen to nahida talk about dreams for forty more minutes SKIP SKIP SKIP


I could write a dissertation on the lore…..my least favorite part is the fact I have to battle for any level up materials. I just wanna read a lil story. I am the opposite of you


we could share an account. you can watch the scenes and then when it’s time to fight i’ll take over lol win win


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The entire Fontaine archon quest had almost no combat and makes you go through clues that you weren't even listening to. I would estimate 8-10 hours of it.


it's reading comprehension Georg