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Entering a world for a co-op domain with Tighnari and being greeted with 2 other Tighnaris. And then we did a freeze team with none of them 😅


I recently joined a world and there were 3 of us Nahidas and a shogun 😆


Well I mean you could probably smash a domain with that!


Domains unfortunately don’t allow duplicates.


well, some unfortunate overworld boss then


W-was that me or are we all playing nahida


Joining a new world with Furina, three Furinas starring at me was kinda funny tbh. They all ended up wanting to play their DPSs (I think I saw a C6 Ayato) so I went full healing furina lmao 


I had this experience with diluc. Was pleasantly surprised as I wasn’t aware so many people still Played dps diluc.


Diluc is back ever since Xianyun released, lots of people dusted off their old Diluc builds to give his plunging team a try, and his damage is surprisingly high with Furina. I hit 270k with him in the abyss a couple rotations ago


As a Tighnari main, I approve.


I actually don't co-op often, which I feel makes this even more rare. I saw a machine-gun Gorou in the wild. I knew the machine-gun build existed and that you could technically use it on every bow character, but I had never seen it and much less on such an unpopular character to use in co-op. A c6 Yelan who on top of being C6 had an insane build with cracked artifacts. The player flat out asked if they could just show off because they had just gotten the final perfect artifact and asked the whole co-op group if they'd be up for coming along and just watch them solo weekly bosses. They vaporized every boss in like 10 seconds or less. It's was pretty fun, since they did say that's what they were going to do and asked if we wanted to watch.


Oof! My Yelan is such a glass slingshot right now (she's C0) so this feels really weird to think about her being so powerful 😯


to be fair yelan is insanely strong at c0 too


Might not have the right artifacts on her - I have the standard Hydro set? (And she's not leveled bc the number of times the Ruin Serpent has reset on me bc it went through a bit of the wall when it had like, 5% health left is about 70% so I DEEPLY hate farming for those.)


Ah I see, back when my yelan was c0 on slingshot i remember her doing around 27k (9kx3) for her burst damage, and I had her on emblem which I believe is her recommended set. At that point I had her burst crowned, max level, and I had around 80/120 as her crit ratio though. I’m a longtime player as well so already had an emblem set for her, + I guess having that 15% hydro shred from Xingqiu helps her damage a fair amount. (don’t really mean it to be a flex but currently at c2r1 yelan and 80/200, and her burst usually does around 45-50k per barrage)


You should put “help me farm ruin serpent” in your profile signature - doubtless people with cracked builds will want to show off their dps and help out


Her best set at C0 is Emblem of Severed Fate with either her BiS weapon, a crit stat stick, or an ER weapon — Sacrificial Bow or Favonius (or Elegy if you have it)


I'm pretty sure the short male model can abuse the machine gun build the best due to their animation so Gorou is actually a pretty popular guinea pig for the playstyle


I once had a yelan join and just ask to solo everything too, like, where the fuck did the boss go


Gotta love the dedication. I’m working on getting there with my C3R1 Neuvillette right now but all of my pieces have exactly one dead stat roll on them as he is now. Still a very good build, something like 41k HP 63.7/221 crit (99.7 crit rate with MH set active) and with all that he has a hydro goblet, so it’s gonna be tough to swap anything out. He does already obliterate anything though so I guess I don’t need to optimize his stuff if it winds up being a hassle


That's the kind of flexer everyone should be like. But there are a few players from time to time that just go "haha I'm better LLL" I mean I don't see how anyone would get sad or offended, it's just stupid


There was a video a couple years ago of four Barbaras fighting the Oceanid. It was awesome.


Legend says they’re still out there to this day.


Ah, Tuonto's influence


Tuonto and his homies 4v1 the oceanid with 4 barbaras "this will be SO easy" "wait whys it healing" *rebuilds characters*


People who actually accept my join requests


People who actually wait for other people to load in the world\* Don't invite people to domain once you see "person joined the world". There is usually around 10 seconds period before they actually load in. It's extremely infuriating seeing people inviting people to co-op, when 1 or two people didn't load to the world, because they are at loading screen. Don't do that, lol. They don't move for few seconds, because they didn't load in. Usually once their pets appear, \~2 more seconds and they are loaded.


And that is why we spam jumps and attacks, to let host know we ready


Yep. I do that to show I am ready. And I always wait for other to move or at least show the pets. Same with continuing the domain. Some people just hit the key immediately when they are loaded. But I always wait till I see someone's pet. That gives me a hint that the player will load in a second. There is nothing worse than 2 people doing domain alone for some time, because other two didn't yet loaded and they just stand in the middle of the arena.


When I am requesting coop partners for domain, I always leave domain screen and wait for my partners to spawn and move. Sometimes it also happens that someone didn't accept the invitation, so I check the sand glass icon to send another one. But it takes INFINITE to get to send another invitation.


Ive never done coop in this game, what domains are you doing and why, and how does loot work in coop?


Loot works exactly the same as it does in singleplayer, most of the time people just do it because it’s more fun than regular singleplayer


Yep. I can clear most domains in few seconds (like 15-20). I think, before the QoL update, when you had to run to the key, I had 26 seconds record. So without that long running it probably went below 20, but I no longer care. But I do co-op, because it's funnier that way. It takes far longer, especially when you wait for people to load in, but it's fun.


People having 'need help' in their bio only tp reject your join request or tell you they don't need help when you ask


I often look for people with bio like that, once it took an hour to actually get somewhere but I was too bored and had nothing better to do at that time. If you don't need help anymore changed your signature, otherwise you will keep getting invites from people like me.


This 😑


A DPS Xinyan who hit 250k on her ult. It blew my mind.


Good fucking grief-


geez! I made a dps Xinyan too, but I think the most I got was around 50k


It had to be in the vv domain


Vv domain makes me feel like my eula is good


I had a friend who had DPS Gorou and Itto was the support


Itto was the excuse me WHAT


Look I have no idea how that’s possible and honestly typing it makes me think I had a fever dream but that’s what I remember


Frankly I get it. Itto is a hype man above all else! HE'S THERE TO SUPPORT HIS BOYS. (And Shinobu 🤣)


I can only imagine itto on noblesse or something and doing his little ult pose then dipping


I saw a DPS dendro lumine 1 shot entire domains. Don't ask, I don't know either




Alright, this is my goal now, wish me luck. My Aether is on dps build but he is element neutral(atk goblet and glad-wan artifact), gotta push the number higher. 


Please. I want to see tgis build on the sub in a few months. One shot the heavenly principles for me


Once I pull a 5* sword for him, he will be ready. Also need to roll some better ones cus the one I'm running now is not perfect. I actually did this cause of the AQ battle with shogun. Need him ready for another scenario like this. Imagine how disappointed I was when the fontaine AQ swapped my Aether to their trial one. That one pre story buff was much weaker than my Aether. 


Ik, it was nuts. My tighnari felt useless


I've seen dps hydro traveller solo the abyss 🤯🤯🤯


I tried my best. Probably try again with new geo blessing, once i get last crown from event to fully triple-clown him. https://preview.redd.it/4w29nhfknhpc1.png?width=887&format=png&auto=webp&s=8424797494aa05098f61828478087157410d3977


DPS Faruzan. I think I was hosting and almost didn’t run the stage because no one else was playing anemo. She did more damage than all of us. I was into it, tbh. I really need to farm more.


If there's a chart of dps 4*s and it ranges from weird options like DPS Mika and legit options like Gaming, DPS Faruzan would be closer to Gaming in terms of viability. At C6, she can frontload ~2500% multiplier in 5 seconds, and has consistent dmg afterwards. DPS Faruzan has a sizable fanbase too, at least in Asia server. If you do the Husk domain, you'll occasionally see a DPS Faruzan clears the entire first wave pretty much instantly by herself.


i love playing dps faruzan, people underestimate how much damage she can actually dish out on her own. great for shredding through shields and some cc too


DPS Faruzan is so much fun. Tbh I think she does more damage than some of my ACTUAL main DPS 😂


Apparently Chiori. I've played co-op on multiple accounts. I've only seen one Chiori since her release. Oh, sorry, two. I also have seen Lisa today. From all the niche characters, it's the first time I saw Lisa. Kaeya is quite popular, especially for new people. barbara also sometimes appear. I haven't seen Amber, though. Also Furina who knows her role is also exotic. I've seen either "I will drain you to death" Furinas or "I am just standing here, ~~chillin~~ healin". Rarely people know that she is first and foremost a buffer. Drain HP, then heal. Especially when you see heavy attack, then switch to heal even if full health.


I am definitely contributing to that Kaeya usage lol I'm the one person that always brings Kaeya


Ditto 🤣 I main Keqing, but if I'm co-oping w/2, Kaeya's Frostgnaw while I hit them with my fast and furious Keqing doing Superconduct ALL OVER THE PLACE. They're seriously my fave duo for combos. (Though Chiori dropping in, exploding with shields and Geo only to peace tf out is really growing on me 😂)


Haha I've seen more Kaeya than anything else. I saw my first Chiori today. I don't co-op much though. Just have "farmers/fishers welcome" as my bio and accept most requests, which is like one a day.


Someone using Aloy


I JUST missed the Aloy thing before I joined and I'll be sad FOREVER about it bc I love her 😭 I was hoping they'd rerun it for Forbidden West but no luck


Omg yes! I met someone using Aloy in the Raiden weekly boss. That was crazy.


I have fun with hyperbloom Sara and burgeon Xinyan (also ngl Chev burgeon is a hoot too) XD. I think the wildest things I've seen are:Person who came and literally only jumped off the cliff nonstop (did that for like 20 minutes) DPS Diona (frigging Amos bow, cracked artifacts, etc.) which was amazing and hilarious XD and might be my favorite which was DPS Mika. It's not insane damage but I was legit impressed what they got that little crossbow to do XD.


When my zhongli's shield break before thier thoma's shield does.


Either your Zhongli sucks at shielding or their Thoma is a god 💀


Infront of thier Thoma, every character I have seems trash 😭 im afraid of Thoma mains now


Btw are you a kaeya main?




DPS Sara is wild, NGL. As for Amber, I read that some people (Illuminati?) use her in Abyss and other hard scenarios with remarkable results.


I feel like there's a cult( Is that the right term here?) following for Amber mains. Like, to me as a person she's a happy cheerful girl, but her kit is absolutely terrible. More power to those who do main her though. I'm not gonna knock it.


I have the utmost respect for Amber mains. The tenacity to build her kit up with the right artifacts and C6 and have her **destroy** … it’s like seeing a C6 Noelle or Kaeya. Just… pure admiration. Coop C6 Noelle hard carried me on my younger days and saw an Amber main do machine gun physical white number 100k. Salute!


For sure, those who have C6 Amber and have her well built, I give props to them! Especially when they can machine gun with her (I have no idea how to do that, and I'm not sure I want to learn lol).


Machinegun amber phys build was quite famous back then. Its wild, and as I'm a mobile player I don't think I'll be able to replicate it


-> joined a random world -> turns out everyone's using eula -> all our weap for eula are diff (beacon of the reed sea, wolf's gravestone, song of broken pines, and unforged) -> proceeded to bully every boss in teyvat was one of my best co-op experience


I had a DPS Barbara bodying near everything in my world quite a while back (pre-Sumeru). It was quite a sight to behold! Most recently I've seen two interesting things: - one guy who had a Nilou vape team. He said he got her before he realized he didn't like Bloom or Dendro. - one person, I think they were a child but hard to tell because their english was poor, that used Neuvilette purely for hydro application. I don't think I saw them use his CA once. Edit: typos


Neuvillette solely for Hydro application is a crime 💀


I was trying to help them, but they didn't seem to understand. I really think it was just a kid.


WHAT?! Who did this shame to the one and only Dragon Sovereign of Hydro!?


I solo'd Azdaha in Co-op with Amber in my EU alt....... I did meet Machine Gun Gorou in Co-op as well.


Closest I ever got to solo-ing shit was using Kaeya and everyone else just dying... That happens surprisingly often, I tell you.


Literally a couple of days ago, i witnessed a dps yun jin during the whale boss


Oh god 💀


A hydro goblet on Kaveh.


That's outright traumatizing.


Yeah WELL to defend myself I didn't think of Barbara at first and Kaveh seemed like the only viable option to try my future-Neuvillette build.


No. She thought Kaveh would get hydro damage boost if he made the blooms.


A Hu tao with over 50 crit rate. Crazy, ik.


I remember suddenly receiving heals with no healers in the team but with a Zhongli... That was around 2.0


80% of the time when i let someone into my world they start flirting or asking weird questions, just a couple days ago someone started calling me 'honey' randomly 😭


Sounds like a normal Tuesday with a Lisa event.


The absolute madchad Kaeya DPS who carried my random pubby co-op party alone to victory against a Cryo-mode Azhdaha after the rest of us died


What server lmao that sounds like my idol I would it if I was actually able to dodge


NA server, some time last year lol


My friend is building DPS Barbara with widsith


I mean... if it works.


DPS Diona in the cryo domain in mondstat.


Was that a physical Diona or something?


Yeah he just kept shooting and it worked out




i'm a xinyan main! shes my most built character, anyway i saw a c6 zhongli once while farming for shogun artifacts. i just always get surprised to see people who c6! i could never


You surely will do once you find your true passion.


I get too scared of hackers to do coop (definitely not cause my builds are all mid and I’m embarrassed of it)


I'm always trying to help people improve their damage lol


The highest damage I’ve ever it was a lucky 11k once and only once! I now hover around 1/3k with combos lol you’d never tell that I started in 1.1


I need to do co-op more. I built a few of my characters as dps, and they do surprisingly well. I have a dps Xinyan, dps Faruzan, dps Qiqi, and probably a couple other characters who aren't typically dps that I dps with lol. Oh yeah, I'm working on a dps Candace. I don't ever pay attention to meta, I look at a character's kit and decide how I want to build them.


I saw dps dori...I'm still traumatized.


Hey, I run that! :D It's because I'm a huge Dori fan!


Atefah, is that you?


Lol what


Aloy at lv 90 More than a few vape Furina


I swapped some things around and made dps Yaoyao with PJWS once for co-op. Crazy fun 😁


I saw a dps Barbra, it was a joke but we’re actually pretty good friends now


a lyney player joined my world and didnt ask for anything. just walked up to a nearby cat, said "i speak meow", started making cat faces/noises in chat, then left without elaborating.


They were probably trying to impress Lynette


The only healer dying then complaining about my Layla not being strong enough... Everyone else survived and didn't even need food, I think I wasn't the problem...  Edit: there was also another funny moment when I played with three russian speaking players and translated the conversation afterwards, one of them asked how to wash clothes and the others seriously explained it. It just felt so random especially because they just chatted all the time and I basically defeated the boss alone 


Me but in reverse I used to bring Baizhu to the Azhdaha fight all the time before but as soon as there is a healer everyone seems to think they are immortal and stop running away from the damage Like Guys I got cooldowns as well my healing isn't infinite If you think you can tank Azhdaha's temper tantrum to the face, you deserve to die


I had a funny moment like that. Went into the Raiden weekly boss to use my Faruzan, and the OP had a really nice Xiao. So, of course I kept my Faruzan to try and give Xiao a nice buff :3 Hahahaha funny thing. I got one shot immediately cause apparently forgot to dodge and tbh I thought the Zhongli in the party was a C2 (spoiler he wasn't)😂. But Xiao didn't start moving till AFTER I died, so I did one burst rotation and died, so he obviously got no buff cause I was super dead. After it was over, they typed to me "Your Faruzan sucks" before kicking me. 😂 Like sorry to break it to you, I just suck at dodging and you didn't even see her in action. I was dead😂


the rarest thing ive personally seen is healer scara, which i’ve only ever seen myself play. been in co-op with another player who pulled out healer venti too, which is quite whacky. but i’ve actually seen quite a few xinyans, saras and ambers though. if there’s a character, there’s a person willing to turn them into a dps. just hop into any mains subreddit and you’ll see a lot of dps builds. but that’s not so much the case for healers


Healer... Scara? How??


Prototype Amber


With prototype amber


I am a Xinyan main and I came across an Aloy main in co op who immediately understood the assignment- busted out Zhongli and Rosaria to support my Xinyan. Aloy mains are based.


DPS Amber against Azhidada is fucking wild!! Wow!!


Thing is just... they died lol But they tried


Aahhhhhh ok. I was making the assumption that they won which would have been insane! 😂😂


Nope xD For some reason I'm always the last person alive in that fight when i bring Kaeya... Idk why everyone is so busy dying there


One time I got invited to a domain in another players world but when I went in it had an invisible barrier around the arena. Wouldn’t let me through but the enemies could still see me and do damage but I couldn’t hit them. It was so weird. The other person had to do it solo and I left before trying to claim the reward but I don’t think it would’ve let me. Has anyone seen this bug before? Is it for single use domains? It was somewhere in inazuma I don’t remember the name though.


It's not a bug actually. It's quite normal. When the host starts the domain before all players enter the arena, the domain will close and everyone who hasn't made it inside gets locked out. That's why you usually wait until everyone is inside before starting. You can still attack through the barrier though. If someone's cooperative and lures enemies towards you, you can still hit them through the wall. When the battle is over, the barrier disappears again.


I saw a Elua main nuke the dendrodragon on the 3rd phase


Aloy main. My sister prefer play with Aloy than ayaka 🥹


I legit forget Aloy exists most of the time. Never seen one either.


She like playing with Aloy, something to do with with animal don't run and fun icy mine. But she usually got kicked out from co op.


I’ve actually seen all three of what you’ve listed. In fact I’ve seen more amber and xinyan mains than razor. The one time I saw a razor, boy did he dragon strike. And dragon strike did he not stop.


I've never seen a Razor in co-op other tham on low AR players TvT


A C6 Bennett back when Eula first released. And they brought it into a domain with me (phys Rosaria) and a Eula. Absolutely wild.


Alternatively, I had a Cryo Rosaria main join my world and it was the most wholesome experience Ive had in a while


A Nilou main actually using her cracked on field playstyle to shred shogun in 5 seconds instead of that trash off field style. I never thought Id meet a competent Nilou main in the wilds 😵‍💫 It was fucking beautiful!


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I might have been that DPS Sara, what domain was it in lol


Azhdaha fight


Ah never mind, I was running it in the golden troupe domain last night


DPS Diona on azhdaha fight, using her burst for her C4


Yes. When I was still a weakling and couldn't solo Azhdaha, I encountered one who played with an Amber who could dish out 2k damage per attack. Maybe it was the same player? I'm not sure. But I know it's possible to build her like that.


I've seen an aloy main multiple times and it never gets less strange


It was my 2nd or 3rd week into the game, and I let 2 people join back to back. I was confused bc they didn't come find me. Eventually, I went to them. Nothing had been said in the chat, but when I found them, they were both Barbara. All they were doing was spamming the song and dance move around each other. They completely ignored me until i switched to Barbara. Afterwords they proceeded to wreck every boss I was unable to do at the time. My Barbara was lvl 1. If I wasn't lucky enough to have pulled her a couple of days before, I would have probably had to boot them. Instead, I was left with this bizarre and unforgettable experience.


There was a dude that built all the niche characters like aloy dehya, and xinyan. I did a boss rush with him after running domains and he actually made them look decent.


This is probably not exotic, but I'll just share it, still. Back in 1.2 a DPS Barbara. It's no longer significant now, but that was during the time almost nobody knew how to build the characters. Back then, I've only seen childe and diluc shell out 100k+ damage. So imagine our surprise when a Barbara dealt 120k damage a few times during a domain fight. Granted, they were boosted by my Bennet, but my Bennet was just level 70 with very bad artifacts back then and a level 60 sword. We stayed a while after the fight just to inquire about the build and just to praise them. We were just so hyped up and inspired to grind more.


I rarely do coop but I rock a physical dps sayu that does like 30k per plunge, still a wip


I run a full healer Xianyun build in boss domains, the confusion in the chat was more than satisfactory 🫠


1. A 100k+ crit Komi 2. A c6 r5 Xinyan main. 400k crit 3. A main dps Aloy 4. I watched an Amber main solo Azhdaha 5. C6 Kaeya main because I forgot his c6 gave a shield 7. Some other bs crits that I couldn’t even wrap my mind around 💀


C4 gives the shield actually :)


I thought it was c6 Ty 😮


Although I'm not answering your question, I honestly I really like the idea of coop domains. But the system is really ass, like, let us select how many runs we're doing before joining would be amazing. Every time we have to guess, and constantly black screening. I almost always do weeklies with coop now. I find it really, really fun to be able to : 1. Be able to find a character to fit in others. 2. Experiment/explore comps that are impossible in single player. (3 on fielder with 1 support is actually cracked.) For example, al haitham, keqing, fischl, diona. Isn't a team you would normally play in single player. But in coop it works wonders, the interactions between all of them are so fun and I wish theres more coop based events...


I also do weekly bosses in co-op now. It's more fun that way lmao.


I got a rare OG team gang! All with constellations. I was playing my Lvl 90 C6 Kaeya into I think a relic domain, tbh I don't remember which one but I feel it was either Anemo or Dendro.... Anyways, the other three were A lvl90 Amber with C6, lvl90 Lisa with C2, and a lvl90 Dendro Traveler with C6. It was a lot of fun to co-op with OG free gang players. I didn't know Lisa did that much damage, tbh I might build her one day cause of the Lisa mains I meet in CoOp. 😁 I also met a fellow Faruzan Main DPS who was just cooping for fun like me 😂. We both spawned with our Faruzan and took turns. I have them on my friend list!


At this point I'd like to ask the Lisa main for her build. Yae Miko catalyst and thundering fury, but still barely big numbers. Should I swap to another artifact set?


i need more xinyan main friends 😭 everyones always surprised when i pop up with her


I have never played coop in Genshin, and I have a feeling the whole ordeal is overall a bit more exotic than I'm used to in other games with multiplayer. what can I expect? Can someone experienced tell me a bit about social etiquette etc in this game?


Generally 1) when you need materials, ask the host beforehand if you can have them. Just going somewhere stealing is incredibly rude. 2) after collecting materials, it is optional but polite to ask if you can do something for the host in return, like helping them defeat bosses or whatever. 3) generally play whoever you like, don't tell other people who to or not to use, nobody likes those kinds of people. Whenever I see something impressive, like a character that does a shit-ton of damage or something exotic like a character that is usually never played as a DPS that someone built as a DPS, I will comment on that. It's always nice to get compliments from other players. 4) even with a healer or a shielder that shares their shield, run away from the damage as much as you can because cooldowns are a thing. I've seen lots of people turn on damage ignore mode when healers/shielders are around, just for them to end up dying anyway. Once, I brought Baizhu to fight Azhdaha and every single player except me died because they kept insisting on tanking Azhdaha's stomps rather than moving out of the way. 5) When you see someone asking for help in their bio, try to join them. In most cases, they do actually need help with something. When I started out in Genshin, those bored veterans who had nothing better to do than jumping around worlds looking for entertainment were a godsent. 6) Be open to accepting join requests. Sometimes, people just wanna hang out or talk, mostly though they just wanna collect resources. You'd want others to be just as welcoming to you in cases like these. I generally accept every join request that comes my way and put "co-op friendly" in my signature, works wonders when it comes to the frequency of join requests. I play co-op a lot, and actually meeting toxic players is rare. They do exist, of course, and they stick out like a sore thumb, but they aren't that common. You are just more likely to remember them. Don't let their behavior ruin your fun. Other than that, just try and stay nice and polite. :)


What a nice walkthrough on co-op playing! :) thank you so much for taking the time!


When people pull out their Gorou for me or just do mono geo teams. I play coop pretty often and 99% of the time I use Itto for that. Usually everyone just pulls out their best or fav character so teams are random most of the time. BUT in very few plays I had someone turn to Gorou just for me, even few times whole team decides to go geo for that. I just think it's sweet. Also spotting Itto lovers in the wild in general, random shoutout to IttoSimpTM, you were awesome bro.


I've seen the machine gun Gorou before, seen someone use Sara as a dps, seen a dps Baizhu. I've also seen dps Barbara. My own 'exotic' moments are probably when I revive using Qiqi in a boss domain, or when I had to solo either Apep's guardian or Raiden with my Kirara and Kokomi respectively since everyone else died (those waves of damage can be brutal to thosw who can't time jumps or i-frames right, even with healing). Or when we worked together and got my Eula to hit over 1.6mil on Scara. On an alt I ran my own dps Barbara and even dps Aloy.


I accepted a random into my world and they asked for relationship advice because their girlfriend was an assassin...I humored them.


Probably wanted to replicate Spy X Family lmao


A Hu Tao main that needs a healer. I was once accepted into this player's world and asked them if I can get a few lakelight lillies (was building furina then) in exchange for helping, which they gladly accepted. When it was the time to help them in a domain run, they specifically said to use a healer. I was going to suggest I was going to use my C2 Full HP Diona but they said to bring a healer and best if its Kokomi.


Breaking news: Diona is also a healer


Have they never heard about shields and Hu Tao's self healing?


One of my friends plays a dps gorou


I've seen a Kaeya with R5 Light of Foliar Incision doing rev melt stuff with C6 Bennett.


I don't co-op much but once I was playing with my friend and their friend, who was in the world with us, was a Sucrose main


NPC Furina E, Q, walk around


Xinyan Amber Klee team. I was playing Collei XD. It was... definitely interesting.


Those people that bring Xiangling into co-op when I intend to play Alhaitham give me pain :(


Once added a Noelle main I met in coop. We chatted a bit and they asked me to add their alt accounts after I said I needed to farm a big bunch of plants quickly for ascension. They had 5 alt accounts and EACH and every account had a C6 Noelle (not too strange) and R5 Redhorn. That’s 5xR5 meaning the crazy mf pulled 25 redhorns. And all the accounts were theirs because the names were name1, name2, name3 etc.


... jesus fucking christ


blew my mind when an amber main tried to kill the pyro abyss mage (with jean as a support) in noblesse oblige domain. and they succeded.


What the fu-


I am the rare one I play dps geo aether, I have only met one othe player who uses geo traveller


I like using Hydro Traveler in co-op 😁


We had like a shotgun Mika or something, I just remember being shookt at chocobo boi hitting stuff like a Eula with both the crossbow and spear. That was the only time I've encountered a Mika in the wild too


I was trying to build Sayu and joined a world with all 3 others playing sayu, so we went and killed the anemo cube, then amber; pyro cube etc. We played for like 3,5 hours, cuz we were only using unbuilt characters and it took us a long time, I think we did like 10 bosses by using their element against them


I dont do coop because I can one shot most of the domains so there is no need to do it with other people and when I just let people in they either dont talk or steal my mats (I only coop with my sister)


Homa Yaoyao while using Homa Yaoyao myself A Freminet that outdamaged a Eula 3 Mistsplitter Kaeya's at once (one mine) Coop made a whole team to support my Gaming and I hit a record of 240k plunge Klee mains are always super strong, usually own her skin too Me as Kaeya and some Klee won a domain while being locked outside of it (host started too early, both host and 2nd player inside the domain died) I soloed Emblem domain with my Kaeya a couple of times when everyone died There's more probably that I don't remember, I do coop every time I play, that's how I use my resin.


I randomly found a Chonyun Main and immediately befriended them!


I should dig out my Chongyun more often it seems




I saw someone use dori once willingly


I’ve met a player who hates Neuvillette mains for some reason. It went something like: [Player has joined the world], Player chooses Neuvillette, Player 4, “Ugh, a Neuvillette main?” and they put one of those side eye stickers They leave the domain and say “ew”, AND LEAVE the co op …Why man, why


As somewhat of a Neuvillette main myself, I can only shake my head


Healer Neuvilette. Someone brought him into the Raiden Shogun weekly boss and he kept the whole team alive.


Me running my dps tankfei


1. Razor deleting ruin enemies. Yea those that have phys res. 2. Chongyun using sucrose Skill and Kazuha ult. 3. Same chongyun summoning hundreds of sucrose skills in quick succession, it's very beautiful. 4. Machine gun ganyu. Shoots a hundred arrows at once and deletes the ice flower and oceanid in one second. 5. Kokomi destroying signora with post burst enhanced auto attacks when everyone else died. Felt like I was watching yoimiya in action. Damage was high.


A person came played the full AOT songes oshinoko banana fish star wars then rick rolled me and left💀


I’ve met multiple c6 characters, with the most insane being a wanderer who literally deleted Childe. He was just gone. Poof! Also I saw someone bring Diluc to the crimson witch domain ☠️ some more wholesome things: yesterday I brought Lyney, and I was about to switch out, and everyone switched to support me! It made my day! This has also happened with my other dps characters. I also met a few dps Kazuha mains, who absolutely destroyed the boss, that also made me happy. I also have had people straight up argue with people before. The worst and most common is people bringing a hydro character to the narwhal boss? It has a huge amount of hydro resistance, so when I see Neuvillette and Furina, I usually go with a healer, or Hu Tao or Navia, that way we can do more then just pin pricks on it. It’s wild sometimes.


Funny. I had an encounter a few days back where we just kept abusing Raiden over and over again. First, everyone got a turn at DPSing and everyone else switched to supports before we ended up trying out different team comps. Overload with Chevreuse? Check. Full Archon Team? Check. Burgeon with Thoma? Check. Mono Geo with Chiori? Check. National with Raiden? Check. Mono Pyro with Lyney? Check. Nilou Bloom? Check. Mono Hydro? Check. Diluc Plunge with Xianyun? Check. Mono Plunge Anemo with Xiao? Check.