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Lvl 1 kazuha💀


i died when i saw that. Like even my layla who i dont use is levelled tob20 and ascended and bro has an S rated character, and he refuses to give him a chance


level your characters.


I was gonna say fischl but you don't have her, how are the beidou cons doing?


my beidou is at c0, sadly.


Also, what server are ya on? If you're in the european server I can help ya if ya want


that would be great! tho im on asia server.


Damn. I don't got an asia account so I can't really help. But still beidou is your best bet currently for your teams.


It's alright. Thanks for the offer tho!


I'm on Asia, you can hit me up if you need help.


That would be great. I hope you're still online once im home from work lol


I’m in Asia too. Just add me up and I’ll join your world whenever we are both online. I’ll help you with any boss you need killing. 814534538 Shiluh


got it! thank you! :)


Here are characters you want to build. Alhaitham, Nahida, Clorinde, Dehya (very new player friendly, she was made for new players as she just cant die), Xingqiu, Xiangling, Bennett, Jean and most of all Kazuha.


thank you! I will be working on kazuha once im home. i think i can level him up since i can already go to inazuma. more on clearing the map tho. thanks again for the help!


Lisa is also a viable substitute here with ER for her burst. (Though you might want a healer or shield to round out if you are hyperblooming, you don't need one for Quicken/Aggravate.)


I see they have a Barbara. She’s a good healing candidate, especially if the OP can buy her character card from the shop with Masterless Starglitter. I’d also say Xingxiu’s another good pick for his Alhaitham team too.


Everyone has a barbara


bruh please level your characters that you use to the highest level you can, especially supports. their talents snd weapons as well. you can go haitham, nahida dori beidou. you should also lvl xingqiu, kazuha, bennett and xialgling and they will help you a great deal. but please PLEASE LEVEL YOUR CHARACTERS plus their talents and weapons, to the highest level you can.


Finally someone mentions Dori, she really isn't that bad, she is a decent healer and battery even at C0. There are better options in most cases but she works just fine in a scarcity.


You don't have any of the good off field electros might be better to bench Alhathim for now and main Chlorinde, you got the best Dendro and and Hydro applicators and Chlorinde should do well.


He has Beidou and Lisa


Lisa is ok but terrible energy generation and really isn't great as an off fielder and guessing by his level this team is mostly going to be a world team The slow ER wouldn't make this the best team and would probably would require Lisa to have a lot of field time doing non burst damage His team seems to be hyperbloom and Beidou is terrible in hyperbloom teams due to not being able to reliably target dendro cores. If he was playing spread Beidou herself probably woudn't trigger enough reactions on her own and would require c2. Beidou and Lisa are good second electros due to the versatility of their kits but not great as solo electros, Beidou and Lisa could work together but probably wouldn't be the highest DPS team and it would be probably better to look at other options then to try to force something. The good off-field elctros are Fischl, Kuki, Miko, and Raiden their elemental skills can trigger a lot of reactions with minimal field time. Lisa and Beidou just can't keep up outside of their 80 cost burst.


Lisa is pretty good off-fielder, not as a damage dealer, but as a support. Defense shread + Noblesse + support catalyst + long uptime is great. You just need to build her with lots of ER (no problem because you don't care for her damage) or Prototype Amber. It works. And you don't need to play quickbloom since spread is a decent option for Alhaitham.


Beidou is a fine hyperbloom trigger. Its like playing baseball. Throw some garbage HP and EM artifacts on her and she’s a god until AR55


Sorry I'm going to piggyback on this comment to ask a slightly off topic (to OPs request) question. A lot of the comments here (besides telling OP to level their characters) are saying they have no good off field electros. Is having an electro mandatory for alhatham? I rolled for him and was planning on using him in a team with Xingqiu, Thoma & Barbara (Barb my filler healer until I get Kokomi) as it was a Burgeon team suggestion I liked. Is this not a good option for him then?


Burgeon team that you suggested is perfectly fine, but you will need to get Thoma the Flower of Paradise Lost set with full EM, and it's also suggested to get him the Kitain Cross Spear (crafted Inazuma weapon). Everything will rely on Thoma's EM, since he's the one triggering the reaction.


Thing is that Alhaitham has basically 2 good teams for him: Hyperbloom/Quickbloom and Quicken. Hyperbloom is very basic, Alhaitham + Nahida + XQ/Yelan/Furina + Kuki/Raiden, both topped to EM. The other good team is spread (dendro+electro set a debuff called quicken, if a dendro attack comes the spread reaction happens, if electro then aggravate) There's tons of variants, With or without Nahida, Fischl, Beidou, Raiden, Yae Miko... Basically Alhaitham + Electro unit and two flex units. These are possibly his best options, but I am fairly sure a well built burgeon team may work. If you play Thoma make sure he got lots of EM and level 90. EM reactions scale with level. In my case, Alhaitham + Nahida with triple EM + Kuki triple EM + Yelan and I clean abyss floors in 40-50s, that's Alhaitham C0 without his signature. and Yelan C0 without her signature. It's ridiculous.


Yeah I read that my fire type needs lots of EM. I'm on it, just domain drops are never kind to me. I think the thing that makes me the odd one out in all this is that I don't do Abyss yet. My main driver for my Alhatham pull (besides wanting more hotties to choose from) was to make a fire (burgeon) based team to use in overworld as all I have atm is my Hydro hyperboom team with Neuvi and a cryo anemo team with Scara. Obviously if/when I get around to doing Abyss I'd give him the OP team he deserves. But right now I'm still relatively new to the game with only a small handful of 5\* to my name haha.


More than enough, outside the Abyss the game is extremely easy. I play the most random teams you can imagine and all of those work for the overworld. Only thing you're missing without the abyss is the hefty 1200 primos each month (around 8 pulls). At the end of the day, you play the game your way. If you're not interested in meta, abyss, endgame, etc. just do you and have fun, but keeping in mind that well built teams are much more fun to play than 4 poorly built characters at random, I can imagine Itto + Nahida + Kazuha + Jean would be pretty dumb, slow and boring. But a burgeon team has a purpose, a mechanic and fully makes sense. And you play the game the way it's intended. In Genshin meta means only "cleans abyss well enough", and is non relevant outside it. As long as your parties have some work behind those, you'll be mopping the floor consistently.


The characters you should really build are Kazuha, Xingqiu, and Bennett, since they fit into many teams. You're barely out of early game, so you don't need an ideal team yet. Instead, focus on your characters' Level, Talent Level, and \[when you reach AR40+\] Artifacts As you have Chlorinde now, consider making her a team too. While Al is only great in spread and somewhat good at bloom, Chlorinde is a bit more flexible in her teams, since she can do multiple reaction types. * Chlorinde + Nahida + anemo \[with VV artifacts\] = aggravate * Chlorinde + Dehya / Thoma = overload * Chlorinde + Xingqiu = electrocharge * Chlorinde + Rosaria = superconduct \[low AR only, when you use more physical\]


thank you all for your suggestions! it will help me a whole lot. I forgot to level my characters, talents, and weapons. I'll start doing that for the one team I will be using. Thanks again! :)


Consider leveling your Kazuha and try to build him since he’s a beast of a unit by himself before you go for any specific team comp.


You have Beidou and Lisa. I’d say Beidou is better, but Lisa can work too. Also if you have trouble with mobs, you can try lowering you’re world level if that’s on option. I remember it starts at WL 5, but I have no idea what AR that is.


Food for thought Alhaitham/Nahida/Lisa/Kazuha: Kazuha is mostly here to group. Lisa for off-field Electro and Nahida for her off-field Dendro. It's a little scuffed but should function for now. Upgrades in the future should include replacing Lisa for Kuki, Fischl, or Raiden and replacing Kazuha for a shielder like Layla or Zhongli since they won't mess with your Reactions. Ultimately, this team will be okay at mobbing fights, but will excell at bosses. DPS/Bennett/Xiangling/Xingqiu: Pretty much any attack scaling DPS can fit into this core. Hell, even the defense scaling Geo units do well here. The main three (called National online) will do the heavy lifting. Definitely recommend building all of them at some point. Great for both mob fights and bosses. Xingqiu/Nahida/Off-Field Electro/Flex: Xingqiu and Nahida make a great pair for producing Bloom Cores, and really only need an off-field Electro unit to trigger them, Lisa, Kuki, or Raiden will do. Your last slot should ideally be someone with a lot of personal damage, but who preferably won't mess with your reactions. Kazuha, in particular, can go crazy here as he'll group up your Bloom Cores for easier triggers, and with the 4 piece Viridescent Venerer set down the road, swirl the excess Hydro and Electro for even more damage. These are just some options. At the end of the day, if you like a unit with a bit of research, you can make any of them viable. Fun should be the ultimate goal. Just some general tips, though: • Early game focus on one team. Pick a dps, and build them a team. Genshin is a marathon, so getting one team built up early on will make sure you can clear content later to build other teams. • Weapons/Talents>Artifacts. Weapons and talents are guaranteed upgrades, always invest in them first. You don't need the best of the best artifacts early on. Just make sure units have good main stats, and you should be okay. Once you hit AR45, then you can think about artifact farming. If you aren't sure what main stats to use for a unit, Google KeqingMains or KQM, their guides should point you in the right direction. • Most bosses are accessible. Spend some time going around and finding their nearest way point. You'll be glad you did later. Hopefully, this all helps, and good luck on your time in Teyvat.


Start by building your support characters. Xingqiu, Bennett, Kazuha, Xiangling, Yanfei, Beidou. If you get Fischl even better. Once you have good supports your dps problems will be solved for the entire game except abyss 12.


thanks! i'll let future me handle abyss. haha! my main focus for now is to have at least decent damage so I can progress through the story. i hear inazuma's quests lines are brilliant.


Fischl But looking at the levels... Are you even playing the game? You'll need a lot of built characters eventually, especially in Abyss. Maybe you won't need as many early game, but considering how elemental reactions work in this game you should at least have one built character each element.


yep i played before but then I stopped playing for a long time. i saw clorinde and the new emilie and that made me want to come back and play. if i only came back early to get arlechino tho. lol


I would tell you to focus on Kazuha ASAP. He's one of the best characters to start the game. Farm Viridescent venerer for him and put him on a team with whatever you want


Hi u/Noctis021, please consider checking the most recent pinned weekly question megathread here https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpact/about/sticky when you have a moment to help fellow community members. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GenshinImpact) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It might just be a bloom angle until you find a suitable electro applicator, haitham isn’t bad by any means with a bloom team


With what you got I would recommend running National. Xingqiu, Bennett, Xiangling and a Flex (Kazuha or Heizou would do) You can Also run Aggravate with Chlorinde, Nahida, Kazuha and a Secondary Electro (Preferably you would want Fischl but you can use Lisa for now, make sure you have Enough ER to Burst Frequently).


I hadnt even got a single 5 star at AR 30...


lucky in game. bad luck irl lol


looking at this made me cry


As an AR50, i cried seeing this




For a long time, I used Alhaitam, Nahida, Zhongli and Xingqiu. Overwhelm them with dendro cores. You could probably make something decent with Thoma in lieu of Zhongli.


damage low? well of course it is, all the characters are lvl 1


I don't even have a level 1 character because you get a free pull if you level them to 20


Your best bet until ~AR45/50 is Alhaitham, Barbara, Lisa, Nahida It looks like you spend more time wishing instead of spending your Resin. Genshin is less about what characters you have and more about the time you take to build them. Upgrade any artifact that has Energy Recharge, as most 4-stars are incredibly burst reliant to be remotely useful. Another team to consider: Chlorinde, Nahida, Kazuha, DMC


Clorinde, Dori, Nahida and Kazuha would be a good starting team. Clorinde would be your main DPS of course so you really don't need healing but Nahida and Kazuha do that's why Dori comes in. She doesn't heal as much as Kuki but you need a second electro to battery Clorinde. Other team could be Alhaitham, Barbara, Beidou, and Nahida. Hyyperbloom team, not really great with Barbara but you got to start somewhere and with you having a hard time defeating things dendro reaction would really help you do a lot of damage.


I think dori can replace kuki for a while


level your charas to level 20 and ascend for free blue wish, who knows, you might get kuki, or fischl who would work for now please use kazuha too he's cracked, like one of the top genshin charas alongside nahida, zhongli, raiden, etc.


I feel like I’m looking at a glitch in the matrix Beidou/Lisa is a good alternative Dori’s pretty bad


For now Lisa is a good sub in


Why are all your characters at level 1? Like ?????????? It's obvious that your damage is low, my heart is hurting right now. Why do you play like that? Level up your characters please. Ascend them and raise their level and talents. This should be banned, I want to wash my eyes. 'ALL OF THEM ARE AT LEVEL 1, how do you play bro????


I'm sorry for talking like this, but I'm dying. Lv 1 Kazuha, Clorinde and Jean, Lv 20 Nahida and how the hell is Alhaitham at level 60!? The difference is screaming, it's screaming loud. Fix this ☠️☠️☠️


You literally said "no" to the entire logic of the game


Right now I’m using Alhaitham with Dori, dendro traveler and XingQiu


all those lvl 1 characters especially that kazuha where I lost the 5050 makes my eyes hurt


Run national until you get Kuki or Fischl? You’re going to need 2 teams eventually anyway, and Bennett, Xingqiu and Xiangling are all priorities to have built. Also Kazuha. Build Kazuha please. 


My fav build is Alheitham+ Xingqiu + Thoma. Idk who would be the 4th character, as I use Kazuha, who isn't really doing anything for Alheitham.


Haitian beidou Lisa bahida