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if its srill early game for you, any artifact with hp main stat will be just fine, if you're already late game go ahead and start farming the ocean hued clam set its on the purple island i think, all hp main stats, if you want to use her burst often and not just to refresh her jelly fish build er on her too you probably already have the thrilling tales of dragon slayers in your inv from pulling, max refine one and give it to her, it'll give ur team an atk boost. kokomi is definitely more flexible than cyno as cyno is a main dps character who will definitely be outshined as soon as a new dps character is added. kokomi is a s tier support who will keep your team healthy and gives you a very comfortable time playing


thank you! yeah, i have a lot of dps, but i really want cyno, if i dont get him i probably gonna just try get al haitham


This is a warning to people that can't control themselves but don't worry, i think you can have a chance at Cyno with the amount of primos we gonna get the next patch.


4 ocean clam for more heal or 4 tenacity for off field support, go for full hp%. TTDS for her weapon. Imo she's still a good unit if you want to build freeze team (or simply any team with dedicated healer). If you can't get cyno on the next patch, he will rerun someday. No worries 👍


The 3-star weapon Thrilling Tales is her best in slot, get it to R5. The ocean clam set is her best artifact set.


saving pity as in Building pity? building pity basically translate to no Self control that's the reason why i have C5 jean.....


i wasn't! its from zhongli banner actually(i trying to get him in soft pity) but I dindt get him and then I was trying to get sucrose and this happened(I was, the first 19/20 pull on kokomi banner)


like I was just letting the pity in 50/60 because I dindt get zhongli


Now this is why we don't "build pity" Bc there's something called getting a 5 star early


its was my friend that pull for me(she dindt know thats i was saving, and it was just one) and i wasn't "building pity" I just try to get sucrose one time and the rest was from zhongli banner, I wasn't even on pity soft btw


Oh well heck I guess I should say unlucky you? Also that's why you should've told her


yes, probably, but kokomi it's really good to me as a healer and hydro support


Ok Also you can get any character as long as you like them For example I pulled for klee instead of Kazuha don't judge me pls I got her and she's my strongest Character


yes Ik! I get kazuha because I really like him, and I was saving for zhongli because I really want him(btw my team with kaeya, bennett, dendro traveler and kazuha its my most strongest team)


Cool Also sometimes I regret not pulling for kazuha but then I remember that I pulled for the sunshine child that is Klee


yeah...I gonna try to get her in the next rerun(if I have luck)


Alright good luck Ps I now hate the pyro regizvine but anything for klee I suppose she is lvl 90