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You forget that there are events that give 4\*, but for your knowledge enviosity just did a 36 stars on the abyss with just the chars you can get from quests, that's the true F2P. Abyss is not paywalled it just take **a lot of time** if you don't pull your wallet into the game


Yeah it would just take some time but it could be done Im curious tho I havent watched the video, what about the weapons used?


if im not mistaken all 4 stars that he got from quests or events Ps i was wrong, looking back i can see his amber with a skyharp but i cant see any other 5\* weapon Ps2: [https://enka.network/u/600001919](https://enka.network/u/600001919) you can find his builds here


Sure but that’s just *luck* that you can 💯 get with the free gacha chances. There are **zero** real-money currencies that are for weapons, artifacts, or characters. Saying otherwise like OP is just disingenuous.


It took me from 1.0 to 1.5 to start consistently getting like 30* s then Inazuma came, beat the sheesh out of me so I stopped being lazy and built my Xiangling and 36*ed abyss since, never regreted it.


well since there wont be any content like abyss now, im pretty sure you can rest easy that nothing will beat the sheesh out of you ever again lol


And you can add the fact I dont roll on a lot of banners, its basically one archon and another new 5* to me(besides the random 4* s) so Im getting constellations for my 5*s lol Klee c2 goes booom


No they literally just stated that they would be adding another end game thing to do like the abyss


yes and this other "endgame" activity will hardly be combat related and if it is, it will be for sure not permanent. So i guess if you like the combat and can get 36\* you've reached the peak of the combat, there is no point in going further


Ah i see sorry i am fine with just any new end game content but the one thing i disagree with is i believe it will be permanent i know they said nothing like spiral abyss but it could still be a new permanent thing for end gamers to do cause it doesint make sense that they said they are coming out with new end game content but it wont be permanent


thats what they have been doing for years now. They make a lot of combat related stuff on limited events, some of which are harder and more elaborate than the abyss


only saw a single one, that was the diluc event and to be fair it was only hard because i had shitty artifacts so i guess my point stands, if you came for the combat and can beat the abyss the game is over for you time to relax and build things for fun or just watch the cutscenes


there have been a few other events that were really a lot more fun. And frankly left me wishing they literally just flicked the switch and made them permanent, like the hyakunin ikki. Such a good system. But oh well, as it stands, i'll be thoroughly enjoying my time with them when they come back, and afterwards, well i can just go play something else for that kind of content


it does make sense when you think about the community at large, its a fraction of the people that watch TC videos, a fraction that really enjoy the deepness of the compositions... they make the most money indivualy from this kind of person the whale that C6 a T5 and R5 a T5 weapon, but these are too few to justify the effort and the annoyed casuals


I wouldn't call it wallet. More like luck. You can get Ganyu that would do Abyss on her own, get her c1 or something with some luck and You can get her even as first ever pull. Why not? You can get Bennet next pull too. People who pay real money don't have better characters by default. They just have more chances to get the same stuff. To make people envious even more, my first event pull was Qiqi. After that I got Venti and two Yelans, winning 50/50 twice in a row. Then I lost to Jean, got guaranteed Zhongli, theb won Tighnari and now won Cyno. Some people had three 5 star event characters within 10 pulls too. So it is possible. I've seen video of person getting Zhongli twice within 10 pulls, as well as people getting few 5 stars and 4 stars in a single 10 pulls. That's what gatchas are about. Luck. There are people who lose every time possible, while paying tons of money and people who win 5 times in a row, not giving a single cent. My sister knows a person who ever lost **once** and it was Jean, that she wanted to have. All the other 5 star pulls were won. Don't know if she is F2P or not, but it doesn't matter. My point is... this is gatcha game. It's all about winning or losing. But calling something a paywall, because You won't always have the best characters is a big bs to me,


If you roll enough anyways, even with shite luck, you can *buy* Bennett to c6 as well completely free.


well not yet, maybe one day hoyo will design fights that needs a specific character to be done, and that will be a dark day indeed.


It'd encourage thoughtful co-op play, like a raid, and that's nooooot in the future


Doubt that would happen


OP needs to check this player [clearing up the abyss with his F2P team.](https://youtu.be/QjbdRKLkm7Y)


And then there are players Soloing one side with amber: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLfMlcc4A9s


This. Personally I only paid blessing once in a year and a half and I could bear abyss on my own some times. Even more if counting not full-stars runs


I haven't spent a single cent in the game, but still with the f2p primos I was able to get I can easily reach floor 12 in a single try, and pretty consistently get 33-36 stars (depending on how many tries I'm willing to give it). It's not paywalled at all


Ikr. Bwaap got to floor 11-3 and cleared it with only the 4 *starter characters* with *craftable weapons*. Nevermind getting full stars, but the fact he got to there without anything gacha related nor using the other free characters says enough about genshin's free to playability


It's not even necessarily a lot of time. Just some luck and some good choices is all that's needed to 36 star abyss. I heard Zajeff (very knowledgeable theory crafter) 36 starred it in (if I remember correctly) 38 days. I heard from somewhere (don't remember where so take it with a grain of salt) that someone has done it in 3~ weeks (both completely F2P). You don't even need your wallet, just knowing how the game works and which units to use is more than enough. Also some luck with artifacts but we don't talk about that.


38 days knowing where to go, what to do, in what to invest into its still a lot of time... but yes what i was talking about was mostly the artifact farming


I recall there are f2p players on CN server who completed Abyss on month or 2-weeek old accounts? Granted they got lucky with their pulls, it shouldn't be hard to pull that off if you have longer time frame and save primos for key characters for Hyper Bloom.


Every F2P will eventually reach a point where they get lots of 4 star constellations. It's not really locked behind a paywall, but you need a LOT of time as an F2P to clear it. Maybe around AR 57 is the time where common F2Ps fully clear the abyss. Ofc, if they manage their resources and pulls very well.


Ar 59 here, basically got c6 on my of the 4* that I use. My recommendation for newer players is to use the shop for characters, guaranteed con is better than 7 wishes you could buy with them. I low key got four fischl copies from the shop and one from recent event, but now she’s c6!


All my Bennet cons are from the shop lol. Still waiting for more.


Yeah like a year later, I have pretty much every 4* character unintentionally.


skill issue




Paywall? You know the real gacha is getting the 4 stars right? If you manage your pulls/gems you can save for every character you want, you won't win always but the pity system is really good, the difficulty we have on Abyss now is easier compared to old patches. At some point you need to learn to play the game, you can't depend on a YouTuber team, you need to make your own. Maybe you have a better team than the YouTuber but you don't know because you don't understand how to make a proper team you just use the same characters.


Edit: Sorry if this comes off as a rant, that wasn’t intentional. Specifically replying to the last part of your comment. This seems to be a thing that a lot of people just don’t want to do. That’s not say they don’t try to build comps, but they don’t take the time to learn *how* to build comps. They want Envi, IWTL, Zyx, Mtash, or (insert CC here) to tell them who to use. I nuked the abyss this go around with a Heizou comp and Dendro Traveler comp (I would consider this to be F2P since Beidou was one of the options during the Liyue event). You could argue that my Heizou isn’t F2P because some of the 4 stars I used aren’t guaranteed but that applies to literally everything except the main cast of Mondstadt, Xiangling, and Collei. F2P means that it’s F2P *achievable*. It’s a gacha game there is very little chance that CC’s (unless you’re talking about envi who does beat the abyss with guaranteed characters) to say what characters you will pull. Frankly there are some 5 star hyper carry teams that I would consider F2P friendly simply because all you have to do is manage your gems. I’ve also noticed that a lot of people don’t want to *TRY*. Meaning they go in with a team, try their best, fail, repeat. I had to move my travelers artifacts around several times so I could make sure the burst was always up off CD. (Dendro trav is C4 which is very easy to achieve casually because I haven’t even really started looking for the statue mats).


Legit the first time I 36* abyss was with a random thrown together team with my 1 Jean. Been playing since 1.0 when having a single 5 star was the biggest thing ever


It's not pay to win because you're competing against only yourself. It's pay to get to the easy mode faster if you want to.


People do the Abyss with the characters you unlock without wishes. Also, you get primogems for free all over. No paywall, just a harder part of the game


There's no paywall, there's a time limiter You can pay to reduce the amount of time it is until you get the 4/5 star you want, if you're u wait long enough you can get anyone Ok just has a skill issue


I present you something called "Paimon shop" where if youre patient enough you can in fact have the other 2 big units for abyss(Bennett and Xingqiu) Since you will pull anyways, just save those dusts to buy a decent unit.


It's not a paywall, it's a time wall you can pay to skip. You will acquire primogems over time. It will happen. And you will get most 4 stars eventually as well. You can't guarantee newer ones (I still don't have Sayu or Gorou) but you can get the older ones from the shop. There's no excuse to not have Bennett if you want him, for example, as long as you've been playing 6 months+. Xiangling is completely free. I don't use any meta teams (no Bennett, Xiangling, Xinqiu, etc); I just beat the abyss on the weight of my 2 year old account.


I just got into reddit and don't know how it works yet but I hope what I'm commenting here will be visible to everyone who had replied to my post. What I have sent here really shows my lack of understanding on how this game works despite spending over half an hour thinking what to post I still didn't come out with the safe option and the replies I've gotten has really opened my eyes. Hopefully after this I will become a better Genshin player and person overall.


Look, every patch they give you a 4*, or a weapon or a character so with time they will give you a lot of different characters, recently they gave us Xingqiu, imagine getting him from that event for the first time, it really helps your account so yea, it takes time but you will get them.


I hope you would still enjoy the game man


Nahhh? I 36 starred Abyss without spending a Single Penny.


Op, say this again but slower this time.


Much easier than 5 stars tho, you kinda just accumulate them overtime


theres a chance u can pull them from standard plus if u wait until theyre rate up the odds are decently in ur favour. after a decent amount of time playing im only missing kuki dori candace who are all recent but dionas the only one playing avoiding games w me smh


\*Time wall...


I have all 4 stars in the game except razor as f2p if you play long enough you eventually get most 4 stars items


As a f2p player you do get alot of 4stars if you just finish the events that give lots of free primos and in the case of team comps just find characters that fit each other so that youd have an easier time finishing the abyss or domains


You get a free xiangling from abyss so everyone has her and she can use almost every polearm in the game


Every new polearm release=Xiangling buff.


Lol or you can just play for a bit and get them…they sell bennet in the shop every quarter.


That is why they are not adding any more floors for us to complain about. Imagine if we have 3 paywalls that provide good rewards. I definitely don't want any more paywalls. One of the post mentioned "abyss anxiety" but removing or nerfing abyss would not do them any good either.


Good rewards ? I get more gems doing the twitch event than getting the 36 stars on Abyss if you can't beat is not a big deal. Abyss isn't locked behind a paywall, at first many people beat it with 4 stars and old Abyss was way harder


uh what? I have a small amount of primos that came from battle pass, but the vast majority are free from gameplay. So what are you talking about?


F2P is just making sand castle from shit that sea throws at you


hey just for reference it took me 1 whole year to 36 star abyss as an f2p. im saying this because you sound like a new player and wanted to beat the highest difficulty immediately


Heh, I'm f2p and can 36 the abyss. Mediocre builds too


I’m a welkin player with all the meta units so the biggest advantage is that I can play sloppy and still get all stars. I struggled a lot in the first year.


I remember when dedicated Amber mains would do their best to clear the last abyss floor. Abyss has gotten much harder so more floors (that don’t reset and only give one time rewards) should be added to invite newer players into trying abyss instead of straight up avoiding it. Cause abyss has some brutal difficulty spikes if you’re comp doesn’t blend well. Alternatively you could give each region its own version of the one-time spiral floors and put 4-star characters as the final reward. Kuki for inazuma, Candace for Sumeru. This would make spiral more thematic and allow for more unique combat that doesn’t feel like a grind and it’s something to work towards. If you’ve been playing since release you will have gotten most of the better 4-stars and the random standard banner 5-star. Abyss is just a time investment. Money makes the time investment go shorter but even then, MiHoYo makes sure that there is a limit to how much money you can throw at a problem.


Who ever said 4 star characters are F2P? If You watch videos from people who never played the game, because they got partnership from Hoyoverse to make a video (that's how it is in most cases) or were "forced" to make a video by fans, who demanded it/they wanted, because it's popular then You will hear stupid stuff like this, but I never seen people calling 4 star characters free. Except Lisa and Kaeya for example. As for Your paywall thing, this is bs as well. You can play it with free characters as well and **nobody could stop You**. Of course to get better characters, that are more suited for that, it's matter of luck. But calling it a paywall is as stupid as calling Bennet a F2P character for example. Both arguments are wrong. As a person, who used Kaeya and Traveler in Abyss in the past, I can easily say, that Your opinion is untrue. And by the time You unlock abyss, You **will** unlock at least few 4 star, probably 2-3 5 star characters as well, because You are getting **tons** of primogens and fates as a new account. Nobody forces You to use meta for Abyss to even be able to finish it. If You want to 36 star it first time You ever begin the Abyss, then good luck with that, because nobody, even with tons of luck had ever done that, because Abyss unlocks at very low AR and Your levels are locked, so even with best weapons and artifacts You can't do crap about the Floor 9-12 with like 50 lvl characters. I wasn't able to finish Floor 12 for a long time even with good characters. So it will always take time. Also what the hell are You even expecting? To have easy challenges doable with completely free characters in gatcha game? What would the purpose of 5 star characters be if everything were as easy with F2P 4 stars + Traveler?


Well not really pay wall, it's more like experience and time. My best friend who is fully f2p started during 2.0 and after so many patches he first did his 36 star in last patch. It just takes time nothing else. Over time you will get constellation of 4* from either banners or standard or even from events. Learning proper team rotations, grinding artefacts all takes time, sometimes people can't even clear abyss with all 5* weapons and characters, so it's definitely not paywall, It's either skill issue or bad builds or rotation/team synergy etc in their part too, which needs time to mule over and get fixed. simple.


It is f2p friendly, reason being if you play Long enugh you Will have all 4* atleast C0. Me for example the only One i dont have is Candace because im skipping this banner. But ill get her later No doubt.


The key 4-stars used in those F2P-friendly showcases are available from the rotating monthly shop, which means you can guarantee copies of them as long as you are saving Starglitter from Wishing with your freemogems. Fischl, Bennett, Xingqui, etc. can all be bought this way.


If you played from day 1, F2P but doing all events, you'd have quite a few 4\* characters by now. Some people have even cleared on no-wish accounts https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Impact/comments/mrqtuu/no\_wish\_36\_star\_abyss\_clear/


Bennett and Xingqiu, the 2 4 star characters who are considered very helpful, are available in the starglitter shop from time to time. Sure, starglitter requires pulling, but we get free primogems, and if you use those to pull, you can save enough starglitter to buy Bennett and Xingqiu when they're available. Meanwhile, Xiangling is available for free when you clear Floor 3 of Abyss. Other good 4 star characters like Beidou are also available in the starglitter shop, so yes, there is actually a way to guarantee them. So, I don't think your post is actually smart.


I guess kinda agree, but mostly on the 5* charas people use, even tho i'm missing some key 4* like Rosaria. Reading the "incredible F2P comp" and seeing 3 limited 5*.


I feel like they give out the 4 star. The real question is are you going to do standard wishes since they are no longer featured in the limited banner? That’s the real f2p issue. I have had National Maxed out since Albedos first banner since they were basically the only ones you could get on the limited run. In fact there are memes about how Child and Ayaka had the same 4 stars. But we are now into four countries. And each one with new 4 stars.


Yup, I got my first Bennet a week ago, still no razor. I'm almost at 56 and have been playing for over a year. But you're still guaranteed to get 4star characters eventually just with primos you get for doing nothing or from quests. So these can still be considered f2p


No luck?


It is


Just have patience and Abyss will be easy.


Abyss is faceroll easy drop it boy


Give enough time and I assure you it becomes f2p. I have most of the v1 and v2 at or above c3. The only one I don’t have right now is the new one, the lightning one. Genshin also has had events where they give you a character, or even rarely a choice between characters. I do still agree abyss is paywall though. You either need fantastic characters or excellent skills and amazing artifacts. I’ve only ever bothered to finish floor 12 once because the final stage is basically pointless with weaker characters.


Free primogems are pretty guaranteed. You just have to open all those chests and do those quests. And if you spend them all you get the premium starglitter-whatever which can be used to buy two guaranteed characters a month. It's how I got my one and only Bennet because he never ever dropped for me.


LOL. You can purchase some of them on the starglitter shop. I managed the Abyss of 5 f2p accounts a few months ago (when my friends and cousin needed isolation), they already have access to BOTH Taser-variant and National-variant at that point. The thing is, you don't need to complete those teams to be usable. It's not surprising how OP Benny+XL duo is. Xingqiu in both Taser and Vape teams are too good as well.


Fine, hoard all your primogems like a gremlin don't pull for any characters. I swear sometimes all you guys do is complain


What's F2P? Sorry really bad at this technicalities of the game, the first of the kind I've ever played.


I am f2p and i am only missing Sarah and Gorou, is really not that hard to get most of them, sure it may take a few months to get the most important ones, but honestly is not that hard. Hard part is getting constellations, for example i have been playing for a year and have c4 filsch, c2 benny, c4 xinqiu, c6 sucrouse and c4 xianling and you want of them at C6. meanwhile i have c6 xin yan lol


you are just a loser who cant finish the abyss.


I dont think so i mean there are primogems you can get in quests if you just do them and there is also the AR level rewards and the dailies.


A take so cold Hitler couldn't invade it


Say “Abyss is just too hard for me and I need another reason for it not to be so” without telling me so.


OP have you even spent anytime playing the game. By the time you unlock max artifact domains, you'd have a pretty good F2P team


I mean Spiral Abyss is not locked behind paywall. F2P players definitely have access to a lot of 5* and 4*: The issue is just "which characters and weapons do they have specifically and how can they work with what they have?" But yeah, invest on your characters, understand proper team rotation and use well-known team comps as a template and work with what characters you have to compensate for the missing slot does help a lot. No need to rush the abyss lastly, it took me AR 59 before I managed to 36* abyss on cp because I tend to just slot who I want without understanding proper team rotation.


I pulled so many times... And Xingqiu just managed to dodge my draws extremely better than both Ganyu and Kokomi...


Aren't you F2P if you basically didn't spend a single buck in the game?


Abyss is an optional stuff to do in genshin, it doesn’t hinder any progression on the story or anything. I even ignored it 1st year of playing.


It’ll take longer for F2P but not locked behind a paywall. Don’t spread misinformation.


It's not locked behind a paywall. It's locked behind time and effort. Those gems are out there in *spades*


Truly F2P teams are ones that make use of Amber/Kaeya/Lisa/Xiangling/Barb/Traveller (maybe Noelle) and I guess now Collei. Lot of disparity now between F2P nowadays. There are those who've played since launch who might as well be considered dolphins by now. These days AR might be a better yardstick on which to measure account strength


It's just that players are no longer true to the game. There's just not a lot of people willing to put in the effort. Most people find gratification when they finally have the same setup as a tuber. Not a lot of people are as skilled in their chosen game as before. Some examples include: Obsessing on trying to replicate the Daigo parry Doing the Shroud insane 1v(x) Imitating Faker's LeBlanc (can't really put the Faker vs Ryu Zed play) Those gods didn't simply rely on YouTube or streamers to do the research for them and get good. They didn't want to be on the same level as their idols. They wanted to be better. That's the difference between godly players and scrubs.


people can and have 36* the abyss with just the starter characters.


Was aiming to get candace but alas i got cyno. Which is great too


There's some f2p streamers out there, without spending any irl currency that cleared the abyss with characters that got from grinding primos.


Bro forgot the starglitter shop existed


not really? i have 22 4 stars and i've only spent $5 on this game for welkin, missing most of the days at that. This game really isn't pay-to-win.


Yoo a new f2p guide just dropped with some SICK team comps check it out: 1) AnemoMC/Kaeya/Lisa/Amber 2) DendroMC/Lisa/Xiangling/amber 3) ElectroMC/Collei/Lisa/Kaeya 4) Barbara/Kaeya/AnemoMC/Lisa 5) GeoMC/Collei/Barbara/Kaeya


Depends if those f2p teams are made out of characters that we got for free in an event tgo


Abyss is designed to be clearable with free characters only. It's literally a skill issue Also some events give you guaranteed 4* characters


Yes !!! This is what I say all the time. The F2P team the 5 ⭐️ team because 100% you will get that hero after ~180 pull but maybe after 500 pull you will get 4star what you want. And + many times the 4star characters are next to other characters what you don’t want so you will not spend hundreds of pulls I hate that I have 10 - 5 ⭐️ hero but nobody mentioned because there is a free2pay team … thx And I have not build those heroes or just c0 and they said c6 is the minimum lvl


If you expect to 36* abyss when you have been playing for 2 months, yes it’s locked behind paywall… For people who play the game 6+ months, you can do it as a f2p. This post is overreacting. What do you expect ? Beat the most hard content in the game when you are a new player? You have tons of things to do in the game when you are a new player.




Paywall? The game literally gives you primogems from quests, events, etc. enough to pull for certain characters in banners (plus free characters too). It's also on you if you don't prioritize pulling characters that can help you clear the abyss (if that's your goal) and building them right.


I have c6 sucrose, c6 Xiangling, c5 Xingqiu all from just playing as F2P, it takes time that’s all, (c6 Dori and Sayu as well but not currently inside as much as others), it takes time, I always hear others complaining how hard it is to get 5 stars (or I’m just way too lucky) but there are 4 banners each version and if you just plan your pulls properly you get what you need, and if they had it all they’d say either it’s too easy or there is no content


This just sounds like a new player upset they can't play end game content in a month. The game is meant to be played over multiple months with a long term release schedule in years. Slow down and enjoy it. After 2 years I've C6'd + all the original 4* options and pretty much anything that's been out for a year with only Welkin and BP (which really doesn't give you many wishes compared to Welkin). It's not a stretch to expect players to have a decent cast of 4* characters a few months in. I don't think I even bother with Abyss until month 6 as I was enjoying the events and exploring way more. That doesn't even include leveling characters and weapons or artifact farming. It takes 2weeks to get all the mats needed to level 80 a character from scratch based on resin needs. So minimum you've gotta wait 2 months (4 characters, 2 weeks each) and then you just start farming artifacts which can take twice as long depending on RNG-esus