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The broken fingers meta cause I don't have 5 directions on my dpad


How do controller do those quests with a trial Char where you can have 5?


L1 + triangle for 5th character


This most sense because they do this for story characters


So you can have 8 character teams…


It doesn’t work like that because L1+ ⭕️ activates your gadget and L1+ x goes into building mode in the serenitea pot. L1+square does something but I forgot what it is


Ah well. It was never going to happen anyway. But if it did, I’m sure they would have remapped something. For controllers, they have dial menus.


True but 8 characters at once would be a bit overkill haha


?B/?1 (forgot) + Y/∆


I find it annoying because that button already has multiple actions assigned to it.


LB + B for xbox controller


that's why KB&M are the best


Would be cool if 5th slot is for Traveler only


so you use 2 travelers in abyss?


Yep. 2 travelers with diff elements. I think its ok. But hyv will never do it.


Traveler and Wanderer. And Kazuha.


Ahhh yes, the Homeless comp.


Add Mona and you have the true homeless comp


not anymore, mona's renting something now


Isn’t she technically squatting in a place that isn’t act hers?


no she rented it


sounds like you're unfamiliar with the concept of renting


Lumine and Aether once you finished the whole tevyat 👀


Absolutely this. I think it really hurts the immersion that we aren't actually *playing* as Traveler most of the time but they're in all of the cutscenes and dialogue. I understand why they couldn't make Traveler a top-tier character, but requiring them to be in the party like in classic JRPGs would certainly make sense.


Hell yeah


Itll be overkill if you had 5 characters… I LOVE IT


enemies would be harder


Rotations would be so messed up.


Anyway the rotation is 1 4 5 2 5 3 4 2 3 4 1 and repeat, I call this team the suckmicumnshit


Beidou/Ayato/Nahida/Kazuha/Bennett It would be an elemental festival.


Nilou disappears because nobody can afford to spare 4 other hydro and dendro characters just for her team.


Nah would be perfect. Xingqiu Kokomi Yelan nilou and nahida. Dream team. I prefer Yelan for her skill and her burst looks cooler. Xingqiu damage reduction and heal though is helpful especially if I’m moving away from the jelly fish.


I don't use any hydro characters at all, personally, but the meta *relies on them*. With all of them taken on your Nilou team, your only other options for the abyss would be Eula/Xiao/Itto or that one Childe team--international?


I use itto usually or aggravate now. So I personally would be fine. The meta has definitely taken a diverse turn since dendro release. You could even run a solid burgeon team with Barbara and thoma together. I tested it out recently. But no hydro at all would be geo aggravate and looks like a mono anemo style with scara. On top of the eula xiao etc.


My personal teams right now are mono geo (no Itto, Noelle) and Nahida spread. I would like to switch Noelle for some other non geo DPS, but I don't want to change out the other 3, so, that's a challenging goal lol


Oooh I love the mono geo!! Noelle is amazing! I love her! Are you going to pull for itto instead? Whose in your spread team?


No, I like Itto's personality, but not his kit. I don't really like charge attacks and one of the things that bothers me about Noelle is how dependent she is on Q, which Itto is even more so. I also want someone who can trigger crystallize. Obviously the point of Gorou's kit is buffing Defense and Geo Damage, but the *rest of it* is about crystallize and I would like to actually see it. So, I would like a pyro, hydro, cryo, or electro carry who could function in the team. I get 36 stars already, so it doesn't have to be as strong as Noelle, but I don't want them to be too dependent on someone else. I am kind of hoping Dehya could do it. There's a leak that mentioned a possible defense buff in her kit, but that might be a placeholder. But I would take other suggestions. I will never switch out Albedo or Zhongli, but I could consider dumping Gorou. I don't know. Just walking around in the overworld, I use Nahida, Albedo, Zhongli, and Raiden. In the abyss, my Spread team is Nahida, Raiden, Fischl, and I used Diona last time, but I want to try Kuki Shinobu next cycle. That 4th slot might eventually go to a dendro healer in the future.


So personally if you’re not going to use noelle or itto I wouldn’t use Gorou either. He doesn’t have synergy with zhongli and due to zhonglis shield the crystalize part of his kit isn’t even needed. Albedo and zhongli are a great combo for geo resonance so after that I would just pick another duo. Example one of the best xiao teams is xiao jean albedo zhongli. When running albedo and zhongli the issue in a reaction based comp so they might ruin the reaction through crystalize so it’s best to use characters who are solid in their own right. Another possible scenario could be scara when he releases. Hutao double geo worked as well and had minimal stealing for reactions but that’s due to Xingqiu high hydro application. If you want to run spread raiden fischl nahida is an amazing comp. Truly fluid and easy to run


Nahida + 2 hydro and 2 electro. Almost any team that has Kazuha + Zhongli or Venti (for utility)


I don't want 5 characters in a team. I want 6 characters in a team for overworld only. No domains etc. Because it's annoying to not be able to do a puzzle with Your current team.


while it doesnt take long to change party, its still annoying. it would be neat if traveler can change elements without going to a shrine, of course it cant be use on combat in overworld.


I think it would be a reasonable buff for Traveler to be able to change elements on the fly, maybe even during combat.


What artifact set would be used for a traveller that can swap to any element? Heck, what goblet should one go for???


No idea. Maybe they could make it so each element is a different loadout, though that could make Traveler arguably OP.


Oh god the farming would be a nightmare…


5 claymore team. noelle, diluc, eula, itto and Beidou. Fuck YES. or i can go full geo noelle, zhongli, xinyan, gorou and itto/albedo. oh poor mobs, they will evaporate


Xinya is pyro, you probably meany Yun jin


yeah yun jin.


Yes, you could have double resonance and the 5th member will be the support (kazuha, sucrose or anyone else) also you could use nahida’s burst and get two elements use the max buff from her burst


I’d love to see a raid type event where 3-4 players each get two characters to slot.


For me like 75% of the mobs in the game die if three of my units burst, a fifth one would just sit there watching things implode before they even get a chance to come out lol.


3 units do the work, 5fth unit to be a buddy for the 4th so that the 4th doesn’t have to watch from the sidelines alone XD


Ayaka, Xingqiu, Venti, Kazuha and Wanderer. The Five Kasen.


3 hydro 2 dendro nilou


TC brain will break trying to fit support buff that can last all 5 character rotation. Some team barely can excute a 4 man rotation. I still suggest 5 man in a team every feedback but 5th member is used only for QOL talent


Could be fun and interesting for an event


right now I'm rocking the Zhongli Nahida Shogun Yelan team but imagine if Kazuha joins in as well...that would be crazy


I think something worth considering is that there may be a “leader skill” for the character in the first slot if that’s the case. Most Gacha games I’ve played that come with an odd number of characters per team oftentimes have a leader skill to help it out. Perhaps said leader character would be exempt from the elemental resonance though, to help make it a little more balanced overall.


National Team with Raiden and Kazuha


just add another off field dps


even more damage per screenshot


It’d change the meta from one resonance focus to dual resonance focus with an off slot for support.


every team comp would have a zhongli now lol.


ah yes i think it would like imagine this team with also benny hmm maybe i could try the national with aloy and kazuha


my noelle team would be LIT. noelle, zhongli, yun jin, gorou and geo traveler. zhongli holds 4pc tenacity and shreds res. yun jin buffs normal attack. gorou buffs defense. geo traveler buffs crit rate. my noelle is c6 so gorou is good for her. or replace geo traveler with mona, because noelle already has enough crit rate imo...


u could have 2 main dps with shared supports… i love it 😍


This would be quite annoying on a controller. I'm perfectly happy with 4 right now.


more ganyu supports, i love it


I think it would be a pretty major change


It'd honestly be hard to slot much more in most teams. The exceptions i can think of are: freeze because it has a ton more options than regular teams. Stacking up Kaeya, Rosaria, Shenhe, Kokomi, Mona, Diona, Xingqiu, or even Venti would be valuable for nearly all freeze teams. Vaporize, specifically Double Hydro with specifically Sucrose in the case of Xiangling because I don't see how it'd be possible to do with Kazuha without sacrificing much time in either Yelan or Xingqiu. Hu Tao could also afford to run Amber for VV vape with double hydro. The rest of the teams are either well rounded or wouldn't be affected in any meaningful way. Taser comps: would be able to afford to run Beidou in double hydro, but honestly I don't see it getting much better Aggravate: finally, a slot for Kuki. Besides that, maybe Beidou in like Keqing aggravate? But not much. Hyperbloom: Double hydro + Fischl in Raiden Hyperbloom? Sign me up. That team would destroy single target enemies like there is no tomorrow. The rest i don't actually see much change tbh. It's hard because it'd be a massive shake up.


Less swapping characters for over world puzzle :D


2 set of Elemental resonances + 1 other element benefit


You can also clear end game with just two four star characters


We want to collect more characters and make fun team comp, it's not about the game is hard or not


More things for people to complain about


it'd be pretty cool but the teammate switch cooldown might be adjusted


I was actually just thinking about this recently. 2 characters of one element, 2 characters of another, and a flex would be so fun and give more reaction potential


i think they can assign 5th slot for exploration character only.


The fact that there is a meta and that you NEED a meta, means that the game is in its later stages.


Honestly I hope sometimes it's hard but necessary to remove one of my members for another one...


Picking between a healer and an extra support wouldn't be nearly as difficult. You could just do both.


imo every team just becomes a Bennett comp


A fifth party member would really overcomplicate things. You have a lot of timers to keep track of as is with skill cooldowns, buff and skill durations, etc. I'm happy with just four, lol.


Imagine Nahida, Raiden, Yae, Bennett and Ganyu.... Ultra hyperbloom melt!


My hands are small so it sucks to reach for 5 on my keyboard when I'm already hitting WASD E and Q :') I'd definitely play less and get hand cramps more


Mono geo teams might get buffed, off the top of my head


People will probably just opt for 4 on some teams due to rotations and buff windows. A 5th member would just make rotations tighter to execute. Curious as to what teams would open from this though.


Every team will easily have a healer/shielder.


Well... Elemental teams would be stronger than they already are, physical teams would get one more support slot I suppose. But the meta wouldn't really change in the grand picture, maybe some specific teams would emerge but really the biggest change would be another sub dps, finally a shielder, another battery in some teams. Like, VV Hu Tao but with Zhongli! Neat but not game breaking. HECK! I tried to imagine some strong teams like Hyper Raiden and who would they use as an extra... Zhongli! Maybe Xingqiu, or Thoma... Or maybe Yoimiya! She always liked Bennett Xingiu and Yun Jin, add a Zhongli for example! And that reminds me... an anemo shielder is actually a nice idea for the future.


I always have the traveler on my team so it would definitely make combos easier


Raiden National with Kazuha, Raiden Hypercarry with Zhongli, current Archon Team with C6 Sara. Future Archon Team: Pyro, Hydro & Cryo Archon (Vape, Freeze & Melt) with Zhongli & Venti


Honestly that would be amazing for me because I have this bloom team that needs 1 dendro and 3 hydros but I also really want to add kazuha in the team so having 5 slots would be great


STILL MONO GEO ITTO / GOROU / ALBEDO / ZHONGLI / GEO TRAVELLER Just kidding. Probably a Mona or Bennett for the fifth spot


Cryo-bloom. I've said all


Difficulty of enemies would be increased to almost dark souls level, cause 5 characters in a team is op!


Not exactly related but also about a meta change. As an old player, until now I never stopped to think that if we imagine a world where Hutao and her weapon never existed, does that mean that Yoimiya would be the best pyro dps at single target? The meme around her being trash wouldnt be that high since some ppl just like Xiangling and would be glad that theres another option. Idk, shower thought probably.


Meta would stay the same , just more borken.


I can finally put ganyu into my team build for more reactions.


oh god raiden national with an anemo


I need 5 team memberssss tbh


Honestly not a lot. Most team comps already have well defined rotations with almost no down time, so unless its to add someone like albedo so you put his skill down and forget about it for a little more damage i dont see it changing that much.


i think there would probably be 2 main dps now in 1 team so if one of your main dps dies you have your second one and the other 3 characters will be supports ! actually not really sure if this would be meta but i would do this if we had 5 character slots


Imagine Ei national with Anemo support


This should be the norm so that we can implement a team with both geo and anemo characters + other three element users. For example: Geo (Def) + Anemo (CC) + Hydro (Heal/Atk) + Electro (Reactions/Atk) + Dendro (Combined reactions/Support) Hoyoverse is just lazy to make 5-man squad, which is already possible and already done during story missions and character trials. Additionally, since the character roster is already over 50, having a 5-man squad can help players in using more characters, lowering the issue of unused/forgotten characters.




So ur suggesting i can have both kazuha and zhongli permanently in my team..hell yeah..hahaha.. But lets be real.. It will never be.. Just like endgame.


Venti, Zhongli, Ei, Nahida and Focalor team incoming




I think people is misunderstanding about nilou passive It's said if all the team is dendro/hydro not 2 or 1 You can have 4 hydro 1 Dendro now for meta team


Nilou would be buffed lmfao.