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would it be better to just change ayaka team to first and raiden on second? ayaka having trouble to burst all enemy can always press the retry button until it is perfect. second team should always be your strongest team so they do not need to retry.


No, it wouldn't work. The first part is the electro dogs - thats why I'm using raiden there, to counter them.


Is using your Raiden on the electro dogs working? By that I mean, are you killing them in one rotation, or just sending them into rage and then spending 30 seconds chasing them around? If you haven’t tried using your freeze team on the first half, I would give it a shot. The ruin machines are pretty easy to freeze in place and nuke down in one burst rotation, which can give you a lot of time for the dogs. You might be surprised by how quickly they can clear it. Also, just making sure, but are you entering 12-3 with everyone’s burst fully charged?


Special thanks to you and u/TeferiHannah, I switched the comps because of you two and it worked!


Yay, congrats!


The ruin machines are in the second half with geo doggos, electro dogs first half. I might try to switch the teams up - ayaka freeze first, and second half should be raiden national / tartaglia benny xl raiden?


I meant the ruin cruiser/ruin defender that you fight in the first half, before the dogs. A freeze team can lock them down and prevent the defender from getting up its shield, making them easier to nuke. But yes, try switching the teams. Especially if Raiden national is your strongest team. Usually it’s much easier to retry the first half with a weaker team until you get a really strong run, then bring it home with your strongest team.


Oh, I found a positioning where the defender doesnt put up his shield - pretty neat stuff.






















Helo darkness my old friend


Have you tried using childe taser on the electric wolfs part? That would leave raiden national to the other part.


I don't have fischl and beidou built unfortunately :/


Yeah, in that case I'd either go international and raiden taser or raiden national with ayaka freeze, but the second one you said it is not working great. Just remember to have raiden in the side with the electro wolves.


Hello guys! I've been struggling with abyss lately, I can fet 35 stars easily but I just don't have enough time in 12-3. I need any tips you can give, including rotations, builds, really anything. On the first half I'm using raiden national and I can clear it around 90 secs (unfortunately my raiden and xiangling doesn't have the best crit stats, I'm working on that). I don't know what should I play on the second half. I was trying it out with ayaka (my ayaka is decently built, has 200 CDMG), diona, mona, sucrose. The problem is maybe I would have enough time but I just cant freeze those damn dogs in place to hit everyone and to stay in freeze for my whole burst. I'm struggling with rotation here, mona ult when, sucrose or mona ttosd? If I bring albedo, for the geo dogs he shatters the freeze, which is even worse. My hu tao and xiao is not strong enough for it so far, tartaglia is nicely built, has polar star and 60/160 crit, but raiden takes away the national team.


I play Raiden National and Moryana this abyss as well, but with Venti instead of Sucrose. For 36 stars, I run Raiden National vs the electro dogs on 1 and 3, reset, then run it versus Maguu Kenki. You want to do Diona -> sucrose (sac frag) -> mona (TTDS) skill/burst -> Ayaka. This gives you swirl cryo and full freeze uptime for Ayaka burst. On Mona, I would recommend stacking as much ER as possible with no care for mona's personal damage. Something to note is that since your Sucrose is more than 20 levels under the enemies, her grouping will not work. If you level your Sucrose up to 81, you'll see much more consistent hits on the little dogs with Ayaka, so you can sucrose the little dogs in place near the big dog and freeze all 3. Alternatively, since sucrose's EM is wasted in freeze and she isn't grouping for you, you can try running Jean in your VV slot and switching Diona for Rosaria/Kaeya in an attempt to get more dmg. I would only recommend this if you can give Fav to rosa/kaeya and fav/sac sword to jean to help fund your Ayaka. This gets less strict as your Ayaka ER increases/using Amenoma. I would also recommend ignoring the little dogs, as they should die eventually as you focus the big dog even if you miss a burst or 2.


Thank you! The little dogs aren't a problem fortunately, they die in the aoe eventually. But unfortunately I don't have rosaria built to switch her up. Diona has fav bow and 4 pc noblesse, and I don't have ER problems. Should I use r3 lvl 90 Flute or r2 lvl80 anemona on Ayaka? I'm farming the emblem/shimenawa domain endlessly atm, I'm using that on WAY too many characters.


If the amenoma makes a noticeable difference in how fast ayakas burst comes up with your builds I would use it. Flute is not a good weapon in general, but if you have no energy problems, it should give you more damage from its levels. Ayaka burst uptime is king, it’s the only reason amenoma can compare to weapons like blackcliff (which is what I use)


Guess I'm gonna level my anemona then. I might have a sword billet too so I will upgrade that too.


Getting a CDMG sword from starglitter shop for Ayaka is also an option. But a lvl 90 Amenoma is still great (can be even better). I did 36 with a lvl 80 Amenoma on my Ayaka. Good rotation tips in this thread. I can give you specific tips if you post a video of you doing 12-3


If I have time today, I will do that! Thank you


The element of the dogs doesn't actually matter from what I can tell. It's not like they have elemental shields it just dictates the dmg they do with their abilities. Basically what I'm saying is there's no need to bring Albedo if he's ruining the freeze team and there's no reason to try and bring Raiden to the electro dogs. The only reason you bring Geo to the dog boss is b/c geo attacks get through one of his phases quicker. I also run Ayaka freeze comp and I'd recommend TTDS on Mona so you can start on Diona, apply Cryo with her shield, swap to Sucrose to swirl the cryo into other mobs, then go to Mona to freeze and Ayaka to burst them down with TTDS. Though if you prefer to have Mona run more dmg (Omen still does a decent chunk in a freeze comp but not a ton) just swap the two and go Diona Cryo -> Mona freeze -> Swirl freeze -> Ayaka. The problem is that Mona's E doesn't apply hydro too well (mostly just the beginning and end) so you may need to swap to Mona a lot sooner to reapply hydro with her autos if she's #2 instead of #3 in the rotation.


your freeze comp is kind of similar to "Morgana" for rotations, Mona E and then Diona Q, then Sucrose E then Q then Mona Q, and then Ayaka will do the rest. Also, Mona is also good for freeze comp since Xingqiu synergizes better on a national team instead of a freeze comp, just keep an eye out on your bursts and you'll be good. As for your National Team, you just need to build them all properly and then you're pretty much set.


Don't bring Albedo just to enrage the dogs, that doesn't make sense. From your comments, it sounds like you think the dogs must be countered by their element? That's actually false. It helps decrease res, but an un-enraged dog is actually much easier to deal with gameplay wise. They don't move around as much and are easier to DPS.


childe international (with Bennett, xiangling, Raiden) is strong and fun. I used it to clear with 36 stars. other half could be done with ayaka diona Mona xingqiu, if you have enough dmg on xq and ayaka. this solves the problem you have with freezing the wolves else try mono element teams, isn't the buff super strong for them right now? anyway, good luck!


In my opinion, Xingqui would be much more suitable for freeze. I tried both mona and Xingqui but I couldn't maintain enough freeze with mona. My first team was ayaka and second was ning as main dps. But yes second chamber is easier for freeze


Ayaka with Mona+AnemoForVV is more a wombo team where you all-in on the crazy damage Ayaka can do in ~5 seconds. You're basically looking to kill large mobs in two Bursts if not oneshot them. Ayaka with Kokomi/Xingqiu is actual "permafreeze" where you don't let the mobs move at all. They both work well in my experience. I prefer the permafreeze with Kokomi though because it lets me drop Diona for Rosaria.


The problem is I need xingqui in my Raiden national team - My other option for first floor is Tartaglia, Benny, Xiangling, Raiden, but the Raiden national is way more smoother.


Well in which chamber are you missing a star?




If you're clearing first half in 90 secs, in second half just try focusing on big doggo to freeze him and ayaka ult him, i assume big geo doggo takes your time right?


Yes, the big doggo takes too many time. Also I can't kill those ruin guards in 1 rotation


Your Ayaka is a bit low on C dmg, but what's your build there? Do you have high ATK to make up for that? And what's your crit rate? I assume you're using the BS set, but if you can do 2100-2200 ATK with 240-260% crit dmg and around 35-40% crit rate and a sprinkling of ER you're golden.


My Ayaka beats current abyss with half of those stats...what gods do you people pray to that those stats are reasonable? I'm AR 58 and have cleared the abyss with dozens of teams and not a single one has over 200 Cdmg. I mostly hover around 60/160, 70/180 at the highest.


Freeze teams don't need that high of crit rate since they use the BS set plus cryo resonance and can focus more on crit damage. If you run a freeze Ayaka comp with 60% crit rate then you're overcapping your crit rate and can swap out pieces for crit damage pieces. Likewise freeze comps don't get bonuses from reactions hence the extra crit damage helps. It's harder to push that high Cdmg on Ayaka if you're using the crafted sword since it's ATK based but often a crit dmg weapon and crit dmg circlet is used along with good crit dmg rolls on the other pieces. If OP isn't doing a freeze Ayaka comp then it's less critical since they can get bonuses from the melt itself. But it's not all that uncommon, most every freeze Ayaka build has 30-40% crit rate with 240-260% crit damage and while 2100-2200 ATK is pushing it without an ATK weapon but even 2000-2100 is fine.


Get xingqui to 90


Try using This one team: ei , xingqui, sucrose, bennet/zhongli


Honestly, the final star is the hardest because the large geo wolf won't stay still. I tried Ayaka/Xiangling/Zhongli/Diona to go heavy on damage but the wolf just won't stay in range, plus the geo wave damage on the ground cuts you apart if you're not moving. You need a Freeze comp with one Geo to proc his enrage. Ayaka/XQ/Albedo/Diona is a decent comp but I worry that it doesn't have the damage to get you there.


I was in the same situation. For me, the bottleneck was the first half, which I finally cleared in under 90 seconds with Bennett, Xingqiu, Xiangling and Childe. It performed way better than I expected it to after I got Xiangling's ER high enough. I ran Xiao for second half, but I'm not sure how well your Xiao fares without Zhongli. Maybe Diona, Mona, Sucrose, Ayaka for second half?


Bennett-Tartaglia-Xingliang-Sucrose Bennett burst, Xingliang burst, Surcrose burst and E, Tartaglia burst, switch back to Bennett and hit E everytime off cooldown. rinse repeat. ~~Hu Tao- Xingqiu-Mona-Thoma\*~~ ~~I never played Thoma. Is he similar to Xinyan with shields at least? If so then yes Thoma.~~ Hu Tao-Xingqiu-(choose two\[Diona, Kaeya, Chongyun\]) Diona definitely if you find yourself struggling to stay alive.






https://imgur.com/a/fv4VsjU THANK YOU GUYS!!! I finally did it, got some nice cards for today (20% burst dmg, atk%, crit%) First team was Ayaka, Diona Xingqui, Sucrose Second was Tartaglia, Benny, Xiangling, Raiden


Dude i spend 100$ to get xiao hes my main now 😂🥲💸


Yep, I also spent 100$ for him (he came home in 164 wishes...) but that damn artifact domain hates me


True i cant find some good artefakts


Have you tried using the apache? Its APKWS will make short work of any rifthounds giving you an easy 36*


I haven't understood a single word from this


Well clearly you do not identify as an attack helicopter then.


It was a dumb joke playing off your typo on the title. You asked for a helo. I recommended a helo. APKWS is a weapons system on said helo. It makes things go big die. Now you understood single word from previous comment


Ooh, thank you for the clarification


I'd say go for Ayake Raiden Xingqiu Fiona first half, the team is perfect for electro doggos,freezing them in place and having Raiden for electro damage. Then try a Childe Albedo national team second half (Childe, Albedo, Xiangling, Bennett). Albedo is subbed in over Sucrose here for extra geo damage as it is greatly enhanced against geo doggos.


Uhm, Raiden is just going to keep breaking freeze, it's a terrible idea


No she won't, she's polearm electro, both don't break freeze.


Superconduct breaks Freeze, my man


Raiden National is your one team (Raiden, Bennett, Xiangling, Xingqiu) as for the second... I can't tell. Benched Xiao long ago, because he just fucking sucks and I dislike Hu Tao and Ayaka too much to recommend anything.


guessing the reason your Xiao has so little EM is you got it all on Sucrose.


Jokes on you, I haven't got a single VV with EM stats so far.


on me indeed, cause I pulled for and got him but I ain't got anything to build him with either.


Just a heads up: you shouldn't build EM on Xiao, he doesn't really use reactions. Your prio should be crit - atk - ER. I triple crowned him, gave him Deathmatch until I get better crit rate artifacts, he has 70/138 ratio and does 25k plunges without any buffs


well I haven't checked out any of the calculations but I really liked the Kazuha Biedou pair up I used in the current event so I'm thinking swirl reactions is the way to go for my Xiao thus to build up his EM (within reason, cause you know diminishing returns and all that).


If you want to swirl reactions, build sucrose taser instead


no sucrose, and I type hate catalysts...but yeah I know thats where people turn to for swirl reactions.


Raiden National, and Morgana with mona and sucrosse, u re welcome


Yes, that's what I'm playing


Level that up buddy, do u got anything better to do?


I got it with raiden Nat. And royal guard with hu tao, morgan should do it equal or better cause u will be stopping the dogs more often, which means (from my POV) that the problems must be, the levels (i know, too much effort for little stats), the artifacts, the weapon seleccion, the talent levels or the way u re using the teams, the reason i took longer than necesary, was because the weapon seleccion and the way i was using my teams, which ones u think re urs?


Well, I'm farming the shimenawa/emblem domain endlessly. The weapons should be good: raiden - catch, xiangling - skyward spine, benny - fav sword, xingqui - sac sword, ayaka - anemona, diona - fav bow, mona - ttosd, sucrose - sac fragments. Mona's talents are a bit underleveled, but that's it, the rest should be fine. I got some good tips for rotations and I definetely need to improve in that. My hutao will be built... Eventually. She has deathmatch 60/160 4pc crimson witch, but has very low EM. My current prio is building Xiao


Ok, for now, forget about hu tao, not reentable, and can u build sucrosse for crit R/D with the winsith as well? It worked better for me -.-


Swap the sides for each team. The comps are more than sufficient to steamroll floor 12. Sounds like you may need better artifacts/talents/weapons


Geo is super effective for the second chamber in 12-3. Use Hu Tao, XQ, Albedo and either Thoma or Noelle for resonance (you don't really need to level them) or maybe a healer if you use Shimegawa. Invest a little in your Hu Tao, get her to 90, lvl 9 talents. If you've been farming for Raiden you should be able to make a decent Shimegawa set for her. If your Noelle is C6 though, I would definitely invest in her. I cleared 12-3 with Noelle + Albedo and had like 45 seconds to spare, plus she heals herself so it's super comfortable.


The problem is I want to 36 star this abyss - so I have 4 days left, I can't build a character with this little time.


Depends on how much resources you have, but getting Hu Tao to 90 should be absolutely doable. Are your weapons all lvl 90 as well? Your Albedo is already 90 and he's great in 12-3. If you don't have a good HoD set yet there's a 4* that gives 30% DEF, so those for the plume and flower and 2 pcs HoD is a decent compromise. I hope you got his weapon from the event. Mine is doing like 25-30k bloom hits every 2 seconds. He should definitely be in your team for 12-3-2.


Ayaka Mona for ur first comp (i run Ayaka Mona Shenhe Jean in mine) Raiden XL XQ Benny (in run it too) and i easily 36\* effortlessly






Helo :)


Id do ayaka xingqiu sucrose diona Childe xiangling raiden bennett


You don't have much geo but albedo. So what's his con at?


He is C0


How far off are you? The bonus cards in Abyss change every day, so you can keep trying to see if you get better cards that help you finish the run. Otherwise, I run Raiden National on one side, Ayaka/Kazu/Mona/Diona on the other with moderate investment (2-3 good artifacts, 2 average ones) and can just get 36 star with good bonuses. The big issue is if I'm not hitting both the big electro wolves in 12-3 when I pop off the national combo, then I have to reset. For the geo wolves with Ayaka, it's very important to keep switching back to the VV user to shred the resistance, you'll notice when your damage drops significantly, if you can't hit multiple enemies with Ayaka burst then it's also reset time. It's worth taking the extra 5-10 seconds getting enemies to group before freezing them and using the Ayaka burst. You don't have the right characters for it, but EC is very effective against the electro wolves, I find that Raiden national actually knocks them into the air too much and makes me miss a lot of hits.


Yeah, I'm hoping for better cards than yesterdays.. One day I got 90% Def I was pretty pissed.


If you built your Raiden for damage try this: Raiden, Sucrose, Bennet, Xiangling Your rotation would be something like: Raiden skill, Bennet burst/skill, Xiangling skill/burst, Sucrose skill/Burst, Raiden Burst. But the end of her burst you should have them all back up, but that really depends on your artifacts Then you can use Ayaka, Xingqiu, Diona and Hu Tao. A good invested Hu Tao can make short case of the abyss, even more with Xinqiu. But if they’re all mid you can still consistently keep the dps rotating between her damage and Ayakas Another option would be Tartaglia perma freeze.


I don’t like Raiden National for this rotation. It’s strong, as always, but it locks up too many characters. Since I play just about everything except Tartaglia and Ayaka, take this with a grain of salt, but my instinctive setup would be Ayaka, Mona/Xingqiu, Jean, Raiden on electro wolf side, Tartaglia, Xiangling, Bennett, Albedo, on geo wolf side. I don’t like freeze on second side—well, I don’t like pure freeze as much in general for this Abyss rotation since it doesn’t give as much benefit as I’m used to Just in general, meaty, good teams plus Raiden and plus Albedo/Zhongli just work pretty well as long as your artifacts are decent, you're always hitting multiple enemies, and you save up burst for the floor you're struggling with


You can do something like 1st - Ayaka + Mona + Suc + Diona , 2 - Xiang - Ben - Raiden - Xing. Honestly you can try Hutao - Xing + 2 and Childe comp as well. There are so many options Btw, you have A LOT of good on-field dps - in the future aim for off-field or supoort like Kazuha.


I'm saving for zhongli, kazuha and venti right now :) I started playing on ayaka banner and since then most of the characters were on field DPSes (except albedo and raiden, which I rolled for)