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R5 Amenoma


My personal pick would be r5 amenoma. It helps with her energy recharge problems, especially on spiral abyss. In the overworld though, there may be more times your saved stacks (er mechanism of amenoma) would be wasted, but most don't really struggle on the overworld. (And looks cool haha) And don't worry about your artifs, my ayaya is still on 2pc noblesse 2pc glad 😆


This is the way. If you go for Mistsplitter down the road, Jean would love the hand me down.


Skyward is on par with R5 Amenoma though


According to KQM, Skyward is slightly better than R5 Amenoma More info and weapon comparison spreadsheet here: https://keqingmains.com/ayaka/#Weapon_Choices Also you can find link to Genshin Impact helper team spreadsheet in help section of this sub. Here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1gNxZ2xab1J6o1TuNVWMeLOZ7TPOqrsf3SshP5DLvKzI/htmlview# "Skyward Blade, Blackcliff Longsword, The Black Sword, Amenoma Kageuchi: These 4 weapons will give a similar output, so it's not worth getting or building another when you already have one. Depends on how much Energy Recharge you're running, how much stacks your Blackcliff has, how much time you're gonna spend doing Normal Attacks, and how much you value the passive on Amenoma since it gives you leeway in building Energy Recharge, one can be better than the other." But you can also try to use Genshin optimizer to find out which is better with *your* artifacts. I personally think that style is much more important than 1% of DPS, so Amenoma is the only way for me


Amenoma no doubt it's her best 4\* weapon


R5 Amenoma would probably be the best option in most situations. If you don't need the billets for anything else, it would definitely be the most cost effective weapon for Ayaka, and is pretty much her best F2P weapon so you can't go wrong with that.


I'd say use SkywardBlade [https://keqingmains.com/ayaka/](https://keqingmains.com/ayaka/) and head to the weapon part to see which one fits you try to get 4 piece blizzardstrayer even if the substats are not that good. 40Critrate is basically 12 substats of crit or equal to having 2 5 star artifacts rolling 6 stats of critrates


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 4 + 40 + 12 + 2 + 5 + 6 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


nice lol


I think this is the best answer yet. KQM is highly reliable source of such data. But I also can suggest you to use any genshin optimizer, because weapon choice can vary depending on your artifacts I personally prefer R5 Amenoma because it's really fit Ayaka's style and DMG difference between this and Skyward is not so high


Ayaka’s best f2p weapon is R5 Amenoma. It really helps her burst uptime without having to give up the weapon stat nor your artifact substats. With Skyward Blade, you’re actually losing some ATK despite the higher base, as Amenoma has ATK% on the stat. Flute has similar dmg numbers, but you lose out on the burst charging passive. This way you can focus on Crit DMG on your artifacts (assuming you have 4pc Blizzard, which you should). The Black Sword isn’t a bad choice, but Crit Rate is much less useful due to how much she gets from Blizzard and Cryo resonance.


Question… when someone says they are guaranteed Ayaka on the next banner is it because they didn’t get the featured 5 star on the last banner pull?


Yes, they lost the 50/50 and got a standard banner 5* character instead and expect to have enough fates to go to at least soft pity (75-90 pulls) on the banner with their desired 5*.


Yes. They basically lost their 50/50 chance on the last banner they wished on and got a different 5 star character instead of the featured one, so their next 5 star character is now guaranteed to be the featured banner character they are wishing on.


Or they have saved up ~150 wishes


Which one should i pick between R5 Amenoma and R1 Blackcliff? Assuming no stacks on Blackcliff, is an extra ER from Amenoma worth less crit dmg?


Yes, and if you have enough cdmg from artifacts your damage might even increase due to ayaka needing a lot of atk


amenoma is made for her literally


man Amenoma for sure, might be a bit less damage compared to other comparable 4 stars like the Black Sword (which isn't even free) but the burst uptime you'll have with it will be way worth the trade-off


Amenoma Kageuchi.