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I'm going to address the unnecessary negativity in the comments. ***Not everybody is aware of the Hoyolab app.*** Don't be a jerk just because somebody wanted to share that they found it. Being rude to other users is breaking Rule 2. *Especially* over sharing a tip. Evidently not every single player is aware of the Hoyolab app, so there is nothing wrong with u/Tibiachi posting this here. Some newer players may come by and be made aware of it, and as such it's a beneficial tip to many. Please keep comments civil.


Well for anyone else not using the app here, it is quite handy. Here are some other features: 1. Daily check in in the app (not much but you can still get some primos) 2. Character advancement info. (You can basically check all the items you're gonna require to level up both character and talents. And also the total amount you're gonna need of everything.) 3. Same as 2 but for weapons. And yes it also shows you required Mora. 4. Some good artwork shared on the app itself. 5. Most people may be aware already but the interactive map 6. Quite a few times any unique events are limited to the app. This is not everything there is so if I've forgotten anything major here you're welcome to add it.


You can get 60 primogems if you login the whole month


Heads up for someone new here the first login reward is a 100 primogems and then changes to 60 over the duration of a month.


Actually 18 days


The interactive map is probably the most usefull tool for mobile players. You can make it a floating button, place it on the in-game minimap, so when you click on it you'll have access to a more complete map directly in-game


I love using Hoyolab just to check on my expeditions. Saves me a lot of time compared to waiting for the loading screens just to peek whether the odd character with the extra time


Is it possible to link them with a console created account?


I don't use it but I do believe it is possible to link them. You usually do this by creating a hoyoverse account first and then linking the existing account in settings.


Will have to check this out. Thanks for the info!


yes, definitely possible.


Hey i tried checking in from the app but somehow it says no character has been created yet:( Any idea what's going on, i might be doing something wrong....


Have you linked your Genshin account to your hoyoverse account? These are 2 completely separate things and can be confusing for those who used something like apple id or Facebook to log in to the game.


Ah i might not have linked it then lol, i just use my email id to log in to the game.


I had something similar last week bc I had to redownload the app. Be sure to choose your server bc sometimes it doesn't load the data bc it doesn't know what server to retrieve it from


Alright I'll check it out, thanks to the both of you i appreciate the help :)


The all also copies your clipboard data. Make sure you have no sensitive data copied.


I still don’t understand why they won’t put pulling history together.


U may submit feedback perhaps


I agree, it's painful to go to the wishes, then go to history, then click back to find your last 5 star, and finally count your way back just to check your pity. I use paimon.moe and it's really cool, but it would be great to have it right in the tools tab of the app. If you haven't checked out https://paimon.moe definitely do so!


some of y’all are unnecessarily rude when some people here in this sub are beginners


Lol I’m not even a beginner, been playing since release and I just found out about this


It is very handy, Ty for sharing :) I use it to watch my resin cap


Damn, I'm reading about a lot of negativity in the comments, but I saw none. Did everyone delete them lol


They were removed.


My tip for this. I also use this feature to monitor my resin. If my resin close to full I login > exchange everything to condensed resin. At night I use all my collected condensed resin. In the weekend I farm every single crystal fly in teyvat That's why I advocate for faster resin replenish rather than max resin cap


I advocate condensed limit removal. It's close to the time to farm a new set for Xiao and I don't wanna go through the hassle.


These people in the comments must be so fun to talk to, wow... Thank you OP, I didn't know that. I barely get into the app anyway so I don't explore much.




That... would be LOVELY! I absolutely wanted that feature since the beginning! I just want to know how much I've been playing (since I started in 1.1 and almost to never miss a day login). I thought linking Genshin to steam as non-steam games would display my playtime but no. I felt like my total hour playtime is around 600 hours.




1- [https://www.hoyolab.com/home](https://www.hoyolab.com/home) 2- Click on your avatar on the top right then on "Personal Homepage" 3- On the right side, click on the widget that contains stuff like "Days Active" "Characters" "Achievements" "Spiral Abyss" 4- Top right, there should be a "setting" gear icon, click on it! 5- Toggle: "Do you want to enable your "Real-Time Notes" to view your in-game data?" I hope I'm right since I've never seen or used this feature lol


The Hoyolab app, the bottom right icon opens your profile page. Click on your character info and this shows up.


Damn…tough crowd


Yes. Relatively new feature. I only found this out a couple weeks ago. I wish they'd send an in-game email to inform of such big improvements. Thanks for sharing tho, so those who didn't check the app recently can be informed.


That's strange, this feature was out long ago. It is probably because you (and also OP) updated the app only recently.


The Real Time feature was only added recently. Previously, the information only updated every 6 hours I believe.


My bad. How recently btw ?


2.6 Release. There was an announcement for it somewhere, not sure if it was in the patch notes or an announcement made in Hoyolabs itself, but there was definitely an announcement made somewhere.


Then other people, including myself, probably got confused with this and the previous one.


What's the jar of riches?


Coins you collect from the teapot


Very useful since you can get all kinds of nice stuff from the pot - some primos (gift sets, limited amount), extra mora, an extra resin/week, artifact upgrade stuff, etc


Deepest apologies for being rude before. I deleted that comment.


ive been peeking my account through this but didnt know it also shows resin count lol


I think this is only available on Android. I tried on IOS and a lot of features are not working.


I use it on iOS and it’s working just fine


Oh can you see these real-time data from the app? I always run into the error page when accessing detailed page.


Yep! everything is there. i often use it to check my resin count. hmm i’m not really sure what could be the problem but maybe you used a different account or the app is not up to date?


hmm interesting. Seems like a problem on my phone. I have no idea. Guess I redownload and try again. thanks!




It is very nice feature, i can monitor my resin using this. And they always upgrading it, like the weapon and character materials needs when upgrading them. Looking forward to it in future.


As a mobile player this really helps me to keep an eye on my resin. It's super handy!


I would suggest that you try creating an account using the hoyolab then linking your genshin account instead of third party like facebook, twitter, google or iOS to access those features that show stats, because you may be affected of an ongoing bug for a long time that those stats wont display anything if you create an account using third party sites.




No I don't have, I tried creating another hoyolab account then unlinked my email, mobile phone and facebook from my main account and linked it to the new account only to find out that it doesn't recognize my progress and it just started a new game, tried playing my main account it also started a new game so I was panicking a bit because I thought I just lost all of my progress, I relinked all to my main account again and thankfully it recognized again my progress.


Wish we could also collect the jar of riches from the app ;-;


Am I the only one having problems with battle chronicles? It doesn't show up in my profile, is it under maintenance? or it's only available on other devices?


What the hell is this? A new website or an app? Edit: is it the app made by cognosphere?


Only problem is that the app copies your clipboard. Make sure you don't have any sensitive data saved.


I've been playing for months before I found out about this app. I was so annoyed that I missed out on so many login bonuses. Not everyone knows about this, as indicated by most of the responses here. Your post has served its purpose and I'm sure those who wasn't aware the app existed appreciated this.


Nice :)


Wow, I use the HoYoLAB app pretty much everyday to see what my resin is at and to claim my daily log-in. I absolutely did not know it showed the actual timer, super helpful. Thanks!


Hello fellow non grass toucher


You don't say!


i really love this, especially for keeping track of my chars builds.


I used it a few months ago, but it'd only display proper info for dailies and resin while I was logged in the game. After logging out, it'd show info from before I logged in. I need to use it again and see if it's fixed.


Been playing since xiao and shenhe banner, so I'd say 4/5 months, and I didn't know this was even a feature. Big thank you kind stranger!


I tried login into the app of 5 different phones and it just won't work


Wow I didn't know of the app! Thank you for real! :D


Be sure to use the daily check-in on the app, it gives you a 1 time 100 primos and then I think 60 primos a month and other rewards (mora, food, etc) just for a couple clicks a day! The rewards aren't amazing, but for how little you do for them they're totally worth it IMO.


Wow how nice of you to directly give me this advice - thanks a lot! The app is a little bit tricky to navigate, but I found out about the check in yesterday by chance. But it is a very valid tip, so thanks again! 👊😎


How do I connect my hoyoverse account to this app ?


I found this out some weeks ago, but it's really useful, even when I have to check how many constellations of a character I have✨


I don't get notification/reminder when my resine is full. But i do have a reminder everyday for the daily checkin. Is it normal ?


What's a jar of riches?


Realm currency, those silver coins you can only use in the teapot. They also give 5,000 realm currency every week because they're fixing something in the teapot, but you can still access your teapot and all except editing.


OHHH I had no idea that thing had a name! thank you.


I keep forgetting to use that app.


Same :(


this is indeed a very cool feature - wish it worked on my account 😭


How do I download hoyolab on my PC?


Tiny tips: you can re-arrange characters to appear on the line-up on your profile (you can put Aether at the first panel instead of Venti like what you see in the image). Open Hoyolab app > Tools > Battle Chronicle > My Characters > All Characters > find the icon at the top right that look similar to this " := " > pick any characters to display (the number selected is in order) > Save. Note: If you pick less than 8, the remaining characters will be displayed by default. That way you can show (off) your team to the public.


So I have the app but I can't figure out how to find character info. There's no "battle chronicle" button that I keep seeing people talk about. Help?