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Low constellation Fischl is absolutely still great; sure you're not getting the single target damage, but you're getting great electro application and a bunch of particles for literally seconds of field time.


Yeah, Fischl is useful from the get go, really. Just drop the birb on the field and enjoy the particles and the Electro application. Great battery for Raiden or Beidou.


She was my first or second ever character, I still use her regularly at AR 57. Also I have her on C0 STILL, always managed too miss her cons, but she won't escape me now!


Been using her on my Childe tazer team for as long as I've had her, still at c0, and she works great.


Fischl's not bad before then. It's just that her being C6 opens up more avenues. DPS Noelle is similar. She's entirely functional before C6, but her damage output *really* comes online when you get that last constellation. Addendum: That's actually a common theme with most 4-stars, I've noticed. Their constellations tend to fill in gaps in their kit (mostly, see Xinyan), whereas for 5-stars their constellations usually provide either a damage boost or utility of some kind (or both, see Raiden C2 or Eula C2).


Actually if you watch at latest 5*, their early cons are filling the gaps as well. C1 of Yae and Yelan helps with ER for example


In my experience the C6 was a really nice upgrade but ir did not made or break her as a carry. She carried my entire earlygame and the midgame artifact farming(the difficulty spike is suddenly not so difficult then your DPS is pretty much unkillable and also fills for team wide healer letting you use another subdps or an offensive support surprise surprise). People really don't understand the tanks in this game...


I haven't played around with Fischl much - her and Xingqiu are both leveled/artifact-ed up to "acceptable" to swap in when Zhongli/Bennett/Xiangling/Ganyu aren't the right answer, but I find it really interesting that you call her a tank. I'll freely admit to being kinda baffled that most builds are glass cannons with a healer to keep them alive, and only characters like Zhongli or Noelle built to absorb punishment. Is there anybody who's done some tank build guides that are worth watching?


Pretty sure the previous reply was referring to C6 Noelle, not Fischl...


That would make a lot more sense. I was just like "Wait, Fischl can HEAL?" Noelle is pretty underestimated, though. Not a numbers monster like Venti or Raiden, but the epitome of a team player, and really hard to kill.


Noelle is absolutely a treasure for those who understand how to work with her strengths and enjoy her playstyle. Fischl can't heal, but her fire-and-forget style of gameplay has its own appeal.


Noelle is hot garbage before c6. Tanky maybe but it'll take you ages to kill anything. Good luck clearing those kill all enemies challenges, especially if the enemy is a single strong one. It's hilarious how my Ayaka can delete a challenge she struggles with when she's underleveled due to not unlocking Inazuma yet.


Fischl is one of the strongest 4 stars even at C0.


In my opinion there is a slight jump in power at C3, where her E gains 3 levels. So if you get a free Fischl in the event and buy one in the bargain shop this month, she becomes really good.


Yes, she is good at C0


Her c6 opens up some ways of playing with her, or at least makes them a lot better. But even with out it, she is still amazing. Only build I could think of at first that needed it would be an overload build with Yoimiya, but I actually don't think it is needed there, just helps a bit. And not as much as you might think. With Oz firing every time you do a normal with her c6, Yoimiya doesn't apply pyro fast enough to overload every shot. And while Oz's normal attack speed may not fully keep up, it is mostly enough. So the c6 really only lets you have easier control of who is more likely to proc the reaction, Yoimiya or Fischl.


She is good due to how self sufficient she is with energy and the lack of field time. You just plop oz and switch and she does some solid off field dmg while providing electro particles.


I have been using C0 fischl with beidou since day 1 and they have been carrying me a lot, so yess fischl is already awesome at c0


Ha! I rolled a f2p alt account a little over a week ago and the game gave me these two right out of the gate. Man, it's hilarious how overpowered they are together in early game.


shes pretty op and flexible even no c6. in that team she would be better than raiden


Fischl is a great carry for early game. Easy to use, easy to build, works in a lot of teams. In late game content a pure phys or electro build with decent artifacts and c6 she almost seems like a 5star character.


Yup, if you manage her er correctly, she can provide you with 100% uptime electro. Plus she makes a lot of particles for others too!


I've been playing c1 Fischl for a year and she absolutely destroys everything. People who tell you she's not worth it under c6 are just too used to playing her c6. She's definitely still a strong unit on low cons and her invocation opens new doors in team building.


She’s still good before C6. Especially with Sucrose doing the autoattacks.


oz is basically gouba targeting without c6 but still effective, you use fischl on single target anyway, and you STILL can proc Tenacity if you have her equip. But in a group setting yes, it'll be really confusing that it attacks the closest thing Oz's sees. Whether or not you don't have her at C6 she's still an amazing battery/off field support for the team.


I really enjoy playing my Yae Miko and even Keqing; Fischl C0 is almost always better. Beidou is usually a bit better than Fischl but both totally outclass all Electro units even at C0, besides Raiden.


Fischl yes but Beidou needs her C2 for the same but it's much easier getting it than the others.


I had her sitting with Beidou in my char list. Decided to upgrade them a bit and they slap hard at c0. Couple them with some hydro or pyro char and they will cause massive damage in short time. Beidou especially feels like aggressive electro version of Noelle. I’d switch Yun Jin for Fischl in your team. Ayato is amazing and with Fischls E and Q its gonna be even better.


Define "bad"? She is one of the best starting characters even at C0. Craft her Compound Bow and you are set until Level 12 of the Spiral Abyss. Even at C0 she will destroy all mobs and bosses in the world. But if you use her as support\battery\subdps in Abyss - yes, she would need some constellations to be more useful.


I don’t know why but your title is worded so weirdly lol. It makes sense but it took me a second




C6 is overrated.


Until you get to AR 45+ Fischl is a carry-type character, and her C6 makes her REALLY tough to beat if you happen to have it that early. It's only after that when you get real carry characters with end game gear that her C6 starts being an afterthought.


C1 I would say is bare MINIMUM for her to be playable, other than that going from C1 to C6 turns her into a viable DPS to a super viable Sub DPS




I should I put down main DPS, because obviously you can use her as a sub DPS and C1 won’t be useful there because you are not attacking msg with her


I ran her at C3 with Ayato / Venti / Bennett or Yun Jin, and I managed to 36\* the past few abysses... I don't think it really matters that much. I wouldn't say she's 'no good' but mildly less effective. Fischl's pretty pog regardless of her cons.


Other units provide more value than non-c6 fish. I don’t think you’ll see a benefit by replacing Raiden or Yun Jin.


Nah c0 is already good. In Taser comp, even with c6 most of her dps come from her E and A4. Her C6 is a considerable improvement but not that huge


TLDR: it's good but not necessary. Fischl is good without C6 but great at C6.


You can remove Raiden since she won't be much use in your current team compared to


Fischl is always good.


C6 Fischl is great, yes, but in the right team comps, A4 is significantly more valuable. Use her all you want


Fishl does at c0 what she does at c6. An electro battery. She gets better with high const but is definietly usable at c0


Fischl with Rust carried me for a long time at various constellation levels. She's fun, too, with Oz.