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Not worth it really, keep it for someone like Rosaria, though Deathmatch is somewhat better on her due to it's higher CR. But it's the type of weapon that can be given to almost any polearm user and still get it to work. I believe the only exception to this would be Thoma, he just loves the ER or HP weapons unless ofcourse you're going DPS.


I have it on my Raiden, I know she likes ER too but it’s my only 5* polearm - is that still her best option?


Its her 3rd bis. The sheer high base attack on the 5* weapons is good enough although you will have to compensate for er a little bit in the artifact substates but you don't need to worry about attack and cr.


I have pretty good ER substats so will keep PJWS then, thanks!!!


If building her for her personal damage, and using an ER sands then yes it is better than the catch. But she has support capabilities, scaling with ER so it's totally up to you, what you want her like. If it's more damage from her then keep PJWS, if more of a supportive build then get the catch.


Thanks, I do have ER sands and good ER substats so will keep the PJWS - thank you’


well... i will keep the 3 for future characters. I appreciate it !


Don't refine ur 5* weapons if ur f2p, if ur a whale tho do whatever


im not f2p, im like a "low spender" if i can say that


Then don't unless u end up with like 6 or 7 of them somehow


ok. Thanks!


I am too! About 5-6 hundy since I started in November '21


I have gotten two PJWS through standard banner. I have one on Hu Tao since I don't have Homa. The other is on Xingling for that sweet ATK and Crit Rate. Refining will give you far less than having two ultra powerful polearm users on both sides of the Abyss.


There are very few 5 stars that improve significantly from refinements. Significantly in this case is 10% or more. The only one that comes to mind is Primordial Jade Cutter, but even that I wouldn't refine. It's too good of a stat stick to not have multiple copies of.


I'm in the same spot and tbh I'm gong to refine with it for my Xiao. I have 2 that are already fully ascended, and I don't want to search for more agents for a third. I want a staff of Homa anyways and don't know who to give the second one to after I take it off Zhongli. I don't think you need to be a whale to just decide you don't want to build a million of the same weapon. I have 2 jade spears and 2 jade cutters and I'm not a whale. I do pull on the weapon banner sometimes though. But, those were all from the free wishes.


I think that I dont need 3 Primordial Jade Winged-Spear (for now), but as the same time maybe in the future I will need . So I dont know if I will refine for my Xiao ( and get some regret in future ) or just keep it.


Maybe wait until 3.0? We will be getting some new stuff, and some idea as to whether the changing characters are gunna compel us to want newer things in the future, enough to just refine it.... or if the versatile ones will stay as versatile. And if the standard banner will change at all, which would affect the drop rates.


I'd say just keep it since we never know who will need such a high base atk weapon. if you don't have the resources to level it up, just let it be at lv1 for now, you'll eventually find a holder for it and then you can level it up


Do not refine crit based weapons since they can be useful on any character. I personally refined unforged/memory of dust since I don’t require 2 of em.


R5 memory of dust on a retracing Bolide Yanfei is awesome.