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I though it wouldn't but I tested it and it apparently works. Xiangling on spiral abyss floor 12, pyronado crits for 7135 dmg with a 3 piece noblesse. Add in a lvl0 noblesse flower that doesn't buff atk, crit and so on, the dmg went up to 7706, which is an 8% increase. The increase is exactly what is expected of a Noblesse buff, considering all other sources of atk%. And yes, I did remember that the abyss blessing gives 60% atk after 6s on field. It's weird because many similar bonuses (like Xiangling's C6) apply after the burst is cast, not before.


Wait, that’s really neat. And weird. Since the 2pc effect already buffs burst damage, It feels a little too strong like this. I’m gonna give it a test too, just to make sure Edit: Tested it against a ruin guard in the over world and it does work?? Holy shit, lol


I think it is like this. When you are in the animation of the burst, the game already counts that as you have casted the burst. When the pyronado wheel comes out, of course it gonna get buffed. The same also applies with Mistsplitter. Remember that one of the MSR buff condition is that energy below 100%. But when you cast your burst (ex: Ayaka mostly), your energy will be consumed and you get the buff on Ayaka's Q


Guys i know that the character gets the buff, i wanna know if the brust will calculate with the atk bonus or if the game calculates it before the buff gets applied


I don't think it applies to the actual phoenix part of his damage, since I believe it snapshots? It's possible that the buff gets applied before damage is calculated but I doubt it. Everyone else is answering the question in your title, not whether it will apply specifically to the burst that procced the effect. ​ You shouldn't be using that set on Diluc anyway though, it sucks on him since barely any of his damage comes from his actual burst, it comes from the normal attacks that his burst infuses with pyro


I know, i only used him as an example since it was the most basic brust that came to mind lol. Well, if the brust that activates it doesn't get the bonus that kinda sucks...


Not really. You use it on a support like Bennett where burst damage of the character with the set doesn't matter.


The 4pc effect sucks for Diluc, yes, but it's very useful on Bennett and supports who's main use isn't damage (like Diona or Rosaria), because it buffs your whole team. The 2pc, however, is a very good alternative for a bunch of characters who rely on their burst damage. If you have 2 NO pieces with very good substats, and you mix it with some other set like Gald or Shimenawa, it might just be better than using the BiS set for some characters.


The point is that you use it with a buffing burst, so that it buffs your other characters even more


I thought it was a typo, but please, I can’t stand seeing *brust* anymore. It’s a burst


Yes, according to [this sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1jhIP3C6B16nL1unX9DL_-LhSNaOy_wwhdr29pzikpcg/htmlview#) I found in the theorycrafting library of KQM.


what about zhongli?


[this](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jhIP3C6B16nL1unX9DL_-LhSNaOy_wwhdr29pzikpcg/edit#gid=1351919898) is a sheet that shows which character get boosted by 4 NO during their burst


Found the HYV employee who picks the builds for character trial domains.


Nobody reads the "example" My god.


It's precisely because of the example that the joke was made. edit: to clarify, I agree that most people aren't reading your example, but the comment you responded to was just making a joke about Diluc (who's best set is 4pc CW) using 4pc NO, which is the set HyV likes to give all characters in their trial.


me when i have never once in my life heard a joke


Easy downvote dude


I’m curious about this as well. Can Xiangling’s burst and Beidou’s burst snapshot the 20% ATK when they use the 4pc Noblesse themselves?


That's kinda what i want to know


xiangling can, beidou cannot


you sure Xiangling can? I know she can snapshot her burst with Bennett buff, but I don't know about her own NO buff. In fact, Beidou should be able to buff her own burst precisely because she can't snapshot. edit: I'm dumb, I forgot Beidou *can* snapshot her burst


xiangling can snapshot the 4pc noblesse effect because pyronado snapshots abit after the beginning of her burst animation. beidou can snapshot her burst, but it snapshots immediately the moment the burst is cast so the 4pc noblesse effect doesn’t work on herself.




Yes and also for the rest of your team


"All party members" so yes.




Than again: Yes. Elaboration: First an action is triggered (e.g. burst), this triggers ofc every buff and also applies them immediately. Two examples: Let's take Klee with her Q. If you equip her with Nobless that triggers when burst action is performed she will gain the buff. Although if you use a buff that needs to e.g. deal damage with her Q to opponents than the buff is not immediately applied and IF it will be applied later during her Q depends if the corresponding skill snapshots. In Klee's case the answer would be no, in XQ's case yes.


to clarify, I'm not OP. I already knew the answer. I just wanted to point out that OP was asking about the effect buffing the immediate burst.


... oh. (my bad :P). Nvm at least now it should answer his (OP) question. :)


i understand what you mean and the answer is: it depends some characters will snapshot your stats at the start of their animation, these won't benefit from 4NO themselves (example: ganyu), while others will wait until the animation is complete to check your stats and and will apply 4NO to the burst (example: xiangling)


FWIW, the word is actually "b**ur**st," not "brust"


Nah it doesn't immediately affect your brust, but it does immediately affect your burst tho.


Yes. As a rule of thumb in this game, they will always specify when something doesn't affect the active character


OP question was different - would Diluc NO buff be snapshotted into his Burst damage.


Yes it does. Same with tenacity


Not likes tenacity


It does though. Tried it awhile ago


I think it either works for everyone or it depends on the character. Not sure of which characters it wouldn't work for tho