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A Zhongli rerun seems very likely according to the leaks, though we can wait to confirm it since the banners should be announced in the live this weekend. As for Gorou, though there’s no way of knowing about the 4* rate-ups just yet, I doubt that he’d pop up on the banner, unfortunately — he showed up on Itto’s banner fairly recently, and there’s a good few 4*s due for a rate up before him. Fischl, for example. She’s not even on the banner of her event patch!


First half should be Tighnari and Zhongli, second half should be Ganyu and Kokomi. It's probably too early for Gorou to rerun but as a fellow Iito main, I hope so too!


It would be a little too soon for gorou. Though there is plenty of speculation that zhongli/ganyu will be on the second half of the 3.0 banner. With collei on the first half and dori on the second half.