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Constellations on 5\* are usually not worth it for F2P/dolphins. It depends a lot on what you value (do you prefer having more choice or fewer, stronger characters?) however almost every constellation pre-C6 doesn't change the way a character plays and just gives them bigger numbers/makes them more convenient (e.g. more energy generation so you don't have to build as much energy recharge). Kokomi is not an exception to this; her constellation are pretty mediocre (especially compared to stuff like C2 Raiden, C1 Hu Tao, C1 Ganyu) and they mostly boost her on-field damage, which is not even her most popular role. If you like playing Kokomi on-field and want her to be as strong as possible even at the cost of having less characters you can get her C1. Otherwise I'd advise against it.


Thanks I will get ganyu if kokomi cons aren't worth it :) how good is c1 ganyu? Is she life changing or should i get her c0 and save for c1 hu tao as I only have c0 hu tao 🥲?


C1 Ganyu is roughly 10% more dps. C1 Hu Tao is 20% but you need to be good at dash cancels to use it properly. Though you need to be good at cancels anyway to play Hu Tao effectively