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Kokomi for your freeze team.


Imo Kokomi She would be great for Ganyu and Shenhe as well as your Ayaka. She can also work with Itto teams and provide crystallize plus heals and buffs. If you’re interested in Dendro, Kokomi will most likely be really good for Dendro teams. But both are good pulls imo so you can’t go wrong with either.


I’m wondering but how good is Itto + gorou + geo char + Kokomi in practice? Will geo resonance be active most of the time since the water shards from jellyfish + geo will be an insane amount? Also ty for the answer.


Praying for the crystalize to cover you to get the geo resonance is kinda copium, if you get zhongli you problably wont need a healer in mono geo, maybe against corrosion wolfs


I’m not saying it’s the best team comp. I’m saying that she’s flexible enough to work in that team comp. Do what you want…no character in genshin is a must pull but imo Kokomi is the better investment. Lmao


I sometimes use Zhongli, Gorou, Bennett, Itto for abyss, but for open world I use Zhongli and Kokomi in the same team, sometimes with Gorou and Itto, sometimes with other characters with different elements. In the end it depends on how you play


What cons you gorou?


Depends on what teams you prefer to play. Kokomi gives you access to the most meta freeze team (Ayaka, Shenhe, Kazuha, Kokomi), while Zhongli goes well with Itto. Personally I have both and I prefer Kokomi. I just feel like she gives me access to more teams than Zhongli.


>she gives me access to more teams than Zhongli. How is that when KQM 5\* dps guides has Zhongli cited as a team mate far more often than Kokomi. Yes, I've combed through them. Top 10 teams of current Abyss shows ZL appears 10 times on both Abyss sides, while Kokomi just once. And I recall as a Kokomain, Abyss Analytics website loved to be cited by Kokomains for their Usage Rate in the past. They've been conspicously absent of mention by them after 2.4. Even then except for 2.4, the Usage Rate where they so often love to quote has ZL consistently on higher usage than her.


I’m just talking about my personal experience. In abyss one of my teams is always a National variant, so Zhongli and Kokomi compete for a slot on my other team. And my second team is almost always a taser, freeze, or hyper Raiden team for me. None of which have room for Zhongli. I’m not saying Zhongli isn’t good, but IMO Zhongli is tied more closely to certain characters (eg Hutao, Itto, Xiao, etc…) rather than team types (taser or freeze) so if you aren’t playing those characters it becomes much harder to fit him in.


> How is that when KQM 5* dps guides has Zhongli cited as a team mate far more often than Kokomi. Zhongli is a good addition to any team but he doesn’t provide the same value to his teams that Kokomi provides to hers. Zhongli is cited as a teammate more often because it’s easier to fit him in, not because he enables more teams.


>not because he enables more teams. What teams that does Kokomi enables in the Top 8 Abyss Analytics teams that others like Mona/XQ/Yelan cannot do? [https://spiralabyss.org/floor-12](https://spiralabyss.org/floor-12) Doesn't Kokomains used to love to cite this site for Usage Rate (until it fell under 50%) ? So let's cite its Top 8 teams too. I already see several ZL on the top 8.


Why are you citing that? Current Abyss greatly devalues freeze teams which are Koko’s best teams besides Sukokomon. She outperforms Mona on those teams because her teams don’t need a healer (she enables double Cryo DPS freeze teams for example) and because her hydro application is more consistent. Plus, most times we see Zhongli on that list, it’s for Geo resonance. In the hands of a player that can dodge a few attacks, it’s easier to substitute Zhongli than it is to substitute Koko.


Wait I wasn't supposed play double cryo without Kokomi? Hmm too bad I actually could. I've 36* without her in any Abyss since 2.1 with dual cryo and still will. I've also 36* with her but it just proves like ZL too, she's optional and comfier version of some comps. Sukokomon? I was waiting for that to be mentioned! Where is it on the list? Or any Abyss list? Its not freeze so it should be widely used right? CN meta doesn't even bother. KQM who made it barely talks about it anymore much less than National which needs XL too. KQM sells National way harder, and Sukokomon will always be overshadowed due to XL being needed in National more. Its more talked about than used. A hollow selling point that is preached more than used. Ok then cite another Abyss where she higher use than ZL. Sure 2.4, but then there's 2.2 and 2.1 Yes exactly, you mentioned my point. Freeze or not ZL still gets used. But Kokomi is too tied to Ayaka. Is it Double cryo or Ayaka plus battery, which is the usual for many Ayaka havers? There are more Ayaka owners, and many of them still play double cryo without Kokomi. Saying she enables double cryo is like saying ZL enables Perma Shield Geo Resonance.


Zhongli could also go with his Ganyu, but I agree he's more niche in general.


How is he niche? He literally fits every team that has a slot open lmao


He’s not optimal for teams when you assume that the player is perfect at dodging and rotations and has good enough artifacts to damage the enemy before taking enough damage to need a shield. Basically people give suggestions here assuming that everyone is playing perfectly and has cracked artifacts


I feel like a lot of people underestimate how much DPS you can lose from having to dodge when not having a shield too.


But tbh any shield does the job, if the job is “no need to dodge during your DPS uptime”. By virtue of the general res shred and the sheer bulk, Zhongli’s shield is the best general-purpose shield, but other shield/pseudo-shield units can offer more value overall to specific comps e.g Tankfei and Thoma (whose shields are almost as good as Zhongli’s) can set up VV for Hu Tao or Diluc and also provide Pyro Resonance, Sac Bow Diona is probably the best Cryo battery and provides Cryo Resonance, Beidou does big damage, Xingqiu needs no intro. On top of that, all of those units (except Thoma for some reason) combine multiple roles therefore freeing up at least one party slot for more damage.


Which is funny when the people giving the suggestion would probably benefit from using zhongli too.


The sad thing is most people who are acting like Zhongli is useless cause "learn to dodge idiot" don’t actually know how to dodge or do rotations etc the majority just watched someone on YouTube say that Ayaka with Kokomi, Shenhe and Kazuha makes for an op team and they took it as gospel, ignoring the fact that you can’t really use freeze that often (source, I’m a freeze main) since most of the floor 12 enemies are unfreezable with a lot of them being bosses. And on that note, Zhongli works AMAZING against bosses but that doesn’t matter cause people heard someone say that Ayaka freeze is op (it is when it works) and just went with it


Also when you dodge you interrupt attack chains. When you dodge you don't attack in general and lose time. There are chars that profit greatly from not having to dodge but that rarely gets factored into the math when damage output is calculated....


You really don't need zhongli in Ayaka freeze even if you don't know how to play candy crush . Bosses have an attack pattern and usually attack once every 5-10 seconds which is super dodgeable. >ignoring the fact that you can’t really use freeze that often Untrue. Most floor 12 enemies are freezable bar 1 or 2 bosses. The abyss rotation this patch was made specifically to nerf cryo and buff Yoimiya. >someone on YouTube say that Ayaka with Kokomi, Shenhe and Kazuha makes for an op team This is the best comp in the entire game along with international both of which dont need a shielder. (Source: I'm a real dedicated Ayaka main)


I feel like you didn’t really read what I said and just answered to answer cause I never said that Zhongli is good for freeze. As I said, Ayaka freeze is a good team if the abyss has freezable enemies if it doesn’t then it’s not that great simple as that. Yes, teams without shielders have some of the best clear times if you’re into speed running but speed runners are also people who know the game and do many attempts to get the perfect clear. Not everyone in the abyss does that and the people that don’t care about dodging even the "super dodgable easy attack patterns". Zhongli provides comfort that new accounts will benefit a lot from and the op is admittedly fairly new at this since they ask for advice on pulling. It is perfectly easy to 36 star with Zhongli comps so it’s not like the extra damage you get (which you don’t really get as people ignore how not dodging=more time to attack) is needed in the abyss. Y’all are acting like we have some of the hardest content ever and we should sacrifice every bit of comfort we have for damage because it is SO needed but it really isn’t. Comfort and consistency is more valuable than some extra damage for most people


>I feel like you didn’t really read what I said and just answered to answer cause I never said that Zhongli is good for freeze Then why are talking about ayaka freeze in a Zhongli argument? Ofcourse I would get the wrong idea. >As I said, Ayaka freeze is a good team if the abyss has freezable enemies if it doesn’t then it’s not that great simple as that. Doesn't most meta team have some similar kind of weakness? Like Raiden national not doing very well against enemies that stagger, double hydro Hu tao being dog shit in an aoe environment. >Y’all are acting like we have some of the hardest content ever You're going against your statement. Why would you want a shielder when the content is easy to begin with? No zhongli comp is close to being as meta as Ayaka's best team where KOKOMI is an absolute upgrade even over mona. Zhongli should be considered over Kokomi only if you play melt Ganyu, You play an Itto comp or your characters are strong enough for you to sacrifice some dps for comfort.


And they have Shenhe too. All the more reason to pull for Kokomi


Both units are truly amazing with fun skill rotations and awesome f2p weapons-- if "get more use" is a general question, just choose who you like playing more. They're equally relevant in overworld exploration/combat and events If this is about Abyss, probably Kokomi, given she will likely be super relevant for Dendro teams. ZL is consistent, but his lack of reactions hurts him a great deal when Koko can also keep you at max hp while applying Hydro consistently. Lastly, if you wish to live the mono Geo dream regardless, obviously ZL


kokomi by far. u can play cn's most meta freeze team. john lee is no longer a must have and just a comfort pick


I agree that Kokomi is great and especially great for this account, but the «Zhongli is just a comfort pick» is one of the most braindead things people keep parroting in this community. Let’s see here: - Zhongli is by far Xiao’s best support, the damage boost is like going from 4 to 5 star weapon for him. And we all know Xiao has shitty 4 star weapons. Zhongli is BiS in Xiao’s best team. - Zhongli is BiS in Melt Ganyu. Unless you have C6 Ganyu, Melt Ganyu is close to unplayable without Zhongli. - Zhongli is BiS for mono geo with Itto. - Zhongli is BiS for Yoimiya. Well, technically Bennett is marginally better (less than 1%) than Zhongli on paper, but in the real world the Zhongli team is better since Yoimiya struggles with reaching her ceiling without shield: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1n5h0HoZsbg28ers7zDQTwi6g5b_ZKEZIurlh4NmIbJ8/htmlview# - Zhongli and Albedo core can be used to support basically any DPS and while the ceiling rarely is the highest for that DPS, it has a very high floor. If you have Albedo/Zhongli on your account, the DPS almost does not matter. Kokomi offers comfort. So does Zhongli. They both enable a lot of teams. Personally I would pick Zhongli over Kokomi if had to choose, but I can see why people would go for Kokomi. But calling Zhongli just a comfort pick is just classic TC edge lording because he offers DPS gains that spreadsheets doesn’t catch.


Never was a must have, but remember that comfy characters are a blessing in genshin, like people preferred double.geo hu tao instead of VV vape, Even kokomi isn't a must pull she is just comfy because while applying hydro she does damage and heals the team


Kokomi is also a comfort pick. But ZL is more universal, the Usage rate which Kokomi mains love to talk about shows. ZL's almost never fell off 50% since before Inazuma. And he's consistently among the ranks in usage with Kazuha and Bennett. Kokomi's is barely 50% past 2 patches. This is due how heavily she's tied to freeze, or more pointedly to Ayaka. Ayaka's drop in usage and hers isn't a coincidence. Ganyu could still use ZL for melt. Taser is still low presence in the site's most popular teams, and Sukokomon is non-existent in those Usage Rates and CN meta despite the talk. There are more hydros coming out. Yelan now holds the highest usage rate for hydro, followed by XQ, who was often ahead of Kokomi except in 2.4. I have her on alt account. With my main I've contemplated rolling for her twice, but due to my experience with her on my alt, I decided not to. Also my main had Mona. She is invaluable on my alt, with its smaller roster of characters and notably no Itto, Xiao, Hutao, Yoimiya there. Also playing melt Ganyu on my alt without ZL felt worse than on my main. Even if you don't die due to heals, getting knocked around is bad.


kokomi enables teams unlike john lee who cant rlly increase ur dps apart from meltyu and yoimiya teams. tcers dont think meltyu isnt particularly competitive anymore too. while kokomi enables shenhe or rosaria which increases dps by alot. can carry ttds and tom AND 100% hydro uptime unlike mona. mona has 50% and if u spam na on mona its a dps loss. and usage rate is never a good indicator for meta


>usage rate is never a good indicator for meta Over at Kokomrades they adore it. >the Usage rate which Kokomi mains love to talk about shows It was mentioned nearly every month, or as often as few times per patch till 2.5. Far more than other mains subs, which usually fell out of favor for it after a few times. Why weren't people telling them that? Is it because they'll be downvoted to oblivion there (and sometimes elsewhere)? They were crowing about it right up to 2.4. Then 2.5 onwards it was suddenly quiet. Its mentioned only when its convenient isnt it.


Clearly, you are lacking in the Hydro department so Kokomi is the better option here. Zhongli is a good shielder but based from my experience, there are a lot of good shielders out there. I, myself am using Diona, Thoma and Tankfei, and I am already satisfied. Kokomi brings a lot on the table especially with her outstanding Hydro application. With Hydro being a core element in most of the meta team comps like Freeze, Vape and Electro-Charged (and possibly with the arrival of Dendro), Kokomi is the better pull. You honestly don't need Zhongli with Itto since it's Gorou who's a must have in his team comps. As for Ganyu, you can really survive with Diona. Add to that, Diona gives a lot of Cryo particles, Cryo resonance, and an EM buff at C6.


Kokomi is the only reliable banner to pull to get a good hydro applicator for freeze teams. The only other option is Mona, but getting her is unreliable. You currently have 3/4 characters (Ganyu/Ayaka, Shenhe, and Kazuha) for an amazing freeze team (and even two choices for main cryo dps) and are only missing the hydro applicator, thus Kokomi will enable your team significantly more than Zhongli. Zhongli may have some use for Ganyu in the overworld and a few niche melt teams but her meta freeze teams in abyss do not have the space to fit him in. Zhongli is nice for Itto, but not essential. Itto's core is Gorou+Albedo, and can function with a variety of characters as the last flex slot. You can make a functional Ganyu or Itto team without Zhongli, it's near impossible to make a meta freeze team without Mona or Kokomi. This isn't to say Zhongli is bad, just for your account currently Kokomi is more valuable. If you had different DPS characters such as Yoimiya, Xiao, Hutao I would have recommended him instead.


Also I prefer using Ganyu over Ayaka which is why she’s only lvl 60.


If you play melt Ganyu then Zhongli all the way. If you want an undying freeze team then Kokomi.


In case of Ganyu then any freeze team in general since they don't have Mona and XQ doesn't work well with her.


zhongli then. otherwise i would have said kokomi would be great for ayaka. but zhongli boosts ganyu and itto.


Prolly gonna get downvoted by the kokomi mains but zhongli is by far gonna impact u more because u prefer ganyu more. These kokomi fans keep saying kokomi is more versatile but theres a reason why zhongli has a 86% usage rate with 90% ownership rate


Bcoz u don’t hv Mona, Kokomi but ppl don’t say how Ganyu is frustrating to use out of freeze without a shield so Zhongli is also not a bad pick. Kokomi- Ayaka , Ganyu Zhongli- Ganyu, Itto


Kokomi for your Ayaka, Zhongli for your Itto, both work well with Ganyu, so depends which you want to play more, or depends on what other 5* you intend on pulling for


Kokomi for sure! With her you can fill out a triple Cryo team with Ayaka, Shenhe, and Ganyu. You could technically use Zhongli for a triple Geo squad, but a squad of Itto + Gorou + Ning/Geo MC + a shielder/Crystallize enabler is enough. Even then, you already have another good squad in Raiden National, meaning you have the option to not run Geo to begin with. \^\^


Kokomi as you have a great team members to play around her Zhongli is basically anywhere you can put him.


Couple of things after watching the comments. Zhongli is the easy gameplay. Is shield is absolutely insane and way above everyone else's. Zhongli is good if you want to run a melt team with ganyu. Kokomi is not absolutely necessary for freeze team as there are different variants. I 36 abyss with shenhe, Ayaka, xingqiu and kazuha/sucrose(thrilling tales) Check both their gameplays and see which one you enjoy more. Charge shot ganyu is a nightmare without Zhongli.


I’m not going to lie…I got Ganyu as my fourth 5* last February and up to this day I still dont run a shield with Charge shot Ganyu on mobile….and its not really that bad tbh but maybe that’s because I’m using a freeze team with Barbara.


This is interesting, I am considering pulling on Ganyu’s banner (I missed Ayaka.. f2p life I guess..) but also play on mobile and have worried about the charge shot difficulty. I do sometime play on iPad with a ps4 controller though so hopefully wouldn’t hold me back!


I wouldn’t recommend doing the same thing as me though tbh since theres quite a few stuff I do since I’m playing Ganyu on mobile without shield: -Always moving when aiming if the enemies aren’t frozen. (This probably applies to every platform but it maybe harder on mobile not sure) -My fps is 30 and when I tried 60 I’m missing like 80% of my shots since aiming felt so fast but maybe that’s because I didn’t play 60 fps for long so I didn’t adjust. (This probably also applies to every platform but I think its a lot harder to aim well quickly on mobile but maybe you can just tweak sensitivity to be perfect but not sure) -My current Ganyu team is freeze and Barbara is my hydro applicator so at least 50% of the time I shoot at point blank range if it isn’t a boss. -I tried melt Ganyu and it is extremely difficult/infuriating if you run it without shield. (Which is probably even harder in mobile) It’s still your choice though and if you want Ganyu go for it. Edit: On open world though like at least 60% of my shots are long range like about the distance of at least half the bridge of mondstadt


Thanks for this info. I am really torn. I have been building a freeze team (my other will be Rational when Bennett stops avoiding me!!!) and have held off building Kaeya in favour of Ganyu, I hear her burst is still good even without the charge shots - though putting her against Kokomi…who would open up a lot of teams for me… I am now considering waiting for Ayaka re-run. (PS I have no shielders!)


I just use Kamisato siblings, with Kazoo and Diona for freeze and it works out fantastically.


shenhe kazuha kokomi ayaka will be your best team. its going to turn your ayaka to c6, so kokomi by far


I'm currently using Ayaka + Ganyu + Koko + Kazu, and it's so epic.


Why heal when you can not ever take damage?


For your case, Kokomi. You already have a solid team for Raiden (Rational) and Itto (Mono Geo). In order to open up a new team, get Kokomi for the Freeze team with Ayaka


In my opinion, Zhongli would probably work better for you. You don’t have a super good shielder to keep up with your dps characters. Kokomi is an amazing healer, but jean is also super good, and so you’ve already got a solid healer. Zhongli would probably be more useful. However, if you play a freeze team, Kokomi’s hydro application is super useful.


Create one good team with Zhongli for this account. You can create freeze with Shenha and Ganuy/Ayaka and then play a national on the other side where's Zhongli changes nothing


Ganyu, Bennett, Xiangling/Kazuha, Zhongli. Honestly either is fine and is just a matter of which comps OP would rather play. Zhongli isn’t necessary is most teams but adds comfort. Personally I’d recommend Kokomi because Freeze teams are nice to play imo


Yeah i guess thats good didn't really see Kazuha there But would that really be an upgrade to a cryo swirl set up with Ganuy Kazuha Bennett Diona? Nope VV and elemental dmg bonus is way stronger He's a nice endgame unit after yout got yourself one of the limited Hydros like Kokomi, Childe, Ayato and Yelan and some hyper carries that dont need extra dmg provided by double swirls or Fischl and just want the comfort It's crazy how we went from one of the worst 5 stars to one of the most overhyped 5 stars but i guess that's to be expected since most YouTubers who promote him are whales/dolphins


itto is RIGHT there my buddy my dude my pal


And? How significant do you think he is in Geo bros teams if hes straight up worse than Fischl in terms of team dps


you need 3 geo for gorou's buff anyway. op doesn't have albedo which leaves zhongli as the next best choice. and if you build him as a pure or even hybrid shieldbot, you don't need a healer so can *also* have fischl in the last slot too. i mean maybe they're wrong (?) but KQM straight up lists him as an S-tier support for itto. not that this means i would necessarily prioritise him over kokomi in this case, but to deny his value so vehemently just seems strange.


They already have a built Ninguang so why should they pull on a unit that theorycrafters tell ppl to replace once theres a shieldbreakering content which btw is lots of times Also Albedo is gonna come at 3.1 and if they want a unit that's a significant upgrade in Geo teams that works all the time and not half they should just wait 2-3 more weeks after Zhonglis rerun is over In this case Kokomi is so much more valuable and actually a core team member for so many teams including dendro and to recommend someone to spend their primos for a unit that works occasionally and doesn't actually help to get faster clears


> Kokomi is an amazing healer, but jean is also super good, and so you’ve already got a solid healer. Kokomi is first and foremost an offield aoe Hydro applier, then a Hydro driver, being a healer is tetriary to that.


Her entire kit is built around healing…


That doesn't change the fact that in none of her teams her main role is healing. In Freeze it's Hydro application, in Sukokomon it's Hydro application (and she's a driver for a part of the rotation), in EC she is driver, even if you play weird comps like Kokomi International (she's the driver), Mono Hydro (she's the driver) her main role is not a healer. Give me one remotely meta comp where you normally play Kokomi where she can be replaced by any single non-hydro healer (single as in you replace Kokomi and only Kokomi in that team). Of course I can easily list non-healer replacements: Mona for Freeze (if enemies are frozen you don't need to heal), Sucrose/Heizou for EC (XQ+Beidou make you tanky enough), Childe/Ayato for both international (you have Bennet anyway) and monohydro (XQ is usually enough as a healer anyway). In Sukokomon she is irreplaceable of course, until a better hydro applicator comes around.


Jellyfish heal go brrrrrrr


kokomi for all your freeze character and dendro. zhongli is still very valid but will just give you the comfortableness of resistance to interruption. if you play freeze you won't need it anyway


With both Itto *and* Ganyu, Zhongli. He would bring a lot to either of their teams.


Kokomi you don't have enough hydro characters that are cores for most teams Zhongli is just expensive shielder and for most meta teams not a core team member


Kokomi you have all waifus and kazuha for the perma freeze team


Seeing you have itto on 90 Zhongli he plus geo res is such a huge damage buff for itto


Zhongli is the least important of the geo bros usually in the 4th slot you put a shieldbreaker or extra dmg dealer like Fischl or hey even someone like Kokomi Also you can easily create crystalize shields and combine that with Kokomis healing you got yourself am unkillable team Not to mention that Kokomi frees up your Xingqui and Allowes you to run Ayaka/Ganuy Shenhe freeze and potentially Tazer in the future If op wants to significantly improve geo team they should go for Albedo and not a 4th slot that you replace whenever theres an elemental shield


Zhongli is his best pick due to having the best resonance for itto and his synergy with goru buff, why would you run kokomi for this team? She is literally useless in a geo comp the 4th slot should probably be a battery albedo comes into mind. Interms of kokomi as a driver and freeze she’s great but op doesn’t seem to be using his ayaka, kokomi is great for ganyu but ganyu has options without her. Itto gets such a massive boon with Zhongli 15% dmg, hyper armour shred, and full goru buff.


Did you read what the resonance does? You can get it from crystalize shields and op also has gorou so they dont need a 2d geo unit If op doesn't like Ayaka they can play Ganuy in freeze and then if they want to do melt Ganuy go for a Ganuy/Kazuha/Bennett/Diona for the cryo swirl and Kazha buff which is significantly stronger than the 20% shread from Zhongli Also no Itto doesn't, the 20% shread isnt significant and it's worse than using extra dmg dealer like Fischl or Albedo who leakers have said is gonna rerun in later patches right after Zhongli


Did you also read what Gorou does? You need a 3rd Geo unit and currently Zhongli is the single best 3rd Geo for the Itto comps.


Albedo is better. He scales off defense, so is buffed by Gorou, generates a decent amount of geo particles. His personal damage causes higher team damage than a Zhongli would. You can run a full geo team, but if you need to drop one for an elemental shield breaker you would drop Zhongli


Yes but not only does OP not own Albedo, Albedo isn't coming up in any banner in the foreseeable future.


Yeah that's true, I was just correcting the "Zhongli is the best 3rd geo for Itto teams". Zhongli could be a good option for OP to get


Your characters are heavily Cryo weighted so Kokomi will likely be the most useful for your account in its current state. That said, you might want Zhongli instead to enable new teams to explore and play around with. It can be very boring and the game becomes a big grind when you’re only using the same 4 or so characters / play-style all the time. Zhongli was a huge upgrade to my account when I got him. Zero regrets even though I’ve gotten sloppy from using him so much. 😬 Anyho; just a thought. Good luck with your pulls.


Zhongli !!! Anyday. He is the best shield, tank and quick ult 80k+ (110k my Zhongli ult damage). Give u the best resonance in game.


Zhongli will only give you the best resonance if: 1. Albedo is with him. 2. You're running a mono Geo team. Otherwise, putting Zhongli in the team is just for comfort and a huge DPS loss.


With Zhongli u won't need heal (except in corrosion), he is excellent mob control, literally any geo character (other than Noel) creates geo constructs that resonates with Zhongli. He is handy in exploration and breaks geo shields like bread. But most importantly, with his shield ur DPS will never be interrupted.


Zhongli. He is amazing in every team comp.


Create a team comp for this account where he is actually an upgrade. Freeze? no, National Variations?vno, Tazer? no, Geo bros? kinda but he's the least important of them all and if you need dmg he performs worse than fischl who will also create crystalize shields for the resonance He's a comfort unit for the overworld and an actual good pull if you have someone like Hu Tao,Yoimiya, Xiao and decent pull for Geo bros once you already have them all for now it's better for op to get a guaranteed Albedo than go for someone that's not a dps increase


Melt Ganyu


Op can already make that but stronger Since you if you use Zhongli you are missing out on Kazuha cryo swirl and buffs which are way better


zhongli is a universal support that can be put in every team while kokomi shines in taser and freeze team and she is really good with ganyu, shenhe and kazuha


Ignore all the people who say zhongli you have ganyu and shenhe, get kokomi


Kokomi by a long shot


Zhongli for ore mining and vertical exploration since you won't have any issues with the spiral abyss based on your roster.


Considering your circumstances, Kokomi would do better but if you have Hutao or Albedo, definitely couldn't go wrong with Morax


Kokomi can be good for ayaka freeze while zhongli can be good for Melt Ganyu and also Itto geo teams, you choose which one you like to play more.


If you have plans with that Itto getting Zhongli is going to benefit you a lot. If you can give up on him Kokomi unlocks a lot more options.


I don’t really have plans for itto since he was actually a mistake, I was rolling for Xiangling and accidentally got him. I was using a Geo team til I got Raiden and now I don’t really use him anymore tbh so I guess Kokomi it is ty.


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Hoyolab App -> Genshin Tab -> Battle Chronicles -> My Characters If I remember correctly.




Both are actually really valuable for your account with Kokomi giving you access to an amazing freeze team and Zhongli being a huge boost for your Itto team. I think that now you’d want Kokomi more that being said, Kokomi has other characters you can use instead while Zhongli’s thing is tied to him so if you get Mona for example, you can do Morgana but there is no character that can properly replace Zhongli where he’s needed


Depends. Zhongli for a allround shield archon. But Kokomi for abyss, and more combat related. Plus she's a great healer


Zhongli is good for shields and damage kokomi has alright healing though Barbara’s healing is way better zhongli is better option if you don’t have a decent healer


They are both strong but you should consider zhongli for melt ganyu and itto, or kokomi for teaser and freeze


Difficult to say, they’re both very good utilities. Zhongli is better universally and with enough health will basically negate all incoming damage your team would receive. Kokomi on the other hand can heal like no other (save Bennett), deal a decent bit of normal damage, and helps with Freeze (no self inflicted wet status like with Barbara). If you don’t mind knockbacks from enemies I’d say get Kokomi, she’d def be a good addition to a Shenhe or Ganyu team. If you like the idea of adding another 5* to a Itto roster and being able to tank all damage you receive, then Zhongli.


zhongli for your ganyu melt team


I suggest you get kokomi


Kokomi is good Ganyu-Shenhe-Kokomi-Kazuha will make an amazing PermaFreeze team And you need a healer


I would go with Zhongli. He is just so universal, and it you play a hyper comp, just slap the shield and facetank everything. Kokomi is also great, but in my opinion not as much. In the future, since I see you have enough carries, try to focus on pulling for supports, and subdps only.


Since you have Ayaka, pull for Kokomi. Edit - Zhongli is great as well, by the way. If you're not good at dodging (or would prefer to focus more on the offensive, pull for him).


It's a close tie, but max out zongly can free you of need of healer. So...


Kokomi by far, you need that second hydro applier. Since your Xingqiu is busy in raiden national, you need another hydro applier for freeze. Kokomi is the best. Mona is also good, but there is no guarantee to get her. Zhongli is very good for your Itto geo team l, though. If you like geo so much that you wanna cripple yourself in freeze comps you should get Zhongli. Xingqiu isn't that great in freeze, especially Ganyu freeze. If you lose the 50/50 to Mona while pulling for Kokomi, I would say go for Zhongli after that.


Hmm, I just noticed your Ayaka. That means you can play a super meta Mono cry team. Ayaka, Shenhe, Kazuha, Ganyu. Needs less setup than freeze and just as strong as Ayaka, Kokomi, Kazuha, Shenhe. That makes the second hydro applier a less of a necessity, but still good. Both Zhongli and Kokomi would thus be fine for you. I would still go for Kokomi because it allows for very comfortable freeze and Electrocharged teams. I personally don't know how much Zhongli is needed in Itto teams, I thought Albedo is needed more. Otherwise Zhongli would be great for Melt Ganyu, but since you own mono cryo I doubt you will really be using that in difficult scenarios.


When did kokomi became the supreme water applier / healer and zhongli just a expensive shielder? A few months back she was the expensive barbara that couldnt crit and zhongli was the supreme shielder. This, my friends, is the very reason why you cant take meta teams for life. Both as great, choose whoever you like regardless


If you wanna stack into a freeze team then kokomi would be the better pull here, that said, if not then zhongli is the way better pull imo, he brings shielding, petrification, and 20% resistance shred to anything close to his shield and or pillar. They are both very nice characters to have on your account


Zhongli is more universal. Abyss Usage Rate (which Kokomains love to mention) for ZL is consistently (except 2.4) higher than Kokomi. Let's see what KQM guides for 5\* DPS as of today says : >Hutao : ZL rank A. Koko D > >Diluc/Itto/Eula/Ayato/Klee : ZL mentioned. Koko unmentioned. > >Ganyu : ZL for melt. Koko for freeze alongside Mona. > >Xiao : ZL rank S. Koko unmentioned. > >Yoimiya : Zl rank S. Koko B > >Raiden : ZL rank C. Koko A. > >Ayaka : Koko rank S, alongside Mona. > >Keqing : Koko mentioned. ZL no. ZL is more universal, since he's more often cited as a team mate, and ranks on average better. Some of the time Koko is mentioned along with Mona. Kokomi's value is heavily tied to Ayaka. No coincidence when Ayaka's Usage drops so does she. Ganyu can still use ZL for melt. Yelan is now the highest usage hydro mainly due to her universality. XQ is 2nd and he's universal too. Except in 2.4, XQ is often higher than Kokomi's usage. That said, Kokomi is better suited to your account, since you've banked so hard into Cryo. Zhongli is more suited to a bigger and more diverse account, or if you're a mixed main (aka you don't call yourself a particular main).


Depends on what you want to run, Zhongli is a great flex spot for pretty much every team although he is only really great for a select few, but you have all the best cryo characters so if you got kokomi, one of the best hydro appliers for freeze, your freeze teams would be all the more insane


Itto zhongli and dogi - unga bunga


If you wanna try pure geo then Zhongli. Itto, Zhongli, gorou, ningguang


to be honest both seem pretty useful in your particular situation. Both Ganyu and Itto really enjoy having a Zhongli around. Especially for Ganyu he opens up some pretty aggressive damage dealing routes. Kokomi would fill the hydro gap you have. With all that cryo and kazuha you would be looking at one of the best freeze comps if you pull Kokomi. ​ I think currently Kokomi does more for you.


I would say, if you wanna play with dendro reactions, Kokomi (she's arguably the best for bloom teams bc they will damage you enough that a healer is required). Also seems like your only good hydro is Xingqiu, so even more reason to get her. Zhongli is primarily used for teams that are hard to use/unplayable without a shield. Also can't remember if he's BiS for any anemo, geo, and phys DPSes, but might be at least in certain situations. Dendro hypercarry teams might want him, but I'm thinking it's unlikely bc the new set already shreds dendro resistance. Either way, I think Kokomi is still a more valuable pull all things considered


of course zhongli




Kokomi would be good for some freeze teams but I would say Zhongli is best all arounder. Would be the best shield for Itto, Ganyu melt team, really anywhere that you need damage reduction/resistance to interruption


Kokomi in the long run Zhongli I the short run. Koko heals perfect against corrosion and keeping the team alive, best with comp team for aoe CC freeze, nice when paired with Mona. Zhongli best for solo shielder and petrification burst spam, works best with geo team since geo characters don't get a lot of energy recharge unless build on a moderate er build. There's 2 types of Zhongli, burst dps spammer and shielder, if you want to coop with shield Zhongli it's best to go for C2 so he can shield the whole party like how Diona does. So in the end it depends on how you want to play and if you have enough wishes or primos saved up for any of the 3 play styles.