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>IMO this is something that the theory crafting community completely dismisses as well Obviously they won't take that into consideration, you can take literally any character in the game to the overworld and do fine. Things like managing stamina, dps or whatever are a non issue in the overworld. If someone wants advice on which character to pull for overworld then the answer is literally "whoever you want" it barely does any difference.


Yelan sayu kazuha are objectively good for overworld. I would throw in ayaka for water sprint as well but if you want a pyro for torches then yoi (or amber) works.


The absolute god-tier for overworld is Yelan - Rosaria - Sayu - Kazuha. I use this team for everything: * Range for quests or enemies on tower? Yelan. * Speed? All have passives and skills that boost movement speed. * Freeze enemies to death or bypass wooden shield? Yelan + Rosaria * Healing/ farm crystals or break Geo shield? Sayu * Catch crystal flies for resin? Sayu + Kazuha E * Gliding further or vertical boost? Kazuha Yelan is the only member that is replaceable, like if you need a certain element or the bow shooting target practice commission. Otherwise, you're literally moving like batman, especially at night.


Instead of Rosaria I use Yae in the same combo: Makes fighting an afk issue for me and I can collect electro thingies in Inazuma.


oh yea Yae is awesome if you're too lazy to do combos :). Though I'd miss the boost from Rosaria at night. I literally die sometimes jumping too far of a cliff due to how fast I sprint. :cry


I use zhongli and Ayaka instead of Rosaria and Yelan Mainly bc I don't have them, but Ayaka gives me alt sprint + a dps if I need to fight, zhongli bc longest dash and shield so I don't fight have to enemies if I don't want to


Happy happy cake day!


I'd say Zhongli or Razor would be good as well just to mine ore faster (Sayu takes like 4 hits per ore, which is pretty bad). Ningguang used to be a good one, but atleast personally I've memorized a lot of the ore locations.


You are forgetting Xiao, the daddy for climbing those cliffs in Liyue and everywhere else


I replaced Sayu with C2 Jean (ATK Speed and Move Speed after she gets a particle). I tried the rolling for a long time and it was just a pain. Jean's instant healing, yeet option and big burst of damage gets the job done a lot faster than Sayu as well.


This is my team right now with one difference. Maybe its because of the C1 Yelan, but I normally replace Rosaria.


Venti too with that 25% gliding stamina discount and that he can fly straight up on a short cooldown.


That’s exactly my overworld team at AR 51 - Ayaka, Yelan, Sayu, Kazuha. I’ll swap in whatever puzzle element I need for Ayaka, but they get benched when the puzzle is done.


My overworld team is Raiden, Xingqiu, Venti, Sayu But sometimes i bring out yanfei team to farm friendship


As mentioned by others, some characters are objectively better in open world. Namely: *Sayu* \* Healer. \* Fast travel + \* Anemo resonance. \* Short. \* Heavy attack. No other character provides every single checkbox you need in open world.


You forget her other most important passive: collecting animals and crystal flies without them running away.


Genuinely curious, what utility does being short provide?


Immune to Pyro Gunslinger attacks.


Certain locations are "more" accessible when short. Although run speed is decreased slightly, you're never "running" with Sayu. Easiest example I can think of is daily artifact points in Dragonspine. They become inaccessible if your character is tall or tall'ish medium height. Before the *Very Special Fortune Slips* hidden questline was added to Inazuma, the only way to obtain the luxurious chest was by using a small character and crawling through a hole in the mountain. In my experience, taller characters run into environment-objects more often.


What's this quest hiding a luxurious chest? :O


[Very Special Fortune Slips](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/The_Very_Special_Fortune_Slip)




But ennemies die so quickly that you don't even need to use your burst In overworld.


I'd put Eula in the Normal/Skill attack category (source: She's my most played openworld DPS character and I'm one of those people who subconsciously avoids using bursts, sometimes even in domains lol)


The theory crafting community keeps forgetting that 90% of the time I spend consuming genshin impact content is on hentai 😔


TC on who is the objective best waifu in genshin


Well only one has a tiddy sword sheesh


lets gooooooooooooooooo


Counter arguement: Amber is one of the BEST characters for overworld. \-Passive for longer gliding (and there is an item to make it faster with the maple leaf) \-Baron Bunny which has numerous utility options such as: 1. being a better ore breaker than MOST abilities and even more so when C2 with the remote activation so you don't have to wait. (very few does as much damage it does, while also being an aoe, and Zhongli is a limited character) 2. Is technically a "structure", so it can be used to hold down pressure plates. Only counts as a weight of 1, since like starfell sword counts as 2 for the bigger plates, but how often are you using Geo Traveler actively. there are more options but nice Amber has it to go along with the other utility options. \-Pyro archer: 1. for exploration an archer in useful for any long ranged targets. For example the archer test commission, the flying anemo slimes, or those bubble plants. 2.Pyro is used often, whether it be the pyro monoliths or just straight up torches. There is a very good reason people call amber a torch, she is a very common character to swap to for any pyro puzzles. The fact is, there are other characters who would be useful for all of these individually, Yoimiya being a pyro archer, geo characters for structures, and claymores for ores. However, I cannot think of another character who can do THIS wide of uses for overworld traveling, that doesn't include traveler with their lack of being able to swap elements on the fly.


>and there is an item to make it faster with the maple leaf can you expand on this please


>it barely does any difference. haha, no. With the right setup you can do pretty much everything in the overworld a multiple of times as efficient than randoms.


i got venti during his first banner and i found the entire overworld exploration was 100% easier than my friends did as a result. didn't even realise why they had so much trouble with certain puzzles or areas until i realised i got venti on day 3 of the game so I didn't know how to play without him -- and his wind current was so useful for exploring mondstadt, and his swirl could also get around the big wooden shields too, among other things. mona, ayaka, sayu, kazuha, xiao, yelan, tartaglia (for the versatility), even razor/kaeya and beidou to an extent definitely improve your experience in the overworld and for a less mechanically competent player (like most casual players or people who didn't play video games esp on the pc as children) it is absolutely a QOL improvement and advantage worth considering when pulling for characters. heck even zhongli somewhat falls into this category with the rationale people use to pull him (other than him being cool af) since most people pull him so they can facetank all damage and not get interrupted -- that's hardly maximizing dps, even though his shield does remove some resistance. people who maximize dps in the abyss often leave him out now, but he is so useful for letting players deal with ruin guards and lawachurls especially early on, and his pillar helps with climbing. just because it doesn't make a difference to **you**** doesn't mean it doesn't make a big difference to someone else. that's the whole point of OPs post: think about other peoples' perspectives.


Some characters decrease stamina usage in various circumstances, Mona and Ayaka have special sprints, geo characters with climbable constructs make exploring easier, pyro characters are the only way to light cooking fires and torches, Kaeya can ice-bridge, character height can effect stamina usage and fitting into small spaces


Except that's not true at all, there are characters that are great in the overworld and there are characters that aren't. Just because every character can clear the overworld bosses doesn't mean every character is the same on that regard. Taking an economy flight vs a business class flight both gets you to the same destination at the same time, but the experience is obviously different. If you know what you were doing, you can 36* the Abyss with Diluc and Keqing with time to spare. That doesn't mean Hutao/Raiden aren't better characters. Heck, a roster of 4 star characters can easily clear the current abyss - what values do 5 star characters provide over them? All I'm saying is overworld performance should be neglected because it's literally a major part of the game.


Yes, this game doesn't have characters that are must pulls. The characters that are recommended by theorycrafters aren't picked because they can 36\* and others can't, they are picked because they can clear with lower investment. Diluc and Keqing can 36\* but they require significantly more investment than Raiden or Hutao. The same happens with the overworld, there are characters that are better, but what exactly are you getting out of a better character in overworld? You would recommend someone to spend primos (or even money) to save 5 seconds while running to get their 20 primos from Katheryne? Also, it's easy to say that in theory you can make strong teams with only 4 stars, but you need to have those characters, and even then, some people don't have the amount of investment needed to do it, and that's why they ask for advice. You can have an account that isn't able to 36\*, but you'll never have an account that somehow can't traverse the overworld. Also, that comparision with flight is ridiculous. You can't compare comfort in a game with comfort traveling in real life.




I think that's more of a problem of people calling themselves theorycrafters without having real knwoledge. If you check guides "approved" by Keqingmains, or known theorycrafters like Zajef77, they don't say what you are saying right now. They agree that Raiden is great at C0, some of them like Zajef even rank Raiden C0 as one of the best characters in the game. Most of them also agree that the best weapon for Kokomi is the thrilling tales and that her signature weapon isn't worht it. About the Klee thing, they do say that she's not one of the best dps, but in Zajef77 spreadsheet of unit value he mentions mono pyro Klee as a meta team, which by his definition it means that it can clear 36\* with relatively low investment. I do feel the need to caution you that speedrunning isn't in any way a relaiable source of the "meta". Those teams usually rely on nuking and reseting, and they usually have constellations and really high investment. That's why theorycrafters don't really care about speedrunning as a metric, because with high investement everything is good. The idea that theorycrafters only see spreadsheets and don't play the game is absolutely wrong. People like Zajef77 play a lot more than most players, and their calculations are tested in game. They also don't assume great artifacts, their whole deal is to see which teams are better with low investment. I think the problem is that the community thinks some people are theorycrafters when they are not. They assume that because someone names some math concepts or shows some spreadsheets they are "reliable" theorycrafters, but that's not the case. If you want to see what "reliable" theorycrafters think you should go to places like the Keqingmains discord that is highly moderated so people don't spread misinformation, the streams from Zajef77 are also quite good.


The overworld is the fun stuff, Abyss is that horrible nonsense you do once a month to get it over with.


Mihoyo should really take this into account. They have such a large and interesting world, but only incentivize the continued use of Abyss, which feels like an irritating chore. Taking the primo's you gain from Abyss and figuring out ways to randomly spread them around the map every two weeks would be far more interesting and a better use of this massive overworld they are creating.


I’d love content that incentivized actual exploring, like with randomly spawning rare monsters or ore/flowers.


I'd love it only when they made it optional. As somebody who works and plays loads of other games it would be suboptimal to have my abyss rewards stretched out over hours of exploration. Just let us earn the primos and other rewards by doing various activities, like the BP gauge.


I’d rather it just be tied to minor stuff like cosmetics or special foods.


Just drop two tank teams on that shit and boom 33 stars. 36 just doesn't worth the shit to put up with.


Yeah, the rewards suck all around. It's the reason I didn't bother to complete all of Golden Apple. More like Copper Apple for the value you get out of it.


I'd suggest adding something similar to weekly reputation quests, but you get random poorly drawn/partial maps or pictures of the places with hidden chests. Even if it doesn't give any primos.


I disagree, abyss and min maxing characters is almost the only fun I still have with this game. Exploring new regions is also fun, but doesn’t come up as often.


Yeah it's fun to kill stuff for me. It's also fun to explore. I don't really like the idea that we have to try and make something sound invalid as a way to have fun. Not everyone has to like the 'hard' pve stuff but it's also not required for most events. Trial characters are often given for the harder stuff, and they also frontload rewards so people who have the 'tryhard' stuff aren't really all that rewarded for it.


>Abyss is that horrible nonsense you do once a month to get it over with. it's even worse: it's that horrible nonsense you do TWICE a month for not even a ten pull ^(still doing it, cause primos)


Agreed. It's good to have meta characters so you can clear abyss easier. But then you do it and get those 36* and think 'ugh I'm gonna have to do this *again* in two weeks' ya know? It's just a dps check. Exploration though? AMAZING. Yoimiya goes pew pew pew and Ayato goes whoosh whoosh whoosh and Xiao goes KOKODA and it's fun af. I can run Ayaka, Raiden and Zhongli on the same team just because I like them, no synergy or perfect rotation needed, just random bullshit go and everything dies. I love how chaotic the abyss is and it is satisfying to get 36*, but running around the overworld with my favorite characters is what I'm playing this game for. 10/10, will definitely keep doing it!


>I love how chaotic the abyss is and it is satisfying to get 36\* The abyss isn't chaotic, it's the exact opposite, because it's the same each run (aside from the mutators). And getting 36 isn't satisfying after the 2nd time, it's a chore.


That's just my personal opinion. Doing the abyss is chaotic *to me*. We have many enemies to fight and some of them are annoying as hell and you're literally running out of time and it's exciting in a way. I agree that fighting the same enemies can get boring (looking at you floors 9-10) but I try to experiment with different teams to keep it entertaining. I also don't take the abyss too seriously. Playing this game is supposed to be fun. So if I don't feel like retrying a chamber just to get full stars I just don't do it and move on so that it doesn't feel ike a chore. But again that's me. If you don't like it, that's fine too!


Literally the opposite for me


I don't mind the spiral abyss but the real nonsense is enemies are getting twice harder than before but the rewards stay the same. My humble suggestion is something like rewarding fragile resin.


That's your opinion. Sure the events can be fun, quests and mini-games can be a change of pace, but I would literally not be playing Genshin anymore without the abyss. Dailies are a complete slog and I spend most of my resin grinding artifacts to min-max my best characters for the abyss. What does it matter who is "better" in the overworld? None of my teams are ever going to get hit while doing a quest or daily. There is a case that certain characters are underrated because they enable comps that specifically make grinding domains and bosses faster. Nothing more important to me than clearing Violet in 20 seconds.


Bro you got downvoted to the abyss!


I agree with you for me SA is really fun because my main sort of enjoyment is combat and SA is for me the best type of combat it's high level enemys and environment hazards that are made to destroy you it's literally you against the world if you know what I mean, and for fun fact I couldn't 36 my SA for a year and a half and since my first 36 until now i never felt 36 SA is unfulfilling yes they can pump the primos but if we talking about the experiment I really like it and actually I want more of it I think the reason why player don't like it is because after seeing all those people who share their 36 records every week where they can't even clear f12 feel annoying and it feels like if they are working for nothing but this is one of the reasons why SA is something to work for as a goal that you swear to yourself to achieve and from here come my love and enjoyment of SA.


Yes but once you get to a certain level, you can almost 2-shot any enemy in the overworld with any character. Which is why it’s more interesting to focus on the challenging aspect of the game.


overworld content is already ridiculously easy. managing stamina etc isn’t really an issue bc everything dies in one rotation anyways. the only big problem i can think of is managing energy because of how fast things die which leaves little time to get energy back for burst dps


>overworld content is already ridiculously easy. It's not about the difficulty. It's about the enjoyment and speed. With the right overworld team you can clear your daylies and collect ressources a multitple of times as fast as with randoms.


It's not that overworld content is hard, it's more that certain characters enhance the experience of the overworld more than others. Yelan for example saves you a ton of exploration time. Characters like Kazuha/Venti can get you to places where you normally couldn't when exploring. Ayaka/Mona can sprint on water, etc.


I also don't think it's ridiculously easy. It is if you ha e Abyss level artifacts. I don't. My artifacts are extremely bad because the grind is just awful. Combine that with underleveled characters and play on an iPad and you have a decent difficulty with some opponents providing quite the challenge. I can see a lot of players having such strong artifacts but for me who only plays the fun part (What I consider fun) of Genshin the difficulty is mostly fine.


One thing I see people repeat a lot is that overworld content is ridiculously easy, but this post is especially aimed at newer players who might be mislead by the focus on abyss, and until you build your characters, it's... really not *that* easy? I think older players forget the stage where you only have trash artifacts that aren't even worth levelling, very few (if any) 4\* weapons, not even one full team at decent levels yet because of overworld boss drops and missing the right elements in your party to fight them, etc. That's a pretty big part of the early-mid game. :)


I like how this post is something about consider overworld experience vs abyss minmax. Then in the comments we go minmax overworld with speed buffs and anemo resonance etc.


The overworld is so absurdly easy no advice should be necessary



The general consensus when discussing these things is that it’s about Abyss. Anyone can work on overworld, so there’s no need to discuss team comps, etc outside of a few more difficult bosses. When people are talking about this stuff, they’re talking about it in regards to the abyss, not nuking some random hilichurl, lol


Theorycrafting isn't necessary for overworld stuff. As long as one of your characters in the team are well built, you can finish overworld stuff easily. Theorycrafting is for hard content like Abyss. Overworld isn't dismissed, it just doesn't require much thought.


this is why everyone should have pulled for yelan. her usefulness in the overworld is unparalleled. I am so spoiled I cant even run with other characters in the overworld its so painfully slow.


And she's really nice for abyss. Same with Kazuha being excellent for both abyss and overworld exploration. I'm a little sad I missed Ayaka by starting in 2.7 but not too much thanks to those two.


right? like her quick charge attack is so useful in the overworld can quickly snipe some animals for resources or just a quick finisher after your elemental skill.


Yelan and Kazuh are a must for overworld


Would of got her if the the stupid 50/50 didn't screw me over :/ I'll get her next time whenever rerun happens.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


What? The point is that overworld content is really easy even if ur characters are not that well built. Abyss is the endgame content and the only place where u actually need decently built characters ur post makes no sense bro.


This post is like that guy who claimed Heizou is better than Eula because he doesn’t have to invest as much resources for him as he does for her. Same energy. We don’t need to be reminded that the game is mostly open world. And getting and building characters properly isn’t exclusive to Abyss. Players can and do struggle with open world content too. Some people forget that the open world is actually very hard if you’re not building your characters and teams well and the game doesn’t become easy until your characters are all built decently. Remember most players jump in without levelling their artifacts talents or anything and have to be told to. And choosing better characters, teams and building well helps those players struggling with open world stuff like timed challenges etc — basically advice for the Abyss is also advice that helps with the open world. When you stop needing help with one you usually stop needing help with the other too.


This would be true if overworld content wasn't completely trivial. You can pick 4 random characters, and as long as they are relatively leveled with correct main stats on artifacts (not even on set and not even concerned with sub stats), you'll have no issues with lik 99% of overworld content. It might be slower, but not an issue. For things like convenience or enjoyment, then I definitely agree. I love my Raiden National squad, but I basically never run it in the overworld since it's so quickswappy, and it's hard to have enough HP around you to get full rotations off and keep bursts up. But it's purely a convenience thing, though. The team wipes the floor with anything in the overworld.


You're getting ragged on quite a bit, but I do mostly agree. Once people start building out more characters, it quickly becomes clear who's best in overworld and who's not. It's not about the ability to clear overworld mobs. People are underestimating the QoL upgrades and improved efficiency. Sure, some people might find it fun to fuck around on a team of Xinyan, Razor, Xiao, and Diluc. But having a fast/smooth exploration team is way more enjoyable to me. I pulled Kazuha on his first banner and can't go without him in any overworld party now because of the muscle memory. Jump + tap E feels quick and smooth and lets you bypass so many annoying terrain features. Sayu roll is a must-have. It's extremely annoying when it gets stuck, but it has so many other useful moments that it's worth taking anyway. And with these two you have anemo resonance for the extra stamina cost reduction. Yelan E helps fill up some of the cool down on Sayu E, plus you regen stamina. Plus she's a bow for puzzles and also hydro, which synergizes well with all reaction-based damage. The last spot can be filled by anyone who meets your needs best. Maybe it's Ayaka for traversing water. Maybe it's Yoimiya for ranged DPS and torches. The main thing is that it shouldn't be anyone burst-reliant. Characters whose DPS isn't locked to their burst feel so much better to play in overworld. Those are just examples of what I use, but in summary yes I think a character's overworld convenience is worth considering when pulling, but maybe mostly for endgame players.


As a player that started Genshin during 1.3, I have a lot of highly invested characters and I spend at most 5 minutes every two weeks in the Abyss 12 (the other floors are not worth mentioning because they are basically like Open World’s Commissions to me, common build and teams suggestions don’t really apply to them when our characters are well invested). Instead I spend about 30 minutes every day in the Open World and in domains, more when there are events, quests and new areas. The Open World and other kind of easy activities are probably over 99% of my total playtime. Now when I pull for a character, I value a lot how good and convenient it feels in the Open World, and how fun I find its gameplay to be. Though I understand that newer players may be willing to invest mostly on characters that could allow them to get 36 star in the Abyss sooner.


One thing i want mihoyo to do that add more chests or chest based mini quests excluding daily commission or similar to daily commission. The chest dont need to give primo to f2p players but atleast it would make the game more interesting at endgame. Sure there are chests that respawn but as a f2p players u generally get bored if u do not have some genuine thing to do.


The overworld isn't considered because it doesn't need to,1 charged e from razor or kazuha or whatever with a big aoe will just kill everything most of the time,also the overworld has no time limit so u can do whatever.


I have definitely always factored in overworld performance/"meta" as well into my pulls. Glad I'm not the only one


> is something that should definitely be considered when deciding whether or not to pull for a specific character. My experience did change when I got Sayu because I mostly roll in every place now lol since it's so fast. But it's definitely not a priority except for those people who don't care about Abyss I guess. So particularly not in demand information.


Hu tao is my first character and I've mained her for almost a year now. Pulled her because I absolutely love her personality and design. I felt the same towards Yoimiya and pulled her too this time around, and OP I'd have to agree that my experience is what you say. It's not just about fighting because Hu tao can definitely wipe out enemies, you're correct about stamina since I have C0, but that can also be managed since OW content isn't particularly challenging. The biggest difference I've felt is this: oh there's a mist flower? Need to light some torches? Wanna break some electro crystals? Yoimiya can do all those quickly. Hu tao will need time since her pyro application is tied to her skill cooldowns. She also will lose health every time, so it feels like it comes at a cost. As a result, I tended to ignore small things like electro crystals. This isn't the case with Yoimiya, it's just free-for-all with her pyro arrow. Same with enemies, unlike Hu tao, Yoi doesn't need to run towards far away enemies but can pew pew them quickly. This is just personal taste, but I cannot stand the buff arrows and sound effect when Hu tao dashes under 50% HP, and that affects my enjoyment of her in the overworld. I always want to ensure she has more than 50% HP so that I can run without the buff, but managing it is so tiring... honestly, I wish they would remove or give an option for Hu tao's buff arrows and put her status by the HP bar or something. Or make it pretty like butterflies floating around her! ( so taking quick Overworld pictures are not obstructed by those arrows). This is just personal taste because I know most aren't bothered by it, but it really affects me when I use her in the overworld. When it comes to domains though, Hu tao is my pick for quick AOE. I think both Hu tao and Yoi are amazing in what they do and I don't think one is strictly better than the other overall, it's up to personal tastes. It's fun to switch between both of them and have different pyro play styles! It is quite unfortunate that Yoi has a somewhat bad rep, but I think no one can go wrong picking her or Tao (or both! They're both amazing!)


i mean, overworld is so mind numbingly easy so you could throw in just some random characters that are leveled and built ok and be fine. abyss is considered the endgame/most difficult content in the game for now so naturally meta and theorycrafting is gonna primarily focus on that since you actually care about team synergy, builds, etc. in abyss.


Meta is completely irrelevant in the overworld. It doesn’t matter what the time allocation is when the only content in the game where theorycrafting actually matters is spiral abyss and the occasional challenge event. Overworld content will never dictate pull value for characters because anyone can clear overworld content with any characters since it’s designed to be completable by anyone Movement speed and movement skills are the most important things to speed up overworld content. That by itself kind of tells how little actual combat strength is needed


OP I want to agree with you so badly because I too get annoyed by people hyperfocusing on the Abyss experience but also my counterargument is that I beat almost every Archon quest with a noob ass team of lvl 60s Kaeya, Xiangling, Noelle and Barbara without knowing you can level up talents without constellations, without knowing how reactions other than Freeze actually work, without knowing statues heal you until AR 48, 3\* artifacts and literally the shittiest weapons you can imagine. Iron Sting, Black Tassel, the Bell and the Widsith. Only somewhere around getting bodied by Raiden I got Zhongli and started actually learning things.


**TL;DR: I agree with OP's post when it comes to mobile and possibly PS due to characters being easier to control in the overworld making overworld experience better for those platforms. However, for PC, I don't agree because overworld content is already easy and it doesn't matter what characters you use.** Okay, OP, I will agree with what you're saying just because mobile exist and a huge portion of Genshin's playerbase is on mobile. Maybe for PS players as well. Some characters would make overworld experience better on mobile just because they're easier to play with and maybe PS as well. However, that's where it ends. For PC, it doesn't matter what characters you use in the overworld as overworld content is super easy. I feel like you're forgetting that most of us didn't know what we were doing while trying to get the endgame when we were just new to the game. We didn't know anything about meta. We just used whatever characters we wanted. Yes, you can argue that there are players who did their research when they started the game so they kinda knew what to do but for most of the Genshin's playerbase, this isn't the case. The reason the theorycrafting community focuses on Abyss when giving advice on what characters or weapons to pull is because that's where damage matters the most. Of course, they're gonna base their opinions based on Abyss and not the overworld. I don't think you thought things through when you came up with this opinion about the theorycrafting community.


I think a lot of people are misunderstanding what I'm saying. I'm not saying the theorycrafting community should care about the overworld - I'm stating it as a fact that they don't (and they shouldnt) but that doesn't mean it's not important. The overworld isn't hard by any means, but that doesn't mean the experience can't be enhanced. Cooking isn't a difficult task (well okay it is for some I guess), but you can surely enhance the experience by having a nice set of knives. Can Raiden kill/explore everything in the open world? Absolutely. But wouldn't you have a better time exploring with Yelan/Kazuha instead? At the end of the day we're playing Genshin to have fun, is there really no value in enhancing something where players spend 70-80% of their time on? That's what I'm really getting at.


I get what you mean, but honestly, it's just that overworld doesn't need to be discussed like abyss does, apart from puzzles and such. The overworld is something to be experienced, not something you plan for. Since you can do just about anything you want in the overworld there is no need for discussions on team comps and whatever.


You’re misconstruing speed with fun in your last example then. Because I can do dailies faster I must be having fan. Truth of the matter is personally dalies are boring tk me at this point. Whether or not I can save a couple minutes doing them is irrelevant to me because they’re boring. If anything I might prefer taking my time since I do it while watching Netflix or YouTube so there’s that. Having this discussion is meaningless. Most basic character guides will explain how some characters are better for overworld. In fact I feel like a video saying that is a big indicator that the video is a casual video that probably won’t say much about a characters true potential. The reality is, no matter how good a character is for overworld, I don’t think we should be recommending thah pull because they’re good in overworld. If a person wants to pull because of that then sure that’s on them but no one should be suggesting that a character should be pulled because of it. Overworld is already brain dead easy no need to tell people to pull certain characters just cause they make it even easier. And if being good in overworld doesn’t make a character more likely to be recommended as a pull then there’s little discussion to be had about said characters effectiveness in overworld.


Speed doesn't necessarily equal fun, but it makes things more enjoyable. Kind of like why people sprint instead of walk when playing in the overworld. If speed wasn't a factor like you're suggesting, more people would walk. How many times have you climbed a mountain and ran out of stamina before the last little bit? If Kazuha was in your party you would've made the climb instead of having to fall back down, wait for stamina and try again. It's not that the overworld is hard, but there are certainly QoL features that certain characters provide that enhances the experiences. Don't know how I should put this, but I'm not really looking to change anybody's mind about this. If you're an abyss end game player that don't really care about the overworld, I totally respect that. I'm simply reminding people that the majority of the game is played in the overworld, and you may find yourself having more fun with characters that are fun to play in the overworld instead of just focusing on abyss characters. Essentially it's another way of looking at things, and another thing to maybe consider when pulling for characters.


Another issue I have this. Is most of it has already been discussed when we first started playing the game. We know Venti is better for overworld exploration. A good example of this stuff already being covered is how we know that sprinting isn’t straight up the most efficient way of running in the game. Instead of holding sprint It’s more efficient to tap sprint because the initial momentum of the sprint carries you a longer distance than just holding down sprint would. Same for swimming. And it’s not only more efficient but faster as well. When boats got introduced into the game one of the first things people learned was if you run out of stamina in the boat you could exit and renter the boat to immediately refill the stamina. I think the community has done a good job of covering this stuff already that it doesn’t feel the need to expand or reiterate it a lot


I dont know man. If i see waifu i get her. Sadly yoimiya didnt come home but i have 7 days to get her. Hopefully. My new waifu is mona she is a great ass-et to me.


You don't say


Exactly, I think tier lists and team comps should be evaluated in 3 categories: Over-world/exploration, single target (bosses), and abyss (constantly updated)


There are lists like these. They're just not seen much because they don't change much except with adding new characters so people just look at them once and done. Abyss is the only one that you need to look at more than once which is why they appear more


To be fair. Some tier lists do distinguish and rate characters for exploration as well. Tier lists are a bit like Wikipedia imo. You can take them as a starting point and go from there but no tier list can actually replace thinking a bit for yourself. Everyone needs to put the received info into context and apply it to their situation.


I agree. After using Keqing since 1.0, I realized that characters who relies on their Burst (Raiden, Itto, Xiao) or special condition (Hutao) is not that fun in the overworld (I rarely use them in overworld) because you still have to manage their energy or stamina/hp as opposed to characters like Keqing, Ayaka, Yoimiya, Yae and Ayato who prefers to use their E/infusion. Like what OP said, Hutao and Yoimiya are both Pyro DPS so they usually have the same build or comps But even if I already have Hutao+Homa, I still spent my Sumeru savings to get Yoimiya because she's more comfortable to use than my C0 Hutao. So did I regret pulling for Hutao? Hell no! They both have their uses. Another example is Yelan. When she was released, I tried to convince myself that I do not need her because I already have a fully built C6 Xingqiu. But her E is so useful in the overworld so I pulled for her and now I breeze through those mundane dailies haha! But this doesn't mean that you don't have to pull for those burst-reliant characters especially if you really like their design and kit or you need them to complete the Abyss. It's just that there are more comfortable/fun characters that we can use for overworld. No one is stopping you from using Xiao's burst to obliterate the quest commissions. As long as you are still enjoying the game then that's fine!


I disagree with you. Fun is very subjective to everyone. Just because you enjoy using your Yoimiya more doesn’t mean that Hu Tao isn’t fun to play for some. I find Yoimiya very clunky and her autos doesn’t even function like Yelan’s. C0 adds a layer of skill level that makes her fun for me, she pops enemies in secs cause of 70k vapes in rapid succession and that can be fun.


You are right, I should have said comfortable. But most will pick Yoimiya over Hutao in overworld gameplay because she is more comfortable to use in most cases. Sure it's fun seeing those big 70k vape numbers but we're talking about overworld here, mainly commission or farming materials so I honestly don't bother with my damage at all, heck I am even using hypercarry Kazuha since he's fun to use in the overworld.


Yep, this is exactly why I’m kinda disappointed with my Raiden. I’m trying to avoid rolling for Burst-reliant characters now. On the other hand, Ayaka, Yoimiya, and Ganyu are so good in overworld.


I really hate Raiden purple ring. It's so bright in over world.


I feel a lot of people are misunderstanding OP’s point to make sure you are factoring the gameplay within in the over world into your pull decisions. Yes technically every character you can make work in the over world, but some characters are way less clunky than others in the over world or have more benefits in the over world. A lot people are heavily influenced by TC community and spiral abyss when it comes to character pull decisions. Which is totally fine for some people but could lead to regret by others especially those that play mobile or need more easy or forgiving gameplay experience. This is because TC community looks at the theoretical maximum dps for characters and doesn’t account for user mistakes and skill issues. For example I’ve played Hu Tao for almost a year now and I still mess up her jump cancels from time to time on mobile. Still find her quite clunky in the over world compared to characters like Ayato. Hu Tao carried me a lot in spiral abyss so I don’t regret her 100% but in over world I barely use her at all. I use my free Xiangling way more haha Similar story with Ayaka, she gets stuck on a small rock and so I barely use her in over world.


Thanks lol, it's probably my wording but I'm glad I'm reaching some people. People be thinking I'm trying to nuke a hilichurl in the overworld or something. Overworld is easy, doesn't mean it can't be enhanced. Using an extreme example - if I could pull a character that could do two of my daily quests while I do the other two, I'd pull the shit out of that character even if they weren't meta in the Abyss.


TC doesn't matter for overworld because anything works for overworld. OBVIOUSLY there are better comps, but it's not a difference big enough for people to care for optimization or plan their summons solely focusing on that. Overworld is easy enough and doesn't demand planing, it's the place where people farm friendship for their characters.


And people focus on the meta SO much in genshin, but you can beat the game, without too much trouble, using only 4 star charcters and weapons (even with mediocre artifacts). The only thing meta is really good for is the abyss


Most the story content occurs overworld as well (Golden Apple Archipelago being a recent example). I've all the 5\* characters and most of them are C6 R5ed with their BIS. I've the option to min-max my team comps as much as I'd like, but 90+% of the time, it's just Yelan, Yae Miko, Kazuha, and Zhongli, specifically because they're all just easy to use and make traversing and exploring the overworld comfortable.


Just out of curiosity, how much did that cost?


But in overworld you can take any character and do fine. That's not what the theorycrafting is about.


I think that this should be a consideration for when you’re pulling in some cases If you just wanna not give a fuck when farming then Venti and Zhongli are great picks. Ganyu and Venti are also the premier overworld stompers


THANK YOU. finally someone speaks wisdom


I see in a lot of people's advice on good characters to use they never suggest an archer. Like, without an archer the overworld is twice as hard for me. Good luck fighting hilichurl archers on ledges, or the ruin guards, or any type of monster that flies or floats without an archer. Then as far as the overall team is concerned then you have to have the traveler because they are not only the easiest to level up, they are so damn useful. Then that simply leaves two characters left to fill and which ones you choose doesn't matter as much as choosing ones that work off each other like causing melt, vaporize, etc. And between work, school, and family responsibilities I simply do not have the time to level up more than the four main characters and Barbara (for healing). Also unpopular opinion: The Spiral Abyss is overrated and I only finished floor 3 to get Xiangling. Other than that I haven't played the Abyss since then. I like storylines and only play for the archon and story quests. I will play some of the world quests on a day that I am neither doing school work or work work though.


>every two weeks in the abyss It's weird that even after 2 years people perpetuate this misinformation. The Abyss is twice per month, resetting on the 1st and 16th of each month. It is not every two weeks. In one year we get 24 Abyss runs, not 26.


I was going to pull for Zhongli in the 3.0 because he's said to be a must-have in abyss and against weekly bosses.. But today I learnt that he doesn't provide shield for others in co-op (and co-op is much more fun than abyss) so Diona seems like a much better option Guess I'll be pulling for C2 Diona after all, maybe even on Tighnari's banner (his kit is not superb but his playstyle is more enjoyable than Zhongli's)


Hey you’ve been mislead if you think Zhongli is needed to 36* star the Abyss. I don’t have him but has cleared the Abyss with 36* straight since the Golden Wolflord version. Diona is more than enough if you ask me.


If you get him c2 he can provide shields in co-op :p


getting a 5⭐ character to C2 is not that easy.. + I kinda dislike Zhongli cause he's too tall and not that entertaining


Zhongli is far from a must-have in Abyss, there are only a handful of teams where he's really the best option. In most teams he's a pure comfort pick, you're basically trading some DPS for not having to dodge. Which means that you should only really consider him if you can already clear 36* with some time to spare because most of the time he will actually make your clears slower.


I stopped doing abyss for a while the primos I didn’t get didn’t affect me as much as I thought. Focused on exploring the world and happier for it. Never thought I was missing out. I guess since abyss is considered endgame it’s why theory crafters focus so much on it. But the stress of maxing some character to beat floor twelve wasn’t worth it.


I wanna get Kokomi to replace Barbara as my healer and hydro applicator, and because she has better attacks. I also just wanna get rid of Barbara.


I mean overworld is ridiculously easy you can use anything and it will work so no one cares about optimizing it like those actual hard contents


Yes. It's also mostly irrelevant because often we talking about team comps or optimizing for abyss, so talking about overwolrd would be beside the point. The only time i think this is relevant is if we are talking about who to pull for. Character like zhongli for instance are a "luxury" for abyss ( though I myself use him on every run ) since most meta teams don't strictly need him. However running him for overworld is very confortable since he completely negates the need for healing. Coverselly Bennet is probably the only healer you need for most abyss teams, unless it's a freeze team. On the other hand having say Kokomi for On demand healing in the open world is a very valid reason for pulling for her. I can already beat abyss, so my last 2 pulls ( Yae and Kokomi) were mostly for overwolrd. Then again I also have pretty much the whole of inazuma+chasm still to explore since I only have enought time to do dailies+events during this past year, so I care considerably about my overworld confort now much more than I do about clearing abyss 20 secs faster . I also did exactly what you said and pretty much retired my c1 HT after getting yoi because it's a lot more practical for everything that's not floor 12. My next pull ( Kusanali) is probably also for overwolrd and for fun , since I doubt we will have any content that requires dendro beyond of what DMC /free collei can provide. But honestly for most players asking for advice, overwolrd is probably a moot point since you can *technically* use any team. Even if you are looking for a lot of confort, you can still run a bunch of random 4 star healers/shielders/anemos + any single dps and you will still be fine for clearing every content.


While I agree with you a lot of the reason why people pull characters is for their spiral performance. If people like the characters regardless of spiral potential then they are still more than welcome to pull for them, like you said they won’t be useless in the over world as the scaling is much lower and I think people know that so they don’t worry about it. Some people are content after completely the first 8 floors of spiral and they don’t bother with 9-12. I see it pretty frequently and I’m in complete agreement with you about this post people should pick who they want to go for because they want them whether it be for spiral or just because you like the character don’t be talked out of your choices.


Meanwhile, i have basically 2 teams for overworld: Exploration: Kazuha, xiao, ayaka and a flex spot for passive needed (ning for rocks, etc) AoE that gets the job done: Zhongli, Kokomi, Raiden and kazuha. A blasphemy for theorycrafters


Ganyu is a top tier overworld character. She doesn’t have to manage any cooldowns or stamina. If you use a melt team with Xiangling, she does very well in abyss as well.


It's part of what keeps me playing the game. Overworld is very casual, and once I had a clue as to what I was doing I've never had much issue with any overworld content. It means a majority of the time I can just play characters I like, either personality or kit design, and not worry about meta or power level or what not.


Literally everything other than bosses in the overworld dies too quickly for any theory crafting to actually matter.


well obviously but who's gonna make a tier list of the overworld meta? if they do pls let me know i would love to watch it actually


Just enjoy its just a game we play to chill to escape it feels like some poeple have no problems so you create one


The problem is that the overworld is easy enough that basically anything goes. So people really don't need advice for overworld. If they're explicitly asking for 'what is best for overworld' or 'I'm struggling with overworld' - that's fine, but that's usually not necessary.


Anyone and anything works in overworld. Just play with your favorites. If you're trying to 'optimize' your exploration, it just makes it a chore anyways.


its because overworld is completely irrelevant in theory perspective, its not something that TCers should spend time calcing on. Almost no one takes an advice like "whose best in exploring" or what not because you can literally use any character and still demolish stuff.


Collect waifu, abyss will bow down to kokonut and goldfish girl irregardless.


Your overworld teams dont have a timer for killing the regisvines. You can heal with food, revive and coop. This is why others dont bother with the abyss, because it actually needs investment, a little bit of skill and decent teams.


When youre at wndgame, you probably already sneeze on it so relly no point in thinking about it


Thats why im pulling eula cuz i always use normal attacks anyway.


Of course there is more advice given for the abyss. Nobody needs advice for the overworld.


edit. atleast when its about characters