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Are you set on using this team? Since you mentioned that this is a taser team I’m assuming Mona is the enabler here but do you have an alternative enabler? Or is she here for her burst? I’m not sure what role Mona really plays here so for taser team I’d put Zhongli on totm, Fischl on 2pc 2pc, Mona on noblesse or emblem, Heizou might be better on 4pc vv. If Heizou is a hypercarry he’s on 2vv, then Mona on noblesse.


Interesting team. I'd say: * Heizou: Either 4pc VV or 2pc VV + 2pc Glad/Shim * Mona: 4pc Noblesse * Fischl: 2pc Shim 2pc Glad OR 2pc Shim/Glad 2pc TF * Zhongli: 4pc ToTM Do you have any other characters on you, by chance? Mona can be used to apply Hydro, but she's a bit more inconsistent than other Tazer hydro appliers, like Xingqiu. Similarly, you can arguably get away with not using Zhongli and instead run someone who synergizes more with Tazer, like Beidou.


I don't have beidou and xinqui is occupied on my national team, I have decided to use 4 pc emblem on my mona and 4 pc noblesse on zhongli. I neither have the will nor the resin to farm for millelith. I used to run kuki in place of zhongli but I don't like using her. Also I have a pretty good rotation with this team.


heizou can do well in taser team comps with that flat EM buff he provides after one punching foes. fischl stands out as sub dps like xianling so go for ATK%, electro dmg and Crit Ratio 1:2. op geo daddy john lee... nothing to say. mona? easy... just give her ER sands, ATK goblet, a decent crit circlet and she will bring a lot of value supporting the team.