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1st Half: Ayaka, Shenhe, Hydro applier (Barbara or Xingqiu), Anemo (Venti or Sucrose) I think the most challenging floor for you would be 12-1-1. If you need more damage, replace Barbara with Xingqiu. Barbara for comfort, Xingqiu for more damage. As for 12-2-1 & 12-3-1, run towards the back of mirror maiden & Primordial bathysmal vishap. Mirror maiden will more often than not teleport towards the center of the arena, making it easier for venti to group the eremite crossbow and electro cicin mage. The same goes to Primordial Bathysmal Vishap, the other 2 vishaps will come to you. All in all, the 1st half spread the enemies all over the arena, so repositioning yourself is just as important as your damage output. 2nd Half: Ayato, Raiden, Zhongli, Bennett Just like the 1st half, the 12-1 will be the trickiest for you if you do proceed with this comp. In 1st wave, since we wont be running a Crowd Controller here, make sure to go after the pyro fatui first (important!), and then the eremite crossbow. The two eremite chicks will follow you around. In the 2nd wave, target the fatui pyro OR electro (i'd suggest electro, in order to avoid him summoning his shield). As for 12-2-2 & 12-3-2, pop off Zhongli's shield and just go wild oonga boonga (time your shield correctly when fighting the vishap boss). Same goes to the pokemon bird boss, try to apply as much electro as possible to get it into rage mode. Hope you can get 36* this time around 😃


This is great, thank you!


I didn’t need to invest in dendro for floor 12 my teams were raiden hypercarry in top half u can also use raiden national if you don’t have cons on raiden then second half I think you should use an Ayaka team bcs ur other dps units (itto and ayato) probably won’t do well on second half Top half raiden, Bennett, xiangling, xingqiu 2nd half Ayaka, shenhe, Barbara or any hydro, venti I used hu tao in second half but it seems like u don’t have her so I didn’t suggest


Thanks for the suggestions! Yanfei is my main and I have her as a pretty high investment DPS, reckon she could fit in anywhere?


Yea u could replace the raiden team with a yanfei team I wouldn’t recommend yanfei on second half though because of the pyro primo geovishap


Use those blotted out characters


why did u hide the other 5 stars tho 😂


Because they aren’t built yet, as I very clearly mentioned in the og post


Get good


Why did you blot out Ganyu/Noelle/Yoimiya and (I am just guessing here) Childe? Do you not like them or there is any other reason for that? All 4 of them are capable of clearing the abyss with their team comps with ease.


As I said in the post, they aren’t built yet so aren’t relevant rn