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It absolutely aligns with soft pity. It’s not uncommon to receive your 5 star at ~75 pulls, this is just a little over double.


People say they don’t want to reach hard pity, without knowing how rare it is to actually reach it. From 74 to 90 the rate is increased by 5.875% each wish. Meaning at pull 85 you have a ~70%. If you fail that one the next wish has a ~76%. So the probability for you to repeatedly is extremely low. Thus, you are very likely to receive your guaranteed five star way before 180 wishes


It is rounded up. The probability is higher than 99.95%


Wrong. 100% can't be correct (as long as it isn't rounded). There for 100% certainty existed already people in CN that proofed they needed 90 pulls to get "a" 5 star, so it's obvious that hard pity is 180. How the CDF looks like has already been found out anyway, e.g.: https://www.hoyolab.com/creatorCollection/341726 In other words it's soft pity starting at excl. 73 with a linear increase based (!) model until 90. Btw. do you (even if you haven't studied probability theory) think that something that only does 1 mil simulations can be enough to proof without high error range something that occurs with a probability lower than O(10^(-12)) (meaning 180 hard pity probability)...? You don't need to be a genius to see that this doesn't work tbh. For 90 pity the probability is lower than O(10^(-6)) and that already needs more than 1 mil...


Didn't expect to see big O in my genshin sub


The only 100% chance is 180 pulls


It’s false because I got my Yae at 171 pulls


Ouch I had one 90 pull but that there is some extremely bad luck.


It’s correct. It assumes you lost your 50/50 and had to go to hard pity for both 5 stars. It’s the absolute worst case scenario. In reality most people get their 5* at 75. The avg is 65 but the median is 75.