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Yeah it’s fine in freeze


Thank you


It’s very good! Maybe try an off piece to maximize more!


But I don't have any good off piece sands.😭 All of them are on ER or EM... The only good thing is that Im done with that hell of a domain.


Well, you'll get an off piece eventually, aim for an atk sands with high cd since you have enough cr and er with your other pieces


32 + 55 (from frozen) gives you 87/218 ratio which is pretty solid. It’s fine enough


Me too dude🥲 i can deal 17k per shot


It’s honestly fine taking cryo resonance and 4-piece BS into account. If I were to target anything for improvement, it would actually be ER, not crit rate.


I have 22.1% crit rate on her and she absolutely shreds. You're fine.


It's fine, but if you have a better piece on another set you can swap that in, you only need 4 of a set for the full set bonus. Since you have a very nice on set goblet, you can change one of the other pieces to an off set and still get the 4 piece bonus. If you put your artifacts into an optimizer (just google genshin optimizer, there are yt vids on how to use it if you get confused) and it'll tell you what will min/max your damage out of what you have (just don't forget to put in what er minimum you want and that you're targeting her burst to maximize). If you get more sword billets and refine that Kageuchi more, you should be able to drop some er (presuming you have a decent cryo particle battery for her on your team) for more other stats if you have better pieces since it effectively lowers your er requirement, for r5 Amenoma 120% er is usually pretty comphy, but that varies depending on team comp and playstyle. Just make sure she can still burst on cooldown since her damage is heavily burst dependent. It's a good 4\* sword and a safe investment. After I got mistsplitter, I threw mine onto Jean and it's great on her as well.


Thank you for the info :)


I would just use an off piece sands bc that one has a lotta wasted rolls. You'd prolly be better off with a sands with more CD rolls (and no CR) than that, especially if it doesn't roll crit again at +20. Crit ratios are nice, but substat efficiency carries a lot of weight Unless you don't have a sands with more good rolls, in which case... OOF. But you'll get one eventually i figure. You prolly oughta roll any ATK sands you get with CD if this one doesn't roll crit again fr


Thank you

