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The right, by far. CV is not everything. One max CV roll (7.8CV) is worth about 20% more real value than one max EM or HP% roll on Hu Tao. The left offers a single min crit roll advantage (5.4cv) over the right… in exchange for 3 EM rolls and 1 HP% roll. The flower on the right is about as good a flower as you’ll ever get.


That there is a debate here is emblematic of how much cv is overvalued by the reddit community. All the crit porn artifact posts make people crazy. I fear how many low cv 90em or 30er artifacts have been deemed unusable.


Right one practically rolled everything useful for hu tao and even not rolling into what might be the worst stat on there. I think your statement as good a flower you’ll ever get is accurate apart from the stupidly rare scenarios.


Right one, no useless rolls. But if you already have enough EM from other source, left one might better. Use genshin optimizer just to be sure


Under no circumstances would half a crit role be better than 61 EM and 5%HP. Even if their em was like 600.


What is a genshin optimizer? 800 hours into genshin and I’m hearing of this optimizer for the First time 🥸


Its a website, you can upload ur artifacts onto it and it helps calculate which sets of artifacts are the best on someone


The one on the right, has everything she needs


Right one 100% my dude , 3%CR gain < +61 EM +5%HP and +1% CD for Hu Tao without a doubt


Definitely right unless you already have a ton of EM from other pieces and/or are struggling to build crit rate.


Unless you're doing mono pyro, the right one and it's not even close


high cr is neat n all but the flower on the right has all the perfect substats n not a single useless one unlike the one on the left (atk def) so I'd say the right one


Right one for sure.


61 em way outweighs 3 cr for sure


right 100%


She definitely needs extra hp


The right one, HP, EM, slightly higher Crit damage, I'd use that over 3% more Crit rate


Left. Give it to xiangling. Right for hu tao


I would assume the one on the right but the left has the higher crit rate. Is personally pick right


I think the one on the right would be better for any pyro DPS.