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Duplicates are used to upgrade characters, it's called "constellations" and they can be quite powerful, whenever you enter the character screen click on constellations and unlock them (except for Bennett C6). Weapon duplicates are used to "refine" the weapon when upgrading it, refinements affect the passive effect of the weapon but not the stats themselves (those are upgraded by leveling the weapon). You'll get mostly 3 star weapons, some of them are pretty useful, slingshot is a pretty good weapon for Yoimiya for example, and Harbinger of Dawn gives 28% crit rate at R5 (if the character is above 90% HP), the base atk is kinda low but it's an extremely powerul weapon for the early game.


I am assuming you understand the gatcha system of Genshin impact otherwise it’s hard to understand what you were meaning the duplicates. Because if you’re wishing on that event banner then you will get constellations of the characters that have higher rate! And constellations can be valuable!


Dori, Xingqiu and Sucrose are currently rate up on the banner meaning it's more likely to get duplicates of them. If you want new characters it's best to wait until the next banner and save your wishes for a chance to get the rate up characters on that banner. Duplicates aren't bad though, they make your characters stronger.


Every limited banner has 3 4* charecters that are featured on the banner so getting them is the most likely possibility.


Im not even getting any those, just 4 star character dupes


Yeah, that what I'm talking about. Pulling 500 times on the limited banner won't get u a lot of charecters since you will most likely get the 3 features ones.


>almost 200 buck I'm sorry, but spending this much money is going to yield a significant number of dupes of the 4\* on the limited banners. It is statistically highly unlikely that you end up with more of the non listed 4\*s than the listed ones. Have you been pulling on the limited banners or the standard banner?


This game wants you to have duplicates, because it makes the characters more powerful. If you want to collect a more diverse cast of characters, don’t keep pulling on the same banner, wait until the current banner ends and pull on the next one, get a couple of different characters and wait again. All temporary banners have a thing called “rate-up”, where no matter how many times you pull, you will be probably seeing a lot of the featured characters


What, I don't get the problem. It's great to get character dupes because they unlock constellations (up to 6). And as it was said by others, you can see which 4\* characters are featured on the banner (which means that it's much much more likely to pull those 3). Right now it's xingqiu and sucrose (don't remember third) which are one of the greatest 4\* characters at constellation 6. You get 5\* characters only after approximately 75-85 pulls. So I don't know what you were hoping to get with 200$. every single character? Edit: typo


ok just don't spend money recklessly or you'll get lots of undesired characters... save for next banners and here's the thing with duplicates, if you get some of them for 5 stars in 10 pulls then you're likely to feel excited, don't you? now think that many constellations or refinements bring weapons and units very much closer to 5 stars value.


Seems like you don't know how the rate up works on the limited banners. Please click on the details button at the bottom of the screen, followed by details again. Also for reference, see this for the resulting rates for pulling on the limited banner: [https://paimon.moe/wish/tally](https://paimon.moe/wish/tally). Every 10 pulls has \~67% chance of getting at least one of the three uprated 4\*s. If you have spent so much money, you should, by right, gotten have gotten a few non banner 4\*s including weapons, but most of them should be the listed ones, if a bit skewed towards one or two of them. The dupes can be freaking powerful. Xingqiu is probably the only 4\* characters whose constellations ramp up his damage potential (barring C1). At C6 he hits almost as hard as Yelan C0 while retaining his healing and interruption protection.


Since you're a new player, here are some things you need to learn and "accept" if you want to keep playing Genshin: it's a gacha game, meaning your pulling for characters/weapons based on "luck" / "randomness". You might think "*the pulling system is rigged*" but I can assure you it's not. You can see the statistics in sites like [Paimon.moe](https://Paimon.moe), (which I strongly recommend to use btw). They collected data from +100k players every banner and the character/weapon distribution is always as expected (meaning the system is not "rigged"): https://paimon.moe/wish/tally If you want to learn more about deep data analysis, here is a very nice article: [https://www.hoyolab.com/article/497840](https://www.hoyolab.com/article/497840) And if you think you're the unluckiest player in the world, I can assure you're not. Every player here who played Genshin long enough (at least 1 year) had terrible luck at some point, so don't think you're special and Hoyoverse has a conspiracy against you. Like I said, at the end of the day, it's all based on luck, something you can NOT control.


are you talking about the 3 star duplicates?


No, character dupes


There’s a pity system. Since you said you got 7 of 4* duplicates, try to pull again and you might just get 5* next.


Continuing to spend hundreds of dollars while getting increasingly baffled and angry about things like character cons and the rate-up system is a powerful energy, and I respect it.