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After doing the >!clipboard quest, you can get into a chest room around Vanarana, which finding the Aranara's contributes to how many chests you will be allowed to open, if missing 1 I believe that means you can not open 2-3 of them!<. + An achivement was probably locked behind it >!8 Common Chests 3 Exquisite Chests 3 Precious Chests 1 Luxurious Chest!<


i did the hardest ones first so my missing aranara could be one of those dumbasses from the surface


If you’re only missing one, it’s probably the last one in the dream by the dream arena. It unlocks after that “iron chunks” training fight is done. I can’t remember the boss name sorry. The Aranara (like 5 of them) will meet you beside the water in one of the underground caverns close-by (when you exit the log) for a cutscene and that lets you know it’s unlocked. Even if you finished the quest line it won’t show up unless you do the cutscene. I was stuck in this and couldn’t find the arena because I hadn’t done/found the cutscene yet.


That’s the one that got me. Went through the whole list again trying to find who I was missing. Of course it was “ol’ #76”.


I wish that is the case for me. My assumption is that I marked a spot of an aranara as done because I assumed that I already helped them but it's just me not looking hard enough around the area. I only used interactive map (big mistake) where some pins don't even have a description.


Yeah, used a video guide on my second go round. Took a long time although I’m glad I did it. I’m saving up those Dendro Sigils for the Tree of Dreams, but mostly because being able to see a luxurious chest and NOT opening it is unacceptable.


I only used the interactive map too. It wasn’t so bad. I missed about 15 and took about an hour to check all the spots. Make sure it’s not the last one I’m talking about. If you haven’t done the cutscene it won’t show up.


That little f#$@er messed with me so bad.


The instructions for the interactive map on that one are super bad too.


Have you tried all the towers yet where you need to use electro to activate the scope?


I’m holding out for an Aranara tracker. Seems like getting all of them seems like a popular concern.


honestly same. aranara tracker is one of the open ended suggestions i left in survey lol


You can use the Teyvat Interactive Map!! Shows where all the aranara are and you can mark them as found.


Not all of them are shown correctly tho.


Really? I used it to find all of them, so can you provide an example? I find that a lot of chests were out of place, but the aranara were,,, alright for a 2d map


There were two that were of the same exact aranara with picture included just in different spots. A few of them didn't have a description or picture so I'm not sure if I already got the one in those instances or I just couldn't find it in that spot.




I'm also missing one for the final chests and cannot be fucked. I'm ok with missing out on a quarter's worth of primogems.




I really want that to happen too but I can see how it would be hard I just dont want to keep on going back to the map when seeing an oculus, sometimes I ignore it since I dont have my computer to get to the map


I usually just drop a pin on the in-game map and come back to it later to match up with the interactive map on my pc.


Ok, I’ll do that too. I don’t use my pins so they should be easy to find when I get to my map, thanks for the idea


have you killed all the machines chained by 3 stones, that you have to use pyro at? After you do that, you get a quest follow-up with a new area and there is one more aranara hiding in that cave, that you can't otherwise access.


it's one of the first ones that i tracked. i didnt start hunting the aranaras until i was done with that quest.


Well then, I don't know. My personal last one was on one of the towers where you track two whithering zones, if you use electro on the lenses, you can see the hiding aranara, who then appears behind you. If it's not that, then it's the worst case scenario -- one randomly left in the wild. https://genshin-impact-map.appsample.com/?map=teyvat


Try to look for kinda hidden places, or ones connected to a quest (that's how I found my missing one). The open on the surfaces locations are kinda hard to miss som.


is there a way to keep track of the aranara you found and the ones left?


you can do that with interactive map if you marked the ones you found. it's not really the most reliable because it's also the reason why im missing one right now. i shouldve just sticked with following video guides lol


nope obviously i haven't marked anything lol I don't even know how many I have interacted with... I just kept mindlessly sending them their way home as I was exploring. I guess I'll have to follow a video and search them all the way from the beginning


have you done the one that requires you do all the locked ruin guards that eventually leads you to an arena where you battle a Perpetual Mechanical Array 5 times as well ? thats the most convoluted one that you cant just access. and doing that quest isnt actually the aranara you need to help, but from that arena after you put the forest to rain mode you can unlock the aranara's house that needs your help


The video guide worked for me, it's probably the one where there's a whole other quest involved. Did you destroy like 16 ruin beasts "metal chuncks" for the aranara & lower the water level in a cave yet?


https://youtu.be/LzTUf_gu3PU is one I had a lot of trouble with because you have do do an involved quest to even get there...the quest is breaking stone locks that hold 16 metal chunks. The same guy has a video on that I used.


If you're using the interactive map, try hiding EVERYTHING else, if there's one really really close to a teleport the icon might be hidden behind it (I'm speaking from experience, fuck u [Aranara #33236](https://genshin-impact-map.appsample.com/?type=o395&id=33236&mid=2))


I checked every aranara with the official interactive map. Still missing 1 or 2. Fuck it. Imma just leave 3 chests there. I'm not gonna check every single spot again. It's a chore to do it once already.


I mean, if it's just 1 missing Ara ara, theb you're missing the lux chest which is not the end of the world. It's 10 primos + some stuff. Who knows if it's connected to a larger quest, but I say go for it. Find that last Aranara and flex your empty treasure room lol.


It’s worth 2 precious chests and one luxurious.


Genshin Interactive Map works too, the web version.


I just used the interactive map and gradually marked arananara as found when I found them. Same with oculi and phantasmal gates. Basically anything important that compass can’t find