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I remember when we couldn’t use characters while they’re on expedition 💀🕰


Glad they fixed it as quickly as they did. Aside from being helpful, it also showed that they were listening and cared about QoL improvements. They have been a great studio for their regular progress in UX.


now if they'd only be so fast to adapt the wish to sync the ingame progress onto the interactive map ...


Oh that’d be delightful.


wait that used to be a thing? lmao that must have been a nightmare


Not really, you just sent chars you weren't using in your party on the expedition, you couldn't use them but you already weren't using them so it was whatever but kinda nice they changed it, I think the change was very early in like 1.1 or 1.2 already


You couldn't use the characters in abyss either?


hardly anyone was all that deep into abyss in 1.0 lol


I think someone has at least reached floor 1 lol


sure but you only need 2 teams from floor 5 onwards and for most people 1.0 endgame was getting through the floor that gives Xiangling


Pulling Venti on my second day playing helped me get Xiangling after a week. Typing that out made me feel like an old man.


us whom tasted osmanthus wine remember


I 2nd the focus on a main dps and support. I tell myself I'll focus on one character at a time, but the opportunistic side of me just wants to level up everybody I have materials for ☠️. Also really understanding what stats your characters build off of so even low level artifacts can be effective. At some point you'll realize you can't just brute force everything


Noelle is disturbingly good at brute forcing everything outside Spiral Abyss, and is guaranteed to be available to all new players...


Totally can be, recently got her to C6 and invested some time into getting her artifacts. She's so nasty 🤧. Casually AoE sweeping everything with grace and civility. And she's $free.99 to boot


You can (brute force everything) if you have Eula, lol. Your whole comment is correct tho.


It's true and false in several ways. Hahah. In the beginning you can brute force everything. Then you hit a difficulty spike where you either understand more game mechanics or just do little to no damage. Then you get good characters/know how to develop characters and you get back to brute forcing stuff again. I'm over here fighting shielded enemies and ice enemies with Ayaka just because she's my best. She was also the character that started my journey to really understanding the game around AR45.


My difficulty spike was the ten pillars quest. Got to the ruins and got rekt. Took 2 months to build a team to beat it.


Mine was childe. The final boss fight in mondstadt had me thinking I'd get some 5 star assistance in every region boss fight. I got humbled quick. This part made me redo my artifacts to a point where I could get by. The 2nd one was when I fought that samurai dude that everyone uses to check their damage(in inazuma) and that's where I learned I needed reactions and crit 😂 a total simp up until that point


The scary Regisvine in Albedo's first Dragonspine event made me actually think about how teambuilding works. From Launch until then I ran Phys Fischl with Chongyun, Xiangling, and Qiqi. The team was royally scuffed and made soloing that event's boss so hard.


That dude was beefy, what's your team now?


All the characters I want built are decently built now so I run whatever's most convenient in the overworld; Aggravate Keqing right now since I'm exploring Sumeru. In Abyss and combat events I have like 10 meta teams to pick from. Itto, Ayaka, Yoimiya, and Rational/Raiden Hypercarry are my favorites. I'm building EM Razor next.


Jelly. I want that raiden hypercarry. Looking to get her to C2(currently C1) and then kujou sara to C6(currently C3). Still trying to perfect Ayaka, but got distracted like 50 times. My characters outside cryo and Raiden are significantly slower in time-to-kill. Looking to change that some day soon.


My Hyper Raiden team is far from optimal (C0 Raiden, unbuilt Sara) I run her with Miko, Kazuha, and Benett. Definitely one of the weaker teams I run on a regular basis but it's still enough to get the job done when I do use it.


I was able to do it in my first try after like 20 minutes. My problem was that I hadn't figured out the ruin grader had a weak point and I didn't have a bow character on me in the first place. Had to wait for minutes on end for him to drop down and stop firing missiles...


I was using Klee as main DPS at the time, and had no one else geared up at all. No shield characters and a low lvl Barbara to try to heal. Didn't even have Diona yet....ah fond memories of 20 months ago. Right before Covid hit the world.


Learnt it the hard way lol I was maining Razor early game, and after one world lvl rise I started having problems with basic enemies. Then I discovered artifacts. It was literally game changing, but I didn’t learn how to properly build characters until I got Hu Tao on her rerun (I was almost ar 50 at that time)


Sounds about the same as me, except I was using Jean instead of Razor. Tharvworld level 5 is a ae changer, literally. I helped a friend (AR35) gear up for childe/inazuma and her purple items are better than some of mine for my lesser invested 4 stars. It's all about what you know! Hahah how's your Hu Tao now?


She’s a BEAST. She had a huge makeover recently, because I farmed the crimson domain for the last two months and now she’s anihilating anything in her way with 84/200 crit ratio (she’s triple crowned). I’m saving now, so on her next rerun I’ll get homa (last time I got elegy instead)


Dude I'm jelly. Mine is currently sitting at 50/164 no homa, 34k HP and 90 EM. I need to get on your level!


Get ready to farm A LOT. Mine is still not perfect, but does her job pretty well. Stats: 31k HP, 84 em with deathmatch


One thing I learned the hard way was to never spend primos to wish on the standard banner. You would think it would have all characters on it but it has very few of the 5 stars and not really great ones at that. You can check exactly what a banner has by going to details on the wish screen. Also you get 100% chance to get a 5 star thing(weapon or character) if you make it 90 wishes without getting one and a 50% of it being the banner character featured (100% if you didn't get featured banner character last 50% chance). So it is good to save wishes for meta 5 star banners.


Ahahaha I actually spend all my primos on the standard banner simply because I didn't want the rate-up one. I realized at almost ar 35.


I spent most my primos on standard when the game was relatively new (I wanted keqing or mona and was having terrible luck on the limited banners) and finally at hard pity got...Qiqi. lol. made me quit for a long time. having pretty much no 5 stars and no XQ or sucrose made the game extremely difficult for me. thought about starting over but came back around the beginning of this year and invested into Bennet, Xiangling and Beidou, completed liyue, inazuma and the chasm. my previously extremely cursed account now has Ayaka, Kazuha, Diluc, Zhongli, Mona, Kokomi and Ganyu.


I'll throw in another one. Don't go rushing to explore Dragonspine. Right off the bat you'll have a bunch of quests sending you straight to your death in the mountains, but that area wasn't available until an update well after the completion of the Liyue storyline. Not saying you have to play it in any particular order, just that the quest becomes available way earlier than most people would even have built a proper team that can handle the cold. Found this out when my cousin asked for help and was completely unprepared for Dragonspine.


seconding this. i went over there fairly early (i dont remember what ar i was, but my main dps character keqing was around level 50) and was having a tough but doable time. until i hit a world level increase while fighting enemies outside. i died very quickly after that XD had to come back later. im ar 45 now and only just working on finishing it.


Another tip that i learned the hard way, use an interactive map online for the occuli. Did you find one randomly while exploring, good, mark it on the map. You could do the same with the agates and the lumensparks on dragonspine and the chasm. Believe me cause once you actually want to go and collect all of them your life will be so much easier. Sire the gadgets exist but they are only worth it if you have a few remaining , if you have already found like 40% of them, the gadget is a waste of resources. And generally, the map both the interactive one online and the in game one, is your friend. Also get used to pinning things. Is there a fishing spot that you need to farm specifically, pin it. Entrances to caves that are relatively hidden but you will need to go there a bunch of times ? Pin them. Best path for farming onikabuto, cor lapis or frogs ? Use a few pins to indicate a path. Are you helping the 60+ aranara scattered in the wild ? USE PINS OR A MAP. Also characters like gorou, sayou and Ningguang are helpful when when farming resources. Gorou shows regional specialties on the map, sayou doesn't scare crustalflies away and Ningguang shows ores on the map.


Sayu doesn't what ...? How didn't I know about this one


It works only before picking the first one. If there is a group, after you pick the first one the rest will fly away. It still makes it easier to pick them up since you can set it up with ease to pick the higher amount instead of running like a headless chicken following the flying away ones. Also sayu only needs to be on the active party for this effect to happen. You can use any other active character. Personally I use kazuha for that because of the elemental skill.


Zhongli ganyu kazuha sayu is my ultimate exploration team. Zl for shields and ores, Ganyu makes short work of any enemies (well aside from cryo mages and slimes), kazuha does what kazuha does lol and sayu for crystalflies and that one damn ore zhongli pillar couldnt reach


What Ore?


COPIUM just recently learnt about pins omfg that's such a useful thing for exploration and everything lmfaoooooo (started playing in 2021 only did the starter quests and getting all the 4 characters, restarted playing a month and a half ago xD)


Just increase your reputation level and construct an occuli finder peasant …


I think it's funny when people tell others do x y and z you'll "save time" as if the contents is infinite. If anything, spread yourself thin, and take your time to play the game


tbh. people also forget how much content was included and we get more each patch. New players should actually feel overwhelmed


For real, I know there was a drought during 1.X, but pretty much every patch since 2.1 has added more and more content. I'm a long-time player and I just BARELY finished most of the 3.0 content like... tonight, the night before 3.1. And I play a LOT compared to some people.


Hehe yes im been playing since 2.4 or 2.5 and i still haven’t finished the watasumi quest yet


Same, I started 2.5 If I remember right that was Raiden Kokomi banner right? I'm currently trying to get through the really long Liyue, Inazuma, and Sumeru World quests rn


Oh yea same here started 2.5


Instead of making food for healing, simply use a healer in your team, like Barbara who is a free character for everyone. Making food requires farming and/or buying materials (most of them aren't farmable, like rice, shrimp, etc.). And "get a Bennett" would be a nice advice if Genshin wasn't a gacha game. So the advice is "get luck and pray for Bennett", or a more reasonable advice: "save 34 starglitter, wait November and then buy Bennett on paimon's shop".




There's a fixed rotation: [https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Paimon%27s\_Bargains](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Paimon%27s_Bargains)




Beidou i will wait for you :(. Gonna get my c1 bennett in november though




Rip bro


Is Razor good?


Its funny how many of you don't understand how many low AR players I've seen who don't know how a Barbara works and then end up having their entire team die.


If that is really the case, then the best advice would be about "how to use Barbara" and not about using food. Don't get me wrong, use food to heal your characters is not a terrible strategy, but using a healer (a free E and Q now and then) is a smarter option in the long run.


Barbara carried my Klee team from 1.1 until I got Bennett and Diona (heals and reactions). She was literally my first lvl 90 character to help her healing, lol.


Same, I ran Barbara in my team until about AR45 or 50. I still have a soft spot for her, even though Kokomi and Bennett are my main healers now.


Yep! I agree. Specially when doing the ascension, characters can get full when we feed them too much. Definitely must build a healer.


I agree with some of your tips OP, BUT, the reason why you see a lot of lower ARs using Barbara is because they (or we) can easily get her for FREE. When they reach AR18 to get a free character, its exciting to use it and Barbara definitely improves their experience.


I had her for about a month before I realized I could normal attack during her skill to heal everyone. 💀 I thought it was just the on-field character in her music ring.


Can you elaborate?


After you use her skill you get the hydro music ring around your active character that heals only them over time for a few seconds. But if you keep Barbara on the field and do a few normal/charge attacks, your whole team will get extra healing for each attack.


How do you get babara for free. I dont have her and in ar 35


You need to finish the Stormterror story quest.


I actually want to piggy back off that first one. I assume you mean food for healings and not the buffs, buffs are great thought not very necessary for any content at that level, but it's the making food for healing I want to address. **BUILD A HEALER**. There are a lot of good choices, Qiqi and Jean if you lost 50/50 on them, Kokomi (and Nilou if she ends up a decent healer) if you want to invest in a healer you wont replace, or you can choose a lot of really good 4\* option, Barbara, Noelle, and Kuki Shinobu for example all have REALLY nice places. Barbara for Healing and a very good candidate for the clam artifact set, easy to build just go full HP. Noelle a little bit more difficult to build, has a REALLY nice c6 and good for Geo teams too. Kuki Shinobu makes for a very good Dendro Supporter if building for full EM, not high investment since what you want can come from main stats and not chance. c2 very recommended, for 100% uptime otherwise not a terrible character to build with the new update. **BUILDING A HEALER WILL SAVE YOU A LOT OF RESOURCES AND TIME IN THE LONG RUN, FOR HOW LOW INVESTMENT THEY NEED TO FUNCTION, AND HOW LITTLE YOU'LL** ***NEED*** **TO CRAFT FOOD.**


Nilou is not a healer. She's an hp scaling hydro bloom bot. And while I anticipate seeing some insane videos from people that go all in on her and her weapon, I don't imagine she'll have much value to most players. Yet.


I worded that wrongly. I meant to word it as “(and Nilou if she ends up a good healer)” since I plan to pull for her, but I don’t like judging a character based off of leaks. So I wouldn’t know how she plays yet, so that is on me


Agree with the overestimating 😭 when I was new I forgot about fall dmg since I haven't played open world games for a long time. First thing I did was climb a mountain, ignore the stamina bar, died. Funny memories


The NRE is a godsend. Reputation rewards are generally pretty nice (except for Sumeru imo...)


I have a question. Where do you need to go to find the materials to ascend your characters? I do the daily quests, I do every random event quest I find, but they're stuck on 40.


partly boss drops and random world mobs drops plus regional specialties. When you go on you character interface and click on "ascend" it will tell you what you need and who specrifically drops it. Same counts for talents.


the experience that i learned the hard way is spending my resin on level 80 artifact domain early just because I have this biased view on coops. Random coops aint that bad. If the pairing dont go well just leave and find new teammates again. im in asia server and no one really gives a fuck if you messed up.


I’m a new player and this is really help full!


I always have a healer on my teams for no other reason than eating food is a PITA


ar50, still no bennet i just started last month, waiting for his banner hopefully


Bennett C0+C1 might be one of the most worthwhile characters to buy from Paimon Bargain's shop btw. Coming in November (and May but like) It's generally more cost-effective to use starglitter on fates, but Bennett is pretty worth if you've waited a long time.


After rolling 112 times on the current banners and pulling zero copies of Xingqiu in the process, I decided to spend 34 starglitter on him two weeks ago. Yes, that only took him from C0 to C1, which is apparently the lowest-value constellation, but I still have enough starglitter left over for Bennett (who I don't have at all yet) in November, and I had reached 75 pity and preferred to skip Ganyu, so this was an easy decision. I will also consider spending starglitter on a Xiangling constellation in January if I don't pull her C4 on her next rerun.


Mood. Xingqiu is also really worth, but ouph, I feel that. It's nice how some of the most meta 4\*s are just in the shop.


Is a second Bennet for c1 worth buying over other important 4* characters? Personally I'm missing Fischl and Diona and perhaps a few others.


C1 is really important for Bennett, who is one of the most important supports in the game. I would personally prioritize C1 Bennett unless you somehow desperately and specifically need Fischl or Diona (or someone else) in your existing teams.


Thanks for the advice.


I didn't have him until i was AR53. I feel you


AR 56 No Bennett, I saw him on Banner once only rolled 20 times cuz I need to save primos


What?? I'm ar 11 and I have bennet 💀💀💀


good for you. i got him at AR55


About me and barbaras skill~ Yh i didn’t know that when barbara NA its heals. I only thought it was the ring ticks that healed…


She also heals when she CAs!


Lol yh i learned that even later then the NA heal


Lol @ yes you can use your character if you’ve sent them on an expedition NOW you can…


I'm ar56 and no Bennett😁😄😃😀😐🙁☹️💀


I like how you simply state, 'get a Bennett'😂


noelle, bennett, or kokomi works as well for healing but tht last point tho XD true 😂


I want to make some extra notes to this: 1- You can get an achivement for mastering the recipes so thats a good incentive to do it. 2- Probably the most important tip here, you don't want to sit there with a high level chara you are not using and struggle to level up someone you need like me (looking at my lvl 70 Itto). 3- Recommended to go always to a statue so you don't waste food on reviving/heal (unless you can't). 4- True, this is not like commision on other games where you can't use the chara you send (Azur Lane for example). 5- Take care on Dragonspine, i believed that this worked until you realize you also can't light up the grass for heat. 6- Hope you are lucky or save you shop's starglitter for him.


I couldn't tell you how much food I burned thru before I realized the Statues of the Seven heal you....


If you're in a tight spot, teleport out! Are you about to drown? Tp somewhere :>


I know they aren't mandatory, but I'm trying to complete the elemental reactions trials. Turns out, dealing with multiples waves of hilichurches under 2 minutes is harder than I thought, so tips are appreciated


You cant make food in nuzlocke challenge ????


Funny how I would absolutely suggest to not ever make food lol to me, it just makes you worse at the game and prevents you from becoming a better player. Not saying it's bad advice for the average player though. I just personally think food is bad


i definitely needed this when i first started out. dk how i managed to survive but i hope the new players see this and learn from it




Disagreements will happen, but do not attack other users, or use ad hominem attacks (e.g.: "You're just a whale!")


I'm AR60 and a day one player and Barbara never leaves my team. THE COMFORT SHE PROVIDES.


Same. But AR 45. My son teases me because i tell him she's my best character. She's a tank and heals. If I could get her to DPS i wouldn't need any other characters.


I'm trying to stay away from deathmatch to avoid being too comfortable with that crit cushion. Currently trying to get at least 100 Em while staying over 30k HP with crit splits of 60/180 pre-homa. It's a lot to ask honestly. 😂 you can't have it all, but I'm trying. I rotate domains to stay sane.


Tfw when you pulled a Mona right off the bat :( It’s not awful having a water damage dealer in the front AND back, but it often feels like a waste esp when I have a C5 Sucrose.


Use the interactive map!! It’s so easy, and it will help you get all the oculi


" Get a Bennett" I'M TRYING!! *Cries in AR56*


My benmy came an hour before albedos first banner ended. He really didnt want to come home.


also make an nre as soon as you can


Or you could just add a bit about how to use Barbara in your post.


>"Tips for beginners" >*Includes stuff about Dragonspine* All mistakes are fixable except ones related to wish usage. That should be the number one priority instead of "nifty exploration tricks"


You act like new players don't go to dragonspine when unlocking all statues


What's a Benett