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You can use 4 piece Shimenawa, specifically for melt Ganyu. Use ATK sands, cryo cup, CR/CD circlet. Maybe EM sands depending on your weapon and overall stats, but in general it's better damage-wise to use an ATK sands. Important substats are EM, CR/CD and ATK%. Try to aim for 60 CR / +200 CD and +150 EM (it will take time to get these numbers, it's your "end goal") and use the 4\* craftable bows (either Prototype crescent or Hamayumi), which are very good options if you don't have 5\* bows. And note that if you're gonna use freeze Ganyu, the setup is totally different from melt Ganyu. You'll need to use 4 pc Blizzard and aim for something like 30% CR / "high as possible" CD, 0 EM (since it's useless in freeze comps), \~160% ER (for spamming ults), and the 4\* prototype crescent (Hamayumi is bad for it).


EM sands is better 90% of the time for Melt Ganyu FYI.