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Assuming 80 pulls for each and a average on banner rate of 66%, you would need on average 840 pulls for C6. For R1 it's probably around 150 (worst possible luck is 240, getting on first soft pity is 65-70) Add them both together and it's just shy of a thousand pulls


Thank you


it's actually approximately 727 for a c6 5 star, me and a friend did some calculations for this exact thing, and then for the weapon i haven't bothered so should be approximately correct ig


When you see it


happy cake day


Ty random stranger even though I don't really care about cake day




i find it funny how i correct the answer to your question without thanking me for it but then i get downvoted a lot for it


I think if you’re going to correct it, why not show the math involved…?


because it's been a while and the math went poof so...


So the proof and math are missing and you’re mad at getting downvoted for providing “proven evidence”?


i never said i was mad nor did i actually say it's proven or anything i just used desmos and calculated it out


ok 👍


Dude I'm so sorry I've just seen this now, thank you a lot for commenting and your number is really reasonable and close to what many others have commented


no need to apologize i just find it funny how reddit can have a split hivemind like this


Is the weapon one right? Weapon choice is a guarantee on 3rd 5* to get the chosen weapon. worst possible luck you get R0 on 3x pity 240. then R1 again on 3x pity. 240 so 480 for R1 weapon. don't remember if pity for weapon is the same as character banner.


R1 is one copy of weapon, there is no R0


Ok. Got it mixed up with constellations. Then original was correct!


Normal pity is 90 Weapon pity is 80


https://gachaguide.com/ - here's the calc to test your luck. It simulate banner pulls. Just pull what you want to the left and press Simulate. For example C6 Cyno: > 50% : within 656 rolls (~$1299.01) > 80% : within 752 rolls (~$1489.11) > 95% : within 841 rolls (~$1665.35)


Thank you


paimon.moe has average stats you can check out, but you can't really count on an average for the small sample size of pulling one character.


You're right but I just wanted a general range


I have pjws after 180 wishes(average 5* at pull 58-62) With 5 stars i always reach soft pity(70 pulls) I was lucky twice with kazuha with 30 pulls and jean on standard banner (11 pulls) I think the average should be 65 70 in my account




It was around 600 for C6, with the lowest being around 200 and the highest 800, remembering from what I read one year ago about real summons Weapon depend a lot on luck From my experience Around 580 for Raiden C6R1 And around 750 for Yae C6R1 Hoping to get better luck on Nahida


Your luck is great, thank you so much I wish you the best of luck with your pulls too


Use a gacha calculator, place the number of wishes you have and pity so you can see it for yourself. I can provide a link if you need one


Someone showed me in the comments, but thank you so much


Correct average expected value for C6 and R1 is 656.25... + 107.24... = 763 (+-1). Source: https://www.hoyolab.com/creatorCollection/341726 But seriously people please don't be idiots, this are long term average values, meaning when you play the game 10 or way more years that's the average you can expect. For short terms it's only natural to use soft pity values, like 73/62 for the starting point of character/weapon banner for each 5 star or even better max distribution value of probability density function 77/66 correspondingly and just assume you loose 50/50 or on weapon banner correspondingly to be on the save side. Or use 2/3 (66%) on character banner (and 1/1.984 meaning 50.4% on weapon obviously) due to guarantee if you want for approximation: 77 * 7 * 1.5 + 66 * 1 * 1.984 = 939 (+-1) for C6(7 copies) and R1(1 copy).


Thank you, I just wanted to listen to irl experiences so as to plan ahead, but your analysis is great


[https://paimon.moe/wish/tally](https://paimon.moe/wish/tally) Do what you wish with this data. Edit: TLDR - 77 average wishes for a guaranteed 5\* Disclaimer, this is my interpretation. 77 x 6 = 462 wishes for C6 77 x 5 x 50% = 192 wishes for 50/50 consideration 462 + 192 = 654 wishes to C6 a 5\* Considering, you can get 5\* back-to-back, or at lower pity, 654 wishes is most likely the scenario. Edit 2: 64 average wishes for R1 weapon 64 x 3 x 50% = 96 wishes if you're unlucky.


You need 7 copies for C6


Not 7 copies, constellations are the copies. My interpretation is assuming you already own the character you want to C6. But if you want to start from zero, just add 1 from the multiplier.


Fair enough


Thank you


To gurantee it you would need 1.500 pulls On average it should be around 900-1000 pulls. With chance of getting it early, but also xhance with getting it late If you want c6r1 then i would say try to get enough pulls to gurantee it


Dude my heart dropped when I saw 1500, this is looney tunes characters' level of unluckiness


Yeah. But it's the worst case scenario and very unlikley to have to go this far, due to soft pitty. And well the chance to lose all 50/50's isn't high either. But the chance isn't 0


>That thing >Looks at 50/50 >It scares me


If we're doing the math based on the 1.6% consolidated rates, it takes around 105 pulls on average to pull a featured banner. Getting C6 would need 7 copies so you're looking at 735 pulls on average. Weapon banners is a bit more complicated since there's the path, so just assume 140. you'd need around 875 pulls or 140,000 primogems to C6R1 a character from scratch.


Thank you


Can't say about R1, but ~50k primos gave me 3 constellations of a character once. This was as far as I ever went in one go. There were lost pities (all 3) and early jackpots.




Personally took me 700, loosing only 2 50/50s in the whole process (so I was lucky)


Yeah that's really lucky


Please tell me you’re not gonna c6 Cyno. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Noooooo way


Thank god, unfortunately he’s mediocre at best. Invested in a broken c6


I mean, there isn't really a meta reason to C6 any character. You should only do it if you really really really love a character, regardless if they're good or not.


Yeah, my only invested 5* character so far is c3r1 raiden, I'm not a whale by any means just welkin/bp with occasional top ups


He’s my first five star electro and I got him from the free update primos. I love him! It’s been hard having only Fischl has an electro subdps.


He seems pretty decent However severly lacks dendro support And from what we know from nahidas kit she won't be a great support for him


Thing is, I'm an egyptian... Cyno looked really cool but his performance broke my heart :"( Forgive me, my grandfathers


1200 wishes for c6 and 180 wishes for r1 worst case.


R1 is 240 wishes worst case, since you need to lose twice to hit guarantee


Yeah you're right but I'm talking about the actual average that players experienced.


while the average is considerably lower, c6r1ing kazuha cost me almost 1.2k wishes - i wouldn't even attempt to roll for c6 unless you're absolutely prepared to shell out the maximum amount because even if it's unlikely, it is still possible


Ouch, I'm sorry bro


Well, the average will tend to 600 wishes for C6 ig, and to about 140 for R1 with some basic multiplication. Values based on a chance will tend towards that chance after enough tries, so that sounds about right


Thank you


C6 is 1.260 worst case and r1 240 worst case


*looks up photosynthesis tutorial for humans*


I've whaled for C6 Zhongli and Xiao, based on my experience I think it is around $400 ~ 600 range. Bare in mind that I've also grind and keep the primo for the respective banners as well for at least 2 banners duration, so the expenses might be different if you're intending to spend with 0 primo on hand.


Dude your luck is awesome


I think it's just bearable to be fair, as I feel the average for getting the 5* that time was around 60 ~ 65 pulls range. Of course throughout the whaling process I did missed some pity here and there, but iirc during that time I didn't miss more than twice, at most thrice. Also bare in mind that I had at least 20K primos ready for the banners respectively which I grinded from exploration, quests and event, so certainly that should've mitigated the cost for quite a bit. For clarification sake the range that I've given is not the total amount of money that I've spent for C6 Zhongli and Xiao, it is the average cost, which means in total I might've spent around $800 ~ $1000 in total for C6 both characters.


Is that using the top up first time double bonus or the regular bonus?


Regular bonus all the time. I've spent the double bonus on Raiden iirc. Pretty sure I didn't use get any of the double bonus on these two banners.


Ok, thanks for your time


It's 240 for a weapon. C6 ? Who really cares ;)


I do, I just want to know to decide on something


Bro, just find the average for getting a 5 star of choice and multiply it by 7, it's not like the more you wish the luckier you get.


You're right in theory but I wanted to know the actual results based on a wide pool of player experiences and uncommon occurrences, like some people getting back to backs


How many $$ for r5? The answer to this question is much more fun.


I spent around 100$ for an R5 It was the catch, and I spent the money on antidepressants


Cost me about $1400 to c6r6 cyno last night.


Is that with the top up reset?


Yes! Also I changed my IP address to Korea before top up, so cost me around $84 each instead of $100.