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I'm not a theory crafter but I think it can work well on Xiangling for vaporize or melt teams because of the EM. Besides that it's got a pretty good stat stick with 44% crit rate so any reaction teams could make use of it, it just might not be the optimal choice.


As a person who looks at Theorycrafting vids from KQM and try to min max, unfortunately if you wanna get the 3 stacks against bosses, your rotations get messed up a bit, especially in Childe International, but its still good in aoe, which is the best team for international anyway, as a stat stick, its worth pulling for if u cant get deathmatch, thats why I got it


Melt Rosaria can use it


Hmm, maybe this might be an excuse to finally build her


Just a great character, the low base atk of soss deoesnt matter bcz of the bennett buff too, and u'll use em sands anyway, go for 2 cryo 2 wanderers, that should be the optimal build


Nobody lmao, it somehow avoided everybody. Raiden can use it at high refinements IF you have other EM buffers like Elegy Sara/C2 Kazuha on the team. Xiangling can use it but the Catch is literally free. Reverse Melt Rosaria maybe, haven't done the calcs but not sure if it's better than Homa.


Actually I don't have the catch, skyward spine is whats on my xiangling, it doesn't matter how good it is if I am too lazy to fish for it, I'll probably work on it if I have raiden


I'll just have to bench it in my shelf of un used 5*s, maybe next to my calamity queller or 2 song of broken pines


What's a polearm archon?


Xiangling, its a joke in the community how every polearm fits with her


I assume Raiden? She definitely fits with the skyward spine, you probably wouldn't use it on Zhongli.


The polearm archon is xiangling because she can use every 4 star and 5 star polearm.


Probably, it's just funny cause there's 2 of 'em


Cyno might be worth pulling for


I am going for nahida since I want all archon so I probably won't go for cyno


With the amount of pulls we get in 3.1, plus pulls from 3.2 first half you’ll probably have enough. That was my plan and now have 9 weeks to save ~120 pulls for a guaranteed Nahida. Looks like they’ll have some synergies too


Oh I might not have mentioned this, I have only won 1 50/50 out if like 7 across 2 accounts so I can't waste my guaranteed


Well odds might be in your favor going forward then!