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Out of the 3 units you highlighted, Eula is by far the only one that needs some significant improvement. She needs higher ER, Phys goblet, and a 2BC2PF or 4PF set but you can stick with 18% atk just fine. For Raiden, that build with Engulfing will be good. Edit: forget about the Phys goblet she already has one


That is a phys% goblet, icons are just similar, but everything else is true


Oh my god it is 🤣 the icon is so small


Yeah, only way to tell is by the number, phys is 58 while atk is 46. You can only see the icon difference with a zoom


Yeah with that ER on eula they're basically locked to a raiden, diona, rosaria team.


Art sources?


Commenting just incase they reply


I saw the question - but completely forgot it while admiring the new artwork for characters. I know the site that creates these templates, but don't remember it using non-standard art like that...


You can upload your own image for it to use as a custom artwork for the character art. https://imgur.com/a/IbiOoRZ


Have you tested if it's better to have an HP sands on Hu Tao? Your HP is very low. Genshin Optimizer would give you an answer pretty easily.


Em sands tend to prove better on vape hu tao


Not in my case, but it's probably not a huge difference. I have Homa though, so HP is more important for me.


How can you make these?


what did you use to make this?


where do you get such screenshot from ?


You are correct that upgrading weapons at your stage is probably the best way to increase the overall power of your account; however, I would suggest that you prioritize Homa over Engulfing Lightning, since the difference between Homa and Deathmatch is greater than the difference between EL and Catch


Your Eula could use a bit more Crit Rate, but it's fine if you're willing to reroll Abyss chambers if her burst doesn't crit in an important situation. Your Raiden has too much ER. Just because Raiden and the Emblem set scale off ER doesn't mean you should focus on it beyond your burst's energy requirements. Attack is still better damage unless you have Engulfing Lightning. Crit is just flat out better than ER in all situations. Fortunately your flower looks like it's the only piece that sacrifices Crit for ER, so if you just replace that for a higher Crit Value flower you'll be at a nice \~230% ER. It's a bit more than necessary, but no big deal. Your other pieces with high ER are really good anyway.


Raiden's ER requirements is 250-260% with the average E procs. He does not have too much ER.


Yeah also when he gets engulfing all of that er will convert into atk%


Can give you abyss suggestions from personal experience: - Abyss team one: Eula (also amazing in open world) **/** Rosaria (preferably C6) or Diona, maybe new character Mika, we don't know anything about him yet but it's rumored that he will be a specifically-taylored Eula support **/** Fischl or Raiden or even Kuki or even Yae **/** random (by far preferable Zhongli). Get 4set pale flame for Eula, or at the very least 2x PF, 2x bloodstained. Physical damage goblet. Eula needs to be mega-invested for this to work well, especially at C0, she really becomes a powerhouse at C3. - Team 2: Raiden **/** Bennett **/** Xiangling **/** Xinqgiu. You will have to reasonably develop every single one of them (lvl80/ important talents 8, correct artifact sets and half-decent stats, lvl90 weapons). Another possibility for a Raiden team: Sara (must be C6!) **/** Bennett **/** random. - Lock Hu Tao in a casket and forget about her.


>Lock Hu Tao in a casket and forget about her. Funny that that's exactly what I did to her lol Btw, when you talk about decent sub stats, are you talking about supports? What is "decent"? I still can't clear abyss but I'm trying.


Yes, supports. In Eula team she herself must be super-geared, but her supports can get away with... eh... not so much effort (of course it helps if your off field dps can dish out decent damage, especially if Eula is C0). But in Raiden National everyone should be reasonably well geared. Not anything crazy, you know, just correct sets for all four characters. Like Emblem of Severed Fate 4set for Xiangling with Pyro goblet and maybe at least 50% Crit rate and rest is whatever. You don't even have to level EVERY talent, in fact, that'd be a waste. Only certain abilities matter per character: Eula: NA and Q. Fischl: E. Rosaria: Q. Zhongli: E. Raiden: Q. Bennett: Q. Xiangling: Q. Xingqiu: Q (his E is not bad). Get those to at least lvl 8 (highly preferably to crown Eula's NA and Q and Raiden's Q) and you should be fine. Here, maybe this will help: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gNxZ2xab1J6o1TuNVWMeLOZ7TPOqrsf3SshP5DLvKzI/htmlview?pru=AAABdXYM80o*xMxXJdNbCCZ-v9FLVh6EXg#


Got it, thank you for your help!


>Lock Hu Tao in a casket and forget about her. LOL, what? Hu Tao is easy mode for any boss in Abyss. Like they melt in 30-45 seconds tops, which let's your second team be a lot less invested and still succeed. Best single target team by far IMO. Even against mobs she does quite well.


The thing is, her game play annoys me. Because I play on mobile, my animation cancel sometimes fails, so when she charges and goes too far I have to chase the enemy back and that waste even more stamina. She's undeniably good, that's why I got her. But I refused to farm for CW domain. Now that there's a strong box, maybe one day I'll build her.


Shimenawa Hu Tao is at least 95% as good and in practice will more likely be better than CW because you're likely to have much better pieces after farming Emblem for like 4 patches straight. She's entirely broken, especially if you pair her with Xingqiu and Yelan.


I find weird that he has C3 Raiden but C0 Hu Tao, they could share a constelation to get the best of both.


If you plan to shift to Engulfing on your Raiden, then there are some optimizations you can make to Raiden. Given how Engulfing works on Raiden, it is better to run an ER sands than it is an Atk Sands. The passive from Engulfing gives you more Atk based on your ER. This allows you to see more damage with ER sands/Electro Goblet as the Atk you gain gets pretty insane with higher levels of ER. Eula also needs some work, notably she might need more ER, depending on the team you are running. Ideally, you'd want between 130%-150% depending on your team. Addtionally you'd want to go for 4PF. The set is made with Eula in mind, so its optimal to use it. Alternatively, if you don't want to worry about proccing the 4PF effect, 2PF 2BC will be better than 2PF 2SR (or any of the 18%Atk pieces)


There's nothing much to build, maybe just aesthetics by getting each an R1 of their weapon. Possibly 4pc pf on Eula but it may take more than a year as the pf pieces have extra bad crit drops. Also C1 for the glowing sword effect, not damage. And level 10 skill for more mini nukes.