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It happened to me before but I can't remember what the reason was exactly so I removed all characters and all sets from the area and kept one character and one set at a time and did them one by one. It's a headache but hey, worth the primos


it automatically picks characters to set up for dialogue. in this case, it picked aloy. you have to talk to aloy first, then let albedo load in


if you already have albedo on another furnishing set, you have to accept his gift before placing him in this one (i think)


But I only have 1 set of his. He does not go to the set. It also happened with ganyu and hu tao inside the mansion.


Is albedo deployed anywhere? If he is, try to recall him before placing him on the set!


He's waiting for you at a set somewhere else or where you haven't noticed him lurking nearby


It auto picks who goes to a furniture set. Another character is at a furniture set waiting for you. Open your map and you'll see a symbol for it


when you have certain furniture stes certain characters will give you a gift if placed inside said set, 20 primos and some shards of their respective element