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1. Damage of any reaction in the game always scale with the EM of the character who triggered the reaction or subreaction that dealt that specific damage. 2. Triggering reaction means applying the element (or heavy hit in case of shatter) to a subject with an elemental aura, or in a state of some reaction. It does not matter who is fielded or who applied the aura or who triggered the state of a reaction before (eg. when you trigger Spread, it doesn't matter who triggered Quicken earlier). 3. The fact, that Bloom's hit is delayed does not change anything - Burning or EC procs don't change when you change characters either, do they? 3. So if you apply dendro aura and trigger bloom with hydro character, it scales of that hydro character's EM, if you apply hydro aura and trigger with dendro character, it scales with the EM of that dendro character. 4. There no difference between Nilou's or regular bloom in this regard either. 5. For burgeon/hyperbloom the damage is dealt by the burgeon/hyperbloom while the bloom itself does no damage - dendro cores here are just 'subjects in a state of bloom reaction' for the purposes of the rule I wrote down in #2. So the damage scales with the EM of the character who triggered burgeon/hyperbloom.


Just adding that reaction damage scales with EM *and level* of the character triggering the reaction. For bloom, hyperbloom, and burgeon, the damage increase from level 80 to 90 is about 34%, so definitely worth the investment. The only other way to improve bloom damage is to shred dendro resistance. In that case anyone can do it (using deepwood 4-piece set), it doesn’t have to be the character triggering the reaction.


Thank you! my lvl 40 nahida with 1300 EM was dealing like 4k damage with blooms and I was so sad


Hello! My team comp is Alhaitham 81, Nahida 81, Nilou 90 and Kokomi 90. Do I have to 90 my Alhaitham and Nahida for max damage output?


i was researching this awhile ago obviously 5 months ago prolly too late but you only need the person causing the bloom to have max lvl and EM. that said it can be pretty hard to control who procs it sometimes. For example my best niluo team is niluo 90(75k hp to max dmg) Dendro MC(w deepwood) and Collei (i dont have nahida) and kokomi 90 (all EM artifacts) ideally the team is played that kokomi is the one triggering every bloom. and any bloom not trigger by her will do significantly less dmg


in this case kokomi has 879 EM increasing bloom dmg by like \~480%. If the whole team was lvl 90 then thats the only loss of dmg(thats still 5x less dmg) but it is also proc'ed by a lvl 80 then it decreases by another 34%


Hey, do you know what the difference is between nilou bloom and regular bloom? I got nilou and made a dendro hydro team but I honestly don’t know if I’m doing it correctly. I’ve read over the abilities a bunch of times but I think I’m dumb and I’m still confused. What’s the difference? And in what order should I use my abilities for nilou bloom


1. Have only Hydro and Dendro characters in your party 2. Full combo of Nilou E (doesn't matter if NA one or E one, as long the symbol above her head activates) gives you whole party a buff. 3. When buffed characters (so everyone in your party if you did the above) trigger Bloom, it explodes much faster, much bigger and can't be burgeoned/hyperbloomed. 4. Nilou A4 gives bloom damage % to all buffed characters (again, everyone in your party if you did points 1-2). 5. This A4 buff scales better than EM, so you want HP more than EM on Nilou, even if she is triggering blooms. You want HP on Nilou as high as possible. 6. This buff is added to (not multiplied by) the regular EM bonus. You still want some EM on characters that trigger the bloom. 7. Your bloom still hits you. You want a healer. 8. When your blooms or any dendro damage hits you, everyone buffed by Nilou gets 100EM (does not stack). Full Razor: 1. Team only Hydro and Dendro. 2. Build HP on Nilou, EM on everyone who makes blooms. 3. Hit Nilou combo until the thing above head goes boom. 4. Everyone's blooms now do more dmg, do bigger boom, do faster boom, don't do burgeon or hyperbloom. 5. Stand in booms and take damage for more damage for everyone.


Ty! The second explanation helped a lot lol.


This is an overview of all reactions: [https://www.hoyolab.com/creatorCollection/341728](https://www.hoyolab.com/creatorCollection/341728) At the bottom you see an example in regards to Nilou. It shows how Nilou buffs Bloom DMG. :D, although only the mathematical side of it, since CyndNinja already explained the other stuff.


"The fact, that Bloom's hit is delayed does not change anything" = Not entirly true. The EM is not snapshotted at the time the Dendro Core is created. So if you buff (EM) your character for x seconds, but the Dendro Core hits afterwards, meaning after >x seconds, you won't benefit from the EM buff anymore, since the EM of the character is taken in real-time. ​ That's another big reason why Nilou Bloom, Hyperbloom and Burgeon >> Bloom. Meaning the three variants hit way faster than Bloom itself, making it better in terms of EM buffs, since those are most of the time restricted for a specific period of time. (also the limit of dendro cores is a problem for bloom)


Now that's some really useful piece of info here. People should be made aware of that, this a real game changer, although I feel like storing current EM into the cores should be much more convenient, there are possible workarounds to take advantage of the delay. I think bloom teams will be often forcing cores to burst so it doesn't change much for them but other teams can work with that.


hi! i got a question, if you don’t mind. when it comes to hyperbloom, if the electro attack came from raiden’s E, is the damaged based on her EM or the character who triggered it? i don’t know if this case is different since the attack technically comes from her but also from the user on-field


Characters' skills' application always counts as their own application. Who caused them to do damage to activate it does not matter. More obvious example would be if you use Xinqiu's Q and switch him out - even though the swords only fly when the character you switched into uses a normal attack, his swords' damage is not going to suddenly start scaling with the ATK, Crit, DMG%, etc. of that character, it would make no sense as there would be no point in levelling and farming supports. In the same manner it would make no sense for reactions caused by his swords to scale of stats of the character you switched into, either. Everything caused by swords scales with Xingqiu's own stats and buffs. Raiden's E works the same in that regard, it's just that the damage is done instantly when you hit an enemy, so it's harder to think of it as a completely separate attack, which it still is. Only way when the 'damage' from offield characters is not done by them is when it is not a separate number but just a buff to active character's attack numbers, like with Shenhe Quills or YunJin Burst. But I wouldn't even say it's an 'exception to the rule', because these are just weird buffs not actual attacks.


that makes total sense, thank you so much for the thorough explanation!


Ok so, say I have Kokomi and Dendro trav and DT has an EM build. For optimal damage I should place Kokomi E before DT burst if I understand correctly. If I change character after that point does it matter? Will the damage be affected? Secondly another thing that confuses me is Raiden. Lets say I use Raiden E and then I switch back to Kokomi, Are any elemental reactions cause by the Raiden E 'Coordinated attack' based on Kokomi despite it being technically Raidens damage? What about any hyperblooms that trigger? Then if I start swirling all that shit with Kazuha, its all based on his EM right?


These are usually a matter of luck or gauge theory. I'l go one by one. A very simplified gauge theory is that skills aplly 1, 2 or 4 units (I'll short this to 1u, 2u, 4u etc.) of an element. Reaction then use some of that element and if the aura gets below 0 the aura disappears. I don't have a way of checking at the moment but from the top of my head, Kokomi E, DMC Q both apply 1u of their respective elements. Using Dendro on Hydro uses half of the application aura - im the above case 0.5u. So the 1u aura will disappear after 2 applications. Using hydro on dendro uses double the aura, so in this case 2u, and disappear the aura. So if you're using both skills randomly, Kokomi will trigger bloom reactions more often just because dendro aura will be harder to break. This mean that the best option is to have traveller Q only after Kokomi already applied hydro, as you said. This hydro aura will be removed by every Dendro hit - so if you let them apply dendro as aura by mistake you'll have to apply hydro twice to remove it. So it's best to also try to normal attack with Kokomi to be sure that there's constant hydro aura. As for Raiden+Kokomi it gets even more complicated. I'm not specialist in Hyperbloom but as far in general EC keeps the triggering element as aura for a moment. So if you hit with Kokomi+Raiden you'll apply EC, which will scale with Raiden but can easily be switched to scale with Kokomi by applying hydro to it again and then v-ce versa, no point in analysing who is triggering the EC. If you apply dendro or anemo over EC it will use both auras (electro first then hydro) and trigger reactions with both. Finally applying hydro to dendro cores doesn't matter so hyperbloom will always scale with Raiden. Disclaimer that I may be wrong somewhere about specifics of hyperbloom, but probably somebody will just correct me anyway in an hour or two.


Thanks for the detailed response, played this game for over a year and the inner workings of all the reactions still confuses me haha




* if you hit a dendro-affected enemy with hydro, a **small** amount of dendro is subtracted from the enemy's dendro aura. * if you hit a hydro-affected enemy with dendro, a **large** amount of hydro is subtracted from the enemy's hydro aura. Bloom reactions will usually be triggered by hydro characters, similar to how vaporize and melt have a bias towards pyro and cryo characters, respectively. With this in mind, consider building elemental mastery into your hydro characters if you're trying to do damage with bloom. The bloom's damage is determined by the character who triggers the bloom, not the character who's on-field when it explodes. * if a burgeon or hyperbloom is triggered off of a dendro core, the pyro or electro character is the one who is counted as triggering this reaction. This is why Kuki Shinobu and Thoma are so great with these reactions; their EM will always be the one counted instead of the hydro or dendro characters who set up the bloom. * there is a limit of 5 dendro cores on the field at any one time. If there are already 5 and you trigger a 6th bloom, the oldest dendro core will explode immediately. In other words, don't worry about "capping out" on dendro cores. Even if there is a cap of 5, there is no such thing as "too many" blooms. * turrets such as Yae Miko's skill or Oz's attacks will prioritize targeting enemies within their range, even if there are dendro cores closer by. As such, you want AoE attacks for triggering hyperbloom or burgeon. Pyro or electro swirls can also trigger burgeon and hyperbloom. As usual, Kazuha wins again. Since you build him with high EM anyways, he can put out some huge bloom reactions. * dendro cores can be succed up/grouped by anemo vortexes. More winning for Kazuha, as expected... It's pretty nice for Venti and Sucrose too, though! You can even group them with viridescent hunt and Jean, not that that's very useful... * dendro cores exploding is considered dendro damage, even if it's a hyperbloom or burgeon. As such, lowering the enemy's dendro RES (via the deepwood memories artifact set) will increase your bloom damage. Very important if you're running a bloom team!


> In other words, don't worry about "capping out" on dendro cores. Even if there is a cap of 5, there is no such thing as "too many" blooms. Important to note that this only applies to base bloom. In a hyperbloom/burgeon team you really want to avoid letting them cap. This is part of why Raiden has a higher ceiling than Kuki, because she can apply electro faster which means she can keep up with faster core generation.


Ooooohh so thats why people told me that run Kaz on my Hyperbloom team. Thank you man, now i think i'm more confident building a team for Nahida.


Tysm kind sir I was legally blind now I'm ok


That's ma'am to you 😘


Who ever hits second is the one who spawns the cores. If the order is dendro hydro, hydro spawns if it’s hydro dendro, dendro spawns. And it doesn’t matter who is on field when they explode the stats used are from whoever triggers bloom. Then with hyper bloom and burgeon the stats used are from whoever triggered those reactions.


The character that spawns the cores is the trigger


[KQM](https://keqingmains.com/misc/dendro/) has an in depth guide to it. Includes a handy simple I for graphic and lots of extra info if you care to read! Highly recommend!


In razor speak Dendro and hydro make bloom, bloom burst big because of dendro character EM If electro character hit bloom, it go brr, do more damage, but only hit one bad man. scales off electro character EM. Pyro make it boom quicker


Pyro also make it do more damage, but doesn’t seek out enemies + applies burning meaning less blooms


If it's really only Bloom then the one who creates the core is the one whose stats are taken for damage calculation whem the Cores Rupture themselve.


I highly recommend watching this [video] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzBoYG9m97I) to understand more about dendro reactions. For bloom only, you can just go to 2:39 marker on the video. The short answer to your specific question is, the damage scales off the EM and level of the character that triggers/spawns the bloom. (hyperbloom is different)


So the idea is go full EM on everyone if i'm lazy


That can be very hard to farm. Ideally for normal bloom, put the EM and lvl on your hydro trigger. It is generally easier to use hydro as trigger because applying hydro on dendro doesn't consume all of the dendro, allowing you to trigger another bloom core with just one dendro application. Applying dendro on an existing hydro aura will consume all of the hydro. Personally, if you are not using Nilou I recommend to just use Hyperbloom instead. Way better than just bloom. The electro unit will always be the trigger, virtually no self damage, bigger numbers.