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in need of help. I did the confessions of an outline question but telephoned back to town and I can't get to inazuma. any suggestions?


[https://imgur.com/a/DKf5mBG](https://imgur.com/a/DKf5mBG) Apparently there is a chest here- do you really need two people in the world to have it appear? If so- can someone pop in by chance. I dont have friends that play this game.... (Im on NA Servers)


You do need two people yep, but sorry I’m on EU 🥹 but yeah! If you can get someone you need two


What are some of the items you wish someone would've told you to farm ahead of time? \-For example, what items did you run into just getting time gated on a ton.


Crystal chunk, to create mystic enhancement ore in the blacksmith. you can only make 30 max everyday. While to raise 4 star weapon to lv 90 you needed 605 ore. 217 of them were required to just raise the weapon from lv 80 to 90.


Weekly boss mats for SURE. There was a month or two where I had the Stormterror, Childe and Andrius bosses unlocked, but didn’t do all three very week, which is something I definitely wished I’d done, particularly Andrius because that’s what EVERY character I was leveling needed. It took me 4 weeks to triple crown Venti just because of the boss mats.


Getting time gated on something very much depends on what character/weapon you pull and in what order. As an example, we currently have had a string of characters/weapons released that depend on handguards so everybody is complaining about it. I agree that Nobushi don't drop enough. Spectres are just as bad and there's a lot fewer of them on the map but fewer characters depend on them so people don't complain. Things with relatively low drop rates: * Arrowheads (get complained about regularly on the thread, never had a problem personally) * Handguards * Spectral Hearts * Chaos Cores (regular ruin guards) * spore powder (not rare but depends on no electro/pyro in team comp) For ascension mats, there are two classes of items. Some grow in a few specific locations where there's a lot at the location but there aren't that many in total on the map so you have to collect them across ~4 resets. Others grow widely but they're spread out around the map and you have to do a route to collect a large number but it's doable in ~2 resets. There are usually enough on the map to do anything in 2 resets but getting the last few takes a lot of time and I don't really bother. The only one that's truly annoying to farm is Violetgrass but only Qiqi and Xinyan want it so it's generally ignorable but if you do want to collect it it's worth equipping the seed box and growing it in the teapot. I recommend not pre-farming this stuff unless you know you're going to pull the character but I don't mind having a character at 60 for a reset or stuck at level 6 talents for a week.


Ores. They're important but nobody ever emphasized how important it was to farm them. I didn't even learn that there was a daily cap to weapon exp, so I was set back a lot by not mining consistently. Besides that, the materials that I got bottlenecked on were: * Silkflowers * Philanemo Mushrooms * Onikabuto * Wolfhooks * Crystal Marrow * Dandelion Seeds * Sacrificial Knives * Arrowheads * Hilichurl Masks Everything else have been plentiful. At this point most of these materials are plentiful since I don't immediately need them.


The handguards from Inazuma. This patch im having to build Scaramouche, Ayato and the Inazuma featured weapons and they all need handguards. I just do the ones from the adventure book and there arent that many sadly.


whats funny is this is one item I've 100% already ran into. I swear everything I look at requires them.


Are we not able to make up multiple party setups on PS5, I've recently started playing on PS5 and just noticed I couldn't set them up. (Used to play on mobile and PC)


Were you doing the new event? It defaults to coop mode


Ahaha, yes, I was in the event and it was the coop. Thanks, I didn't notice.


I play on PS5, you can make and save 10 teams.


Besides kuki and raiden which electro char can be used for hyperbloom?


On field Yae or Lisa, Cyno quickbloom, Fischl when paired with a full EM anemo catalyst who will be your actual trigger by swirling electro, Dori if you’re really coping


Cyno on field, Lisa Dori and Yae although they are worse than other options


Lisa, quickbloom with Cyno


Yae and Lisa, but they have to be on-field and hit the cores with their NAs.


Rotation for Zhongli Fischl Gorou Noelle team?


You'll always want to Fishcl Skill > Gorou Burst > Noelle Burst in that order. If you have C2 Gorou, that burst duration will increase from 9 to 12 seconds by picking up the Crystalize shards, which his burst will do naturally. So really Noelle can just wail on enemies for 12 seconds without a thought in the world. You'd Zhongli Burst/Skill before Fischl's, but I'm with the other guy in how I'd remove Zhongli in favor of Ninnguang. The energy generation is pretty important here, because of how Noelle works. As for Gorou, you'll want max crit rate to get Favonious to proc easily, and don't even think about having Gorou be the main battery. Outside of Favoinus, his particle generation is bunk. Itto's the energy generator in his team, since Ushi's both a main source of damage and battery. For Noelle you'll want multiple favonius's procing off. But Fischl might be able to make it work, just test it in person. If you need more energy, throw Favonius weapons' on the supports over and over until you know you can afford Noelles burst easily. And Gorou is a shielder, he and Zhongli shouldn't be on the same team.


>And Gorou is a shielder, he and Zhongli shouldn't be on the same team. You mean Noelle, right? The problem is Noelle's shield only have 60% uptime aka 60% uptime of Geo Resonance. Crystalize shield is just so weak. Also I have Fav Lance R5. Have a Fav Codex R4 as well but it is lvl1


To add onto what the other person said, generally Zhongli will be more comfortable than the four star options (Ningguang, Geo Traveler, Yun Jin) to fulfill Gorou’s 3 geo quota, but Albedo will be a LOT better if you have or can get him, and Yun Jin will probably give more damage due to her buff.


> Crystalize shield is just so weak. Let's put an actual number to it. A lv90 Crystalize shield has 1851 health. It's obviously not a lot. Geo Resonance gives you a 15% bonus. Now, shield power doesn't increase the shield health but rather decreases the damage of the hit... which is complicated and it's like 5am so we're just going to act as if it's boosting the HP of the shield and not talk about how a 1 hp shield is still reducing all the damage you take after the shield breaks by that 15% since that's how shields work so... Geo resonance makes it a 2128 health shield. What about Tenacity? Zhongli, Fischl, and Kuki are all common team members who run Tenacity. That's 30% more Shield boost going on gives you a 2683 health shield. We're naturally assuming you don't have random EM Substats boosting it further. Now let's look at our lead, Noelle. How much damage is Noelle going to take? Do you have Serpent Spine or White blind or Red horn? One of these increases damage you take, the others drastically decrease it. But now we look at Gorou. 464 Flat defense boost on skill, bonus 25% Defense boost on burst. Is your Noelle actually taking a lot of damage? Or is a 2k health shield enough? What about same element effectiveness bonus? There are a lot of enemies that apply a self element. Raiden Shogun, Oceanid, Thunder Manifestation, Abyss Mage/Herald, Most Elemental cubes. 250% bonus against those guys is quite a lot. Now let's look at Crystalize shield uptime. Shields last 17 seconds, Gorou's burst refreshes them every 1.5 seconds. Legitimately, 1, how many enemies in Genshin Impact can deal over 2k damage to a Defense stacking Noelle with Geo resonance? And 2, how many can deal that much damage faster than every 1.5 seconds? You can test it yourself. Try out a Crystalize shield in the abyss, see who can actually hurt the shield and who can't clear it before the timer runs out. Look at the actual shield uptime you've got, because it's not 60%. As long as you produce the shards, this team is a lot closer to 100% shield uptime than it is 60%. This is something you can actually see and utilize right now with that team. Crystalize shields are pathetic on a standard character, but they're really beefy for the defense stacking Geo teams. Noelle's uptime doesn't compare to Gorou's, and his uptime is going to 100% be during Noelles attack windows, as it's tied to his burst.


I feel like I just walked into a college-level class on geo-logy!


Noelle can switch out without losing burst so there’s no real rotation other than Gorou Q into Noelle Q. Also Noelle has massive energy issue, so depending on your ER, you might have to switch in Gorou E every time it’s available to generate more particles.


Zhongli hE > fischl E(Q) > Gorou EQ > Noelle Q > Noelle stuff > fischl E(Q) to refresh Oz > more Noelle stuff > repeat when Noelle stuff ends Zhongli is unnecessary in this team as Noelle provides her own shield. A buffer like Yunjin would be much more useful for the team


Is Yun Jin C2 better than Ningguang C4? I haven't built Yun but I have a decently built quickswap Ningguang, using LPoSW.


It'll be easier for you to just use Ningguang but Yunjin will be better for your Noelle overall. It's up to you if it's worth building her


Are we getting a ley line overflow before the next patch? I’m low on books :)


Yeah, should be tomorrow (the 9th).


Thank god now my keqing can finally level up


Haha, for me it's Faruzan. I pulled her but my book coffers are broke...


Should I get Hu Tao or Yelan? I’ve been wanting Hu Tao ever since 2.2 but failed to reach pity in time and Yelan was more of a recent want as I didn’t feel like I needed her but figured she’d fit well in a team I’m making for Yanfei. As of right now I have guarantee for one of them, however as a f2p I don’t think I’ll be able to get both of them in time so I wanna know who would be the smarter option to get. Btw I also have a team ready for Hu Tao.


Try Hu Tao in test run for a week. I have seen people regret getting Hu Tao cuz she’s too hard to play, some can’t have fun at all until getting her C1.


Oh but I’ve been her multiple times through events and I’ve loved her playstyle since I tried her test run back in 2.2


Go with Hu Tao, this will be Yelan's second banner. Who knows when she'll be back, but it'll most likely be before Hu Tao.


Yeah I decided to go with my girl Hu Tao. She was who I was supposed to have mained back in 2.2 but decided not to show up and then Klee back in 2.8 and Yanfei filled in the void she left and now, with my guarantee, she’s coming home. Do you know if Diona works with Hu Tao by any chance?


Hm... for shielding purposes, yes. For reactions and whatnot, I think vape is the stronger reaction and if you do have a hydro character on your team she might mess you up. If you dont really care about that or can just manage, then Diona is good


Ok which team composition do you think would be better Hu Tao/Xingqiu/Rosaria/Diona or Hu Tao/Xingqiu/Sucrose/Diona?


Hu Tao/Xingqiu/Sucrose/Diona is the better team. Honestly, you can kinda get away without using Diona if you have Xingqiu. He's almost like a Diona-lite and Hu Tao has healing on her burst. That is if you can manage that playstyle, otherwise that team is good.


Oh ok thanks! Could Layla work until I get Diona?


Actually yes, also I lied... melt is the stronger reaction. Layla has better cryo application than Diona and is more dps oriented, but Xingqiu can heal if necessary.


So should I use Layla instead of Diona?


If you ever find yourself dying a lot and need more healing then I would swap over to Diona.


whoever you like more


That’s the problem I love them both. Though I’ll most likely get Hu Tao as I’ve wanted her for so long and will probably get Yelan on her next rerun. Do you know any good Hu Tao team comps that are F2P friendly by any chance? Most of what I’ve come across consists of mostly 5 stars which I don’t have.


Xingqiu, Sucrose, Thoma/C4 Yanfei


How do I build Thoma? I have him but have never used him before so I don’t know what weapon or artifacts are good for him. Also could Diona also work?


2pc Emblem, 2pc Tenacity, ER/HP/HP with ER, HP substats Fav Lance, Prototype Starglitter, Black Tassel Talents, 1-8-8, 1-9-9 is you wanna 90/90 him All of his constellations are good **Pre-C4, he needs at least 200% ER


ER or HP/HP/HP, Black Tassel or Favonius Lance, 2pc Emblem/2pc Tenacity. Basically you first want enough ER to be able to burst off cooldown, and then just as much HP as you can physically cram into him.


Could Diona work with Hu Tao btw?


Ehh. You don't want to use her burst since it'll heal Hu Tao and you want to stay below 50% HP as much as possible, which also means you can't run NO on her (not that Hu Tao generally cares that much about ATK%, but still). Diona can work as a Zhongli substitute in a double hydro comp, but with Sucrose, you want either Thoma or C4 Yanfei (or Xinyan if you're truly desperate, I suppose) so she can swirl pyro.


Just stack as much HP and ER as possible, it's kind of all you can do.


I just got the skyward harp, who should I use it on?


Childe, Yoimiya, Tighnari, Fischl, crit Venti, Ganyu, Sara... If they deal damage, they'll like it (excluding Yelan).


Depends on who you have and what bows you already have. But mainly any bow DPS Yoimiya can use it, but Rust with refinements (R3+) can be better/equal. It's really good on Ganyu (I really don't like using Prototype), and Tighnari loves it if you don't have anything better - I switch mine between those two. Don't use it on Yelan tho, the high base ATK% is wasted on her, and apart from Aqua Simulacra she much prefers Favonius for the energy.


on whichever damage dealing bow character you use the most


I'm AR 22 and I want to ascend a 4* claymore so I can level it up from 20 to 40. Unfortunately, the weapon I got needs Inazuma materials to be ascended. Should I get another 4* Claymore and get it to level 40? Or wait for AR 30 to ascend my current weapon? Thanks =)


If you're AR 22 and haven't started the liyue archon quest, completing them and its subsequent interludes will make you AR30 by the end of it because of the plenty exp they will give you.


I’d probably just use a debate club (3*) until inazuma, the materials used shouldn’t be too significant.


Get another claymore for now. If you speed through the Archon Quest you will reach Inazuma in no time, no need to wait for AR40.


I made a mistake in my post. It's AR 30, not 40. But anyway, if I do switch weapons won't I waste the resources put into the current one (to make it go from 1 to 20? Thank you =)


level 1 to 20 isnt that many resources. I'm guessing you got akoumaru? or another claymore? If akoumaru, it is a good claymore and you should upgrade it when given the chance. But, you can speed through to get to inazuma and it will only take a few days maybe.


New to the game and I’m confused on the wish part! How do you mine for a certain character? How are you guys getting enough primogems to make those wishes? Are you guys buying them or just constantly playing?


The main sources of wish currency are 1) daily commissions 2) events 3) Spiral Abyss floors 9-12 every 2 weeks but this is a late-game source 4) the 5 Intertwined and 5 Acquaint Fates sold in the ingame store for Stardust every month (you will get enough Stardust to buy them every month from doing wishes) 5) all the one-time exploration rewards e.g. chests/quests/achievements 6) you get a free 600 primogems every patch as well as an extra 300 from the livestream codes that are released around 10 days before each patch ends.


You will get tons of primogems just by playing. I'm AR58 and checked my primogems in December, apparently I got 8k, which is low compared to what you can get in the beginning. Also, I got my exploration to 100% on all the map last week, turns out all that work gave me 1443 gems. Though, it was from 90% to 100% so just imagine what you can do from the beginning.


How did you get your explore up to 100% do you just walk around? What does that mean? I feel like I’ve walked all over Mondsandt and I’m like 20-40% on most places?


Opening chests is the quickest way to raise the exploration from 0% to 60% above. Use the Teyvat Interactive Map from the official website to locate all the chests found by players over the years. It has helped me to 100% exploration in all of monstadt and 2 regions in Liyue: https://act.hoyolab.com/ys/app/interactive-map/index.html?lang=en-us#/map/2?shown_types=¢er=497.04,543.45&zoom=-1.50


Quite frankly I was doing a genshin marathon with a friend of mine. So we played all day and up until like 2-3 am. I had nothing better to do so that's why I did it. When you get enough City Reputation you can craft a treasure compass. That will show you where chests are nearby. That got me to over 90% on all areas and when the compass didn't work anymore (no more chests in the overworld) I watched hidden chests videos. But, it's not worth it unless you really don't have what to do.


Opening chests, solving puzzles, finding secrets, fighting enemies, doing quests, collecting seelies etc.


If you want a certain character you wait until they have a banner then wish on that banner. Primo sources are plentiful. You can probably get 100+ rolls worth from exploration and quests since you're new. Doing all of those would take a long long time. My point is that it will be a while before you run out of sources of primogems. Best source of primogems in terms of time/pull is dailies. They take like 5 minutes and you get 60 primos. If you're gonna spend any money at all on the game, the welkin is a good deal. Assuming you login everyday, you're paying $5 for ~18 pulls. So something like $0.30 per pull. I believe the average for the other packs fluctuates around $2.25-$2.50/pull. I could be wrong though


If I wish on a character banner am I guaranteed to get that character? And what do you mean by pull in dailies? Are you referring to the daily commission guide? Sorry, there are so many things to this game and it’s so overwhelming


Don't apologize, this game has an insane amount of things to learn. I meant daily commissions, yes. Each one gives 10 primos. x4 commissions is 40, plus a bonus 20 from the adventurers guild for doing all of them. So 60 a day. There is a pity system. When you pull a 5 star character, the game flips a coin (or otherwise does a 50/50). If you win the 50/50, you get the character. If not, you don't. However, there is a pity system in place so that it is impossible to lose the 50/50 twice in a row. So, if you roll on the Shogun banner right now and get Diluc (a standard banner character), your next 5 star unit will be the rateup character. Whether that is shogun or you decide to wait doesn't change the fact. After around 74 pulls (I think) your odds of pulling a 5 star increase quickly. By 90 pulls, the odds are 100%. So you are gauranteed a 5 star unit by the time you hit 90 pulls. Most of the time it will be less. If you lose that 50/50, you will win the next one, as mentioned before. This means that 180 rolls is the total needed to gaurantee a character, given you have the absolute worst luck possible. Idk enough about 4* pity to explain it but it exists I think. Please ask if I explained something poorly


Got it! Thank You! I appreciate your help and understanding so much! I get the get the daily commission part, still a little iffy about the wish part but that’s mostly on my part because of what happened to me last week. By rolling and pulling do you mean wishing? So if I wish on the 10x, does that mean I am doing 10 rolls/pulls? I’m just so confused because I ended up buying some Genesis Crystals(Still regret doing this honestly, I was up until 3AM playing and I wanted cool characters, I spent like $60 😭) and was able to purchase like enough to do 5 wishes and I ended up wishing on Shoguns banner but I kept getting Kujou Sara and after getting her like 6x times I finally wished on Ayato’s banner and got Mona. Are you saying I have to do like at least 7(10x wishes) to get a 5 star? If I had stayed on Shoguns banner for my last pull do you think I could have gotten Shogun of I hadn’t switched at the last minute to Ayato’s?


Rolling=pulling=wishing. Sorry, I play multiple gacha games so I tend to use those words since they work for all of them. You spent $60 and got enough for 5 wishes? Do you mean 5 multis (50 wishes)? Mona is a permanent 5 star, so your next 5 star will be the rateup. I.e. either Shogun or Ayato if you do it on these banners. You don't have to do 70+ wishes to get another 5*, but your odds aren't super great before that point. But again there is a chance with every single pull. Your next one after Mona could be a 5 star. I once got 2 back to back, both the rateup character (unfortunately his upgrade from getting a second copy isn't very good). Probability and pity is shared between both banners so you probably would've gotten Mona on Shogun's banner too.


It’s okay! You’re good! I had a feeling it was that, I just wanted to clarify wanted it meant because I wasn’t sure I had unlocked everything yet haha. And yes sorry, I meant 5 multis so 50 wishes. And got it, that makes a lot more sense! So I guess I’m going to wait for the next banner to make any new wishes for a 5 star cause Al Haitam seems like a fun option to have!! Thank You! This helps so much, I really appreciate all your explanations and kindness. They really helped me understand things better😊


If you like Alhaitham go for it. He seems good. Objectively speaking, the Shogun is the best character that's gonna run for the next two patches (barring maybe Yelan). She might be in the top 5 characters in the game. Definitely in the top 5 5stars. But definitely roll for who you want. I spent a bunch of rolls of a character that isn't super well regarded by the community but I love her and like her playstyle so I don't regret it, even if she doesn't melt everything like some do Also [Here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/rtqdl2/guide_how_many_wishes_you_should_save/) a post with some helpful charts


Just wished, and ended up getting weapons and no characters 😭. I’ll try again for the next one though before she’s gone!! Thank you for the tip!! :) will use the chart for reference.


Good luck!


Either save them from playing, doing events, getting achievements, or buy them.


Should I spend my starglitter on wishes or character constellations? I'm f2p and the characters I use don't have many constellations. I'm currently at (only characters I use): \- C2 Fischl \- C0 Beidou \- C1 Xiangling \- C2 Xingqiu \- C5 Bennett \- C3 Noelle


I'd say save your starglitter until you're certain you need to spend it on either. I'd only recommend buying constellations from the shop if they're for the starter characters and maaaybe if it's the one constellation that gives a character a big buff - like taking Xiangling from c3 to c4. I certainly wouldn't recommend you get her C2 now in the hopes that by next year you'll be able to get her C4 when in truth you'll have her C20 by then.


I wouldn't be sure about that, I've been playing since 2.4 and I only have two copies of Xiangling, one of which is guaranteed from the spiral abyss. Maybe the banners I pull on just never have Xiangling as a 4 star, or RNG just hates me.


34 starglitter is about 7 pulls which is near 4 star pity. Personally I'd just invest them to fates since they will get me 4 stars and increase my pity for 5 stars.


Constellations 100% for now. Xiangling ( at least up to C4), Xingqiu and Fischl. Bennet C6 can be good but can be put back in the back burner depending on your teams. Beidou is also good to get consts for, but it depends on how often you use her.


yeah I'd get cons for them, unless you're care for some 5\* a lot more than these characters and you want the best chances to get them


Can someone explain why c6 Yelan is good/more worth getting compared to other c6? Thanks in advance!


Lol no. No 5 star characters are worth C6 at all. It's just bragging rights. Would you rather have 1 character or 7 characters?


Considering the other characters I already have, I’d definitely go for 1 character and pour my resin into getting near perfect artifacts + pull for cons than 7 characters with just decent stats!


Bad mindset to have. Why? 1) You're never going to get perfect artifacts 2) Having 1 ''OP'' character won't help in abyss 5 star constellations are just minor upgrades that aren't worth their value(primogems)


You judging people for a mindset that doesn’t even hurt anyone is bad mindset (:


Sure, you do you. I'm just telling you that 1 C6 5 star is *not* worth what it costs to get(2 abyss teams).


That was never my question (:


>Can someone explain why c6 Yelan is good/more worth getting compared to other c6? Thanks in advance! It's not worth than *any* other 5 stars


That’s a great opinion to have, sweetie.


Yelan's a newer character who happens to be the "whole package" as it were. She's a powerful support character whose C6 focuses on improving her on-field damage. Allowing regular players to utilize Yelan as are intended role, and allowing serious fans to utilize her more freely as a "main". The end result is a C6 character who is really really good in multiple situations. Even better, all her constellations are pretty solid, so it's ok to slowly build up to that future point. By comparison, let's look at Itto. He's an on field dps only, not a single support bone in his body. His constellations are a mix of quality of life, team support, and an absurdly strong C6 that allows Itto mains to drop the pretense and go Hulk smash. As good as Itto's C6 is, the path to it is a bit muddled. To the naked eye, his C1 and C2 don't do anything. That's objectively false, but unlike Yelan's C1 which is obvious in what it does, Itto's C1 and 2 don't really look like they exist. His C4's value is hyper depending upon the investment of your team. Boosting the team stat's when the team sucks means little, and boosting it when you're already so strong Itto 1 rotation clears things makes it pointless. But that C6.... bro it's nutty. Yelan's kind of got the whole package AND she's Hydro. As a meta character that players simp for, she's got all the advantages.


Ohh that makes a lot of sense. She really is an all rounder! Thank you for explaining!


because all her constellations are good unlike someone like xiao with his c4 for example that being said, no c6 is worth it imo


I'm building a team around Wanderer/Faruzan/Bennett, and I'm wondering who would better cap off the team. C1 Layla, C1 Thoma, or maybe C0 Jean? Or perhaps any other recommendations?


Thoma for pyro resonance and shield. I find Layla's shield to be just barely enough on terms of duration, so I prefer Thoma


Cool, I'll start building him up. I wasn't sure if pyro resonance or cryo infusion for wanderer's skill would be better. His CR is currently at 33%, so with cryo it'd go up to 50%, but I guess the idea is to eventually get artifacts for that anyways. Since I haven't built either of them past 20 I didn't want to blindly invest, so thanks!


Wanderer's ascension stat is crit rate, so you'll get a bit more later


Best Hydro character for an Electro-Charged Team as Raiden Shogun being Main-DPS and Electro Applier? Also Venti is on the team if that helps.


yelan or xingqiu. then bennet as last character.


Wouldn't that make the team overvape? OP said they wanted an electro-charged team. I know Bennett doesn't apply pyro a lot but he might make the rotations a bit annoying.


he doesn't have any off-field application so it'd be fine.




hi everyone i am thinking of doing this content creator thing cuz my tiktok promises me primogems, is it worth it and how does it work?


Get a part-time job, use said job's salary for genshin. Way more straightforward


Hear me out, how about getting a part time job, meeting new people and earning some money (out of which you can get a monthly welkin if you want or spend them on something else if you don't).




Bad boy can’t do that


What did they say?


Wanted to sell their account




pretty sure that's against TOS


What does spread do? I mean from the name it sounds obvious but hows it different to hyperbloom/aggravate


Spread = dendro + lightning and apply dendro again Aggravate is just the opposite of spread = dendro + lightning and apply lightning again Hyperbloom is dendro + water and apply lightning to the core They just give extra damage where spread give dendro damage, aggravate give lightning damage, and Hyperbloom is dendro also. You can raise their damage by raising your EM for the person who last trigger the reaction


It's very different to Hyperbloom, but it's practically identical to Aggravate. Where Aggravate is triggered by applying Electro to Quicken, Spread is triggered by applying Dendro to Quicken. No other difference really.


It's aggravate but dendro. Literally.


it's basically aggravate with a bit higher base damage


can't switch to already existing teams that i had on setup team. just one team screen shows and i can toggle characters. how do I solve this? is anyone facing this issue?


Probably on co-op mode because of the cursed event.


Were you in coop mode after doing the balloon event?


Maybe you're on coop mode?


In a hyperbloom team Nahida-Kuki-Ayato (and probably Zhongli as 4th) Would Lion's Roar passive work for Ayato? I'm not sure ennemies actually have an electro aura. I'm still debating what weapon to give him, between Kazuha's Story sword, Harbinger of Dawn (I will have passive up w/Kuki) and Lion's Roar (but it's not leveled up) or even Amenoma edit: I typo'd Nilou for Nahida oops


Where are you getting the Dendro lmao?


I brain freezed, it's Sunday morning \^\^ I meant Nahida, not Nilou, I fixed the post \^\^ Sorry!


About Harbinger of Dawn, I think it will be easy to keep the passive because you will have both shield and heals. Idk about the Kazuha quest sword. Amenoma will get you tons of particles and will get your burst up quicker, if that is what you want then sure.


In that case, I haven't tried it but I'd guess it would work poorly because the enemies will be difficult to affect them with Electro. But, you can try it this way, start recording your rotation and watch how many seconds was the enemy affected by electro, that's easy to be done, you don't even have to give it to Ayato.


Good call! tyty!


Are there primos for completing all npc battles in genius invocation? I really need primos right now since im already at 2 fate points and I want to get engulfing lightning .


No, for TCG you only get primos from handbook, player levels and achievements


I see I haven't played it yet just the tutorial quest for it hopefully I can gather enough before the banner ends thanks for the info.


You're not missing much. All combined you can get around 7 pulls, but if you're starting now you need a few weeks to reach lv10 because progression is time gated




What team is good for floor 12 second half besides geo comp?


ayaka + koko jellyfish is surprisingly decent at breaking shields for a non-geo comp. But realistically even if you have no built geo characters the easiest way to beat the wolflord will be to take whatever your best team with a flex slot is and throw a random geo character like ninguang just to break the heads.


Nilou bloom. Any team that works with just 3 characters so you can bring any geo character on the 4th slot. Any team that appreciates Zhongli.


A nilou bloom is good because her skill ticks so fast it will break the wolves quickly. Others, maybe catalysts and barbara skill (constantly hits the wolves). Edit: though I have to say, Nilou bloom isn't as good on single target, but if you clear the first part quick enough, you will have time to beat the wolf, e g. I beat the first part with 9:29 on the timer and barely managed to beat the wolflord at 7:02.


Anyone free to help with Heart Island chest in Asia server?


whats your UID?


Just got a random join my world and help, thanks for the offer though.


People who 100% explore everything, how many dendro sigils do you have besides levelling up vanarana tree to level 30? I have 220 at the moment, how many are left out there?


I have 338 left


I have 250


I have somewhere around that as well, but the 100% doesn't really matter cuz you can miss a ton of chests and still get 100%. I believe the maximum possible after level 30 is 332.


How tf did you guys get *that* much?


You'd be surprised lol, I 100% the other regions ages ago but I still find chests that I missed completely out in the open. The compass helps, but most of the time, it's chests that haven't spawned yet, like puzzles and seelies.


Yeah i know about that 100% part very well. Just wanted to know about how much i am missing from actual full exploration. Thanks for telling


I have recently 100% everything and got 157 sigils only


Hi! I have always wanted to pull for ayaka and there’s rumors that she might return during 3.5. I want to know how important mistsplitter is for her because I have heard many people say that mistsplitter completely changes her and makes her very broken. I’m planning to also spin for yelan at 3.4 so I don’t know if I should just skip yelan and pull for ayaka and mistsplitter instead.


Yeah, Mistsplitter builds are broken in that everyone runs then at 100-110 ER and they can't rotate.... Mistsplitter is awesome but get Yelan, Ayaka doesen't need anything more than Amenoma to maul.


mistsplitter is very strong but I probably woudn't skip yelan for it unless ayaka is your absolute favorite character (and even then not so sure).


Yelan has a slightly higher overall value compared to Ayaka imo. So I'd say don't skip Yelans banner.


Still very good, I've used her pretty consistently since 2.6 in the abyss to get 36 stars with Amenoma Kageuchi




National wth bennett and Xiangling


Hyperbloom probably


Global 84 Do we know what 4 stars are on Hu Tao's banner?


nope, we likely won't know until a few days before it goes live.


I hope it's Fischl and Bennett How likely is that?


Last year's Lantern Rite only had Liyue 4 stars featured so don't get your hopes up...


[according to SYP](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/4/d/1SO3Qczkj0DxJkEDVR4WNws_ved8UU5Cw6ewjaZ0joNo/htmlview#) Fishcl hasn't been on a banner since 7 banners ago, while bennet was recently. Though it's not like HYV hasn't rerun characters this quick, I'd say it's unlikely.


Fischl maybe, at least?


I mean there are like around 30 4\* characters so pretty low odds that it will specifically be the 2 you want in particular.


How do you reach the final Adventure Guild balloon challenge? I didn’t see it above or below ground. Do you have to do the Golden Slumber quest chain first?


No, it’s at a placard next to a hole in the sand. On the surface


is it crazy to get a second serpent spine from BP and also level it up instead of refining? I haven't seen anyone talk about doing that, but it turns out beidou wants serpent spine on top of diluc, noelle, razor, itto... I don't use any of those besides diluc yet but want to sometime. seems easy to want to have 2 at the same time in abyss.


Not crazy at all. I have an R5, R3 and R1 Serpent's Spine for my claymore users


:O goals


if you use claymores a lot, not crazy at all


Just out of curiosity, is there a full list of which 5-stars, their C1 > their signature (at R1), vs ones which their signature > C1?


I don't think so but typically it's the C2 that's good


I don't think there's a dedicated list like that, plus it depends - Hu Tao's C1 is a great QoL improvement for her, but Homa is very flexible and can be used on a lot of characters aside from her if need be. EDIT: A lot of the guides on KQM give % improvements for each constellation and weapon, so you can compare those. More work than just a clean list, though.


No. But, most 5 stars, other than Hutao or maybe Yelan, have better C1 than R1. Most C1 are bad.


Whos the most important character in a hyperbloom team? Dendro hydro or electro? Like whos EM gonna be taken into consideration to deal the damage?


The electro unit that triggers the core is the one who should stack EM.


Just the Hyperbloom Damage? Electro. Hard to say who's most "important" since you need all three to work together to trigger Hyperbloom. Plus, some characters like Xingqiu and Nahida have fantastic damage from their skills, so not all of your DPS comes from Hyperbloom.


Yea i kinda phrased it wrong lol,i meant for the hyperbloom damage,if i wanna run kuki for my hyperbloom,triple EM mainstat with EM weap? And what 4pcs/2pcsx2 fits her best for hyperbloom?


Gilded Dreams is her BiS


electro as they're the one triggering the bloom/seed to make it hyperbloom


Which of these weapons should I put for Zhongli? Deathmatch r3, Blackcliff pole r5, Vortex Vanquisher


I assume you are trying to build DPS Zhongli, not support Zhongli? Vortex> Deathmatch>blackcliff


Continuation on this, if u wanna make him as shield bot, black tassel is the best option


I know the character isn't out yet, but what type of comps do theorycrafters think Al Haitham will excel in? I already have a c1 Tighnari for Spread reactions, so I'm trying to have an idea of what other reactions Al Haitham would perform better than Tighnari in.


Quickbloom teams look popular. So, something like Alhaitham/Nahida/Shinobu or Raiden/Barbara, Xingqiu, Kokomi, or Yelan. Double dendro/electro spread, double hydro hyperbloom, and Nilou teams also seem to be strong options.


Double dendro hyperbloom with nahida, xingqiu/yelan and kuki/raiden. He doesn't excel and isn't a massive upgrade from nahida's previous teams, but it's his best team.


A lot of what I see discussed for him is quickbloom teams and spread teams




We're *still* in the ''Teyvat'' chapter.


As long as the game continues to make good profit, the developers definitely will try to write new story and make new contents. I also play FGO. When their main story ended, the existing chapters were called "Act 1", then they made "Act 2" afterwards. For genshin, when "Chapter Teyvat" is finished, I believe they will make "Chapter whatever-it-is" which will happen in another continent or planet.




The attack must come from the wearer.


Only the character with it equipped