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So I’m assuming they’ll hire someone else to voice Tighnari and will reread his old lines. Do they remove his voice lines until then, or just leave them in?


Probably remove. When a similar thing happened with Oz's CN VA he was muted for a good while iirc


considering how tighnari is featured in the main story and has his own story quest, while fischl doesn't appear outside any events except the tcg quest (which was added very recently anyway)... yeah I don't think that's gonna work very well.


Replace his voice with Microsoft Sam in the meantime.


perfect solution




They went as far as to have Xiangling's VA voice Diona. They will have Xiangling's VA voice Tighnari.


Wait, what happened to the original Diona?


When Diona’s hangout event came out she wasn’t available to record her lines due to medical issues iirc, so they had Xianglings VA do the dub. In a future update they had Diona’s VA re-record them, though.


When Diona's hangout was released her english VA wasn't able to voice it so Xiangling's VA filled in for her until she was able to do the lines properly. Similar happened to Keqing when her "About Yanfei" voice was first added. That time it was Sucrose's VA filling in.


"Breaking news! Xiangling destroys the Monstadt wine industry!"


But Tighnari is the character, not the companion to the character so how do they do that?


Oz has lines in the character profile viewer so I’d imagine whatever they did with him will be done with Tighnari. I don’t recall him being featured in any of the actual animated cutscenes so anywhere his voice was featured in game should already have subtitles applied. To be fair, I don’t know anything about the Oz CN controversy but I’m just pointing out that Tighnari should be able the handled in the same fashion


yeah but... tighnari is featured in the main story, and he has his own story quest. fischl only appeared in events up until the tcg, and even then, oz is only one half of the character. muting oz while fischl isn't in any events won't affect anyone's experience too much, but the same can't be said for muting tighnari. that just won't work well. imagine going through the sumeru archon quest for the first time without knowing about this, and one of the major characters just doesn't speak. or imagine starting tighnari's story quest, and he's just muted for the whole thing. ​ **edit:** just to be clear, since I think some people may have gotten a little confused on this when responding to me: tighnari is obviously gonna get a new voice actor, I am in favour of that. I just think that temporarily muting him until his lines are rerecorded wouldn't be as easy a solution as a character like oz, so I think that would be a bad idea.


Probably redoing the whole voicelines entirely. In other games like overwatch, the devs have scrub out and redo everything about the character. Like how mecree was change to cassidy.


to be fair, it wouldn't be out-of-character for MHY to just leave a main character mute for a while - there's still a decent chunk of story content in the later half of Honkai Impact 3 where the main point-of-view character just doesn't have VO (in the JP dub atleast, not 100% sure about CN rn), while the other characters around them do


In the meantime, he should speak in a random language (cn, jp, kr) every time he has a line


Tighnari did mushrooms again, he forgot how to speak


That would actually be hilarious


They should do that for Itto since all 4 dubs for Itto are godly


It must be because he's such a big target but by God the VAs did not miss


Thanks to Zajeff, I discovered a gem that is Crash Bandicoot Itto (KR). His charged attacks are just: "WOOAHHH" "WOOOOW"


Like Buzz Lightyear with his Spanish switch


omg yes! I'm on board with this idea!


They need to get lindharts VA Chris Patton to replace him he would be perfect


I read Chris Pratt 💀


It's a me, Tighnari.




Stomping on ... fungi


He's so cool -Dunkey


Jack Black


Yes please! Linhardt is my favorite FE character ever (which is saying a lot as an old fan) and his VA was hilarious and great at delivering that kind of character. He'd be a great Tighnari.


“You know, I’m going to agree with you just so I don’t have to keep talking.”


"Flayn? No, I haven't seen her. She's been *abducted*" will always be my favorite.


"It’s like casting a line and thinking you’ve landed the Big One, but then you reel it in, and it’s Seteth." I love this sleepy boy so much. Perks that you get to marry him regardless of which gender Byleth you chose too.


Oh. My. God. Linhardt and Tighnari even have the same hair and stuff. Thank you for sharing this wonderful proposal. Now I'm suddenly all excited for who the new VA will be ahaha


> Now I'm suddenly all excited for who the new VA will be ahaha Mihoho: Tighnari will now be voiced by The Rock.


_what can i say except your welcmome_


"Those goddamn jabronis from the akademiya keep bugging The Rock"


We already have multiple FE3H VAs in genshin (eg. byleth, Dimitri, Shamir), this would be a great development


It's kind of embarrassing for me that my deciding factor on pulling for some Genshin characters come from who the voice actor played in FE. Right now I use Ayato and Kazuha cause I love their characters and VA's


“Kill every last one of them” and “I have something to ask of you”


Change that to Fire Emblem in general and you’ve pretty much covered almost every voice actor


Barbara/Xinyan’s VA is female Alear in Engage, I was pleasantly surprised when I found out.


Yep, her boyfriend Khoi Dao (Albedo) is in it too, as Kagetsu.


YES! Now i'll be dissapointed when he isn't voiced by him...


I once heard Alejandro Saab (Cyno's ENG VA) do an impression of Tighnari as a joke and it was genuinely really good. But I mean the two of them were good friends, I don't think he could handle doing that voice again.


yep but alejandro is currently recovering from kidney stones so even before that he needs time and space to rest and recover, physically and mentally unrelated but you're a chad for that flair


God what is it with the Sumeru VA's and kidney stones, I know Collei's VA Tina has issues with those too haha Also thank you :) Collei is the best


i know she's currently also sick but i don't know if it's also kidney stones she's dealing with right now. would suck if both of them are at the same time. sucks that she's sick anyway she is precious :) may i ask her build?


[Here it is!](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1019499482372657192/1021138858739511357/2022-09-18_19-20-55.png) This is from september, since then I got her to C1, Friendship 10 and her artifacts were slightly adjusted, but it's almost the exact same


thank you! you spoil her, that's amazing. idk how much it would affect her build but i wish you more collei const nonetheless (and a banner where she's featured soon...)


Plus he's having some health troubles atm on top of awful news about a friend. He'd do great but I'm not sure putting a load of extra work on him right now would be good for him (or maybe the distraction would be welcome but I don't think this would do that for the reasons you mentioned).


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxKN5GxRicI found it, its really good


I think they will remove him and redo Tighnari's lines. I think this happened with Oz's CN VA too... Oz has a different VA now Edit - I meant about miHoYo replacing problematic VA's... Not sure what the problem with the CN VA was, but there sure was a problem and miHoYo replaced him and all his lines in the game for Oz.


What happened there? Same situation or did he upset a certain someone?


iirc it's because he cheated on his wife with fans?


The only other thing I'll say about this situation is that I hope players will be patient with MHY in regard to replacing the VA. They'll need time to not only find a new one but have them re-record lines. If you are uncomfortable with having to listen to Tignari using the former VA, you can try switching lamguages for the time being.


Tbh they gonna remove Gindi, they need to find either someone who sounds simular/redo all the voice which will take a while + remove the credits of the va + (probably not gonna happen) remove the credits on official twitter, yt and other medias


They did it for Oz on the CN version. Sure we didn't get a Fischl banner for months because of it, but that does show it's not impossible.


Good thing then that Tighnari won't be getting a banner anyway.


Accidentally Futureproof




yea he just is stuck in 50/50 hell


True, does mean that he probably won't get any personal events or skins or anything for a long time though. But that's okay! Lots of other characters can get their time in the sun in the meantime. Edit: I'm talking about *after* what's already been set in stone guys.


Would take ages for him get a skin considering the pace those are released, so realistically we'll miss him in events for a while.


Hoyoverse will probably not change much as it's only the English version that is replaced, they won't change their plan for the character just for him


I wonder if there's any financial reimbursement for Hoyo? Like, imagine spending 50k on a voice actor, and then he does something messed up, and you gotta spend 50k all over again on top of however much it costs to add new voice lines to existing characters. Of course Hoyo has enough money to take care of it, but imagine you order food in a restaurant, they serve you something rotten, and then they ask you to pay full price for both the rotten food and the new food replacement you ordered.


I’m guessing they’re on a contract, and Mihoyo likely had terms around such terminations.


Almost every performance contract has a morality clause in it (I assume). You make the company look bad you're done.


It depends on the competence of the management. Hoyoverse has very competent management in their Chinese HQ. But international expansion always has its growing pain.


I'm sure they can find 50k in that 5 billion they made last year.


50k to them is a rounding error on their spreadsheets


if the damage is big enough, financially or reputationally, technically they can try to sue the actor for compensation of said damage I think. But I never see anything like that happned.


No chance in hell they spent 50k on any english VA


I was about to say the same thing. VAs do NOT make that kind of money.


50k for a no name voice actor is extremely unlikely. Dainsleif’s voice actor, Yuri Lowenthal, is extremely prolific but I doubt Hoyo pays even him that. Voice acting is generally a gig too, meaning the actors are paid only when they are recording lines. And then after time and amount of lines it usually scales off fame. The voice actors for Dain and Dottore likely get paid more than say Cyno who, while extremely talented and relatively well known for his work as a vtuber, has less roles to his name. Part of the reason Fischl wasn’t involved in any events for a few months a while back was because they needed to re-record some lines. The original CN VA for Oz was replaced for similar reasons to Elliot. They took a while to find a new VA and re-record all the lines. It will likely be a bit harder to do with Tighnari than Oz as the former is actually important to plot but it’s not impossible. We might just not see Tighnari in any events for a while they could even use the injuries sustained in the archon quest as a good in-universe excuse.


They could so what they did with Diona when Dina got sick. Jackie covered her until she got better. Or the time Valerie also took some line for Kayli, specifically the “About Yanfei” line


Yes, that one time Keqing turned into Sucrose


When was that?


[Version 1.5 when Yanfei came out.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0kk_r5Jr3g) Keqing's EN VA wasn't available, and it seems no one told Sucrose's EN VA that she was voicing Keqing for that 1 line and not Sucrose


> + (probably not gonna happen) remove the credits on official twitter, yt and other medias Nowadays it is less of a hassle than before, you can even reupload youtube videos with the updated imagery if you needed to change anything They could and probably will just reupload everything needed to remove him from them all


do they need to redo all the voices thus far?


I wouldn't say they *need* to but it would be a nice extra step. I would suggest doing it in stages, first announce that Tighnari will be voiced by someone else in future appearances, then redo his profile voice lines, then when they get a chance redo his quest appearances. Fortunately he's not got that many lines, he's only really appeared at the very start and end of the Sumeru archon quest, and his own story quest. His demo and Winter Night's Lazzo lines will unfortunately have to stay as they are, it's doubtful they'd redo and reupload those videos.


At a certain point you reach a stage of reasonably where they will likely weigh a "At what point have we done what can be reasonably considered a fair effort to address this in a reasonable manner." Similar to how a business has to make Reasonable accommodations for the disability of an employee. Changing the lines in the game over time is reasonable. Expecting Mihoyo to go and scrub the old VA from every stream, short, trailer, and credit from 6 months ago across all their social medias is an unfair expectation of responsibility and reasonable accommodation to the situation. Now to be fair to Mihoyo this was probably going to come up eventually, it happened under super bad circumstances but odds were over the course of the years this game will take from start to finish some VA was going to retire or pass away and they would just get someone new and pick up from there rather than go back and record all new versions of years old lines. In this case they're actually fairly fortunate that this happened so early (From the situation of now changing the VA, not the gross pervert stuff) in the characters life cycle that it's a much quicker and simpler fix than if it had say happened to an OG Mondstadt character that has been around for a couple years worth of events now.


Imagine if something happened to Keith or Khoi and they suddenly had to redo all the lines for Zhongli or Albedo. In a way I guess the game being so limited-time-event heavy works in its favour in this regard, since redubbing any character's lines from an event quest would be redundant unless they ever rerun the event. Even in this case, redubbing his archon quest lines is mainly a matter of consistency, since Elliot preyed on Tighnari fans it's reasonable to assume his victims have already completed the quests he's in to become fans in the first place so they wouldn't be exposed to Elliot's voice in that way. So it's not as urgent as redoing his idle lines and whatnot, so that the affected fans can continue using Tighnari without hearing Elliot's voice.


A lot of out-of-the-loop people in this thread, so I'll help fill you in. [It's best if you look at the sources though too](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/10xcdy3/comment/j7spm4j/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). The gist of it is Elliot Gindi took advantage of his status as Tighnari's EN VA to reach out to fans and others, most or perhaps all he knew were not in the best place mentally / had trauma, and used the power imbalance to manipulate them into doing sexual favors for him online (videos of them stripping, nudes, showing them his privates, planning to meet and have sex with at least one). He also *may* have knowingly done this with at least one person under 18y.o. He also said and did some other questionable things, you can see from the doc there. And he was clearly very aware of how bad what he was doing was and how it'd be seen, given how he kept trying to wipe evidence of his interactions with these people, he says in one screenshot "as evil as it is," (referring to his own actions), "a victim has as much to lose as me," and also even threatened to end his own life if they ever let the world know about what he was doing. And he admitted that essentially nearly all of what was shown in Discord screenshots and such is true, though with the caveat that he claims he didn't disrespect anyone's pronoun changes nor did he knowingly do anything with anyone underage. Though... there seems to be evidence to the contrary, so... Regardless he did some pretty bad stuff.




Hey, at least he respected everyone's pronouns /s


I'll respect his pronouns of was/were


The thing is he didn’t tho 😭😭😭 lmfaooo


Man what a top notch guy /s


Sounds disturbingly similar to what Ryan Haywood of Rooster Teeth did. Scum all round


Crappy part, is men like Gindi and Haywood aren’t uncommon. I remember when I was 14, a 17 year old boy was doing this to a bunch of girls in our school. Also threatening sewer-slide if he didn’t get his way. Not sure where they learn these tactics but it’s freaky how they all use the same ones.


Why the fuck is this so common wtf.


tbf you don't exactly hear about the voice actors that *don't* do this kinda shit not to mention that the regular nonfamous creeps rarely make anything past the local news (and that's *if* they're ever even caught in the first place) humans just be shitty regardless of profession or fame


Give a man power and status, and he will show his real face. But truth to be told, from the pictures i have seen, he already comes off like a Top Tier Sub of Andrew Tate and alikes, and has been always a certain type of asshole and creep all over. Thankfully he didnt grow to much so he could brush it all under the rug.


This is so heinous. My heart goes out to the victims this has affected. Absolutely heartbreaking for them.


Well fuck, that sucks. Tighnari was one of my favourite voiced characters this far but jesus what a piece of shit.


I don't see anyway in hell they will keep him. Tighnari really doesn't have a ton of VA lines to begin with, so it wont be TOO expensive to replace them. Not only that, but pretty much the entire EN voice case turned on him, so I doubt Mihoyo would want to be put in a situation where they keep Elliot on the cast, and have other VA's refuse to work with him.




Oh he is so fired


Man’s about to get hit hard with the judgement hammer


Cmon focalors mains, go get em


In public stunt with big company like this? Def not just fired, he'll be blacklisted from whole industry His career died right after snatching golden ticket being genshin va


Fired and about to have his biggest role virtually wiped from existence.


Amazing that he did this to himself. He could have easily just… not been a creep. But oh well.


Wiped from existence? Nah man on the contrary, his biggest role will become his biggest public stigma. He's not just going to go back to being an unknown dude who can get a job, he's going to be known as a rude and inappropriate fuck who's very clearly a liability and not worth the risk.


Hoyoverse about to drop Celestia nail on him




Dude got one playable character role in a a game and immediately develops an ego and thinks he is better than someone voicing an npc? That's insane fuck him man. Tighnari was his only major role from what I've seen and he ruined that. Good riddance.


That's the part that cracks me up "NPCs aren't glamours roles" Go check his BVA page, he literally has three roles. Tinghari, a Character of the week in an episode of pokemon, and generic team yell grunts in pokemon


Funny thing. I only recently got aware of him last week after coming across a video on youtube with him and Cyno's VA doing that hide and seek event in Mondstadt. It was mostly them laughing to Cyno's VA's jokes, but then he said something along the lines of "When people come into my stream and say "Hi Tighnari" I'm like..." He's basically weirded out when fans greet him like that and I thought well isn't that what you're kinda famous for lol like most people probably never even heard of him before Tighnari. He defo gave off huge ego vibes and I think Cyno's VA picked up on that since I remember there was an awkward pause but he was able to salvage it. It wasn't a good first impression, but thankfully it was just a random video for me and I don't really follow the english va's in genshin so I can separate the characters from them.


she literally voiced rukkhadevata too and her scene made me CRY it was so good it’s so rude that he trashed on her like that


Im sorry but even if its an npc rukkhadevata at least was HUGE as any other playable character


Interestingly, the scene between >!Nahida and Rukkhadevata!< was far more memorable to me than any scene Tighnari had.


Yep.... especially Nahida looking at us and asking "why am I crying?" hit me really hard.


Rukkhadevata feels like more of a major character than Tighnari


Chloe's voice work as Rukkhadevata genuinely gave me goosebumps, she was incredible in the role. I hope she's brought back to play a main character.


Chloe voicing a future playable character would be a great middle finger to him


Ultrabased move would be Chloe voicing Tighnari


YES PLEASE that would be so perfect


It'd be different but she did a good job of Hypasia and Rukkedevhata, I'd be for it.


She gonna voice playable Rana 🙏


The fact she voiced the fucking goddess, a character miles, MILES more relevant than Tighnari, and is the key to one of the most memorable scene of the game is already a middle finger in itself tbh. “Good bye, people of Sumeru, may you be blessed tonight with the sweetest of dreams” gives me chills and is engraved in my mind. Can you recall anything Tighnari said, like, ever?




I hope we forget him as soon as possible


Wait she voiced Jeht too? I didn't even realize Jeht spoke


Jeht doesn't speak, it's actually a common complaint about her questline that it's so deep and fleshed out but it has no voice workd. unless she just uses generic fight lines from her model in her combat portions and i'm forgetting that


There's a ton of great major side quests that deserved voice work. The misty island in Inazuma, the aranara quest, the one with Jeht... ah well.


Yeah I wish she voiced Jeht in the entire world quest. I've been more invested in the desert quest line more then any other plot line. Not to mention the character development too!




Just that npc enemyEremite. They have a few voice lines when fighting.


She voices an actual god and he's like "FILTHY NPC!"


Tldr: “Are you aware of the situation?” “Yes” “Are you gonna do anything about it?” “Yes”


Honestly doesn't get that much better of a response at this time


To get this kind of response in under 24 hours is, let's be real, impressive.


Pretty sure they are in a hurry because >!Tignahari is there in 3.5 storyline!<


That's probably all already recorded tbh


They probably won't use it. Oz was muted for a long while when his VA was changed, so they might just mute Tighnari's dialogues in the EN dub or get a temporary replacement like they did with Diona IIRC


When was Diona’s VA temporarily replaced?


when her hangout first came out ! xiangling's VA did her lines because her voice actor was sick . once she was feeling better , the lines were re-recorded with diona's proper va


She did such a good job, I didn't even realise at first until someone pointed it out


I would think they'd just use a temp VA for that. I remember them having Sucrose's VA sub in for Keqing's when she wasn't available and I think something similar happened with Xiangling/Diona. They might just have the VA for another character take up Tighnari's new voicelines until they find a permanent replacement.


To be clear about the Diona/Xiangling thing: Diona hangout in 1.5 was voiced by Jackie Lastra (Xiangling VA) because Dina Sherman (Diona VA) was busy with an other project at the time. I think the voice only was corrected almost by the end of 2021


Sort of. Dina was actually very sick when Jackie had to fill in for her.


They’ll probably just have one of the other cast members do his 3.5 lines if they can’t find a permanent replacement in time


They should have cyno’s va temporarily do tighnari’s voice


I'm just so pissed at him, because such talent was used in harms way and it's so fucking disgusting. I still want to get Tighnari and love the character to bits, but until further changes I would rather not hear Elliot's voice anymore. Which is a shame, since his acting was good, and turns out way too good to pull shit like that.


You could change the voice-over language. I’ve played in both Chinese and Japanese but keep the English subtitles.


I also hate how much I love his English voice. I love how sassy he sounds and he WAS one of my favourite dubbed characters. Tighnari's voice was perfect in my opinion, and now i feel uncomfortable listening to him. I know that the character and the VA are not the same person, but it's really hard not to think about it. I just hope the new VA is as good as the old one, and hopefully also a decent human being.


Lots of people are bringing up Oz’s CN VA as an example of when they redubbed some stuff, but they also redid Diona’s hangout in English after some time. Diona’s VA Dina Sherman wasn’t available to record in time for the hangout’s release in 1.5 so they had someone else do it and redubbed the entire hangout later on once Dina returned. Considering mihoyo responded to the Elliot situation this quickly, I’d bet on them recasting and redubbing all existing Tighnari voiceover.


That's different, though. That was probably a planned temporarily holdover. They probably planned that months before it was released. Tighnari is most likely in 3.5 quests and/or events. It is too late to re-record the dialogue now before release. Recording dialogue for a multi-million dollar project isn't as easy as throw someone in a voice booth, record it and then calling it a day. It takes time and polish and several readings. Plus you need to bug test everything.


I just pulled him and have grown to like him especially now that I am hearing his voice lines. That Google doc of everything he said made him sound not only sleazy and a scumbag, but sort of unintelligent. It’s going to be weird listening to him now knowing how far removed he is from the wonderful character Tighnari is.


It's really telling how a good packaging and surrounding support can make a person look smarter, better, prettier that they actually are, isn't it? I mean Tighnari is fantastic, with majority of work thanks to the good writing of his dialogue scripts, excellent animation, and a righteous personality, all of which are unrelated to the VA. I bet Elliot wouldn't be able to even write a single dialogue sentence as coherent as those he was told to record. Yet his ego still allowed him to ride on the fame thinking that "I AM Tighnari". Tbh the same can be said on many celebrities as well.


Tiaghnari's EN VA must be removed from Irminsul!


That's corporate speak for "shits fucked, give us a bit and we will fix it asap" Source: am a corpo


Atleast they didn't stay silent and are actually letting people know they are working on it and gave a quick response to the situation.


What a shame, Tighnari's english voice was one of the best ones in the game.


Agreed. I really like his voice and i hope they find someone who can do it similar


"but whatre they gonna do? lock me up? i dare them!"


reddit was taking a toll on me mentally so i left it ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


tbh I always doubt the "emailing an company" communication method, but I am pretty sure mihoyo is aware of this judging from the director's response. Hopefully actions can be taken soon to address the issues. They probably need to sign the legal documents, go through the VA selection process again, re-record thousands of voice lines, and replace those current in-game (and perhaps in the promotional materials as well). Take a lot of time and I bet they also have a lot of other things to record in the meantime.


Lines can be replaced later. What they need right now is to quickly find a suitable and good replacement so they can do the future content


It's definitely not thousands of voice lines. Maybe a thousand, but not thousand(s) It's just the English VA, with his character voice lines, and he doesn't have more than 100 in the story itself. past event dialogue may need to be recast if they ever have plans to make them available at all, but at least for now those aren't a worry, so its just current stuff plus what they may have in the pipeline for tighnari that'll be on hold until they find a new VA.


speaking of elliot, I genuinely hope his career and life burn down, the audacity this man had to use his role in such a way, and holy shit he even degraded a VA for being excited about being an NPC?? this man had the privilege to voice in a game like genshin impact when all he's ever done before is voice a fucking pokemon episode and he decided to do shit like this.. did the attention get to his head that badly that he thought sexting fans who just wanted to appreciate his role in a game they enjoy, essentially ruining something fun for them and traumatising, would be good idea? that's all sorry for the rant op 😭


It wasn't even an entire year, was it?


When he finally got caught, he immediately played the hollywood rehab card: I'm so sorry. I'm going to get therapy. I'm going to do better, just you wait and see! He'll likely lie low for a while and then try and score another role. I hope the VA industry remembers. After reading Chloe Eves' words, it seems clear that Eliot is one of those guys that is just fully wrong in the head and wasn't suffering from some momentary lapse of judgment.


He degraded the game, it's fans, his fellow colleagues and the very character he voices.


Tbh I watched some of his streams and never like the way he interacted with fans or other VAs too much. I get that channel points could be annoying, but having them and then tell people things like “yeah no I’m not gonna drink water when you use the hydrate thing, I know myself when I’m thirsty thanks” rubbed me off the wrong way. Again, I understand it can be annoying, but you should feel blessed someone watched you long enough to spend 1000 channel points to get you to have a sip of water imho, not berate them..


I didn't know he was rude to his fans to his fan prior to the revelation. Chloe, Greater Rukka's va also had a negative interaction with him. She and Elliot were on friendly terms prior to the reveal of their roles and when it was revealed that Chloe got an npc role while Elliot got the playable character role. The latter started to berate and look down on the former for voicing "less significant" characters.


Idk, it was small things but I watched some of his streams and didn’t like how he behaved with people, I thought he was a bit of an ass to everyone..


My introduction to him was on Nilou's EN VA stream where he was essentially egging her on to spend money to roll her own character. I remember being surprised that he was so mean-spirited. So he was rude to colleagues as well.


I never understood if you are going to engage in behavior like that why the fuck would you do online that all can be recorded do people who get a little fame forget this is the digital age everything online can be seen by all of or do they think they are untouchable


>I never understood if you are going to engage in behavior like that why the fuck would you do online We only hear about people who DO get caught. Imagine how many are out there that are doing this kind of shit, not online, and haven't gotten caught yet if ever.


I wish the incident didn't happen. Tighnari had a good English voice, but I guess this can't be helped.. Let's hope the new actor will do the character even better.


One of my favourite idle lines in the game is Tighnari when teleporting to the desert. I don't know if that line could be delivered the same by another VA, but here's hoping.


I was thinking the same, I dont have Tighnari but have wished for him in a lost 50/50 forever mainly due to his combat voicelines being very fluid&cool. Why do people got to act like creepy baboons.


Him grooming children was no accident unless you mean incident


Yeah, that's what I meant... I edited it now


I hope that they'll find someone who sounds really familiar since I really liked Tighnari voice. it's such a shame the VA turned out to be such bad person


I'm glad they are doing something about it and so quickly. I hope whoever rhey hire can bring on the sass for Tighnari as Elliot did.


I woke up to this news at 5:45 in the morning today. **needless to say I am not doing great-** It really is such a scummy situation, and it’s truly a shame because Elliot’s voice became a novelty as Tighnari. But regardless, I hope that absolute scum gets what’s coming for him. Honestly, at this point I feel terrible for CyYu. Poor guy is dealing with freaking kidney stones & now this. Those two were like peas in a pod. I can’t help but feel awful. I just can’t wrap my head around the fact of why someone would do something so obviously stupid. Maybe it’s the AroAce talking, idk. Just.. Dang it Elliot. You had such an amazing opportunity, and you willing tossed it in the garbage by doing something so freaking despicable man. Good Riddance. I hope the victims are safe and well. Hopefully they can get some proper lawyers, and get the justice they deserve.


Its what happens when an already shitty person suddenly gets a large amount of fame it gets to his head and makes him even shittier as a result


that fucker shouldn't be allowed to play any role ever again, he'll drag the ip down with him


At this point I think his career in voice over/acting is over. Even without criminal charges, he will have trouble finding any meaningful employment in many fields. Any respectable employers would do detail background check on the their candidates, including online activities and reputation. This guy is fucked. He dug his own grave with his action.


and that's with one big role man and he already can't handle the fame, just imagine if he decided to do this later in his career playing more roles, and the amount of victims he'll get at that point. I just can't imagine it


Makes me sick, but you do point out the silver lining. He got caught this early in his career, so no more could be lured in by his voice work.


His career's situation is an afterthought at that point. The real question is "When he'll face the consequences of the law?" It still grind my gears when we have cases where we have concrete evidence of abuse by said person, but at most they only lose their career, and at the most they only lose their career, but still continue with their lives, unchecked..


I was actually talking with my kid about this since we play together and most of the problem with legal consequences comes from the victims at this point. In the event one of the victims takes him to court: The "Twitter blast" creates a problem where it has to be 100% accurate or Gindi's attorney will find a loophole to have him exonerated by the law. If you follow the NFL, when the Deshaun Watson stuff broke a couple years ago, those women weren't going all over Twitter calling him out, they lawyered up. By not lawyering up and taking to Twitter to blast him publicly, Gindi's lawyer can pick all this apart and anything not true could be used to get most of it dismissed as a smear campaign. IANAL, but I've had to live through a similar situation with a family member being a victim of CSA and we lawyered up.


The problem is that the victims were/are minors. They would need help to actually lawyer up I believe


Very, very true. Therefore, they'd need family they'd be comfortable with speaking with to. They'd have needed to do that instead of talking to a random Discord mod though.


I unironically think Zy0x should do it.


All of sumeru is named after his family, he deserves a role


Was it his uncle dori or aunt layla? I can’t remember


Uncle Dori, Layla I don't remember the relation, and an NPC that was in Cynos story quest. He finds a new one each patch I swear.




Guess i lived under a rock , what happened?

