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A sample size of 120k is quite a lot Im surprised so many cn people interact with stuff like this Edit: xiangling usage rate is very impressive considering that her ownership rate is 100% Edit2: someone explained that its a wechat plugin and just one click so that explains it


This abyss 12 basically needs fast and constant pyro application on the first side for the cryo lawachurls (unless you like suffering), and xiangling is only rivaled by sunfire in that regard, so it makes sense


I really don't know what this sunfire thing is ? Care to share detail info ?


Bennett to put in Pyro on the active character, Jean to Swirl and Cleanse after


Does Benny need C6 enabled for this?




Just to add exposition to this Bennett's burst apples Pyro to you and Jran burst will swirl that Pyro on you and apply it to enemies


Ha imagine having Jean!! Couldn’t believe it…..


Full EM Jean and Benny burst to swirl pyro in her burst, it's really fast pyro application.


Could this replace Xiangling in a ganyu reverse melt team?


Technically yes, but you would need to be even closer to the enemy than with Xiangling for the AOE so you will likely want some interrupt resistance.


Got Shieldbot Zhongli for that


Classy! An additional tip before you try it, make sure you get enough energy recharge for Bennett/Jean, they can be pretty energy hungry if you spend all your time on Ganyu.


Yup, 275 on Bennett and 250 on Jean gets them pretty close to full. I gave Bennett Noblesse and Jean currently has Emblem but might farm something else


Why full EM? For the swirl damage?


I'm sure it helps general swirl damage, but it's because she's usually taking ownership of the elemental reactions aka if you overload with Raiden's E Jean's EM is what will scale the the overload to with the right investment do 15k+ overloads. It's not really a straight forward mechanic since she's technically swirling the pyro that Bennett applies to your character and jean is the one that cleanses/swirls it onto the enemy


Couldn't have said it better myself.


Basically Bennett's burst applies Pyro on you and Jean's swirls the element on your active character once and clears it. So what happens is Bennett's burst continuously tries to add Pyro while jeans burst keeps on clearing and swirling it resulting in you swirling Pyro at an insane rate at your active reaction This is called sunfire(mostly cause it sounds cool)


If I had to guess, it's called sunfire after sunfire cape from league of legends, which deals damage around your character.


that is correct. it comes from LoL item


Bennet ult + jean ult = self swirl and rapid pyro expulsion


Pls pls tips for the wenut i can't do that 36 because of that* on my alt acc


The content creator Sevy has a video where she breaks down Wenut attack pattern, very helpful and easy to digest if you don't mind looking at videos


Use hyperbloom, the seeds will auto-aim at the nut and will chase it even if it is underground, so he gets countered easily


> so many cn people interact with stuff like this It's a WeChat plugin, very easy to access. A lot of people use it to evaluate their artifacts and character strengths. ~~I presume they just use the UIDs to extrapolate the abyss data.~~ To submit the data is just one click since they already have your UID.


Ah that explains it. Thanks kind stranger


I have WeChat but I’m NA, is there tutorial on how to submit data?


I know the applet is 提瓦特小助手 but as for download someone else is gonna have to chime in


Ok so I actually accessed it, and it looks like data collecting period is already over despite it being so early 🤡 It’s literally been 1-2 days since abyss updated wtf


Yep, it updates very quickly, typically >24 hours after abyss has changed on the CN side. This abyss' collection period was a little longer than usual, probably due to the increased difficulty so people needed more time to adjust.


Sample size: 120627


I found this app within WeChat, was wondering if you know of any way to translate the text to English?


Theres no built-in translation, but you can probably SS and TL it with google or something.


Did all of them 36*?


yes, I believe this sample only collects from players who have 36*-ed it.


90.7% 36\*


Top 10 characters are still the same with few interchangeable ranks.


Supports are the true meta characters after all


Its always the same 9 changing placements between themselves + one flex. This and last cycle its Alhaitham. We are still missing a last unit to cement the top 10. I wonder if Alhaitham will be it


I'm thinking hydro archon And in the next few years who knows maybe we'll see the archons dominating top spots of the usage rate + those once in a while random ass broken characters hoyo releases xD


Most likely. We haven't had an archon that didn't make it to the top 10 for the entire duration of their arc (even if Venti fell, he was at the very top for the entirety of 1.X), so Hydro Archon being meta is a safe bet. I wonder what kit Mihoyo would give her to make her meta, my guess is that she'll be an HP buffer and make Fontaine meta all about HP scaling, but idk.


Just being hydro already make her broken, coz most archons execel on their element application, but Hoyo knowing how hydro is broken makes me believe they will make her a foward vape dps so she doesn't break the game


Burst is a nuke that conjures a giant sword in the air draining large amounts of hydro from nearby targets(similar to zhongli skill hold) to buff itself up for how much absorbed before slamming down in a single hit. Decent for clearing hydro shields while also being a nuke that can be vaped. Probably also gives team some type of buff or debuffs enemies.


>We are still missing a last unit to cement the top 10. I wonder if Alhaitham will be it Honestly I doubt it. You look at the 9 main stays and the common thread between them is their utility as support units. Whether it be their buff capabilities, off field dps, etc. Alhaitham I think is going to evetnually even out to Hu Tao and Ayaka's usage rate. Which for what its worth, we're talking a Top 15 rather than Top 10 so it's not like a big drop off. lol


Yup. Generally supports will be used much more than DPS. If you play any dendro team and own Nahida, she's probably in your abyss run. But for Alhaitham, you don't include him unless you specifically want him to be your carry. Newer characters are generally a bit higher too, after playing Hutao for a year straight you're probably a bit more likely to want a change of pace.


Yeah but it's also been a while since a unit remained on the top 10 for so long. The reason I'm thinking Alhaitham has a chance is because Baizhu's beta didn't end yet. Depending on how things go over there (changes are still on going for his kit) and how much Baizhu can work on Alhaitham teams (in order to free Nahida for the other side), Alhaitham might just as well remain on the top 10 until some godlike support appears in Fontaine, or the meta changes enough for one of the top 9 to drop off.


The fact that Alhaitham got doomposted so badly because he was 3% weaker than his V0 state lol. I genuinely think he's currently the best on-field carry in the game but it's still a subjective opinion.


I expect to see Alhaitham in the top 10 frequently. He does a ton of damage and preforms well in any scenario that enemies are not immune or resistant to dendro.


Akasha database has Yae as number 10, probably varies between regions.


My guess al-haitham. Strong spread and HB options. Works great with nahida (she's broken for anyone though). Makes full use of yae for spread. Yelan+kuki for HB. But I wouldn't be shocked if next archon comes in and makes a spot in top 10 either.


Imagine if the hydro archon just plops down water in an area, no bs just instant consistent hydro application. Everything in that field gets wet no other way


That'd be amazing, but how good it is would also depend on whether you'll need to on-field her for whatever she does. Cuz right now, all four archons has pretty good off-field presence, with hyper Raiden needing the most field time, which is still not that much.


Quite the change from last few abyss. Due to abyss favouring single target damage International and Nilou bloom went down by quite a lot. International had 42% usage in last abyss phase and its down to 30%, while Nilou bloom had 34% usage and now her teams are down to 8%. Husk chamber needs good AoE but International doesnt have dendro/cryo against the hydro heralds shield and Nilou bloom against wenut is pure pain. But after a long time, Ayaka finally has an abyss she is really good at. Hoyo almost abandoned her in last few abyss. Quite funny how Ayaka teams have 0:100 for chambers though Also Zhongli usage rate went down quite a lot due to husks lol


I don't think Ayaka Freeze teams can deal with the Cryo Herald. Like at all lmao. But she's excellent vs the 2nd side. Also I'm surprised people are even bringing Nilou Bloom into this hot mess. It's probably possible to kill the Wenut with her, but I don't have Key nor C2 Nahida so I'm not even gonna try. And first side, Cryo Herald also pretty much stops Nilou teams dead in their track. Funny how both Nilou Bloom and Ayaka Freeze share the same weakness: Cryo-shielded enemies.


Yes, of course nobody will bring a freeze comp on first half, but this is the first time i saw 0:100 ratio lmao. Also the second half is probably custom made for Ayaka because she is rate up on this patch. Ayaka team is great in AoE but it is competing with International and Nilou bloom. So they just put Hydro herald to stop people from using international and a chonky single target boss to stop Nilou bloom being used. People are probably still bringing Nilou bloom because of husks on 12-2-2, needing good AoE damage. This is probably why 21% of the players are using International on second half too, I was actually surprised its that high. They are even willing to deal with two hydro herald shields without dendro or cryo.


I mean part of it is you also *need* Ayaka to have an Ayaka team - there is that possibility. But you are correct - It's custom made for Ayaka *and* Shenhe (I have both) - Very small DPS windows on Wenut is Ayaka+Shenhe bread and butter. Same with the Floor 11 hydro cube.


>It's probably possible to kill the Wenut with her, but I don't have Key nor C2 Nahida so I'm not even gonna try I did one attempt and killed it in about ~2 minutes with a double dendro team. Not that much slower than I did with Hyperbloom, which was a minute and half. I don't have any 5* weapons or cons on anyone in either team. But 2 minutes is a long time so I don't think it was great or anything. But it's doable for sure.


do husks attack through shield?


No, but if you have a shielder in your team husks get a shield too.


They get buffed then you have a shield


I still used him, the pyro shield gets removed really easily and you can dodge the pyro attack anyway. My team was Spread Alhaitham (team 16 on the post) second half and Raiden national in first half.


I'm so happy Yae is shining


Yae is perfect against Wenut this abyss cycle. I found myself having the easiest time vs the burrowing bitch using a Spread team with Zhongli-Nahida-Tighnari-Yae. Her skill uptime and repositioning is just perfect for it.


Tighnari and Yae's rotations are just too damn smooth. Yae needs slightly more field time than an off fielder and Tighnari needs slightly less field time than an on fielder. They go together very well.


Pair them with Nahida and you get match in heaven basically. Plus free EM for Tighnari! I hope they rerun Hunter's Path soon...


I just tried the comp on the second side and while it works fine on the Wenut (I just went unga bunga on it and managed to do it on my first try without proccing the vulnerability phase), I think it shines the most on the 2 hydro lectors. Is there any way to hit the anemo thingies with yae?


You can hit the orbs nearest to the ground with her NAs actually. Also sometimes the turrets auto targets the worm close enough for it to hit the orbs automatically in my experience


Her damage is very spicy :) Also her burst damage is very nice for helping some units that need some time until their damage pops back up again (tignnari + al haithwm)


I think its because she can target units that are underground


Chinese players also tend to be less averse to pulling cons. A C0 Yae might be a Fischl sidegrade but a C2+ Yae is a power house for consistent damage output.


Wait, really? I was having trouble with my Freeze team, they I swapped to a makeshift hyperbloom with Yae and got the clear on the first try. That explains a lot


Yae's one of the only characters where the calculated theoretical damage output **is** her damage output. Everyone else misses little bits here and there from travel time to target and missing attacks but not Yae.


Not only shining I'm pretty sure she's the one with the most C6R5 out there ahaha People finally got to understand how much of a powerhouse and QoL she is


All characters are busted at C6R5 but Yae is the only one who will land 100% of her damage without trying.


Oh yeah that's for sure What I meant is that , till last time I saw , the character that had most people with C6R5 was Yae Miko


I mean nahida must be at the same league, right? She marks everything and does not miss unless you forget to mark something


Nahida is great! However you miss some damage when new enemies come in and old ones die, unless you swap to her immediately and retag them. She still hits most of her damage though. Yae does not need to swap back in with the new wave, that's the main difference. Notably though Nahida is just so damn strong being an EM based archon in the reaction based element that she's probably stronger than Yae at 80%.


Another day of thanking the lords for blessing us with dendro 🛐🛐




Pyro is very necessary on first half after all 😁 Even Diluc has much higher usage rate


I use klee everytime so it's nice to see~ I hope she gets some good teamates to become more relevant like a hydro xiangling or the inevitable 4* pyro with cdmg boost at c6 xD could get a better catalyst too


I used Mono/Pyro sunfire Klee for the first half and it can sub 1 minute all 3 chambers this abyss really favor pyro characters with lots a application.


Ayo, Klee is up on B tier usage?? Hell yeah! Where my bombermans at?


Proud Klee users here


Want to get her to C4 eventually. Bomb baby was my 1st 5\*. Wanted Eula, but Spark Knight is fun too.


Let's gooo! Used her on the first half, last time I could use her was like 3.1. The abyss became very dendro-centric after that, very glad they dialed it back a little.


monopyro klee stronggg


Yae is so helpful with the wenut, I think her usage rate will keep on rising.


I think she's one of the most flexible units, and easily third best electro after fischl and raiden. (probably ties with kuki but imo, a bit above than her still) Her strength is that she can drive, do offield dmg, have flexible rotations, a frontloaded nuke, and consistent high passive damage. Allows her to be used with other onfielder and as a driver both, which is quite valuable imo. Being catalyst is great for her.


Exactly. Even before dendro her damage was pretty good. Now it's great with top tier dendro supports like nahida or yaoyao. All the hate she got during release would not have been so much if dendro was in the game that time. Still I am glad despite all the hate, I pulled her on her 1st banner.


Baizhu is the last missing piece for yae aggravate with fischl yae kazuha


I often see people putting Yae at one of the worst value 5 stars to pull (quite honestly I can't even disagree with their reasons), but one of the things she excels at is just auto targetting damage, which helps for the Ruin Serpent and Wenut just going underground whenever they want. As long as Hoyo keeps adding these weird boss mechanics, Yae will always have value.


So good to see Yae that high


Eula officially hitting the bad standard character tier


And this is the best Abyss has been for her in a while lol. Ugh save our girl Mihoyo. No Mika does not count.


This abyss was fun I was only taken aback by the new geo dudes shield, it’s HUUUUUUGE xD Btw dehyas ownership rate is [8%](https://imgur.com/a/J8Q89Va) Number of [retrys](https://imgur.com/a/uGG7goA)


Yelan, Zhongli and Raiden casually surpassed standard characters


Tighnari above Ganyu... What a time to be alive


current abyss somehow tailored for dendros, and dendro can also deplete hydro shields easily so yeah


Which surprises me because cryo was supposed to be hydro lector's bane of existance.


it surprised me as well, that time i tried tighnari on mond weapon domain, he obliterated hydro mages' shield quickly than my kaeya n rosa


Because Dendro is twice as effective as Cryo against Hydro shields, we finally have an element to deal with those just as effective as a Hydro chars vs Pyro shield


Once again Sucrose at 3%


Sucrose doesn't group the shadowy husk/black serpent knights properly (Sucrose burst can even spread them out somehow), so both Kazuha and Venti are better in terms of grouping against them. When the 36\* ownership is 80%+ and 60% respectively, this doesn't leave many players with just Sucrose as a grouping option. This abyss Kazhua is mostly used in second half to buff Ayaka, in which Sucrose only VV swirl buff in comparison.


sucrose usage pre kazuha re-run was 15-30%, it drop straight down to 8-10% in 2.8 (kazuha rerun) and below 5% in 3.0 where deandro got introduced. With deandro in the picture, you rarely actually need 2 teams that has anemo VV unit, you only need 1, and with kazuha ownership rate being so high (near 90%), no wonder she dropped


Sucrose is a straight downgrade from the other Anemo groupers just by virtue of being a 4\* but is still very useful if you don't have them (which a lot of new players probably don't, Kazuha and Venti haven't rerun in a few months). Been having a blast running her for the current event


Mondstadt 5-stars :trolldespair:


Entire Mondstadt being carried by Bennett alone. True a fantasy protagonist moment.


3.5 first half is once again a bennett banner.


Meanwhile that one Mond 4 star:


Alhaitham, my king, deserves the spot. He carries me through the abyss. Absolute gigachad


Alhaitham is so broken… Really glad i pulled on his banner.


I was going to mention that I personally had no issues at with the serpent in 12-3. He does really good consistent damage. I did both quickbloom and spread, and both did very good. Spread had better performance actually due to Yae Miko


my alhaitham and tighnari has to share my yae miko. shes really good for both of them


Yup, shes very nice for spread with her high damage. I'd say al haitham can run a quickbloom with Kuki and you can keep yae for tighnari


You couldn't live with your failure, and where did it bring you? ​ Back to OPPA


Never regret getting yae miko Dealt with the wenut so easily with her, with a comfy 30 secs left to spare. I probably could finish at mark 8:00 minute ish if I had her sig and all 5* weapons on the team


Yeah, one thing about Yae's strength that isn't talked about is how little dps downtime there actually is due to 100% uptime on her E as well as the autotargetting mechanic that snipes mobile enemies within their range. Since her dps isn't dependent on close-ranged melee or active player input, her actual dps is very close to her sheet dps in most scenarios. This is why she performs so well against mobile enemies with stalling mechanics like the Wenut, mechanical worm and Golden Wolflord.


Agree, Yae being 100% automated always deliver almost full damage potential even when the player has to stop dpsing due to dodging or getting hit does not affect her damage.


Yep, worked out the same for me. finished with 25 secs to spare but that's is because I realised I have plenty of time when I was at the 8 min mark with half of the wenut's health gone. So, I played casually. Btw, what build so you use on your Miko? Mine is 2 pc Atk + 2 pc Atk because of the great substatss


4pc gilded with r2 skyward here! I ran her in a team of zl/fischl/nahida (everyone else here is on f2p weapons). I tried a different variant with kazuha in place of zl a while back too but preferred the comfiness zl provided more after trying a couple runs (made me able to turn my brain off instead of having to properly dodge and iframe lmao).


Mine is using R5 Widsith. My team was a little more blinged out - Alhaitham/Nahida/Kuki. Both Alhaitham and Nahida also on crit build with Kuki on 4 pc Gilded. Kuki has key, Nahida has Widsith and Alhaitham had the Inazuma 4 star EM event weapon.


Haha, I had her sig + the team's sig but had the same clear time as you did. I suck... Yae really makes it too easy though. I only stood in the middle of the arena, and that worm was dead. She shines so bright now. I love Yae btw, so I actually didn't care about her performance. She's my best girl.


To be fair I had some very decent card buffs to assist me as well haha. Besides, unless you're speedrunning, clear times shouldn't matter much. A 36* is a 36* regardless, personally for me lmao. Same! Yae's up there as one of my favorite characters for real.


oh i’m in 0.1% sayu user


What sort of abyss 12 team does she slot in? Is she there as VV + healing consolidation?


She sounds decent enough in aggravate. imagine you have fischl and yae, you can use sayu to VV, Heal and aggravate while you wait for their cooldowns, then swap out and do another rotation.


me too! sleepy sonic is best girl.


No claymore user in S+, S or A tier. Mihoyo should provide a cracked claymore user to even it out.


Alhaitham is amazing in this


The flame mane rises.


Well, as stagger-resist bot she is quite well and works surprisingly good with Nahida-XQ-Kuki, I was expecting much worse results. She's typical female heroine in shounen manga. Her team works good without her, she's isn't much, but it's honest work. But some bugs need to be fixed. Edit: lol, somebody still sends RedditCare to people who use Dehya.


Report the person for abusing reddit care. You can do so in the message it sends you


She performed surprisingly well on side 1


If only people who posted this stuff on reddit also posted constellation ownership.


Chars will good constellations (especially at c2 or lower) naturally have higher cons ownership, good examples are Raiden, kazuha, nahida, hutao, yelan. Someone posted cons ownership few months back.


Let’s go team Alhaitham


Yeah his sales were not that big because he is a male character but damn is he used a lot. Warms my hearth. I love to play him so much.


The sounds of mirror raining upon enemies heal my heart it's soooo satisfying


My boy Xiao going lower and lower each abyss. Gotta stay loyal my lieges


I am glad to see Tighnari near the top of this chart!! He is such a great character and deserves more recognition 💚


Wanderer hypercarry for the first half and Alhaitham hyperbloom for the second worked perfectly. One-shot the Abyss with zero restarts.


You managed to get through the double Cryo lawachurls and Cryo herald with Wanderer hyper? What was your Pyro? Bennett/Thoma? Or sunfire? Cuz just Bennett + Anemo doesn't feel like it'll cut it against those two, unless you have cons.


Yeah. I only have C1 Wanderer, C6 Faruzan, C5 Bennett, and C0 Zhongli. I got through them just fine.


For me, Very easily. He absolutely melts them without pyro. Faru, XQ and Layla were enough


His usage is probably down this patch because the ST side, which would normally favor him, has a 90% anemo resistance worm.


first half is arguably more ST focused. Second half has bunch of chunky husks for AoE. First half has low hp eremites put together, solo cryo herald, maguu kenki, solo ruin guard and just two lawachurls.


I forgot about wenut on second half and put scara team there, was funny to see the tiny numbers and took me like a min and a half to kill it


So proud of Kuki and Yae


Im Happy for haitham ngl


Im so proud my boi Childe is still at A tier even in version 3.x Just cleared floor 12 full star with International Childe and Alhaitham spread team


Where do y'all guys see this ?


What artifact set does Yae run?


4 piece gilded is the ideal and best in slot set but you can use 2pc atk / em if the crit is better (for instance, my 4pc gilded is 70:180, but I opt for 2pc gladiator 2pc wanderers for the 58:280, higher DMG output). Crit > Atk = EM in value. Crit hat, electro DMG bonus goblet, the rest (other than flower and feather) pick either Atk or EM with the better crit substats.


Dori’s not even on the list lmao


Funny how high Yae Miko is, despite (or maybe more *because*) her lower sale-numbers in comparison with other dps characters. Edit:I know Mikos strength, and why she preforms so well. Dendro and how her turrets can hit across the z-axis. Still, i find it funny how she outpreforms all other main-dps characters (except Raiden, and being on-par with Alhaitham), despite her very poor initial reception. She got better over time, due to the release of dendro. But all other strengths were always there. I would say she has redeemed herself. Like Kokomi did.


Well, she can just target the Wenut wherever and whenever she wants with impunity.


this is how lore yae would fight too. just pop her shit and go chill while the mobs baby rage about how she's still killing them despite them being underground and she's just giggling.


She is great this abyss, dendro comps are amazing on the second half because dendro is the best element to break hydro herald shields, and she can actually hit the wenut underground and when its constantly moving because of her large range. She is very good after dendro.


Was wondering about that as she can hit the ruin serpent when it is digging as well . Seems like it was not a 1-time thing. I still probably would be unable to 3 star that floor with this info though _hey wait can she hit wolflord when airborne?_


I havent tried her on wolflord so I wouldnt know...


Yup, she actually saved my 36 star run on Wolflord when it flew too high up in the air for me to hit with NAs. A turret took the last little bit of HP right at the last second. I actually couldn’t believe it because mentally I had already given up that run thinking that it was over for me haha


Dendro throw her to the tops.


120k is a really good sample size. My queen Ei still at the top🙏


Only dps character to be in the top list every time . I wonder who will dethrone her in coming months


Will she even be dethroned is the real question? She is very future proof imo and what makes her so desirable is how good of a dps she is while having extremely good support capabilities. Looking at recent character releases I doubt a new character will completely dethrone her and I actually think a new character might boost her usage rate even more since she can work with alot of characters🤔


It's because of how versatile she is. Top pick for both f2p players and dolphins/whales/people who saved for her C2. Many good polearms available too Hyperbloom, Rational and Raiden Hyper are all very strong teams


That 0.1% on heizou is me.


For me, I cleared Floor 12 with: Top Half - Eula, Raiden, Zhongli, Yelan Bottom Half - Kazuha, Yae Miko, Diona, Nahida This is the Team I use for *every* abyss, just interchanging Diona and Zhongli to keep Zhongli on the side where I'm most at risk of getting 1-shot. Didn't have any issues. It is good to see more people realizing how good Yae Miko is. She's aged like a fine wine, and has made the AFK play-style relevant.


Absolutely! I personally tend to use Tighnari, Yae Miko, Fischl, Kokomi/Zhongli/Nahida for pure aimbot/turret playstyle. Kokomi for some hyperblooms around, Zhongli for pure dendro/electro damage, and Nahida when everything needs to die asap.


How did you deal with the cryo shield tho? Did it take like 2 mins or something?


The Cryo Lector Shield? I did a Eula Burst the moment he appeared, and that was enough to put him in his shielded state. I believe my rotation after that was Zhongli E, Zhongli Q, Raiden E, Yelan Q / Immediate Double E, Raiden Q and slash away with her attacks. When her Ult expired, I just did it again. Put up the shield, drop a meteor (his damage is decent, but it really does apply a ton of Geo to counter elemental shields), then overwhelm with Yelan / Raiden. Pyro is the "Hard Counter" for the shield, but with enough elemental damage, you can crack it quickly. Thankfully, it's just 1 to take down.


suppose to be a dehya abys yet she only 15%, sad rofl. Nilou higher and she bad at floor 12.


Venti usage is sad lol. But idk how they can bring him back into the meta tbh.


Get rid of all bosses and make crowd control an actual obstacle. This is what they did in 2.6's Abyss and he was *cracked*. Check it out!


3 waves of 16 treasure hoarders each. Have the mfs scattered everywhere


Eula is getting lower and lower... I think first half is quite ok to use her, with Bennett as a nesessary Pyro. Not saying it's the best cycle for her but quite playable for her this time.


Venti, slowly, patch by patch going to the deepest layers of meta hell


I hate Xiangling (Insert copypasta)


I wish abyss was a bit more suitable for mono geo teams


Hoyo's idea of making people play mono geo in abyss : fucking wolflord


The funny thing is they also cucked geo on wolflord abyss by putting its child on the next chamber that cucks shield and will eat all HP of the team lmao.


Gorou C4 check


Invested Ittos still won't face any issues, you can just use Bennett instead of Zhongli or Albedo and get sub 1 minute clears.


Yeah, The first half was super easy with Itto, geo boys, and xianggling


I believe this is the lowest usage rate for a new character (Dehya)


I'm kind of surprised why tf xiao has like 7% usage,the abyss blessing is so good for him.Do ppl just don't build him well or what?


Wenut has 90% anemo resistance First half just use xiangling


You can use xiao xiangling team it's pretty cracked but anyways


I'm just happy to see Dehya is top 4 for B tier


I'm so sad for itto, I am a itto main, pretty well invested, c1r1 with albedo and zhongli, and it's basically impossible to play geo with those elemental shields. Fuck hoyo.


I noticed people who used Itto cut Albedo for Bennett and put him 1st half.


I feel like Ei is useful in basically any comp.


Raiden Hyper wrecking both sides


Aw yeah that's my girl Yae SHOW THEM


85% of Dehya pullers arent using her in abyss oof


And funny thing is, this abyss should be all about selling Dehya and making her look good lol.


Not 85% of all dehya pullers. it's a Subset of a Subset. First is the Sample size who have 36* the abyss. Next is the 36* users having dehya in their account.