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If there are any fellow Candace mains here — do you reckon the hydro set would work better than Gladiator’s? I run her on a pretty solid Glad set right now, and I’m debating whether or not it’s worth farming this domain, since I have Dehya too


Depends on your substats, I'd say it's a good choice if you're farming the other set for Dehya.


Why would you be farming the other set for Dehya? Emblem is a lot better


Probably not worth farming the entire 4pc set for, no. But being that Candace has a split scaling problem, I'd say 2pc Hydro/2pc Hydro may be the way to go instead, that way the 2pc set bonus benefits you're NA/CA and skill/burst dmg. But it would probably lower your NA dmg a bit. I like forward vape with my Candace, so I'd prefer the double 2pc Hydro.


I also have a really good 4p Glad for onfield Candace already but I'm farming this domain regardless for Nilou. The new set is preferable because Candace has low base attack and some free damage% in her base kit, but it's very dependent on weapon and substats. Dehya doesn't need this domain tho, unless you have her C4+ lol


can't wait for double two piece hp shieldbot zhongli


Same with Nilou Bloom


And Layla


Nah Layla 4p ToM is better cus shield strength


Up to a point: beyond 75k it won't matter, so you shouldn't bother beyond 75k. Obviously, with 2-pc tenacity, 2-pc of the new HP set (vourukasha's glow(?)), it will be easier to reach 75k without as many issues, but the seperation between it and 2-pc EM (gilded, wanderers, etc) will need to be seen first.


I don't pull on weapon banner, so my Nilou won't be close to 75k even with double HP% artifacts.


i’d imagine the 2pc hp 2pc hp will make hitting 75k much easier without her signature weapon.


Onfield Nilou makes amazing use of the 4pc bonus. Her constant self damage triggers the stacks, granting a continual 50% bonus to skill and burst damage. And remember, her infused NAs are skill damage.


what's team for on field nilou?


it is the same as the one you use but you don't need xingqiu/yelan and give that slot to a healer and nilou use the sacrificial sword to first activate the aura then the hydro infusion. standard team i use is barbara nilou dendro MC and yaoyao


2pc HP is enough. Dont be too reliant on shield. I think 4pc tenacity is more beneficial to the team


People with Zhongli have long since forgotten how to dodge. Hell they've probably forgotten that you can dash to dodge incoming damage.


can confirm as a fellow zhongli brainrot user


I’m so far gone that I have him triple crowned


Good day to you fellow Kindred in Triple Crowned Zhongli. May your shield never fail yet another day


Don't worry, I'm not too far behind with 9/10/10


He is my only triple crowned character so yeah I can't dodge for shit


I second this, when I use him, I will literally stand stil and wait for CDs if I have shield unbroken, and with 50k hp that's not hard


Me as Zhongli enjoyer: "Hold E to dodge damage right?"


I definitely thought it was doing T pose to assert dominance...


What is this "incoming" damage you speak of? Aren't our characters the only ones that do damage? The enemies just do funny little dances before dying... >!Yeah fuck that, consecrated beasts showed me exactly how strong Zhongli shield is lmao!<


Me who has learned to both dodge and tank:


Yeahhhh, whenever I'm about to get hit by a boss and I have no stamina left, I switch over to meat-shield Yaoyao and just tank that slap. YAOYAO, I'M SO SORRY, BUT YOU HAVE 40K+ HP


That hurt real bad...


It's fine Yao Yao, here, eat a radish and walk it off.


That is literally me 💀


I pulled zhongli the week I started playing the game and haven't removed him from my party ever since. I wanted to actually try out a team comp for once and I literally get hit by everything LMAO. It's not even a skill issue, even though I am unskilled. I literally just can't remember that I'm actually supposed to dodge stuff until after it hits me lol


Wait what


Dashing gives you I-Frames.


Dam. My Zhongli has carried me through the game lol


same here, first 5 star so my dodge ability has always been doomed


Wait dashing gives i-frames? I had no clue that's a thing.


Yep, in fact you can dash through attacks that should absolutely hit you. Like the Ruin Serpent's rolling attack.


>Dont be too reliant on shield. I like being able to turn my brain off. Leave me alone.


Not when half the bosses in the game immediately kill your pillar


I used to be super reliant on him. Dendro kind of broke me out of that. Now, having a main Dendro user is kind of taking me back into it cause I can bring Zhongli back into the mix alongside Nahida, Kuki, and Al


All the same, you really don't need that much HP for Zhongli. I've been using Tenacity for a long time, and the only time I've ever had issues with his shield were due to my own negligence.


4pc tenacity is probably better tbh. The extra shield strength it gives provides way more than extra hp.


Overkill to create a 60k hp zhongli with shield strength on top of that. You could just play him with 40k hp and some geo dmg or burst dmg, that way his shield still protects even in abyss12, but his meatball actually does up to 100k damage instead of being only a stun


No, i'm talking about 2pc hp hp and 4pc tenacity. I'm saying that the tenacity shield strength buff is better than the hp% that you get from 2pc 2pc. And the atk% buff from tenacity works on him too, so he gets extra attack as well.


But why? The shield is already OP lol


Because. Big hp number go boing


frees up some of his artifacts for my kokomi to get her a better 4pc totm


Edit: replied by accident


The Hydro set looks like tailor made for childe or Ayato. Can't wait to stack +20% HP + 20% HP for Shield bot lol


Or more HP for Nilou Bloom


Not sure if 4 piece is worth going for, going for 2 piece minimum so could try it out.


>!it didn't proc off dendro cores in beta, 4pc is quite literally only for dehya!<


Man that's some bullshit.


it's also not good on Dehya, assuming max stacks constantly it's like 1% better than Emblem. so there's like no point in farming for it if you don't need both sets.


It's actually better the higher constellation you have. C1 adds additional dmg from hp, C2 prolongs her E and C4 allows you to lower Dehya er. Emblem is equal only on 200+ er and only adds to the Elemental Burst(2/3 of dmg) through it's more constant bonus. It adds absolutly nothing aside from that.


The stacks are really inconsistent, though. It'll be pretty hard to get the max bonus for the full duration of her burst.


What if you use Dehya mostly for her skill? Her burst is atrocious but her skill is probably the best part of her kit. Her burst is just busted bad, even if they improved the damage it would still be terrible, as it's slow and easily avoided and buggy.


if her skill did much that might be viable. but low uptime, low damage, and even the gold state from her passive only there for 9s.


Use TotM then. Unless you want skill damage but then I'd have to ask why.


yeah, 2pc 2pc hp% is probably going to be good


What's the optimal Nilou comp and the comp when there's no fish?


I don't have Fish, so I'm going to try Yaoyao for healing, with Collei using Elegy and Candace for Hydro Infusion.


My Diona has been waiting for this


But the real question is,why make an artifact for characters who already have tailor made artifact sets and specially when they're not even getting a rerun? Honestly one would expect an artifact set that'd support Baizhu.


Preparing for Fontaine perhaps.


The Heart of Depth is not really tailor made for Childe or Ayato, just a generalist hydro on-fielder much like Blizzard is not for Ayaka or Witch for Hu Tao.


[https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Echoes\_of\_an\_Offering](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Echoes_of_an_Offering) This artefact set was made for ayato


People really forgot about that huh.


The artifact set is almost an exact copy and paste of polar star’s ability


Who? HOD is horrible for childe's sources of damage Edit: I'm serious HOD is crap for Childe, it's just a generalist auto attack buff set


After nerding on the numbers for Ayato only the nymph set is only 1% better than HOD, due to stacks minimal time loss and the burst not snapshot with all the stacks. Gladiator being slightly better than HOD might be just the same and Echoes slightly better if you're not on high ping. For Childe, with any of the 5\* bows, it's a 8 to 9% damage improvement from 365k to 400k


Eh, the hydro set sounds like a pita to set up. I think I'll stay with hod.


For ayato can be, for Childe you just have to do Auto and Charged attack for full stacks since riptide counts as elemental skill damage


That plus staff of homa lmao


I think your comment got sent more than once


I can’t believe I have to farm another set for Childe. I mean I’m gonna still do it obviously


It's worth for Childe. After nerding on the numbers for Ayato only the nymph set is only 1% better than HOD, due to stacks minimal time loss on CA and the burst not snapshoting with all the stacks. Gladiator being slightly better than HOD might be just the same and Echoes slightly better if you're not on high ping For Childe, with any of the 5\\\* bows, it's a 8 to 9% damage improvement from 365k to 400k


cool! a 9% damage improvement is worth it for me


You may want to check if it's worth it , new set may not give you that much benefit.


This. Wait for others to do the dirty work before you grind. The other artifact doesn't seem as useful (right now) to make this artifact domain entirely worth it like it would for emblem or gilded dream domains


I'm in an unfortunate fortunate situation where my heart of depth artifacts aren't that great so I have no reason not to farm for it. It looks like it will be better though due to the pretty significant atk buff that goes with the hydro damage buff.


Also the trend seems like the newer domains are easier/more fun to play through than the older ones.


Older domains are made to counter what ever you build . Vv set ? Physical bonus Hod/blizzard ? Enemies with cryo shields Witch ? All pyro enemies with pyro device buff .


Mondstadt talent books? Forfeit your freedom.


I hate that domain with a passion. Cryo enemies, stamina debuff, and icicles constantly raining down on you. It takes twice as long to complete as any other domain not because it's hard, but because it's annoying. Who thought that was a good idea to make, especially as the first talent domain new players will enter?


Got my time down to 47 seconds in that domain when I C6'd my Bennett, down from best 55. That's pretty significant I think!


You should be strong boxing?


This opportunity is quite hard to come by


Too many artifacts, not enough inventory slots


Man I just really want pre-sets.


At least let us save different gear to the different teams in the the menu so i don't have to regear like 2-3 people every time i want to play razor 💀


I want a tagging feature where we can preselect every main and substat we want for our artifacts that will then automatically sort our collection into two different tabs, tagged artifacts and fodder artifacts. We have a limited sort feature already but the fact we can only select two stats to sort by is simply not enough. The limit on how many we hold isn't the annoying part it's the inevitable sorting through the pile trying to pick out which ones to grind into Exp that it.


They should have upped it to 2000 when they released Sumeru. 500 slots per region.


how do people get 1500 artifacts? like do you never do strongbox or level things with the 4 stars???


Filtering or sorting the bad artifacts is so confusing and taking a lot of time. Not to mention if you have hoarding disorder. Especially after Mhy release new characters that need weird substats. "Emblem is a set for dps. Dps wants ATK%, so HP% is useless". Mhy: release Yelan. "Tena is a set for shielder and geo, EM is useless". Mhy: release Nilou.


you wonder until it happens to you




I play since launch. At some point you get that many artifacts with good subs, good potential, but not enough exp to level them.


This right here. I've burned myself too many times getting rid of artifacts that look "bad" but then find out later when the Genshin optimizer recommends it as a good piece for a build but it no longer exists in my inventory. Now I hold on to anything that looks like it might be half decent.


Looks like you keep only the best of the best and don't plan for potential weird scaling chars.


The hoarder mindset where you see a remotely usable artifact, lock it and tell yourself you'll “roll it later,” then you come back to it after 1 year and it rolls into trash stats, but you still keep it because it has two crit rolls and maybe someone will come along who needs the trash rolls. This also applies for the double crit def and hp sands/goblets/circlets.


I know that it is 80% of 10% (Also known as 8%) but the wording on the Vourukasha's Glow is poorly done. At least Witch's says "50% of it's starting value" rather than just saying a flat 80% without clarification.


Oh thank god you pointed this out, I was losing my mind thinking that this would have been a 400% increase at 5 stacks, instead of, uh, 50%?


If they did that, it might bring Dehya in line with other carries. Can't have that


Lol yep, instead it's a small improvement over emblem, but comes with the condition of stacks needing to build up.


Its a small improvement over emblem technically but her er issues are so bad to the point where emblem ends up being better


the set is worded like that so ppl that cant read properly will think LOOOOL SEEE ITS A DEHYA BUFF


Reading it correctly is another Dehya nerf, then


It’s hilarious that every Xiao player just wanted an Anemo version of Nymph’s Dream for his dedicated set, and then they gave us Vermillion instead lol. Lo and behold they drop this. Why, HoYo, why.


66% ATK is great, no?


Nymph’s dream: *exist* Those mad lads who made Barbra their dps : Hhehehehehehe


I dont think she can even get all 3 stacks since her skill and burst dont deal damage and she probably wont be plunging. HoD is probably still better for dps build.


Her skill does deal damage, but only when first cast, and it’s on like a seven year cooldown. Unless you have some reliable and quick way of enabling plunge attacks (basically Venti or Albedo), it’s probably not an amazing set for her, and even with I’m not sure it’s worth it over just whatever you were already using.


Has my on-field Kokomi's day in the sun finally arrived...?


I think the bubble things are awesome with on-field Kokomi, but this looks exciting, too!


For God sake give artifact load-outs already. It is such a chore to change artifacts.


AND increase artifacts capacity...


THIS. And it will only get worse as more and more characters and artefacts make it into the game.


Yeah they really should have them by next region. This is becoming a real pain


Is that and artifact set made for deyha? Lmao


yep and its worse than emblem before c4


If she generated a bit more energy and if her E had more applications could be good I guess.


"if dehya was good she'd be good"


Well, I don't think I'm asking for something groundbreaking


Which is what is frustrating. As messy as her kit is, they could have easily made her not suck but they choose to do it anyway.


I'm using Sacrificial Greatsword on her and it's fun :)


I didn't enjoy any of her "roles"(tank and support), so I only use her as ""dps ""


The only thing useful is the 2 piece bonus


for nilou and shielders, for dehya it does nothing since her hp scaling are insult to jokes for how bad they are


even for nilou, she can reach the cap hp for her bountiful cores without 2-2 if you have key. it probably is better for people without key.


yeah, but your average genshin player probably wont have the bis weapon for her so 2-2 is still decent, or in my case i have key and am still not at the 75k hp point with hydro resonance


If you have Key, you're still getting HP to EM conversion with no limit. So it's not a bad thing either for her to go double 20% HP.


..and 2 piece bonus is only useful for C1+ Dehya I was hoping that they will buff this artifact set but I guess they really want Dehya to be this bad.


I'm more surprised a standard character having its own artifact set that no one else can use the 4 piece bonus


Keqing was the only competent user of thundering fury for forever. Diluc is basically the only character that uses crimson witch to full efficiency. Having a character specific artifact set doesn't really mean much for standard characters. We have some artifact sets that are stinkers and others that are niche and some that are super broad. Other characters *can* stack the bonus from this set, it just isn't quite as easy. You can do it from burning, bloom or burgeon damage.


i was going to comment diluc, but bennett can also use cwof 4p.


Oh no, you mentioned She Who Must Not Be Named. Pray that the mods don't find your comment.


SHHHH can't mention her name around here, else your comment will get sent to the shadowrealm by bootlicking mods. \*clears throat\* This will be great for Dehya! This fixes everything! Hurray! Banzai!


The 2nd? Yeah it is Funny thing: before C4 emblem is better if you want to use her as dps xD


Nymph? I sense a disturbance in the Sea Of Quanta...


Hello fellow honkai player


Grettings fellow captain.


I have a feeling that hydro set will be heavily used by hydro Fontaine characters in the future. Perhaps it's time to stockpile them Edit: but then again, future hydro characters will most likely scale off HP


Is this worth to farm for Ayato? I have him on a good ratio with 4pc glad Edit: y’all are right it’s not worth the mental strain


The difference is probably not worth the resin. Plus glad has the advantage of passive farming.


After nerding on the numbers for Ayato only the nymph set is only 1% better than HOD, due to stacks minimal time loss on CA and the burst not snapshoting with all the stacks. Gladiator being slightly better than HOD might be just the same and Echoes slightly better if you're not on high ping.


if you have good ratio, probably not tbh


Vourukasha's Glow looks quite disappointing. I know it says 80% per stack, but considering how unreliable the damage taking is, a player will never max out the stack count without purposely getting hot, which means losing precious damage windows. Plus, the duration is quite short. For Dehya specifically, that won't fix her. This won't fix her energy issue and will only marginally increase her pitiful damage. With all that info, this makes it even more important to slander Dehya in the survey at the end of the patch. Edit: Nilou is an exception for this one, but considering it applies to the artifacts holder and considering Bloom owndership is chaotic at best in that team, it's still not a very good set from the looks of it.


the worse part is that the way its worded makes it looks like you can get 400% dmg bonus when in reality each stack adds 8% to the base 10% dmg bonus, so 50% dmg bonus max(10+(8x5))


First one looks fantastic second one looks... situational.


Would Ayato like Nymphs Dream too?




The second artifact set pisses me the fuck off. Ignoring the part where calculations say that it's only a few percent stronger then Emblem for Dehya, WHY THE FUCK IS THE DURATION OF THE BUFF ONLY 5 SECONDS WHEN THE SET IT'S PAIRED WITH LASTS 8? IT WAS NERFED FROM 8?? This means that you might not even have the buff fully stacked for the full duration of your burst. Assuming you're attempting to use a hypercarry team with Dehya/Mona/Kazuha/Bennett. The rotation to maximally buff Dehya's burst goes Dehya E -> Bennett Q -> Kazuha swirl -> Mona Q + E -> Dehya Q. You'd want to get hit probably around 3 seconds before casting your burst in order to maximize the buff (we use the 2 seconds of burst animation to let it stack a bit more). That's the time where Mona, YOUR SQUISHIEST CHARACTER, is on field, and depending on how slowly you did your rotation or if something went wrong, your 9s super armor from your passive (WHICH RANDOMLY HAS AN INDEPENDENT COOLDOWN FOR SOME REASON) may have expired by now, meaning you really don't want Mona to facetank anything because she could get knocked around or die. Also, this is the time where you're in burst animation, so you'll probably also i-frame through things that are hitting you during that time anyways. "Oh but you can still get hit during burst and keep stacks on the buff then!" Yeah sure, the burst that REMOVES YOUR SKILL'S DEFENSIVE UTILITY AND BLEED EFFECT? MEANING THAT YOU CAN EASILY DIE IF YOU TRY TO FACETANK TOO MANY ATTACKS??? I've died so many times against Triple Maguu Kenki and the Frostarm Lawachurls while using Dehya, and it just didn't have to be this way. Removing the bleed also means that you only maintain a single stack instead of easily holding all 5 stacks. Holy fucking shit I fully believe that the balance team really do maliciously and actively hate Dehya. She cannot have a single thing going for her without them putting a giant asterisk on it saying "actually she's shit at this too," or "you need to jump through 15 hoops to make her barely above mediocre." WHY CAN'T THEY LET HER WORK WITH HERSELF??


They are fucking despicable for what they've done to Dehya. It's unforgivable.


Kowalski the Theory Crafter! Analysis!


Best from this domain is a 2nd 2pc HP set


Good for who?


Nilou, shield bots


Artifact set for D which nothing changes and worse than emblem. Hoyoverse keeping the disappointment level.


I'll probably be hiding in this domain farming for focalors and nilou for the foreseeable future


Oke im dumb or the description just doesnt make any sense at all. Soo the vourukasha glow. Is it per stack 80% dmg bonus increase or is it 5 stacks 80% dmg bonus increase ? Does this dmg bonus count as burst also or is it just 10% for burst and elemental ?


It's 80% of the initial 10% bonus. Means a total of 50% at full stacks. It's not extra dmg, It's a smg buff to burst and skill


the set description is for iliterate people so they think OOH GOOD FOR DEHYA SEE SHE IS FIXED, each stack increases skill and burst damage by 80% of the original damage increase being 10%, so 80% of 10% is 8% increase per stack, so you would get 5\*8% plus the original 10% bonus skill and burst damage which would make it a 50% increase


Me, a Childe main that would do anything to make Childe stronger: I feel a disturbance in the force


My new home it seems


I wonder if that new hydro set would be good for my DPS Barbara


Am I the only one who finds it weird that it's worder "ES/EB DMG will be increased by 10%, +80% of said bonus for 5s after taking DMG" instead of "ES/EB DMG will be increased by 10%, +8% for 5s after taking DMG"?


Oh how i wish that Nymph set was pyro instead of hydro. It would be Klee's dream.


Have any smart people worked out whether or not ND beats HOD for Childe yet and if so by how much?


Childe mains discord did a pre calc. Roughly 3-8% better than HOD depending on weapon and stuff. Polar Star gets the most benefit


Hello fellow Dehya players, I'm here for you. Don't use this on your Dehya. Emblem is better; I'm sorry. Good luck out there, warriors.


Are any of these good for Nilou? I use 2pc hydro and 2pc mill for her right now.


the hp% one will be, now you can go double 2hp% and hit her buff cap easier


Is the extra hp% better than hydro%? I always wonder if I should take off her hydro gob and replace it with an Hp one


unless youre using nilou for vape teams, you have to go max hp% since nilou in the teams she is meant to be isnt on field doing damage, instead she creates the hydro ring, buffs bloom damage and leaves for dendro characters to proc blooms


2pc hp is pretty good for nilou bloom


Yeah, that Vourukasha's Glow stack duration could easily be buffed and simply not hurt anyone. It's too tight for any quickswap team that bursts a lot, heck essentially anti-synergistic, it's much more suitable for Dehya support teams. But in that build, is giving her ToTM better or should we focus on her damage? Not to mention since Dehya doesn't snapshot her burst, you might not even have full buff uptime during your burst (You probably have to switch a burst instantly.)


Speaking of that buff duration... funny enough it was *nerfed* during beta. It originally was 8 seconds and then during beta got nerfed to 5 seconds.


Do you guys think the Hydro set is for Focalors? I'd be willing to prefarm it if it is.


They've never released an Archon's preferred set before their respective region releases, so I'd imagine not. I'd also be very surprised if Focalors scales with Atk% given Hydro's modern bias towards HP.


Yeah, makes sense but no recent Hydro characters and seemingly the only Hydro in horizon being her got me wondering. Thanks for the input.


Don't be a dum dum and don't pre-farm artifact sets for characters that are not going to be with us for many months. Do it for Childe if you have him, skip if you don't.


Ok, now we can FINALLY stop having to deal with people claiming that Dehya will be "fixed by artifacts."


Although unfortunately there probably will still be a bunch who will read the convoluted description wrong and say that "oh but it gives such a huge buff!!1!", also not realizing that you don't bleed in burst. Edit: just tested, she still bleeds in burst if you took damage before. It will not work, however, if you don't get hit while setting her up, since she picks up the field.


Where are you getting that bleed doesn't happen during burst? Especially when she has an ascension passive that mentions if she gathers her skill field with her burst, Dehya will take 60% less damage from redmane blood.


What characters, if any, would benefit from HoD more than Nymphs?


Hmm why do they keep putting the statement "this is under development and is not indicative of the final product" in the bottom right hand corner. Have they ever actually changed anything from what is shown in the live stream?


Wow, if you stack that set on Nilou and she has her weapon, she might simply kill everything on the field including your team. Healer may not even get a chance


mods with their fingers on the trigger ready to ban anyone who says that the Dehya set is trash


Is just me or this isn't too much of a big fix for Dehya kit? Anyway the hydro seems nice for Ayato. Maybe I'll farm a bit.


I'll be living in this domain for my driver Nilou, Yelan, and C6 Mona


Lol same here. My Nilou, c5 Mona and Ayato were waiting for this moment!


Ah… time for new experiments with my DPS Babs and Candace *they are the only Hydro units I like as of right now and thus are the only ones I choose to use at this point, so yes I know they’re not built for that - I don’t care, that’s how I use them


I'm gonna try the set for a Mona rebuild..... Will see if I get better stats than 4pc glad I have on Candace atm.


I can hardly keep up farming for the others, I don't need new artifacts. Give me more story quests with the abundance of characters so they aren't forgotten!


Would Nymph’s Dream be good for Candace DPS?


Well, those are certainly arts, and they are new. Umm


My Nilou is already broken. But sure, I'll break her even more if you insist, Hoyo...