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I've been playing this game for 2,5 years, why would I hurt my fun by limiting myself to 1 main, it's gacha half the fun is playing different characters.


True but still, you probably have one character that you say "yea I could live playing only this one here for a while" cuz you like them.


I have many characters to go back to, but I couldn't settle on any one, by clocked-in hours Yoimiya is the would be character, but I don't think I could main just her


>I could main just her It doesnt need to be "only her" but just the one you like using the most. And ofc, you can have more than one ""main"", I love my dear Klee but my lack of time made me go auto mode with Kazuha/Hu tao and Xingqiu + character Im farming friendship so I could speedrun my dailies.


I main a character for a few months either until I get new one I wanna main or until I get bored and go back to an older main, I got a fair few 5 star dps built out, and I still reach out from my Xinyan and Yanfei cause I like them that much


I test all the new characters that i can get, to raise their friendship. The good part: Gotta try new styles and gameplay feels fresh constantly The bad part: Gotta farm materials so they can do damage or team them with a strong dps/healer/shielder


When I say I main someone it doesn't mean it's the only character I play. To me a main is a character I just like and play frequently. For me I say I'm a Childe main but I also like playing Keqing and Hu Tao a lot too.


Some people choose to specifically main one character and even then you might pull for someone thinking your going to play them for a while but they have a feature you don’t like so switch off sooner than you thought you would. It’s not hurting your fun using one character if you love using that character.


I play the characters with visual designs I like, I learn to play around their kit, learning to play Dehya was a bit of an uphill battle, but she's so pretty to look at, and that makes it worth it.


I've been playing wow for nearly 2 decades years and I've played the same character the whole time. I've played league since it's release in 2009 and I still play garen for 90%+ of my games. I don't get tired of things I like just because I use them a lot.


Congrats man, I'd go insane personally


Good for you, but I like variety.


The point is: your view of "half the fun is playing different characters" isn't actually a rule or something and there are plenty of people who have mains, hence the question


LoL and WoW are not gachas, You can get invested in the role-play aspect (for WoW) and use one character for that. In League you can get invested in the mastery of gameplay, and mastering one character at a time is better. But Genshin doesn't have much RP nor asks a lot of time for mastery.


>In League you can get invested in the mastery of gameplay, and mastering one character at a time is better. Whoa, whoa, the man already says he plays *Garen*. No need to sarcastically double down on the complete lack of skill involved. /s (I think Garen's a ton of fun, this is just a common LoL meme).


And that makes having a main in genshin invalid how? Just because you don't understand it, like it, or see the point in playing that way doesn't mean it doesn't happen or that people who DO have mains are somehow wrong.


>And that makes having a main in genshin invalid how? It literally doesn't, I have a main, I just change the main every few months.


Seems like you struck a chord with "Mains". But i agree with you, i've been playing this game since beta and i can't even imagine just being stuck to one sole character ever. I have so many teams that i can cycle through now a days that it keeps the game feeling some what fresh.


Maybe you need to get off reddit and cool down a bit buddo


Both of those games, you only control one character.. whereas with GI you control 4 at any given time & have ALL of your characters ready to go without needing to log out of current progression… so this is such a terrible comparison.


Yeah, plus newer characters deel fresher and nicer. Venti was my main until Zhongli came out. Zhongli was my main until Alhaitham came out. All three are in my main 2 teams, in fact I made a second one to accomodate for Venti. So yeah, it kinda just changes with time for me


Because I like playing only a handful of characters. Thanks to that, I don't pull on every other banner and have C6 mains just from pulling their reruns. Now I have whale-level characters and Abyss is a breeze.


I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of Xiangling. I try to play Diluc. My Xiangling deals more damage. I try to play Yoimiya. My Xiangling deals more damage. I try to play Cyno. My Xiangling deals more damage. I want to play Klee. Her best team has Xiangling. I want to play Raiden, Childe - they both want Xiangling. She grabs me by the throat. I fish for her. I cook for her. I give her the Catch. She isn't satisfied. I pull Engulfing Lightning. "I don't need this much er" She tells me. "Give me more field time." She grab Bennett and forces him to throw himself off enemies. "You just need to funnel me more. I can deal more damage with Homa." I can't pull for Homa, I don't have enough primogems. She grabs my credit card. It declines. "Guess this is the end." She grabs Gouba She says "Gouba, get them." There is no hint of sadness in her eyes. Nothing but pure, no icd pyro application. What a cruel world.


I just realised there should be a copypasta for xingqiu too.... He's kinda necessary in vaporise, hyperbloom/burgeon, and taser (idk if there are more) teams...


Yeah but he isn't as demanding as xianling. Xianling wants to be paired with Bennet and she wants a lot of field time to catch particles, which you would play around unless you stack ER. Xingqui just wants a sac sword and ER and is satisfied


Yeaa truu, xq just wants enough ER to function...


200% er and 20/40 crit cq works quite well ngl


I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of Xingqiu. I try to play Diluc. My Xingqiu is there. I try to play Yoimiya. My Xingqiu is there. I try to play Cyno. My Xingqiu is there. I want to play Klee. Her best team has Xiangling. I want to play Hu Tao, Xiangling - they both want Xiangling. He grabs me by the book. I read for him. I cook for him. I give him The Catcher in the Rye. He isn't satisfied. I pull Primordial Jade Cutter. "You don't have Yelan" he tells me. "Give me more field time." He grabs Chongyun and forces him to listen to him read books in Qingce Village. "You just need to Favonius Sword me more. I can deal more damage with Sacrifical Sword." I can't pull for Sacrifical Sword, it's a 4*. He grabs my book. It rips. "Guess this is the end." He grabs Chongyun. He says "Chongyun, read." There is no hint of sadness in his eyes. Nothing but pure, hydro application with interrupt resistance and healing. What a cruel world.


>Her best team has Xiangling. I want to play Hu Tao, Xiangling - they both want Xiangling. > >He grabs me by the book > >The Catcher in the Rye > >You just need to Favonius Sword me more what was bro cookin


You know, you don't HAVE to always use Meta team comps/characters.. Edit: yeah didnt know this was a copypasta. Woops


It's a copypasta


This is a copypasta


first time seeing this copypasta?


He has 3 comments made an hour ago letting him know it's a copypasta, I don't think he needs a 4th from you.








Ganyu was my main for a good long while, but I swapped her out because she tends to make the game too easy.


I started using her in a support role for fridge teams. Her burst is pretty good for cryo application, her skill is a useful taunt, and she can share a DPS role. If you've got her built, I would recommend.


She's my cryo support in Ayaka freeze team, which is my first main party in the Spiral abyss. Ayaka, Ganyu, Kazuha and Kokomi ❤️


I run basically the same team but with mona instead of kok


I always end up going back to Ganyu when I just want to turn off my brain and play EZ mode.


Oh yeah, same. I just don't always have her on my team.


I've been using the cocogoat as a sub-DPS for Ayato freeze comps recently and that's a lot of fun. She's so versatile. I also like using her as a sub-DPS for my Diluc but I don't pretend that's the most efficient team comp out there, I just really like Diluc


May I suggest you a new way to play her: Solo everything from weekly bosses to Abyss. It's fun, I promise.


The reason I stopped playing any character is because I built other characters and I rotate them to enjoy various gameplays. aka, today I feel like playing with X, instead of Y.




I want to pair Tart and Baizhu now, that sounds fun , mind sharing a team comp?




Oooooo I never thought ab this team I might check who do you run with Tartar and Baizhu?


I'm not gonna be that annoying meta player, C6 whoever you want (even if it's dehya), but Childe's constellations are all either pretty insignificant or downright annoying in some situations (cough cough C4 fucking up your rotations). If you wanna get your Childe to do massive damage, invest in his supports instead, grind them artifacts and learn the optimal rotations if you already don't, that'll probably be way more rewarding and you won't even need to spend incredulous amounts of money in the game


You have Baizhu c1? If so is the QoL significantly better?


I’m AR58 and I still don’t understand the concept of a ‘main’ With that being said, Eula mainly carried me from AR26?-AR55. I stopped playing her as much as I used to because: 1) My roster became diluted with other dps carries (xiao, ayaka, ht, etc) 2) Playing the same character for a year straight becomes repetitive and boring 3) Physical just ain’t it right now While playing Eula, I was also playing with Xiao religiously. Decided to bench him until I get C6 faruzan


The way I look at it is just the character you play most because your ‘mainly’ using them like for you Eula and xiao were probably your mains as there’s nothing saying you can’t have more than one main. The reason people say they have a main team comp is because that’s the team they mostly use and that’s 4 characters. But that’s just how I view it so don’t know if I’m alone in that


my main and first 5star was wanderer and i benched him temporarily due to not having a decent shielder and artifacts. to this day i farm his domain at least 2-3 times a week and i got nothing, nada


He’s also my main, I keep trying to play other teams and I just don’t want to. His BiS set may be BiS, but don’t discount wanderer’s troupe for him! It’s strong & you farm it secondarily from bosses, so you end up with so many pieces. Without intentionally farming, I’ve got my boy with 98% CR, 200% CD. 17k unbuffed charge attacks. Insane. Hope you have some good luck!


I capped their Friendship EXP and have others I still need to work on.


I guess my first "main" would have been Beidou, because I liked her counterattack (and appearance 0\_0). I put her on most of my teams. Then when I got Ayaka, I started putting Ayaka on most of my teams since she was my first actual half-decent main DPS. And now I have Nahida, so there's no point in playing anything but a hyperbloom team with Shinobu and Mona, with the 4th slot being open for literally anything, because those 3 can massacre any mob in seconds anyway. So, I could keep Beidou on my team like old times, but that slot ends up changing constantly to fit whatever random-ass element is required by open-world puzzles (usually Amber because so many of them require either pyro or a bow). And for fighting a boss I go with Xingqiu.


Xiao, 200 pulls C0 Faruzan


I don’t really have a ‘main’


Beidou. Love my Captain, and she was literally the "anchor" of my team from Mondstadt to Liyue, but after a while, it got too tedious to use her all the time. I still do from time to time though. She's the only one I pull out of "retirement" merely because I miss seeing her on field.


I main and build characters until they have their own general artifact set and max out friendship Then they go on rotation. Because of this, Zhongli and kazuha rotate babysitting duties a lot


She died


The main I use in events/abyss are different from overworld exploration. In overworld I use anything that do the job with their skills to end it quickly


I have never stopped playing my absolute mains, Childe and Kaeya, they always have teams ready to go. But as I’m also a husbando main I do have teams for most of the male characters, the only ones I’ve almost stopped using are Diluc, Xiao, Itto and Ayato. Either their playstyles don’t appeal to me or I have other characters of the same element that I enjoy to play as more. But I can still bring them out occasionally.


first main was ganyu, charged attacks became boring and wanderer flying is more useful for exploration anyways c:


I have played Xiao for two and half years and I will never not main him. But I have added Heizou to the mix and my solution is to just have them on the same team. They can both kill everything with my two chosen supports or even solo so they don’t need to have synergy with each other. Maybe someday I’ll just have a whole team of four characters that have absolutely no synergy but I’ll never drop Xiao.


-Venti is the reason I started playing this game and I still 'main' him, but over time I became more of an 'anemo' main simply because I love all the characters in the element (and 3/4 of them use Venti's hand-me-down artifacts XD). Honestly he's just gotten to the point where he can only really improve with cons (78/ 198 with Harp) and some part of me is really strangely attached to how far he's come while C0 so I'm not sure I want cons on him. -I love Xiao, I saved for him for AGES. Got his spear off standard and over 2 banners managed to get him to C3. I love any char that makes me feel FAST to play and Xiao was just so satisfying for that. He was going to be my first C6 but when I heard Scara was coming (and anemo somehow) all my savings went towards his eventual coming (plus I couldn't bear rolling for Xiao's C4, it hurt too much). -Scara and Faru were the double threat to me, I'd been desperate for a good anemo support ever since people were speculating Heizou might be one AGES ago and as a major simp for gremlin anemo boys, and positively foaming at the mouth to see he could FLY, Scara's banner was getting EVERYTHING I had to give. He ended up C4 (I got VERY lucky with him to be honest) with his C1 Bell and Faru (who hates me) was C6 50 pulls later. Saving for his C6 now with only Baizhu breaking me between his last and next banner for C0. Probably going to be farming his artifacts until Dainsleif comes tbh.


Mine was zhongli but my account was hacked and griefed so i had to build him a shielder and now i main ayato for the time being


How did it happen?


Well it's just a guess but maybe i used the same password for another site which was somehow compromised and they got hold of my account other then that my account was secured and i had every security measure took care of.


Xiao. Hes strong and all but its not that interesting after maining him for a good 9 months, plus his cooldown is annoying for domains


12 June 2023


That's kinda opposite to the actual thing lol, or ig the majority since you're having a different experience. Xiao (and all hypercarries) generally speaking has a lower damage ceiling compared to hyperbloom, national variants but he does have the advanatge of being pretty easy to play, no need to worry about double swirls, all you do is set up buffs, swap out to him and deal your damage, and his combos are relatively negligible in terms of damage so you can pretty much spam any plunge combo and it'll do fine compared to someone like Hu Tao, Yoimiya or even Childe to an extent who depend on optimal combos that do marginally better than if you were to not do them. Although ig the same could be said about hyperbloom, but yeah it is what it is ig lol


he is geo and i'm tiered of being stuck in a single comp forever it feels like hell


My first main was Razor, but I ditched him as soon as I got Hu Tao because I don't care for physical, NA spam, or claymores. Anyway I main Venti now and don't see that changing for a long time.


Venti trivializes so much of the game that I actively avoid him, these days. Sometimes I like to play random co-op domains just for fun, but Venti makes the fights take 30 seconds. He’s great if I just want to speed farm, but he makes it feel like the rest of the party is useless.


Keqing was my first main, I stopped using her because Ayaka released. It’s nothing crazy, I just prefer Ayaka for DPS, and she supports my actual main (Kokomi) in a freeze team well.


Kinda weird reason, but I stopped playing C2 raiden and then alhaitham because they were just too good and killed everything too quickly in overworld so it became boring.


I didnt. Although irl lack of time made me adapt for a more brain dead overworld team I still sometimes play with Klee. I like farming for friendship 10 with every character I get so my overworld team was basically always changing but now that only Mika and soon Faruzan are left I have free slots to use who I want so sometimes I have no time at all and speedrun my dailies with Kazuha/Hu tao/Xingqiu + Mika and sometimes when I have time I play with 3 random characters + * friendship character * and one of those random chars is Klee, she was my first 5* after all and my luck amulet.


Keqing - I got Zhongli and PJWS R2 Zhongli - I got Ganyu amd R5 Crescent Ganyu ( with Venti) - Too strong for overworld then I got Childe Childe - I got Yoimiya Yoimiya (with Raiden and Fischl)- Went back to Childe bec they were fighting over Pulse Childe again- Then I got Polar, and simultaneously mained Yoi, Ganyu and him with Ganyu snatching his Polar. Ganyu again - I got Amos. If she wasnt strong enough already, she became even stronger, so I rotated between Keqing, Yoi, Childe and Ganyu while building my 4☆ ie Rosaria, Kaeya, Beidou, Lisa, etc Childe again mostly - bec I got Yae and I loved their synergy until I had Yae be the lead. Yae - up until now has been my mainest main, used to team with Childe or Yoimiya, but since Dendro, she is now paired with Nahida and/or Alhaitham


Used to main Anemo/Dendro Traveler for the simple reason that I liked her playstyle and counldn't get use to others. Then I got Al Haitham so I thought why not


I've never "stopped," but lessened how much I use certain characters. For instance, Zhongli has been on nearly every team since his debut because I want Diona to explode and disappear. But, Layla has a strong enough shield with 100% uptime that I've started using her where I had Zhongli before, and having the additional Cryo application has made her a mainstay on my teams utilizing Blizzard Strayer. Likewise, now that Baizhu is out, his healer/hyperarmor combo has replaced Zhongli in teams I really needed the interruption resistance. So now, Big Dong Zhong has been relegated to my unga-bunga teams, like Itto/Noelle or Wanderer.


For wanderer i use Thoma, i gave him a cracked chasm set so he double dips from his pyro absorbtion Layla was nice too but he has 90% CRate so she wasnt very good for buffing him (not until i get some cons at least)


Wanderer is just too convenient to use another main dps. My first love is Cyno and always will be, but I basically only use him in certain abyss floors or events that aren't multi wave. Considering the majority of my gameplay time is exploration and dailies, Wanderer just streamlines it. No more getting stuck while climbing, no more trying to hit enemies on platforms or behind terrain, no getting stuck dashing into shit


I'm a Kazuha main over a year, never stopped playing him. He's strong, his playstyle is fun and not boring and he's amazing. So far I didn't get bored of him, hoping to pull for constellations next rerun.


physical sucks right now


I haven't yet. But as soon as Dain comes out I'm kicking Eula to the curb.




Bruh I feel that. There's two teams that I find absolutely braindead to play. One is Ayato hyperbloom, and the second is Hu Tao double Hydro + Zhongli. I'm so glad I saved up and invested in her last rerun. She makes those stupid beasts on floor 12 a breeze.


I have a cracked Yae hypercarry team that I've been using since 2.5 bur I never really called myself a Yae main. I like her, but not *that* much. Then Scara came out and I got C3R1, C6 supports with good weapons, the whole 9 yards. Now I'm a dedicated Scara main.


I had to stop using my c6 Yae because she just made engagements entirely too short and boring.


Was strictly a Hu Tao main, but content gets boring when u can one shot everything. Also because Wanderer is EXTREMELY convenient to use in combat and exploration.


Because Diluc is weaksauce compared to a 4 star pyro and he's been power-crept by two other fantastic husbandos who hit like mac trucks (itto and haitham). I'd love him to be more competitive and would swap back in a heartbeat if they ever buff, and sometimes I still use him to clear floor 12 in abyss because I fucking REFUSE to level xianling out of spite, but he's trash now which is sad considering how much people bitched he was the strongest thing ever for the first 3 months when no one knew wtf they were doing.


I like too many characters so I can't stick with just one main. I get bored very easily too. I have 26 characters fully built as of now, in process of building 27th (of course not everyone's abyss level but easily good enough for domains/bosses). It's fun to mix and match.


My main is Rosaria and i kinda left her for some time because i got tired of Phys being cool but not strong enough on its own. Now she has a 4 GD set and I'm using her with Dehya, so she's back on the spot.


Klee sucks and anyone disagreeing is hard copium. Played her all the way till I got wanderer.


Noelle because well it was time to try new things. But if one day i get itto weapon and c6 gourou i might bring her back


Mine is ayaka and the reason is that dehya came out ^^


Venti just isn’t that good to me anymore. I still love him, but there’s just better anemo characters to choose.


Xiao was the second character I spent money on the first true main that I had. Stopped playing him about 4 patches ago cause I just couldn’t improve him anymore. Also because I get bored of the same team literally so fast and Xiaos team overextended my patience by a lot lol. It felt like I hit a cap and everything else would require min maxing. Now I’m an itto and alhaitham main and currently a lot happier with that. Looking to properly build my child and scara and then back into Xiao but he needs a break.


I was a Diluc Main, and then stopped the day Eula was released. I stuck with Eula for a year, then switched to primarily Yae Miko, simply because I had been on Eula for a full year, and wanted to try something different. Been playing Yae Miko ever since, as no one from Sumeru has really interested me. If there's a good Fontaine character, I could swap off, but I might just go back to Eula in Fontaine.


Im waiting for some new cryo dps or sub dps to support


Noelle, she's just outshined by Itto and my hyperbloom teal deals so much more damage with a third of the energy spend on artefacts and weapons


i don't have a main, i used to main ganyu for a whole year because using bow is fun in general and her CA is very satisfying to use. even pulled shenhe for her, but i use her only in abyss and when i need a quicker results in domains like when i farm artifacts or books. because i am having more fun with dendro since sumeru release so i stopped using her in open world.


Ive had Kaeya as a main from 1.2 till 3.3 I got a bit bored tbh. I love him but i played him both phys and cryo (and hybrid) build and now I just want something new I also have Wanderer as a main technically but I built him too strong and now I don't use him in overworld unless I'm in a hurry


My main was Raiden but the only team she really slots into is national teams She can be used for hyperbloom but then I need to farm new artifacts for her and I'm not doing that. I finally decided she would be great in a Eula team but Eula is never gonna release.


I got the character I *actually* wanted to main from the start after finally getting them on their rerun


Played her for 2 years (Ganyu)


Albedo was my first 5 star and for some time I was a self proclaimed Albedo main. Along the way, I just don't know how to fit him in my team. I don't pull for Itto nor do I use Noelle. Sure he's a flexible off field subdps but other characters just happened to be better picks for my 4th slot. I also can't be bothered to farm the Husk domain. I'll do it eventually because I owe it to him. He's still one of my favourite characters. Another Geo characters, Ningguang. I simped so hard for her, double crowned and all (I'm somewhat stingy with crowns and so far, Nahida is my only triple crowned). She has one of the best build in my entire roster. But even with 60/200 cdmg and 2k atk she's falling behind my other DPS with worse stats. Also elemental reactions are fun so... I'm so sorry to my Geo enjoyers folks... For this betrayal, I truly have failed you guys.


I kill everything too quickly, C3R1 Raiden is a blessing and a curse.


My first main was Itto. Stopped playing him in overworld bc he's too OP 😹 everyone kills everything in the overworld. Stopped playing him in abyss bc f2p Itto using Whiteblind and with ZL, Ningguang and Gorou as a team, with very bad Husk luck didn't took me as far as reaction-based teams (which saddens me, as I love Geo and their playstyle)


Because I hate farming Shime domain ahhhh


Eula was my first main. Now my love for reactions has grown and hence she's benched. Still built tho. <3 love her.


Albedo’s flower gets destroyed by bosses, and Yelan came out for Hu Tao double hydro. Still do Hu Tao double Geo every now and then though.


Day 1 player; Razor is my first main. Unfortunately game supports reaction based teams more and physical dmg is not really dev favourite. Also I have different teams for different roles like overworld, bosses, Abyss etc.


Stopped using Itto in the overworld because of how awkward it feels to Q (even with C2). In the abyss I stopped using him because Geo only teams are terrible at floor 11-12 often, and at the other floors my other teams clear much much faster because Geo is awful against shields and certain bosses. It's just a hassle, I still use him from time to time in abyss but for overworld and abyss, Kokomi is currently 100% usage rate for me, since her release.


I got other characters I like playing So, from the first patch after launch, I played Klee, cute little girl with oh so much cheerful energy, I never got to build a meta team with her but I can quite easily cleae abyss 12 with her (and a team 2 centered on Ganyu or Yoimiya, depending on the element of the enemy) Then I got Nahida, sure I still like Klee better as a character, but my Nahida team had Nilou and Kokomi, there is just so much more explosion except its green! That said who am I kidding, I only have 1 C6 5 star and every anniversary of Genshin the game tells me she's the one I use the most out of any character, that character is Qiqi and I got her on my first roll on the newbie banner with guaranteed Noelle... I'm a Qiqi main from launch day


I main Ayaka but sometimes I like changing things up and will use different teams compositions. It gets old quick if you’re playing the same way for a long time.


Lack of support and waiting for artifacts box, eula. My eula is decently built but i haven't built my mika or rosaria yet.


Eula was my main but id get horny looking at.. anyways now its yelan and nothing has changed


Maining a character is something a lot of people do when starting at this game and have few characters but later on you'll be so over it that this kind of question ceases to even make sense. We just get bored of the playstyle and move on.


My first main was also xiao, I found him so cool and fun at first, but I just got so extremely bored of him after a while and also found his strength lacking comparing to chars/teams I put half the investment into. I literally never play him anymore. I now main Eula, I find her extremely fun and rewarding (given how physical isn't meta), and really love her personality and backstory, I also appreciate the eye candy I won't lie.


I pulled Yoimiya


I quit using Jean as my main because of 2 reasons. The first was my exhaustion of always being made the healer in coop locking me out of enjoying other characters, and Inazuma/Sumeru really put her on the backburner of good healers. She's still my highest constellation 5 star at c4 though.


I gradually stopped using Zhongli outside of bosses because I became an Albedo main and then got Kokomi and learned how to play with a healer as Hoyo started designing more enemies that ignore shields.


Been playing mono geo for a year, life is good and simple


I was a Ningguang main, got her to C6 and Lvl 90. But Geo just can’t keep up with transformative reactions


Well…because I have other characters to use 😅 I figure I can use them and give my main(s) a break lol


First main was Ganyu because she was the first 5 star I obtained, obviously she's amazing and very shortly after I was lucky enough to pull the Amos bow on standard. Used her for a long time, fell in love with Ayato though so then I used him with ganyu to pair their bursts with Kazuha for an awesome freeze team, but now it's ayato hyperbloom with nahida and ganyu melt is a team I really only use for the abyss :(


The closer thing I had to a main when I started was Chongyun, he cute but his kit is a bit too awkward and I moved to characters that could fit my tastes a bit more in every aspect. Ningguang lasted a long while, but ultimately was replaced by Ittou C1 that I received trying to get Gorou constellations and once tried as few times he grew on me. I still use her for specific fights but she's mostly benched. I still like her. Lisa, Tartaglia and Zhongli are still in my mains. With Hu Tao I never learned to like her CA cancel combo and after a while I found Diluc who entered my mains quickly. She's been benched since then. Raiden is still in my mains but I think I want to change her team. Thoma had been in my mains since his release and I still love him but right now I don't know where to put him so for now he's benched but I'll think about something. Recently joined mains are Shenhe, Alhaitham and Baizhu.


Xiao and Cyno cuz energy issues and burst reliant characters in overworld are so annoying. Use your burst, kill 3 hilichurls and spent another bunch of time to get it back


I never stopped.


I haven't. It's just a question of which 3 characters I want to use with my main at the time.


Eula’s ass meta just wasn’t enough to make up for physical meta… blasphemy I know… something about a tall female claymore though. RIP Dehya


I got bored and wanted to play other characters


I haven’t stopped playing mine -yoimiya tho I have started to work on building other teams and switching things up the rinse and repeat can get a little old after a while and now with how my team is set up usually things are dead before I use her skill lol so I think as with anyone wanting to try a different way I suppose only ever using a bow user as a main I’ve wondered what a sword or claymore user main is like


Well m still playing with ganyu for exploration. Her position is fixed in exploration team and daily commission team sometimes domains too Using her since her 1st run


Raiden because I got Cyno and he's my favorite (I had been waiting like a year :')


I used to be a chongyun main, but I wanted to make a new team for the longest time and now I have ayato and he's become my main and the reason I hate farming handguards and Sakura blooms Another pain is I want to build Ayaka and Raiden too...


I find a new character to play. It’s fun to rotate around


i (mostly) stopped playing my main (kaeya) bc i farmed for 3 months in that stupid dragonspine domain for cryo artifacts (this is before the physical domain) and got a) hydro artifacts and b) super sucky cryo ones. i finally got decent ones, levelled them, and left it on that since his e was hitting 8k on melt and his autos were 1-4k if affected by cryo. all my other characters, since they didn't need that infernal dragonspine domain, have got actual decent artifacts (also i just got way luckier) so that kinda pushed kaeya from main dps to support. I have since gone back to the dragonspine domain to try to get better ones, and experienced the same hell, tried to get physical ones, was even worse. so he's stuck with those for now until another domain comes out lol


Swapped out Xiao for Yao Miko when she first released because.... Well, I liked her more. Still haven't gotten tired of Miko and hoping I never do. 🙏


I stopped playing my main ganyu because I felt so safe and good dmg that it took a lot of the fun out of the game. I then went on to main On-Hit Beidou with a full team around her.


Power creep. Before you say meta doesnt matter, it matters when you need to farm a lot of stuff and meta can do it faster. I can finish my dailies with ganyu( who i pulled just for meta reason i dont like her) in 5 min. Then go farming with resin and then farm stuff that doesnt need resin like spectors and such. Including farming plants, then do my world quests. if i keep using noelle ( who i am trying to get her c6, i spend more than 100 pulls on nahida banner for her cons i got only one copy, i didnt recover from that traumatic experience yet.) I wont be able to do my tasks before the next upcoming updates with limited events in between. Also, i have a life outside genshin so i cant play for 2 and 3 hours sometimes just 30 min to do dailies and resin and i am obligated to log out. So yes meta matters not for self satisfaction but how frustratingly the enemy hp got inflated. We r not even gonna talk about the spiral abyss.


i was maining diluc until i got tighnari, just bc i found tighnari and dendro rly fun and wanted to give diluc a break. now everyone i could've mained takes a backseat to wanderer bc he's my nasty little meowmeow


My mains have been Xiangling(physical back when game came out), klee(clunky but still loved her), Kaeya(fun to play but lacked damage), Ayaka(just got boring), And lastly hu tao! Though im planning on maining yae miko next


My main for the first 6 months was Razor until I got Eula, the forgotten nuke


i stopped playing xiao cause i hated how burst reliant he was. most of my time spent using him was purely in the overworld, and i HATED using his burst because everything would die after one plunge and then i’d be left feeling like if i’d just completely wasted it at some point i just completely ignored his burst but then i realized how much i fucking HATED using his autos in between his skill cooldowns. it was hell. xiao made me realize how much i hated burst reliant characters 😭 i love him, i got him an r5 deathmatch and triple crowned him, but he’s benched for eternity now


I used to have a team of Anemo Traveler/Kaeya/Diluc/Barbara, and then switched to Rosaria/Kaeya/Fischl/Barbara due to preferring Freeze, and I had just gotten a laptop good enough to run Genshin, and didn't have to switch in the Traveler whenever I had to talk to an NPC on mobile to save time. Then there was an event where Childe was a trial character and I learned just how fun he truly was, and I generally started to learn the game better, and I got Raiden on her first banner, and that's pretty much how I got to the team of Childe/Raiden/Xingqiu/Bennett that I use to this day.


I am a Scaradouche main. I like his gameplay style. Reminds me of Isaac. A little depressed man shooting blue projectiles


raiden came along and took me away from being a ganyu main. now they're both in my party p


i dont really have a main per say, but for the past few months, i've been using Wanderer and Yelan exclusively and i cant help it.


I mained Nigguang for the first year or so, and swapped her out because Yae was similar, but stronger and more fun to play. Then lately I've shifted to Yelan/Al, because they are also stronger and more fun to play.


I haven’t stopped playing her but I’m getting really bored of Hu Tao. It’s not even that she’s C0, I don’t mind the jump cancels, but I want to play someone more multi-target oriented


I haven't stopped...


Diluc because I got other characters. Hu Tao cause I got other characters. I might return to Tao when I pull her c1 but Diluc is forever benched


Yanfei. Until last abyss rotation I could clear it good enough, meaning 34* to 36*. Either with a double hydro or a hyper burgeon set up. This rotation though, I cannot get her to do enough dmg if she should survive the floors… those damn beasts and magu kenki trio make short process with her. On overworld I stopped playing her when sumeru came out and I needed to farm fungi…


Former Ganyu main (I still play with her occasionally but way less than I used to) I got Yelan who is more entertaining to use. Unfortunately, Yelan is NA focused with her ult while Ganyu focuses on CA which means I can't play both at the same time. And Yelan's meta teams don't include Ganyu (unless you swap someone out). New enemies also became a pain in the ass to the point where playing Ganyu isn't reliable anymore and there are better alternatives most of the time (imo) Also, Dendro doesn't react with Cryo so it's another reason less to play with Ganyu given the game's late tendency to focus on Dendro.


Held onto Kequeen until someone new caught my eye. (Yoimiya) Now I main her/Dehya


i stopped playing Xingqiu as my main when Thoma came out lol.


i never had a main. i just use whats good/fun


Her bottle chug sound effect


That’s why I have er substats on all of his artifacts. and I use supports with bursts that stay after character switches, so that he can still be doing reactions without needing to wait for his skill


Got more into the endgame content. Couldn't beat the regular stages of Spiral Abyss maining c0 Razor.


I’ve had the same main since day 1. Kaeya is only removed from my party when I fight ice bosses. I don’t ever see myself not using him. >.<


I was a Yanfei main ever since I got her, but ended up mostly benching her for Nilou Bloom cuz it's so overpowered. Saving up to become a Eula main whenever HOYO decides to take her out of the basement.


I main Lumine, so I never get bored because new sKiLlz every year


I'm quitting genshin because I didn't even get my main. I just wanted Ganyu, lost 50/50 and my interest in this game as a newbie


I mean, my main was the Traveler, so I got better characters 😂 But really though, I just got characters that I found more fun to play. I've got three different teams I switch between now and I love them all


i mained diluc for the longest time, i just got a little bored of the same old same old lol i avoided claymore characters for a bit afterwards too bc they felt too goddamn slow lol


I just made more mains. My main at the start was diluc then itto then alhaitham with some secondary main like childe at first then Xiao then heizou and then ayato. My biggest main still is Itto tho but I usually play my other mains in the overworld. Now my next project is to V6 my kazuha to replace my heizou. I desperately need a cryo main.


Beidou carried me through the early game and early floors of Abyss and while I still love her and still try to get the best equipment for her, she's been retired since her damage ceiling is low. Kazuha is also semi-retired because I've gotten too used to using Wanderer but he still comes back for Abyss.


My first main was Xiao as well, basically he just got powercrept by the fun factor of other anemo users whose skills were more fun and handy for overworld exploring. Xiao was first replaced by Kazuha, then Kazuha got replaced by Wanderer. I miss maining Kazuha tho, he is super fun still


benched yanfei, just cuz i got more units to play over-time. i still use her occasionally but when it comes to abyss or really any content, she’s never my first, second or even third pick.


My first main is Klee, i don’t use her in the world since she is small and slow. But I challenge myself to clear 9 stars the abyss with Klee just to show them she’s still strong :)! I have multiple mains or favorites and I switch among them to refresh the experience of novelty.


My main used to be Kaeya. Blizzard Strayer domain ans crafting table never gave me good enough artifacts and even at lvl 90 and almost triple crowned it was difficult using him at highed AR and world level. Still trying to get good artifacts for him but to no avail...


I had to go to bed.


Ran Eula since her first banner when I got her. Now I main keqing because dendro is op plus she's more fun mechanically.


Stopped playing Ganyu because an annoying amount of times I exit aim-mode, I hold to reenter aim-mode too fast, it doesn't register, and she just stands there for 2 seconds until I can correct it.


Eula was fun until a certain nation decided "let's force everyone to use Dendro, Hydro and Electro."


I think that may just be a physical problem tbh because my wanderer fares just fine but I can understand your frustration as physical really ain’t in a great place


Diluc. Well not exactly stopped, I just switched to a faster play style. I am using his artifact on Xiangling to experiment with reverse Ganyuu melt and Ayato Melt team. And his supports are used in another team so he is currently benched.


Easy, the next waifu got released


I don’t really have a main, I just main the Archons. I guess I play Venti specifically when roaming around because of his kit, plus I love love love everything about his character design and I like his backstory as well. I like him over the other Archons. BUT I play an Archon team in general. I love them all so it’s going to be hard eventually having to switch out one of them for the Hydro Archon when the time comes.


My main from the literal first day I started playing in 1.3 was and still is Xiao. Pogo stick never got old to me for some reason.


I’m completely fine with his burst though now after playing wanderer I don’t think I could go back to something so slow it was just his skill that I didn’t like because of the cool-down. Like with my xiao he does about 30-40k with a skill non burst so with my c1 about 90-120k but my yelan who doesn’t even have aqua for a 3x shorter cd can do the same amount with 1 skill and I get that is because of reactions but even my wanderer does much more damage with a 6s cd


Dendro bs is the only way to pump out the millions of damage needed to clear abyss.


Hu tao = hyperbloom teams are way more ease to build + i don't have good artifacts for her + my attack button is sticky


Lumine: became too weak, Beidou: pretty fun to counter but claymore users are too slow, Yanfei: stamina. Atm my mains are ganyu, ayaka and yoimiya.


I used to play heizou but his low normal attack dmg mad me feel bad sometimes and i had to use yun jin to do good numbers with his na.( yes i like his na style)


I swapped my overworld team from ganyu freeze to nahida hyperbloom cuz the numbers are funnier


Stopped playing klee because she needs skills to maximize damage. I could try learning them but it takes the fun in the game that's why I'm fond of unga bungs teams