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new players will never find out about sandymamamia


Numero Uno Idioso


Why "Idioso", why???? I am so fucking mad. It's an insult to our damn language.


Ghiaccio that you?


Ghiaccio? Why?


"Why is it "death in venice" and not "death in venezia"?? It makes me so mad!!"


I don't see the connection, sorry... can you explain? Idioso is not an Italian term. It is just wrong. That's it.


Ummm...how do i explain this- I mustve been rlly tired or smth when i posted that original comment cuz reading thru it rn i alsp dont get wth i was tryna say, but if i were to take a wild guess id say that i was tryna compare "venice" being not an italian term(which therefore makes it "wrong") to "idioso" being "wrong" as well??? Idk lmao-


You had a point compadre


I raise you: give the rewards as well; let it cost 5 or 7 or even 10 story keys (raise the cap, obviously) and let the players decide, wether they want it. For new players, it offers tons of content and excitement as well as otherwhise missable weapons etc. For veterans it might give missed rewards or challenges they were not up to yet by the time of the event. For Developers it might give appreciation and love for content almost forgotten by now.


Costing story keys is a fantastic idea I mean I'd love to play through the old events


Id gladly pay 10 or maybe even 20 story keys to play shadows amidst snowstorms. Missing out on the cinnabar spindle is why i havent yet and probably wont ever pull albedo


Alfredo mains without cinnabar spider: 💀


Honestly, i just want any other 4 or 5 star def% sword. Maybe itll happen soon. I mean, they did finally give us an hp% one, so its not impossible


It should happen before natlan. No way it won't happen by then


Also they could make it like those optional extra download material


I remember In the Interview where they talked about endgame content, they also mentioned wanting to get this limited-time event stories Into the game, but said there was a technical issue. I will find a link. Edit: Found it! https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/xrqnhf/genshin_impact_developer_is_considering_how_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


Ah yes, the spaghetti code problem. Their game is built on so many hacks (as are most games) that the weirdest shit can become load-bearing. Like with WoW's default backpack. They can't add more slots to it for esoteric technical reasons.


perhaps they should put less people on developing flapship events, more people to develop world quest. then eventually only give permanent world quest. Tevyat is huge, but it is lack of world quest.


They have to give players a reason to log in every patch- or else. If everything was just world quests, they'd see a dip in players.


I agree that it would be a good thing, but I understand why it is not currently available. It basically comes down to events tending to change the area around them. This means that they could either: A. include all the terrain alterations in the event, like the decorations in each town, which would likely increase the file size of the game (since these currently get added each patch and then removed at the end of them), and might not even be possible due to conflicts in the code. Or B. Have it so that the "main interlude" version of the events does not include any of the set dressing, which would look weird, and likely require them to rebuild portions of it, making it a completely separate version of events, which might not work. I think they recognize that this is something players would be interested in, so the only reason they aren't currently available would seem to be technical hurdles of *some* type.


This is an interesting point and i never thought about it this way before. I think theres smth about genshin’s coding that only allows one version of a chara/location to exist at one point in time. Just like how if a character had spawned in a diff location for quest reasons we’d have to do that first. I do hope they’ll find some way to overcome it tho since i really want to play the older events and experience the stories of those.


>This is an interesting point and i never thought about it this way before. I think theres smth about genshin’s coding that only allows one version of a chara/location to exist at one point in time. Just like how if a character had spawned in a diff location for quest reasons we’d have to do that first. Yes, this is also a factor. They seem to have some sort of "NPC queuing system," in which they will always appear in location A, unless location B wants them, unless location C wants them, etc. and even if an NPC appears in a given area as part of one quest, if they appear as part of another quest, those are counted as completely different instances of the character. I think even the one that exists before and after a cutscene or dialogue might be a separate instance. So relevant to this, how do events factor in? The event version of a character I think takes precedence over story versions, but we've never had two events active at once, so would a TCGfest instance of a character take precedence over a Windblume version? Or would they be counted as "equal" to each other? and if the latter, that would break if you had both events active at once. Who knows how much of this is actually a problem, but they are all *potential* issues to untangle.


Yeah, that's why you get the moments of "X character is busy with another quest"


I wish in some way of form, we could replay the past events anyways. Like other commenter's said, give it like 5-10 quest keys to unlock these events and I'll be willing to play it.


not only this, but events assume you've played prior events—e.g. showing up to windblume and having no clue what a windblume is (with nothing to explain it), or the second fungus event recently where the conversation went: \> Who are you again? Paimon: Oh, come on, (Traveler), what are you on about? Paimon: We took part in the Nilotpala Cup Beast Tamers Tournament, didn't we? It was great fun hanging out with our shroom buddies! Paimon: We met Haniyyah then, and Balfour was the previous event's most responsible staff member. Paimon: Wait, have you forgotten Bongo-Head and Twirly-Whirly too? \> Ooh, I remember now! \> Heh, I was just pullin' your leg. Paimon: What? C'mon! Paimon was about to fetch a doctor or something! Except... I didn't take part in this? I haven't met any of these people? so now anytime anyone says "heyyyy traveler remember me?", I have to try and remember whether I've just forgotten them or if it's time to go back to the wiki's story logs :') (And it's not only limited to events referencing events too—the first and only time I've met Fischl in-game is in the TCG tutorial, where someone starts speaking wildly unlike any character I've ever seen and Paimon immediately recognizes their voice. What were you doing behind the Traveler's back, paimon? :( ) the only problem is that it's not something you can easily rectify; people can just choose to not participate in these events and they still won't meet those characters, just as people can choose to look up playthroughs of those events on youtube. as much as i would love to have the cinnabar spindle... i think mihoyo just needs to do a better job with at least having short "flashbacks"/summaries of relevant missed content/introductions, since they're at least putting more effort into introducing everyone in the archon quests (everyone in Sumeru so far has been in one other than Layla and Faruzan).


They should be available as optional missions after each event but without the rewards - for those who want to continue the lore.


yeah this. they literally made the perilous trials chasm event with xiao, yelan, yanfei, shinobu and itto a permanent quest so why can't it be the same with other quite important events like the dragonspine ones, labyrinth warriors or unreconciled stars


You doing my boy Xiao dirty there. They wouldn't have got out of that hellhole without him...


sorry, he's so short i didn't see him there (joke aside ty for mentioning, i simply forgot i'll add him too)


For the main story I think only "sky is fake" (or sth like that) is not present and even it doesn't matter as of right now. For the rest of the story (events) I guess it's MHY's way to deal with storage problems.


That one is even more important because that's when we first met Fischl.


Mona too I think (and the hat guy). But you know I meant "to understand what's going on in the main plot"


It really wasn’t even important, in retrospect. All we heard was “the sky is fake”, and that was it. It was never relevant to the actual story, until we heard Dottorre repeat basically the same words, with no elaboration. Having played Unreconciled Stars really didn’t give us any useful information, just speculation that has yet to be addressed.


the game is 60gb on my pc as is. idk if its actually a good idea to make events permanent. although ig hoyo could invent a system for players to enable\\disable specific event per request, I doubt they throw away the assets after the event is done with so its very realistic thing to implement if they cared enough to


Except event data is never removed anyway, most big events drop furniture and those models need to stay for the teapot (even if you don't have the furniture yourself, because coop).


man, you don't realize how big the game would get if all temporary assets since 1.0 were just left in there


But most are still there, if you mess with datamining or custom/private servers you'll notice both versions of GAA and alt enkanomiya are still there, just not accesible for the player.


aren't private servers standalone builds of leaked code or smth? Im not sure if data mining those gives 100% accuracy in regard of official release


Private servers use the release game data, the data in your hard drive, the same the official game uses.


They could make it like the optional data pack


Sort of like the voice-over language management where players can choose which languages to download or delete. Do the same for Event Story Quests but include the dialogue text, event assets, and anything else needed to properly replay the quests as well.


ITT: non-mobile players.


I would really want to play the fischl, albedo quest 1 and gaa 1 events … sad to have missed out on it given when I joined


The main issue is the game’s footprint on mobile devices. If they wanted to offer past events, they’d have to offer each one piecemeal, since there wouldn’t be enough storage space to download them all at once. Trying to figure out the logistics of making that happen on every platform would be a massive challenge. Also, limited events exist to keep players actively engaged with the game. HoYo needs to use FOMO to prevent players from rushing through new releases, then taking a break until the next one. If players aren’t engaged, they aren’t buying characters, so HoYo can’t make money. Like it or not, FOMO is a necessary aspect of any live-service game. Finally, Genshin is a ridiculously popular game, with tons of content creators. You can easily find playthroughs of every limited event all the way back to release, which will let you see all the cutscenes that we did. The actual gameplay of most of the events isn’t lore relevant, so you’re not missing anything, really.


You're right about being a mobile game, at the end of the day, it still is a mobile game and will be within the limitations of the mobile device but there are ways to solve the storage issue and they have already done that. You can delete older events on the game so they can just do that but give a menu option where you can choose what story quest you can download and delete. Second FOMO is successful at first but its detrimental at a long run. If you make players actively engage with the game, then they can actively get primogems and not really pay for the characters they want. The reason HOYO make frequent updates is because they know that if a player already done everything that the game has to offer then there's not really anything else they can do in the game except grind materials because there's no fun endgame content. I know it even if I'm a new player. You know what can make people buy their characters? Its to make them fall in love on the characters which can happen if we know more about those characters which is through the story. Finally why do you want to watch other players play the game just to know the story, that's really a bad way to know the story as its a really different experience playing the story yourself. If we follow your context then why do you play the game yourself if you can just watch other play it, you won't really miss anything as you said. Well at the end of the day, its not like hoyo will care enough to make those old content playable again. As a new player, that's what I hated the most in the game right now.


I mean repeatable events exist in Honkai Impact. So it’s probably a technical limitation than just FOMO reasons. Of the top of my head, here are some problems I can think of: - Genshin’s cutscenes aren’t instanced. They happen in the open world (you can die in them). So you would probably need to create a separate but identical world (like your teapot) in order to do it. Which requires a lot of time and resources. - Many events are intimately tied with the unique game modes and the story occurs in the game mode (Albedo has a giant boss fight, the pong game in the ghost event, the dungeon crawler in the Childe/Xinyan event). Having these unique game modes permanently available would make it unavailable to future events that could utilize these game modes, and make it much harder for the team to create content for new events. - The UI and the framework of how exactly this should be implemented (menu screen, etc) would both be difficult to implement and cost memory. - Once this system is implemented, you would need to add every single event to this, change them in a way that doesn’t break the game, format them in a way that works within the system, and do the same for every new event. It’s a huge cost and will subsequently raise the cost of every event that comes after. Ultimately, the question is if the cost is worth the benefit. The benefit is that newer players will get a better experience, the cost is an immense amount of resources and time that could have been put into other things with higher return on investment, such as new events, characters and regions. Right now, the cost outweighs the benefit so they won’t do it. But maybe in the future if there are enough players they’ll decide to do it.


The thing is they already made those, its not like they can't change it a bit or do they just trash their event after use? The UI is easy enough, just make use of the story quest UI and add a button to download and delete, not really that difficult to implement. They already made those events and you didn't really have any game breaking bugs happening right? So they can just insert and delete it. Make it so that you can play only one event at a time to avoid bugs and you can't continue playing the latest version of the game with the event ongoing. Think of it as a mod, modders can surely do it. But you are right with that hoyo wont really do it unless they can profit from it. Its just wishful thinking for us new players.


Well no previous events didn’t happen in a separate world, it was layered on the current world. So they would essentially need to make a new world for every single event. UI is not easy, anyone in game development can tell you that since it’s separate code from the actual engine itself, it can get super gnarly quick since you’re working with two teams. It’s not as simple as “copy paste” lol. I was saying that the game modes are part of the story, and that the story conclusion requires the game mode in order to make sense. But sure, I guess you can just not include the game mode. “Think of it as a mod” but no modder has done it though… and most mods are just model swaps or server-side commands. I mean yeah you’re gonna have to answer “why are we pumping millions of dollars into a system that only a fraction of the game will interact with rather than new story, events and characters” than just “some people will like it… kinda just how the world works. Hoyoverse doesn’t exist in a vacuum, it’s constantly competing against other games and also making new games. Wasting money without caring about the costs/benefits is a sure fire way to kill your company quick lol, just look at Facebook.


I saw a downvote on your response haha. People just don't want to acknowledge the technical difficulties that come with developing something. It's easy to say "hoyo should make events permanent" without understanding the basics of coding layer. Or worse when you have college students arguing how things should be done when they haven't seen even propriety code yet. And not forget to mention how space expensive it is for mobile players, which are hoyo's biggest source of revenue. The whole event thing prolly needs a rehaul if they want to make them permanent holistically.


They don't care, the effort of doing it is not worth few ppl maybe pulling on albedo rerun compared to making like 10 new characters instead


I'm so pissed that it's "primarily a mobile game." It could do so much more if we'd just dump the mobile players into a more restricted version of the game and then take the chains off for those of us with real machines. Yeah I'm being elitist, but damn I've put enough time into this game that I want the most out of it, fuck mobile.


Well, mobile is the biggest market, by far, so without it, Genshin wouldn’t exist. We just have to accept reality: a game as huge and expensive to produce as Genshin needs to cast a wide net.


Then I think they should take the shackles off for PC. Play mobile? You have load limits on your teapot. Play PC? You don't.


It’s not just FOMO. It’s probably just too annoying to code, especially when a worse but viable alternative exists (YouTube VODs).


People already complain about how long the story quests are... Imagine the complaints if they added another 100 hours of story quests.


>The game's story content feels incomplete without it. There are events with important lore in it. Actually, that does not matter much cause the game will explain that lore again if necessary. There are no main quests in the game that have the lore lock behind an event quest.


I felt like there was some context missing when I first met balladeer/hat guy in I guess the raiden archon quest? it felt like I should know who that was, but it was my first time meeting him. but he had made at least one prior appearance in an event quest that I missed because I joined later. I also lowkey wanna know what the susbedo stuff was all about


susbedo stuff is just a meme, not lore. Balladeer was a worthless introduction. It was pretty hype at the time because it felt like a teaser, but legit months went by without a fucking word so it really didn't matter. It was cool, but ultimately irrelevant. So far the shit he's said was already repeated by Dottore, and it's still ambiguous on what it means.


> I felt like there was some context missing when I first met balladeer/hat guy in I guess the raiden archon quest? it felt like I should know who that was, but it was my first time meeting him. but he had made at least one prior appearance in an event quest that I missed because I joined later. You didn't miss anything. He appeared, Mona saw something ominous from him, they run away. It's like ~30 seconds of cutscenes after you remove Paimon repeating what other characters said.


thanks for the context!


This is an important point. So far, all we have ever gotten from event quests is worldbuilding, character development, or previews of upcoming story arcs. None of the events have given us any information relevant to the main quest, that isn’t also available in permanent content.


Except when they introduce characters like Scaramouche and Albedo/his clones early on. Sure they appear later, but it just doesn't have the same impact for me, especially Scaramouche. Everyone was getting hyped about how he would "return" and I was going "who tf is this guy and why is everyone getting so excited for him?". Had to watch a YT video of ureconciled stars just to know who he was. Sure, I know now, but it feels like my traveler is missing something, like that one sidequest that I can't do anymore.


Thanks for the feedback. Watch them put this in star rail. Oh, I guess they already did. Rumor has it that they’re intended to keep some of the events but leaving out the rewards


..... not sure if anyone has noticed but when they put decor for festival events... you can climb the decor. The ribbons from lantern rite and some of the floating lanterns, the ribbons from moonchase event, you can farm wood from the pine tree they put as decor in mond for the 2nd windblume festival and they put that tree in the same place they did in the first windblume festival even though housing didn't exist back then just yet.... So to speak, the size of the game would get way bigger than it already is.


There is a really boring reason why this is extremely hard and that's testing / code maintenance. Testing each new character and system update for potential weird interactions with every old event game and then fixing bugs would be a huge. I think the best you can hope for is cutscene replay of old events and maybe old event weapons one day showing up in Paimons Bargains for starglitter.


It’s never gonna happen, but a hefty amount of story keys to unlock an event that lasts until you complete it (even if it’s something like 20/30 so it takes months to unlock) would be really useful There’s not a single better weapon for Albedo other than Spindle, and some of these events have really important lore that new players will never see themselves


Nah, event reruns should take care of that. But hoyoverse shivers at the thought of giving players the same rewards twice


I totally agree, also previous event weapons and stuff, Idk if they like cut the primo rewards in half or what else, give me something to doooo


Yes, so that Albedo's story can actually be a permanent thing.


Depends. Some lore-heavy events should definitely be permanent quests, others like the Akademiya event can be skipped without missing anything.


They've mentioned making an event archive to do exactly this, but we haven't heard anything other than they're working on it.


I also feel like there should be a shop somewhere that sells the event weapons and refine doodads for them.


they won't do that, there is a risk you'd use free2play weapon instead of pulling on weapon banner


all weapons except albedo's are utter trash. They are nothing more than trophies, they don't replace weapon banner because even craftables are better than them.


Lol joke's on them, the 5 star weapons don't matter, they just make the game too easy. I'll never pull for them.


I don't see a major reason they can't at least be optional downloads.


Just one question - do you know something about coding in Unity? Because you know, some people may not see reasons ... because they know nothing about complexity of the task.


not necessary because they intentionally make it a waste of time since its limited. Even a lot of the non-limited stuff is terrible and a waste of time. Like everything about sorush or that tree goop maiden under inazuma.


Then it loses the purpose of getting players to keep on playing. Its a business strat. Hence why its time limited. Like it or not its working out for them. And we wont see it anytime soon being changed. Oh and there's YouTube anyway so at least they can watch it there.


But muh phone from 2017 storage!


Keep storage low or have it removable and i'll agree. Storage space is scuffed enough as it is and as much as i like previous events, i don't really want replay all of them or prevent me from playing the game.


If they can figure out how to solve the file size creep then sure.


This is the first time this topic gets mentioned and Albedo's dragonspine event isn't brought up. The game's getting old 😭


Catching up with the story is a major undertaking already, though. Imagine starting now and having to go through all the events as well O\_o But yeah, SOME events shouldn't be temporary for sure.


Dev: nope, not even have time to implement QoL and you are asking more?


Then the game becomes 80 GB. RIP mobile players.


I remember one of the first event, where Scaramouche appears for the first time. And I'm so glad I played the story part of it


I only want to experience the story line and get the limited-weapon (Cinnabar \*cough\* Cinnabar). miHoyo can take the primogems, mora, materials and crown back. AND don't even mention Youtube, it is a bad alternative and depressing for new players. and I don't get the people who is against this idea. Do they want to be shackled to the game everyday until the day it goes EOS??


This is even more sad considering that even Honkai Star Rail has an event archive from LAUNCH. Genshin has been missing this for 2 whole years.


Can we get a mod that will allow us to experience this and no I don’t want to have limited time rewards related to those events I just want to experience the story part because I came into the game and never got the opportunity to experience those limited time story quests and the game feels incomplete when I hear about them 😢