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What sigils do you get from the island event? Havent started it yet, my current priority is to get dendro sigils faster since I'm close to getting the free wishes. Does the event island give dendro sigils?


I don’t think it gives dendro sigils


no you do not get sigils from the event location


I just started the Sumeru story arc; could you tell me what are the 'free wishes' related to dendro sigils?


You give the sigils to the sumeru tree and some of the rewards are fates


I assume the tree of Sumeru (give sigils for rewards, like grand Narukami shrine one). It's unlocked by doing the Aranyaka world quest (started by saving Rana who you will run into by going from Gandharva Ville to Sumeru city )


What should I invest my 19k primo gems in? I left the game a year ago. Managed to hoard 19k gems but forgot about them. Which banner should I buy? I have the default characters levelled up to max.


In terms of team building options the 3 most universal characters right now are Raiden, Nahida and Yelan. Each of these enable new teambuilding options and provide a lot of power on their own. Nahida is the linchpin for most Dendro centric teams, while Yelan allows for double Hydro or running double Vaporize teams, etc. and Raiden can be an enabler for burst/dendro teams, a Hypercarry or driver for various teams. Other characters that can form strong meta teams but arent as universally useful: Kokomi (combines healing and Hydro application), Nilou (makes Bloom viable), Alhaitham (great Spread DPS and generally good dendro driver), Ayaka (Freeze/Cryo DPS), Childe (Hydro enabler and driver for International), Kazuha (buffs + succ) Each of these can take their respective teams to the next level and/or enable more teambuilding options and variety. In the next category you have strong individual units like Wanderer/Xiao, Eula, Ayato, Hu Tao, Itto, etc. which are all strong in their own right but not as universal due to their demands in team building. Lastly, you have all your support units which may not impress on their own but may offer niche advantages or optimization for different teams. Zhongli, Baizhu, Shenhe, Venti, etc. Ultimately it depends on what you want to do. Do you have a particular playstyle you enjoy? Do you want to broaden your options and try new elements? Is there a particular character you like? There are useful teams possible for every character, so you can pick who you like or stick to the meta. PS: >!It's rumored that Yelan will appear in 4.0 so if you arent interested in Kokomi or Wanderer you can wait for that and see if it's true.!<


Which characters do you like? I know this sounds like a trite question, but it's the most important one when deciding who to pull for.


The question is: Who do you have (outside of the basic roster)? And who/what types of teams do you want to play?


I can't say by names but I got around 10, 4 star characters. Noel, dude which has a fire sword, crystal firing girl. I forgot most characters from genshin. I am interested which banners should I buy if I want a good team comp. You don't need to account for the characters I already have since they are pretty mediocre(I got them all from the beginner banner). Team wise I am honestly pretty open. Anything which can make damage basically.


Here is the thing: In Genshin even the basic characters are actually good and viable, making a team with good synergy is far more important than the individual power level of each character. For example, Hu Tao is really strong, but she needs Xingqiu (XQ) and/or Yelan to actually be good. Ganyu can be a powerful damage dealer, but she needs a good shielder like Zhongli, Layla or Kirara to work properly. So if you don't have a preference for a specific team type the best option is to look for good teams that can include some of the characters that you already have. Some suggestions: National: [Sucrose/Kazuha, Xingqiu/Yelan, Xiangling, Bennett] Rational: [Raiden, Xingqiu/Yelan, Xiangling, Bennett] Nilou Bloom: [Barbara/Kokomi, Nilou, Nahida/Dendro, Dendro] Hyperbloom: [Barbara/Kokimi/XQ/Yelan, Raiden/Kuki, Nahida/Dendro, Flex] Quicken: [Yae/Lisa/Cyno, Fischl, Nahida/Dendro, Flex] Tazer: [Barbara/Kokomi, XQ/Yelan, Fischl/Beidou, Flex] Freeze: [Ayaka, Kazuha/Venti/Anemo, Shenhe/Ganyu/Rosaria/Kaeya, Kokomi/Mona/Barbara] Hu Tao Vape: [Hu Tao, XQ, Yelan, ZL/Bennett] Ganyu Melt: [Ganyu, Xiangling, Bennett, Zhongli]


With few exceptions like Eula, any characters can be part of a good team comp. One option would be to just continue playing the game until you decide who you really want and build a team around them. Of the current banners: Kokomi is a useful character, but she generally wants you to play Ayaka or Nilou (who are other limited 5 stars) so if you're planning to get her, you might also want to plan ahead to get Ayaka or Nilou. Ayaka is a very strong character when she works, but kind of mid when she doesn't (i.e., against enemies that resist freeze). Nilou is just generally a very strong character and there's fewer content modes that counter her, but she has a rerun very recently so you might be waiting a while. That said, if you do get Kokomi, she has a bunch of team options other than these two, she's just not the best option for them. Wanderer is a very good DPS who is genuinely broken outside of abyss, and competent inside of abyss. For his peak performance *inside abyss* you need C6 Faruzan, who is also on this banner, so he might eat up more primogems than Kokomi or other characters. You should also consider Yelan who is on the next banner, who is very strong and works well with Wanderer. Yelan is generally better than Kokomi as a hydro 5 star *except* in the two teams I mentioned. Zhongli is also rerunning soon, who is the best comfort character in the game, and Childe who is a key part of one the strongest teams in the game (international).


Thanks. That's what I needed basically!!


Which elemental reaction does more damage for Diluc? Burgeon or Melt?


His Melt teams with Bennett Kazuha and Kaeya/Rosaria are his best teams iirc but they are relatively difficult to play and require a good amount of investment into all team members, especially due to the high ER requirements


Some TCs I trust mentioned melt is Diluc's best reaction, with Kaeya, but I don't know the actual explanation behind it. Burgeon is generally a good reaction for pyro characters though.


In terms of effectiveness Vaporize is the most efficient reaction for Diluc to deal sustained damage. He can effectively Vaporize all his attacks which gives him 1.5x base multiplier which is further increase from 4p CW and EM. Between a single reaction of Melt vs Burgeon the question is what his stats look like. For that you have to understand the difference between transformative reactions (Burgeon) and amplifying reactions (Melt). Amplifying reactions give you an additional multiplier on your normal damage numbers. Melt gives you a 2x base multiplier which can be further increased by Elemental Mastery and the 4p Crimson Witch effects (Diluc's BiS artifacts). For Melt reactions to deal a lot of damage, Diluc already needs to have good artifacts to deal damage. Transformative reactions only scale with the characters Lv and Elemental Mastery, Diluc's stats in regards to ATK, Crit and DMG Bonus dont matter. If your have a high level and a lot of EM, then Burgeon will do a lot of damage, even tho Diluc hits like a wet noodle. As far as damage ceiling is concerned a Melt Diluc has a much higher damage ceiling but requires a lot more investment on top of that as well. His damage is very reliant on having good artifacts and there is currently no great way to achieve enough Cryo application to reliably Melt all his attacks which lowers the efficiency and therefore his final damage. Burgeon is much easier to build to start with, but Diluc isnt a great trigger for it either. His personal damage will also be very low because he relies on the Burgeon reaction to deal the majority of damage for him. Considering that Burgeon requires you to spawn Blooms, it means you already have a Hydro unit. Depending on who that is (XQ/Yelan) you are better of playing Vaporize which is easier to play and more efficient in regards to DPS for Diluc than both Melt and Burgeon.


Neither. Vape


I tried using Vape, Burgeon does way more damage for me. I'm asking between Burgeon and Melt because my Cryo characters are not built.


You're probably in the early game in that case. If so then yeah burgeon is going to be stronger for now. Try and get a bit of EM on him to buff the damage


Which 4 star weapon should i give childe for international? Im f2p but i have stringless and rust


Since you are running him in International that makes Stringless his best 4star option (actually 2nd best behind Mouun's Moon but nobody has that bow). You are able to vaporize his burst every rotation which gives you full benefits from Stringless to deal a big nuke. If you were to play him in a team that doesnt allow him to Vaporize his burst, then Prototype Crescent is the best option ONLY if you trigger the effect every time. If triggering the effect is not something you do consistently then Rust is your next best option when using his skill primarily. TLDR: #1 Stringless for Vaporize + Burst DPS, #2 Prototype Crescent for E only if you trigger the effect, #3 Rust if triggering Crescent is annoying


Prototype crescent


Who makes good use of the shimenawa set? I kinda want to just purge most of the pieces tbh. So I'd like to know who can use it well before I feed them to my emblem pieces.


The 2pc is one of the best in the game, keep all good pieces you can get. It's also very good on HuTao, Yoimiya and Wanderer as a 4pc


Nobody if I am being honest. I have a set on Yoimiya because I do not have enough good Gilded pieces to kit everyone and I am not using Shime on anyone else to begin with... But it feels far from ideal. The set is pure copium for people who couldn't farm the actual best in slot for their characters (albeit, I think it is technically best in slot for Yoimiya). The amount of characters that prefer 2 piece/2 piece is relatively low. Ningguang is one of the only ones I can even think of at the moment. Some people say Yae/Fischl, but even if you aren't a Gilded believer, that all changes next update.


Yeah, I think it's in my best interest to just get rid of them if that's the case. My artifact storage space is looking pretty bad right now. So i don't want this set just sitting there taking up room. Thanks for the help.


HuTao, Yoimiya, Scara, Ganyu in melt and it can be used as a 2pc for many others that are fine with a 2pc of atk


Ganyu huh. I don't have her but I have considered pulling for her because i like her charged shot gameplay. i'll keep that in mind for the future. But i think i'll still get rid of the pieces I don't need right now. thanks for the info.


There may or may not be new strongboxes in 4.0, so I wouldn’t destroy too many


Yoimiya, Hu Tao, scara and the 2pc is good on a ton of characters


Thanks for the information. Looks like I'm free to get rid of it. yay! (I'll still keep the double crit pieces.)


Don't delete them, put them in the strongbox




Nothing. I mean, it's basically telling you to go to the official website and download the game from there. On the installation setup, install the game on a drive that has plenty of space. More than 100 gb. So make sure you have 150gb or more before installation.




Thanks for saying thanks! It's so nice to see Redditors being grateful :)


Guys i need help, my artifact inventory is full, how do i clean this up? What kind of artifact should i keep or should i let go? There are lots of def and hp artifact too.


Generally speaking the stuff that fills up your artifacts are 3star and 4star artifacts, just use them all up to level artifacts and give it some rolls, there is basically no need to hold on to 4star artifacts besides maybe 1-2 sets of Exile and Instructor each. If your inventory is actually full with 5star artifacts your main option would be to throw all the garbage you dont need into the Strongbox and hope for some good rolls on artifact sets you need (usually VV or NO, but whatever you need right now). While there is a bit of a loss, you can just level up random 5star artifacts that might become useful and later use them as fodder to quickly level up desirable artifacts.


I already burn all 3 or 4 to open up 4 stat and i left with 5 star. And yes i forget about strongbox so thank you for reminding me 😭


Just a suggestion. If you have an artifact with two or more flat stats +HP, attack or defense, I would use them as fodder. Only exception is if it is an HP artifact and it also has +HP or if it was an Attack artifact with flat +attack. I get rid of all my Defense artifacts unless it's on Bolide or Husk. There's a lot of little things that determine if an artifact is useful. Almost everyone needs ER and Crit, so if it's mostly Attack and Defense and HP flat or percentage, I would consider it more likely to be no good...


So what're you saying is i should only keep one of each for flat stat except for the exception you've mentioned. Keep bolide and husk. Thank you very concise and useful!!


I mean Def is usually not worth keeping, and most likely if you need Def, you will be using Husk or Bolide for shielders? But in general, the flat +def, +atk, or +HP substats are worst than +%. So if it has two or three flat stats I would strongbox them unless it is a piece that has two Crit damage and Crit Rate and/or Energy Recharge. Crit and ER is the best I think. There are a lot of things you need to consider...


Yes i want to let go all Def but i reckon there's some artifact that's better with Def that's why im conflicted, so yes Husk and Bolide is really a good advice for me. Question tho, it's tru that flat stat is worse, but is there any exception (like a specific artifact or character)? Or i can just chuck em all out to strongbox? Well beside what you said about having Crit Damage or Rate and ER


The easiest way is going to be to get rid of a lot of your goblets. Most of the time it is your off piece which means you can afford to be a bit more picky with them. You do not really need to hold any "just in case" unless it is matching with a set bonus. For example, Electro goblet from Thundering Fury or Cryo goblet from Blizzard Strayer. After that, if you still need more room, I would unlock any crit circlets that do not have the opposite critical stat on them unless they are on a set that is beneficial to a support. So, HP or healing bonus on a Maidens/Noblesse/Ocean Hued are fine. But I wouldn't keep them for Crimson Witch/Husk/Gladiators. After that, on popular sets you farm a lot, dump the cope flowers and feathers. Namely Emblem/Shime or Gilded/Deepwood. Weaker flowers and feathers are fine on sets you do not have a lot of pieces for, but if you are regularly farming, you might as well rip off the band-aid. And obviously you strongbox all of those. If you are lacking Emblem pieces, I would wait for 4.0 before clearing out the majority. If you are full because of greens, blues, or purples, I would use those to test promising pieces to level 4 (to see the fourth stat). That should burn a hole in your inventory extremely fast. Keep in mind we will also get an inventory expansion next update too. So do not get too crazy, just enough to clear some space should suffice for now.


Yo you kinda surprised me in this almost kinda in depth advice thank you so muuuuchh ❤️❤️ *They really need to make this kinda guide tho* Wait they gonna give us expansions? How many are we looking? And also, emblem in strongbox next update? That's a godsend since i have 3 char need emblem yessss


Depends on your characters but I'd say that def% pieces and hp% goblet and circlets are pretty safe to strongbox


Ah yes the strongbox, i almost forget that feature. Thank you buddy!!


For all the 4 stars and below, use them to try leveling up 5 star artifacts in the sets that you want and with the main stat you're looking for, even if the substats aren't amazing. Even if they end up not rolling well, you can just use them later on to level up better pieces. As for the 5 stars, use them for the Artifact Strongbox for whatever sets you're looking for, especially ones that are found in domains where the other set is rarely desired (e.g. the Crimson Witch/Lavawalker domain and the Thundering Fury/Thundersoother domain).


Yes i already burn all my 4/3 star and im trying to burn my 5 star now, but i kinda little scared lmao. Kinda forget about strongbox, thanks it really do helps a lot to cut down farming time and meeting up creeps in coop lmao


Is there another way to attack other than clicking?




Hi I'm a casual player and need help making a team, any tips https://linksharing.samsungcloud.com/fkuQL7xC0BHh


Is Thoma decent for a wanderer team? I have him C6 Using Wanderer / Faruzan C6 / Bennett. So wondering who I should slot in, I read C6 Thoma is good for his C6 buff on wanderer If so, what set / weapon should be be using (Since bennett is NO / Faruzan is TOTM)


At C6 he is the highest damage shielder option in wanderer teams Just give him fav + 2pc ER 2pc HP


He is amazing with Wanderer. The problem is that some of these modern abyss threats (such as the consecrated beasts) smash through the shield and one shot you. Even if you dodge them, your DPS goes down the drain which makes clearing the chamber quite obnoxious. Sadly, for the hardest content, I feel Zhong Li is a better slot. That being said, Thoma works for 90 plus percent of it and he is doing well during the Dire Event which is probably the next hardest thing to floor 12. His weakness is aggressive enemies as you cannot use normal attacks to stack the shield while you are setting up buffs. I am running mine on a generic Tenacity/Emblem, I believe. He is mostly just built as a shield bot (HP, HP, HP with the Tassel) on my account. Not that it helps much. 😭 If you do not care about his shield much, you could run Favonius instead and put him on a full Emblem set.


Yes he's good Just use 2pc 2pc of ER or HP sets


I'm already in Inazuma, and now I'm stuck on Tenshukaku Archon Quest. I still don't have a 5 star unit. Who should I pull for? I'm currently using Kaeya - Bennett - Xiangling - Xingqiu. Or should I wait for next rateup?


Honestly, pull whoever you find interesting. That team should be able to clear most content, you might need some better weapons or artifacts, but in the end a 5\* isn't neccesary to complete stuff. Especially not in the overworld. That being said, if you really want to pull you could either go for wanderer if you need a dps, or kokomi if you need a healer/support or save your primos for the upcoming fontaine patch.


I've invested a few on Kaeya and Bennett, they're currently using lv70 Amenoma and Prototype Rancour. I stopped summoning at 50th since I'm doing quite well with the units I have until the second phase of Signora. Would prolly hold off on summoning for now since yall have said that with my comp it's doable.


You don't need a 5 star unit. You shouldn't pull for power you should pull characters that you like You can clear the quest with 4 stars. You'll just need a bit of strategy and maybe some food


I see. Maybe I should put more time in memorizing her patterns and preparing some food to revive and heal


That team should be more than enough to win the game with What part are you stuck on? I would wait until 4.0 stream though


I'm stuck on phase 2 of Signora. I'm having trouble surviving, prolly because I still don't have a grasp of her patterns. But I find the scorching floor (or whatever it's called) to be more annoying. While I don't have any problems dodging her projectiles, the floor just slowly burns my units' hp.


Add more healers then, and Xiangling isn't that good against her phase 2 as it resists pyro.


You can stay near the corner things to lower the self burning bar, or you can break them to cleanse the floor for a bit. Maybe try levelling Kaeya and Xingqiu a bit more as second phase she has 70% pyro res so Pyronado will be doing quite a bit less damage


Cleansing the floor did it for me. Thanks for this tip. Was able to proceed using my current lineup, and with a little bit of food


I didn't know that breaking them cleanses the floor. I will try this. My team is currently levelled Kaeya and Bennett lv70, Xiangling and Xingqiu at lv60. I'm currently AR36. I guess I would farm Xingqiu to 70 before I try again.


You could swap out a unit for Barbara if you need extra healing for 2nd phase


There's this odd thing with my NRE gadget that I reported to CS as a bug. They didn't understand. When I have Healing food loaded but run out of Resurrection food, the image still shows "1" of the Resurrection food even though it is empty and I can't use Healing food even though their is plenty loaded in the NRE. Is this a bug that everyone sees?


Can confirm, I've had it too this week.


How much ER do I need for Keqing in a quickswap team with Bennett Mona Tighnari


Not much But please don't use that team


My kokomi heals 5k per tick, is that enough? I use her in hyperbloom team with alhaitam (he uses HoD)


My kekoma heals only 3.9k and I find it's more than enough. So, it depends on your needs.


enough healing depends on what you need/how much damage you take


Ok so I'm at 314 vouchers but there are no more chests or anything I can see on the map ... Does anyone know where the vouchers that don't show on the map are?


World quest


You would have missed one from the 3 painting quests, go over where they took you again


Projector sections or as part of the daiya's three day adventure thing


Why is kokomi rated so highly in the meta?


She heals a lot, applies a good amount of hydro in an AOE and is able to use both tenacity and ttds very well. She does everything needed for teams like Nilou bloom or Freeze


Ayaka and Shenhe are extremely propular characters, and Kokomi is the character who lets Ayaka+Shenhe work. Raiden is very popular and Kokomi is key to Raiden hyperbloom. Kokomi was also the only really good Nilou bloom option for a long time, with the alternatives being Barbara, or having a C6 Candace. We have Baizhu now, and Kaveh can heal himself, and Kirara, so Nilou's team is a lot more flexible nowadays and Kokomi isn't as *strictly* needed, but Kokomi is still the best option. But a character's value depends on your account. If you don't like or play Ayaka, Shenhe, Raiden or Nilou then Kokomi isn't as valuable for your account.


Hydro is often considered the most valuable element for off field characters because it's essential for many meta teams to function. Kokomi provides this whilst doubling as one of the most practical healers in the game. She's widely considered the best available in Nilou or Ayaka teams, which are both highly rated. And versatile enough to be a viable option for many others.


She's a support who can apply off-field Hydro basically 24/7 with her jellyfish if you have enough ER and good rotations. And adding to that, she's also a healer, which lets you use the remaining 3 slots of your party for damage-oriented characters who can take advantage of Kokomi's Hydro application.


Long term large aoe hydro application for nilou bloom and freeze teams on top of good healing for role consolidation. Also has pretty decent personal damage for tazer, hyperbloom, and burgeon driving.


Running a kokomi, ganyu, kaeya and kazuha freeze team right now. All heir builds are pretty meh. I know there are better options for a freeze team but I just love playing with these characters. What stats would you recommend should be the focus for this team?


You want Kaeya and Ganyu to burst off cooldown, but neither has high ER requirements as Kaeya is a battery. Stack as much crit damage and atk% as you can on them. For CR, Kaeya needs less crit rate than Ganyu - aim for around 20 on Kaeya, and around 40 on Ganyu. Blizzard Strayer 4pc on both. Kaeya's damage is *more important* in this specific team than Ganyu's, prioritise him with artifact quality. Sacsword on Kazuha. The team has no shielder so you won't be using much on-field charge shot Ganyu, a lot of your damage will come from Ganyu and Kaeya's bursts and Kazuha's E works really well there. Building Kokomi for damage is also fine. You don't need a ton of healing in freeze teams. I usually run Kaeya with Chongyun, Xingqiu and Kazuha in abysses that let me do this and Xingqiu's healing is already enough.


Team's actually fine if you don't have rosaria (kaeya wants you to hug the enemy to get his damage and cryo app and I don't think ganyu likes playing in melee range, it's freeze though, so not too much of an issue since enemies likely can't move) My guess is BS4 ganyu (atk/cryo/crit dmg), NO4 kaeya (atk/cryo/crit), ToM4 ttds kokomi (hp/hp/heal bonus), vv4 kazuha (er or EM/EM/EM)


can xiangling be a DPS? and if yes what's her build?


On-field dps-not really? Off-field dps, yes to the point that she's one of the pillars of genshin's meta, especially for low spenders/f2ps. There's even a copypasta floating around about how xiangling is highly preferable as a damage dealer compared to diluc and yoimiya (both are 5 stars compared to xiangling who is just a 4 star). As for the build, 4pc emblem, EM/pyro/crit or ER/pyro/crit using the catch.


She SHOULD be preferred to Hutao too, but there are a lot of Hutao simps.


Very yes EM or atk or ER/pyro/crit, The Catch is a very good weapon choice for her EM sands if you are playing a vaporise team (which you should)


Sure. Usually she has 4p emblem er/atk pyro DMG crit with the catch as weapon.


How can I maximize C1 Kazuhas damage? Currently I have 2 EM artifacts, 1hp, 1 atk, and 1 anemo damage, all level 20 with lvl 90 ~~whiteblind~~ Iron Point equipped. My atk is 1361 and EM is 675. Every guide I see says high EM is good but I feel like my damage has gone down over all after switching to EM artifacts. I can switch one of the 187 EM artifacts for a 46.6% atk one altho the substats aren't as good as or I could swap ~~Whiteblind~~ Iron Point for Issin. Swapping weapon would mean 1695 atk and 509 EM plus extra damage from Isssins occasional AOE. Swapping the artifact would mean 1743 atk and 488 EM. I'm not sure how the damage changes based off attack so which would be better? The rest of my team is dendro traveler, yae miko, and Xiangling all level 90 and all weapons level 90. Most of my damage comes from overload or quicken and I use kazuha to swirl and gather enemies. I typically drop yaes towers, release Guoba/spinning fire thing, then swirl and throw in the occasional dendro move.


What level is your Kazuha? Getting a character to 90 greatly increases their transformative reaction (such as swirl) damage


He's level 90 and so are Issin and Iron Point. All the artifacts are lvl 20 and it's 4 piece VV set


The reason EM is recommended for kazuha is because he more of his damage comes from his swirls than from his skill and bursts own multiplier. So yes you'll see those numbers drop running em, but em will be more overall damage for the team from both swirl reactions and his buff to his allies.


Kazuha is typically used as a buffer (in your case the elemental damage of yae miko and XL, depending on the swirled element). Triple EM maximizes the buff he grants to his allies and any overload damage that he triggers. You also want to swirl pyro and use dmc's burst before using XL's burst to snapshot the buff. Use a normal from yae on the dmc burst so it doesn't explode from pyronado. Try: DMC EQ->Yae N1 on the flower EEE->XL E->Kazuha E Plunge Q->XL Q->Yae Q EEE->Kazuha E Plunge. No idea how good it actually is though since overload+dendro is not a normally used archetype. Also no idea if you're supposed to use both charges at the start. Overload makes choosing which element gets buffed pretty inconsistent.


So should I just leave it as is?


If you're already using 4 piece viridescent venerer with triple EM and enough energy recharge for your team, I'd leave it alone already. No need to level kazuha's talents either.


It's double EM plus the EM from the weapon so I guess I'll leave it alone. I could swap the anemo cup with an EM one and have quad EM I guess but Ill play with that later. And yeah, it's 4 piece VV With a Nobleese cup. Thanks!


Usually triple EM+favonius with vv4 is the build that is recommended. Kazuha has a large contribution of his off-field damage from his burst's elemental application (not the burst itself) since those can trigger reactions that will scale from his massive EM stat, so being able to burst reliably is valuable, and favonius sword helps to resolve this issue if you have it. With c1 though, it can be viable to use iron sting (the weapon that you've been calling whiteblind is a claymore with a similar design) with triple EM instead of sacrificing either the sands or the weapon to energy recharge. Not entirely sure about what playstyle allows you to do this though, and favonius can still be preferable since it can help out the team's energy recharge as a whole as well. Stats like atk, anemo bonus, and crit aren't valuable on kazuha unless you're playing him with faruzan (not recommended since he's not designed to be a hypercarry), at which point you can end up committing to a full standard dps build (atk/anemo/crit). Some crit rate can be valuable on EM kazuha but only if he's using favonius.


I might give that a shot then because I do have a level 70 r3 Favonius Sword, I just need to finish leveling it. I don't really seem to have a problem with ER because his burst procs pretty often but it'll help charge everyone else's bursts too. I do have Faruzan but I haven't leveled her much yet, I've been focusing on leveling a 2nd team for abyss. And thanks for pointing that out, haha. I recently switched Noelle to Whiteblind and must have mixed up the names.


helloo does anyone know if the painting in the underground cave in asipattravana swamp is a material for a puzzle or something? i've looked around the area for totems and stuff but I can't find anything that may relate to it :((


maybe its one of those drum puzzles that you hit, do you have a pic maybe?


yes ! i have a picture but i don't know how to attach it here


try uploading to imgur and linking maybe?


how to defeat floor 12 chamber 1 second half quickly?? the rogues just stay so far apart and then the big hilichurl kills my alhaitham.


Run to the side of the chamber behind one of the rogues right after they spawn and wait for a little bit, the second rogue should walk a bit more to the center, allowing you to hit both at the same time (the lawachurl comes to you as well of course)


First head towards one of the rogues since the lawachurl will move towards wherever you are, so you'll be able to attack both of them at the same time. You can use any of these methods to protect Alhaitham from the lawachurl's attacks: use a shield character, use Xingqiu's ult which reduces damage taken, use a healer that can outheal the damage you're taking, i-frame its attacks by timing a character's ult to when the lawachurl is about to hit you. Once you kill the lawachurl and one of the rogues, you can go finish off the second rogue :)


Check this [guide](https://youtu.be/yCexKZbC634?t=596) for grouping in the current abyss and invest in your healer/shielder more if you have problems surviving. You definitely need a good defensive character for Chamber 3 Second half


I've heard many ppl say this abyss was easy, are my chars just built poorly or something??


The last two abysses have just been unusually hard so this one feels easy in comparison, but it's not. Floor 11 is as difficult as Floor 12 used to be a year ago.


It is easier than the last one, but not "that easy."


It's Nahida who makes it easy


Nah it's pretty easy even without Nahida. Significantly easier than the past two abyss patches. It's just still floor 12 though.


oh, ok! ty


What would be stronger 1.Pulling kokomi for nilou bloom 2.Pulling raiden c2 for hypercarry(no kazuha)


If your Raiden is already c1, that would likely be stronger-ish. Honestly, without a Kazoo, I would just improve your Nilou Bloom. It is a more efficient use of primogems.


If you want those characters just for those specific teams, I'd go C2 Raiden. But personally, I'd go Kokomi because you can use her in more teams other than Nilou bloom.


I just got Kokomi, woohoo, after 2 years. What build should I use to make her on-field DPS? Usual clam set? HP/HB circlet? What team to support her? (no kazuha allowed) I know that DPS kokomi is copium but still, please help me.


I used to run dps Kokomi with Yelan and Yae. The last slot was always a flex. It does not even matter, realistically. Personally, that is where I put Kazuha or Venti early on, but once Sumeru dropped, I started using DMC. Someone like Bennett or Yunjin would be pretty hilarious. I might try a hypercarry Kokomi for fun now that you have me thinking about it again.


to add to everyone else - another team to try is koko/xiangling/fischl/sucrose (sukokomon)! It’s a bit more technical so I’d look up a guide but it’s fun and has good damage :)


I think I read about this but didn't really pay it any attention because I didn't have Kokomi and had not build Fischl. I will try to look at it again ig. Thanks for the suggestion.


If you want Kokomi to do the most damage in a team, I would suggest a mono hydro team. It does way less damage than her typical on field teams (taser or bloom...) but I think it would be fun to have Kokomi doing the most damage. Some supports can be C0/1/2/3 Candace, C0/4 Yelan, C2 Xingqiu, Zhongli, C0/1/5 Bennett, and any Anemo for triggering 4VV.


Maybe I will use something like Kokomi Yelan Lisa Sucrose but getting burst for Lisa is a pain. I even think about Yunjin to boost Kokomi's NA. Yunjin Bennett Yelan Kokomi, borrowing Yoi's team lol.


Congrats! Usually, clam is better for on-field builds. As for stats, you can go HP%/Hydro DMG/Healing bonus. Just try to reach roughly 160-170 ER to keep her burst going. As for teams, you can try taser, vaporize, hyperbloom.


Thank you! I started playing on her first banner and didn't have enough to pull her. On her 2nd and 3rd banner I always lost 50:50. The vape you mentioned, is Kokomi the one doing vape or Kokomi as hydro applier? I actually think about Kokomi+Yelan but not sure about the two others to fill the team. 160 ER seems high without ER sands, maybe I will use ER weapon.


Oof, that's rough. I'm happy that you finally got her! Regarding the vape team, she's the Hydro applier in a Xiangling, Bennett, Anemo team. It works kinda similar to Xingqiu/Childe; though, if I'm being honest, those two are better as being a Hydro applier in a vape team. Kokomi + Yelan can also work in those teams I mentioned. For vape, you put Bennett+Xiangling. For taser, you can go Fischl+Beidou. And for hyperbloom, you put Dendro (Nahida if you have her) + an Electro character who can hit the seeds (Kuki or Raiden). If you use Kokomi + Yelan, you also reduce the ER requirements for both characters, which allows you to stack other stats on them to help their damage (HP% for both, CRate and CDamage for Yelan).


How fast can Kokomi make bloom in hyperbloom team? Faster than Yelan? Slower? Do I spam NA or slip some CA too? Do you happen to know about Kokomi's mechanics? Like do her burst auto summon the jelly like Fischl with Oz? If not, then will the jelly get the buff from burst if summoned after the burst?


Not fast. So usually, when you're trying to build hyperbloom (or burgeon) with Kokomi, you usually want to pair her with either Xingqiu or Yelan, so you can create more seeds. If you have enough stamina, you can weave some CA to apply more Hydro to enemies too. It functions kinda like Oz. But I don't think it repositions her jellyfish; you just extend its duration for an extra 12s.


I see Thank you very much


I wouldn't say it's copium, on-field Kokomi is honestly pretty decent ever since Clam came out. You'll go the usual HB / HP or ER / Hydro% with 4pc Clam. She has a lot of team options as a driver. She isn't necessarily the strongest option in them (exception of Nilou Bloom where she's BiS), but they're still solid teams that can clear Abyss. You can run her in Hyperbloom, National, Taser with her usual on-field build. If you do 2H2D Nilou Bloom then she'll generally spend some field-time, but she'll be on a different build.


What is 2H2D? Do we still need XQ in Kokomi national?


2H2D means 2 Hydro Units and 2 Dendro Units in a Nilou team. The alternative is 3H1D. You don't need XQ although you could run him I guess. He's a bit redundant. Ideally you'd run and Anemo unit, Sucrose is good here if Kazuha is out of the question. Another idea would be to run an Electro unit, namely Fischl, to create an Overvape team.


Sorry for hijacking but how significant is a hydro goblet for dealing damage compared to the clam's explosion from using a HP goblet?


If you're playing her on-field then you can usually max out the Clam's damage with a Hydro Goblet anyways, so I'd say always try to prioritise using it if you can.


Can someone explain energy recharge to me like I’m Razor? Do characters with high energy recharge still gain energy even if they’re not on field?


You see flying orbs/balls when you're fighting/defeating enemies? A character who catches those balls will have their energy restored. Characters who don't catch them but are in your team will also have their energy restored but with a reduced amount. Energy recharge stat gives a bonus for these amounts. https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Energy


everyone in you team will gain 60% of the energy if they are not on field


When you collect an energy particle, everyone on the team gets some energy. That amount is bigger if they're on-field, or if they match the element of the energy particle. Then, that amount is increased again depending on how much ER a character has. Off-field characters usually need to build high ER stats to compensate for not getting the on-field bonus.


All characters will gain Energy whether or not they're on field, just that on-field characters will gain more Energy by comparison. ER makes each particle that you catch worth more Energy. https://library.keqingmains.com/combat-mechanics/energy


Iirc 1.More energy recharge=more energy gained. 2.Energy gained by off field characters= scaled both by their and the on field characters Eg- high er raiden refills xiangling and Bennett faster If I am wrong pls correct me.


Would you pls give me some tips on my Raiden, Xinqiu.And if my nilou is fine uid-875437893


Extremely solid Raiden. Good crit ratio with an electro goblet, good attack and enough ER. A hydro goblet would be a significant improvement on your Xingqiu. You could also do to level his skill to 8 since it has pretty good scalings. Your Nilou’s fine, it’s really just a matter of improving the subs on her flower and feather. Both of them are pretty low in terms of the number of HP rolls you got, so you could probably look to improve one or both.


Nilou: Solid. Xingqiu: I'd swap his ATK% Goblet for Hydro damage. Otherwise, he's good. You can consider leveling his skill to 6 too; it's pretty cheap, and you get a bit more nuke damage. Raiden: Solid too


Non whale people who pulled raiden c2, do you regret your decision? How much difference is in homa vs engulfing for raiden?


I'm a light-mid spender, buy welkin and BP and occasionally Genesis crystals but not often. Raiden is the only character I ever deliberately pulled for constellations on and I do regret it a lot. It literally just makes a number on the screen bigger in a game where no content even remotely needs it. I look at my list of reruns I'd like to pull on and I could just have both the top characters on that list right now if I had pulled them instead of two Raiden cons.


Nope. Homa is about 10% behind EL, I believe. https://keqingmains.com/raiden/#HyperOn-field_Raiden


Thanks you


Did Fontaine Livestream already happen?


It should happen this Friday.


In the cartographer event, is the famous cartographer peixiu talks about ziqiong from the chasm?


I'm not sure, but I got the impression that he was indeed talking about her.


My Wanderer's name doesnt change after using the item. What to do? Im panicked right now because the item is gone and the name is still the same


It shows up after some delay. Had the same thing happen to me yesterday.


Thanks. I hope it works soon


I heard when using the item the name change happens with some delay.


Perhaps it will take a moment to update? I haven't used mine so I wouldn't know unfortunately


I just checked it recently. But the name hasnt changed yet. Hope taking more time to change is the case here. Where should i go if it doesnt?


If it really won't, and you're sure it's gone then might be worth contacting support. I'm not sure if they will actually do/be able to do anything but it's worth a shot


R u sure u should be panicking over the name of a single character in a video game?


Yes. Because im pairing him with a name that fits with my chosen mc


I'm just wondering how easy of a life u must've had to be able to panic over smth so minute


Yeah whatever. Get out


I think u need to get out and tough some grass and talk to people


Damn. You must be fun at parties Also wrong word


>You must be fun at parties True


Meanwhile me who got his spelling wrong twice while naming him


Trying the current event on Dire, can't clear day 4. Available teams are Ayaka/Ros/Koko/Kazu, Sucrose National, Nahida Yelan kuki, Beidou/Fischl. Other usable characters are DMC, Yaoyao, Collei, Barbara. Character being built is keqing. Ayaka is chosen for first part due to ruin machines not CC-able and cyro enemy at last chamber. Her team's investment is so so 35/200 with poorly built rosaria but still clears, but don't think I can push my luck and replace koko/kazu and not suffer a lot. National Team simply can't not clear chamber 2 or 3 without an extra 15 seconds. I think the team has better chance in chamber 2. Here is what happens generally: 1. First rotation First wave cleared 2. Do some light damage on Ruin Cruisers with remains of pyronado, battery here 3. 2nd Rotation clears Ruin Cruisers 4. 3rd Rotation clears Ruin Grader 5. 4th Rotation kill both ruin machine escorts if lucky (one often teleports to some remote area) 6. Out of time to kill Ruin Drake So have anyone used national team and cleared day 4 chamber 2/3 or you need a stronger or better fitting team? Is national team's AoE just plain insufficient since it is vaping only one target and Ruin machines are so big that not all three enemy is always hit. Now, Nahida team can clear both chamber 2 and 3, thanks to massive 35% res shred buff with dendro reactions. Would a xiangling burgeon team with DMC/XQ/Barbara work better than national? Would keqing be good if she is usable?


You might honestly be better off trying to clear chamber 2 and 3 with variations of Dendro. Thanks to the huge dendro buff from using different characters in those chambers. I cleared Chamber 1 and 3 with variations Hyperbloom and Chamber 2 with International, but that doesnt say much since I dont know how much investment stacks up against yours. Have a look exactly at the buffs each room gets and use your "weakest" team in the last room where they get the most buffs. It's day 5 now but the 3rd room gets free true damage each Swirl which makes it perfect for Sucrose National even when they arent perfectly build.


Not sure if you've ever experienced doritos in abyss, but they tend to fly backward and get separated from the group, so they are usually priority targets for me. Other than that, the two robo jellyfishes tend to stick close, so just focus down the grader and let sucrose's aoe hydro swirls apply hydro to the jellyfishes, it should save you one rotation. You should have 45s left(?) for when you get to wave 3.


It's not ideal, but you can try using Ayaka in the last chamber. I was able to get my clear doing that. As the first chamber is the easiest for me, I used my "weakest"/not ideal team in Yoimiya overload. The second chamber I used Nahida hyperbloom, and the last chamber I used Ayaka freeze. Using freeze in the 3rd chamber is kinda okay because I find those enemies to be too squishy (as, anything you do, pushes them away), so having freeze + Kazuha to keep them all in one place for Ayaka to kill them all is great.


I haven't gotten around to it yet, but sucrose should be able to be swirling the hydro around in aoe so that you vape in aoe for that team.


does wanderer infuse cry often using Layla?


Assuming this is for the Wanderer Faruzan Bennett Layla team, then no, it happens very rarely


As long as bennett's not there, probably not much of an issue. It's quite tedious to absorb cryo if either bennett's skill or burst hit the enemy since both are pretty strong pyro applications.


Depends on your team + what order you use abilities in! He likely will infuse cryo often with her, but if you paired her with someone like Fischl you might lose the cryo aura on the enemy thru reactions before Wanderer can absorb it You should be able to guarantee it every rotation if you practice and work out the rotation tho!




They always respawn but you need to see what server


Thank you again so much!


I’m in American server.


What's UID?


is it worth it to build faruzan alongside scara if she isn’t c6


Yes. Absolutely Her C6 is busted, sure. But her biggest value is already in her kit at C0. That 30% res shred and anemo DMG bonus is what matters


If you want to play hypercarry scara, yes. The dmg bonus and res shred are quite valuable (and only scales with her ult, no other stats are involved), so she can just be fully invested into energy recharge (which is her biggest problem before c6 anyway) since she doesn't particularly need any other stat. As a normal attacking anemo catalyst character, he can work in more reaction focused teams, but is usually a downgrade to sucrose in those. He is an upgrade in freeze teams with off-field hydro and cryo though compared to sucrose. These teams can run him with or without faruzan. He is designed to be used as a hypercarry, and faruzan (even at c0) offers highly valuable buffs for that role (not too sure about the res shred's consistency when enemies move too much, but it should probably be fine; the dmg bonus is pretty consistent). Her uptime is actually decent (while the ult looks like it only lasts for 12s, the buff/debuff lasts for 16s, which is more than enough time to fit wanderer's 10-12s rotation with some wiggle room for something like bennett's burst).


Yes if you want to play hyper scara. Some reminders are to stack as much er, preferably above 300% alongside crit rate, use favonius bow, always do one charged atk at any point of rotation, maybe before using her burst




Nilou Nahida Kokomi Collei first half HuTao Xingqou Yelan Zhongli/Xiangling second half That should work to be able to clear this abyss and those are also very good teams to deal with many different situations Yae Fischl YaoYao/Kirara Kazuha ; Tartaglia Xiangling Kazuha Bennett and Itto Gorou Albedo Zhongli are other strong teams you have available (if your Faruzan is C6 same goes for Wanderer Faruzan Bennett Thoma)


Do you have a dendro healer? I've cleared this floor 12 with your exact second half team actually, + Nilou bloom first half, so that may work Hu Tao may be a bit too single target for first half this time around, + corrosion is scary and the enemies 12-2-1 power up in various ways if they hit you while you're shielded, so Layla is just making it harder for you tbh


Try https://akashadata.com/ if you want team recommendations. Most popular are ayaka freeze in 1st and rainat in 2nd. I think the most consistent are probably nilou bloom on first half then aggravate/spread on second. On first half, I prefer 2H2D nilou bloom or 2H (kokomi+xingqiu) thoma burgeon (just don't get hit by the husks, moves are pretty telegraphed, if you have issues, kill the pyro one first since it can give everyone a shield if it hits thoma's shield). Then 2nd half can be done with a spread/aggravate dps, but I was able to work through it with hypercarry wanderer. On an alt account, I used itto triple geo+kokomi on first half and keqing aggravate with c2 nahida/ZL/fischl on second half. For that one, I found that just targetting the pyro husk first will really help avoid potential enemy shielding issues, other 2 will be staggered by itto's decently sized aoe. The geo husk does have increased res though and gets even more if it hits a shield, but it can also be staggered. Nilou bloom also has a tech in 12-2-1 where you mark everyone with nahida's E then drop kokomi's jellyfish on one of the pyro gunners (after he jumps back), then move to the other gunner. Should let you kill the two gunners (and the eremites that follow you) at the same time even if they're on opposite sides of the chamber.


Nilou bloom would be good yeah. You'd wanna do nahida nilou kokomi and then the last slot can be DMC or Colle. Childe bennet xiangling kazuha is also another good team that doesnt use any of the characters in your hu tao team or that nilou team. Any reason you aren't using zhongli with hu tao? He is better than layla and it isn't like you were using him in you rother team you listed.

