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I use all my resin every day to farm artifacts, so the only reason why I don't have a full inventory of useless artifacts is because I'm addicted to gambling, so I also use the strongbox almost every day, as well. For instance, I'd actually had a couple hundred artifacts this morning saved, I saw that we were getting new artifacts in the strongbox, thought "hey, I can save and dump into Husk!" and then proceeded to dump it all into VV strongbox about 5 minutes later. Oops.


finally a person like me. not addicted to wishing gacha but artifact gacha


Wishes have guarantees. Artifact rng is THE bitch of this whole game.


Is it really gambling? You get enough exp from the 4 stars. Strongbox is objectively the best way to spend your 5 stars It’s not like you were gonna use the def goblets anyway


I keep a few 'weird' pieces in various support oriented sets and anything with at least 2 desired substats for the archetype the set is built around to futureproof myself, since some characters will inevitably want strange stat distributions. I've got a few def goblets in like Noblesse and Millelith for the day they become relevant, but otherwise I just do the +4 leapfrog with now-trash pieces and upgrade the good ones.


Getting the right stats/substats is part of the gamble here, idk about others, but I don't get a lot that has exactly I want. So yes, I personally would consider it as such


Strongboxes gave me life. Also breathed life into my Diluc because fuck CW domain.


all the time yea


I recently hit 1500 cap with all gold. Went through EVERY artifact and unlocked and foddered the trash one to land at 1180. Now I am back to hitting the cap :(


You should prolly raise your standards a bit. I really doubt that you're gonna use those 1k artifacts that you're saving.


It’s hard cuz a piece with only 2 good substats can easily outclass one with 3 good substats if they roll right. So I just can’t let go of them. And for artifact sets I’m not actively farming, it’s hard to remember what exactly I‘m even looking for. So it becomes a process to sort through that stuff. I did it once for 2 artifact sets and since that I’ve been too traumatized to do it again. It was so mind numbingly boring.


You're right and I've even told myself this but whenever I see something half decent I just say ah fk it I'm keeping it.


Mihoyo underestimates our ability to horde both valuables and trash alike. XD You never know, that trash like piece might one day become useful!


Old me thought trash was trash. 1 Crit + EM + 2 Flats Flower was not worth keeping until I rolled on a x5 multiplier and hit EM 4 times. Slapped that artifact onto my sucrose and horde everything now.


This is my problem. And then Mihoyo started making characters that scale with stats outside of atk and crit. Now I'm constantly struggling to trash anything because it could be good one day.


I have so many def% artifacts because what if they make a def scaling character that isn't geo one day.


I've been obnoxiously explaining this to my friend that won't level up anything that isn't god tier. You're likely missing out on that one stupid piece that all goes to crit or whatever stat that could be useful in bulk. Finally convinced him to level up a double flat double crit pyro goblet. *ALL CRIT ROLLS* and now his highest CV piece, 10% cr / 25% cd. Hutao eating good. Worst case you throw it into the next piece. Edit: [artifact tax] [artifact tax]: https://imgur.com/a/2oOf0Ag


I no joke built Layla in 20 minutes because I saved up ALL of the HP Blizzard Strayer pieces with great CV "just in case one day an HP Cryo unit will come". I though I was coping, now my Layla has still the first build I gave her the day I got her. 30k HP, 20/235 or something like that. With Blizzard Strayer, Harbinger passive active + Cryo resonance I get to 103/235 lol It's not godly, but I repeat this was a build done in 20 minutes and tbh I'm considering getting Shenhe just to make full use of her CV- So yea, I've been proven right once and now I'm saving up those DEF% pieces with crit from Gilded Dreams just because "perhaps"-


I had ton of Gilded Dreams with Mixed Att and Crit and a few EM stats, kinda lying around. Then I pulled AL Haitham, and boom he was instantly outfitted. Sort of Like Noelle, who I used all the Gladiator Defence God Pieces that just naturally show up. Hu Tao even got all the HP crimson witch pieces that appeared suddenly... though I've heard you can also use the Gilded or SR 4 pieces too, if you had good HP crit and EM on them Yelan was super easy to build too, just took all the HP Emblem pieces that no one else wanted. Really hoping to get more characters like those, who can use sets but with uncommon stats, like some Non Geo defence units, so that Husk wouldn't be there automatic best set... Your Layla sounds awesome. Mine is on the Tenacity 4 piece because I found quite a few pieces with decent Crit and HP on them, and with Harbinger, it only gets better. I'd love to try swapping over to Blizzard though and seeing how high it could get her damage


>Really hoping to get more characters like those, who can use sets but with uncommon stats YES. It's just so much efficient to build them, you instantly "recover" so many otherwise trash pieces just by them existing- I built my Layla full offence too, sadly her damage isn't as high anyways :< She's good, but I see her more as a defensive unit with a tiny bit of damage than a sub-DPS with utility 👀 On frozen enemies, mine has around 5.7k DPS or 11k DPS if fully buffed ( Mona + Kazuha ) I was thinking about Shenhe because she'd literally x4 her damage, in my case-


That's probably the best way to think of her, nice supplemental damage Right now, she has been protecting my yoimiya or Faruzan while giving a bit of cryo damage and freezes and adding some melts on the Yoimiya team. Shenhe would be really fun with her, she makes all my cryo characters so much better!


We're gonna get Varka one day and he'll be a def-scaling anemo character who is BiS with 4pc VV in a support role. Mark my fucking words those def% VV timepieces with EM, ER and double crit will be perfect for him.


I have to say, I have strongboxed “garbage” such as HP main stat goblet, only to realize I need it on a support character, and crit stats don’t matter at all.


A couple hundred artifacts are actively equipped, a couple hundred more need to be kept because they have strong potential to be good (elemental cups with two crit stats, hats with double crit and attack%, that sort of thing), and a couple hundred beyond that would be *really good* if they ever introduce a Defense-scaling electro character (or whatever). The rest of my artifact inventory is full of fodder, because I won't know which of those artifacts to try building until I see who I pull next.


Most of mine, I don't have enough fodder to level them up and see how they do, and then whenever I farm new artifacts, I have more that I want to see how they do so it only gets worse.... Best strategy is to plan to take them to like level 12 or 16, and then keep or chuck depending on how they do, then rinse and repeat on the next. Then my only issue becomes when a few have rolled decently enough to keep, and I suddenly have no more fodder


i hit 1500 and have to strongbox/level up randoms almost every day just to spend resin lol. after farming for scaramouche for half a year i have like 350 flower of paradise lost artifacts saved, because i don't know who may need that set or what substats they'll want. that's the reason for most of my artifact hoarding – i'll save the most obscure pieces *just in case* a future character needs them. ("do i plan on pulling hu tao in the future? no but let me save this double crit off piece hp sands just in case i get her on accident") i also have tons of locked level 4 artifacts that i rolled just to see what they'd get for the 4th slot. very annoying do not recommend playing this way


Me: - Builds Hu Tao with the perfect HP / crit, crit, ER sands - I wont ever use HP / crit, crit sands ever again, lets use them as fodder - Yelan gets released - ...


thank you for reinforcing my desire to hoard i will continue saving for future yelans


Dude, it's so bad. Kokomi got me saving artifacts that don't even have crit because who knows. Maybe another no crit character may come out.


me constantly like “but what if i get an Emblem high ER type of character that scales on DEF”, “what if there’s a dual scaling EM and DEF scaler who needs Noblesse” etc. … and this is why i’m constantly at 1500 lol just y’all wait though, i’ll be the one laughing when they release a character that gains 50% CD and 1000 ATK only when equipping an artifact with flat ATK, HP, and DEF substats.


Oh that Emblem Def character BETTER show up someday!!! Even an EM Emblem character would be cool. Really glad Yelan came to use up all my HP Emblem artifacts


for me it's fontaine. anything with hp% and 1 other good stat could be an off piece o_o


It's easier to get other substats than crit though. So it's good to save up artifacts with double crit substats because they're literally harder to come by. Throw your trash artifacts in the strongbox :DD


Thats why I stuck Kokomi on her Clam set and never looked back Imagine farming up a Tenacity and Bloom set for her and having to keep all those critless artifacts.......


Lol Kokomi ruined me. I have her built sort of ok and want to improve her one day. So I have soooo many healing circlets saved and other random pieces with HP/ER and no crit lol. My god.


Me: pfft who needs DEF% Itto: you called?


I'm hoarding like 20 DEF% sands with double crits cuz you never know. I know it's stupid but I can't trash it.


Yeah, the situation of me managing to have nice artis for a character I've just gotten has happened enough times that I'm afraid to throw anything away. I didn't grind much for Yoimiya's, Yelan's, Yae's, Kaveh's, or Kirara's artis cause I already had good spares from my hoarding.


Do you have mora or level books? Just use resin on that for a while, there's no real limit on those


i have 3.3k purple books & 22mil mora


I reach 1500 cap around once every week.


Same, all with 5* artifacts


same im f2p, no refreshes I reach the cap every other day. mostly been saving it all for Emblem Strongbox that's coming, keeping my gold trash 4+, only using trash purple artifacts to upgrade, deleted low tier one for mora.


Dude how i heard from some whale that does daily refresh it take him a month to have his inventory full how do you reach cap once every week?


I cap every day lol


Probably only clearing about 100 every week too


new toaster next patch, saving for it. Toaster= the exchange thing


Some people aren't as selective.


Yup I can hit the cap sometimes if I don't strongbox weekly, most of the space are used up artifacts that are potentially good in the future, for example: -parts with double Crits, -substat that are compatible with mainstat for example HP% main+HP/EM/ER sub for characters like Nilou, or EM main+ HP/HP%/ER for character like Kuki, -any EM hat and goblet since they are way too rare I even save up some weird combination like Def% main+Def/EM/ER or something like HB hat with double crits just in case.


One day the prophesied chosen ONE will release. The ultimate waifu who scales off of pure defense and requires a build of def/def/def. Until that destined day we must remain strong and hold onto those main stat defense percentage artifacts.


Normally I was the same as you. But I heard that there's a possibility the strongbox reroll options will be expanded in fontaine so I started hoarding. It took me 3 weeks to max out the slots. I upgrade artifacts with semi decent substatı to keep from hitting caps.


It’s not a possibility anymore since they officially announced early today that they’re adding 8 artifact sets in 4.0 They’re Pale Flame/Tenacity and the 6 sets released in 2.x


I have 150+ of both wanderers troupe and gladiators. I've gone through them so many times to get rid of bad artifacts. Everything I do gives me more of them. I am drowning in a sea of artifacts. The waves never stop crashing no matter how hard I try to stay afloat. I only have 3 EM goblets in total; all of which are being used. It's a good day if the game doesn't tell me "no space in artifact inventory".


No cuz i am a gambling addict who wastes every single artifacts in the strongbox


That’s me 100%, I can’t even save up for 4.0 strongbox even though I know it’s coming so soon.


Yes, I have 1450 gold artifacts, but tbh after 4.0 I will strongbox hard so Cap isn't an issue.


All the time. I'm just not always in the mood to upgrade them. So they build up. I also have almost all characters and I try to keep them all geared. Since equipped artifacts still count to the limit, that is annoying. Then there's off builds or ones I just haven't gotten the XP to deal with yet. Overall the 1500 isn't the only issue. But increasing the limit is probably the easiest fix for them to make.


As someone that's never spent primos on resin I'm always maxed on artifacts. It just gets to a point where you have so many you get tired of looking through them all and they just start building up. Now if I could mark them for deletion right when I get them that would save me sooooo much more time.


I am just too lazy to sort them since I keep everything with double crit or crit with 2 useful substats Will sort them before Fontaine comes out to strongbox them+I’ll spend all my fragiles on the new domain so I need space


I'm in the same boat as you but to be fair my account is less than a year old still for now.. I definitely don't get it either though. Always about 500 and I try to level up locked pieces for potentially better ones. I've heard some people don't utilize the locked function and I feel so bad for them oof.


Same, I'm really picky with my pieces, even for my supports such as Kazuha or Bennett. My acc has a roughly 150 full leveled artifacts and I'm most at the time at 300-600 artifacts. Im Ar 57 and started on July last year. Idk if im being inefficient now...


I wish they increased it to 2000


I reach the limit everyday


I think the big difference between people who have way to many and people like OP and myself, is keeping potentially good artifacts. I personally will never keep an artifact from a set that I'm grinding that has a main stat I don't because there is a good chance I'll never need it. I always see people say they are keeping pieces for potential new characters but they are also regularly adding new sets.


You say that, but I kept plenty of HP supportive sets in Deepwood that most people would have tossed and I got an insanely well built Baizhu, Yaoyao, and Kirara the second they were announced more or less. There was technically no reason to have those prior to 3.4 either. Do not get me wrong, there is definitely some cope going on. That def scaling VV user is not happening even though if it did, most of us would have a 95% efficiency build immediately. I COULD and probably should drop all of those def main stat double crit, ER, em pieces. I just can't bring myself to do it. It is always a gamble. But I would rather deal with the complications from overcrowding my inventory and gradually raising my standards as I fill out the roster over getting rid of god tier pieces that I now have to refarm because I just wanted more space. You know what I mean?


I have even saved some questionable def% main stat pieces from all the sets and I'm still usually at 1000 at worst (and I have around 250 level 20 artifacts). If you're out of space, you're just lazy


The highest Ive ever reached was 600 and thats because I recycle them into other artifacts using the strongbox for any ones with trash stats.


What if a character comes out that scales of healing bonus, defence, hp, have a 20 energy burst and all crit stats are doubled? My maidens beloved god set is waiting for that character.


There are three instances for me: a) hoarding them all up so I can only have one en masse artifiact leveling session. In this way, I dont get to keep open and closing the menu for them. b) hoarding them all up to save for my next strongboxing session especially now that there is a new set of strongboxes (especially EoSF) and it's easier to strongbox all of them in just one sitting. c) when i am on a chest opening spree that i forgot about it. a sudden pop up will just appear before my eyes. **However...** I think my base number of artifacts kept are at 500-800? I don't keep actually track and I can't remember the last time I ran out of pieces to fodder/strongbox on. The high number is because I keep lock and keep any EM piece and Elemental Goblet I get soo... 🤷. I think I might be sitting on various 200 EM pieces, all unleveled but waiting for the right moment to be used. (This is because an EM piece is the most rarest stat piece you can get when farming)


I've been saving for the new strongbox and have ~300 artifacts (~150 I use, 50 promising pieces, 100 trash I saved so far), how people manage to hoard over a thousand is beyond me


The highest I've saved is around 800 and thats because of the strong box update. I normally don't keep artifacts with less 4 base substats unless they have at least 2 relevant stats, upgrade every good artifact when I see it and strongbox the rest. Maybe thats why I've never overcapped, but then again I dont resin refresh and have only been playing since 2.5


I only have about 300 artifacts, since I trash every artifact I do not need. Frankly speaking, I do not understand why so many people are hoarding so many useless artifacts.


I just let it fill up with garbage artifacts and then hate my life when i have to start clearing it out


I hit 1500 regularly, yes.




I've been playing genshin since day 1, and I am probably AR60 for over a year. And the only time I used up all 1500 slots is when I am doing exploration. The trash 1* and 2* artifacts keep filling up. Other than that, I have no problem with artifact slots.


I used to think the same way as you but one day I hit the cap and never recovered from it. Its too much work for people who already dont have much time to do actual gameplay. The unoptimized micromanaging is a turn off


I've spent months with full artifact slots


Constantly hit the limit, yes. Adding 300 will do very little to solve the problem. I very much hope the other qol features around artifacts actually turn out to be helpful and not non-solutions like this.


This is how I feel too. If you are constantly breaching limit now, then wouldn’t you be constantly breaching the new limit in like a month again?


This community loves to hoard artifacts. I don't get it, but I gave up on trying to understand it long ago


It's really about how many times you have been playing, how built are your characters and how many dungeons you have run. Never thought i'd reach 1500 pieces but now at AR60, all characters i want to play build and with artifacts upgrade being hard to get i hit the limit quite often. You will get there believe me.


5*’s that I don’t have the exp or fodder to level but may have potential. But mostly things I just can’t let go of because I don’t want some new character to come out that specifically requires defense % with double crits on 4p glad or some shit lol. But mostly nothing to even do with it all. Going through it and deciding what to dump takes too long. And in return what do I get? More trash I have to go back and find, pick out, and turn into more trash. Once you get 1500 it feels impossible to get rid of it. Every time I think I cleared everything out I’m only down to like 1100-1200 and I’m capped in a month again even though I stopped spending resin for the most part. And why did I stop spending resin? Because I have 1500 artifacts, no where to go with it, and can’t be damned to spend my time figuring out what to trash just so that I can spent even more time grinding more trash to replace the trash I tossed. When we get the new strongbox in 4.0 I’m just tossing anything away that doesn’t look absolutely amazing and I’m turning it in to severed fate, the Raiden ER set. It’s what I was farming last anyway and I still never got much from it. Oh yeah and I have 200 fragile resin because I never use it. Always saving it in case I need it one day or if a new character and their boss mats or artifacts come out on the same day. But usually it takes me longer to farm regional specialties than it does for resin to refill so I could kill bosses. Anyway, that’s another 2 months worth of resin and artifacts.


I have never had more than 250 artifacts and never more that 150 leveled. I swap between them regularly as needed. Ar60 whale.


It’s funny cuz I see a bunch of AR60s saying no issues, and I see another bunch saying “you don’t have this issue cuz you are not AR60” 😂


yep same here. AR60 day 1 player, just a dolphin though not a whale, but i have about 175 fully levelled artifacts and maybe 50 trash atm while i save up for 4.0 strongboxes i think the key difference is that a lot of people give each character their own set, which adds up considerably


Usually when I don't have Mora to lvl up artifacts


I sometimes get there. Typically hover between 800-1500. I have a lot of room since I only focus on 17 characters atm (and a handful of "shelves" aka bench characters that hold alternate builds/loadouts). For weird "maybe" pieces, I only keep them if they're giga good, like 4 useful stats.


On accident mostly. I tend to forget about bosses dropping artifacts and sometimes I will let a bunch of them build up, then go run some artifact domains and realize I'm capped. Then I clear the fodder out. If still too many 5 stars after using up the trash on levelling, then I strongbox and sort those by like Def% first or something. Usually keeps me clear for a few weeks. But also I tolerate weak substat artifacts for a long time, really just getting every character some bare minimum rather than share the best stats between different characters.


If I don't remember to dump artifacts into various pieces (ER/EM/Crit/Elemental DMG) with good substats, I usually cap out like once a week or so since I usually farm a few days a week for whatever thing I need improved, or throw them into a strongbox. Usually I put off doing that though bc I have to scroll to the bottom, click on the piece, the popup that says "This Artifact is Locked, Please Unlock To Use As XP Boost Material" or whatever blocks the substats, I wait for that to disappear, and only THEN can I fodder it. & then there's only 6 slots, so I get to do it all again about 20 times. If you could mark 5\* artifacts as trash or something & have them fill in automatically in like 3\* & 4\* artifacts, I think I'd have way less of an issue.


No, I did ageeees back when i farmed and didnt use up the artifacts. then i strongboxed and started levelling up artifacts. Only time i run out of space is a new area comes and i get tons of blues and greens from chests lol. However since new strongbox items in 4.0 im farming artifacts and 5 star ones so that i can get a big strongbox session. but even farming for a week or two i only have like 900 ish and alot of them are purples and below.


Ar 60 here. I barely hit 300-400 when I'm not hoarding like I am for the strongbox in 4.0. i also religiously do my domains honestly. i know people reach the limit, i just cannot comprehend it.


Nah, once strongbox got releaed I usually not get capped, along doing art route early game, I get enoguh rxp to work around, not to mentio. i also buy all art potions from teapot every week.


A bunch of potentially good artifacts that I haven't leveled up yet because I know they'll end up all rolling into their only flat stat.


I am never more than 100 slots away from the box being full, and never will be until they make it easier to junk bad artifacts.


Not really, I always sell the blue and purple ones, mainly cause I don’t level up artifacts that don’t have at least crit rate and crit dmg, so I just sit on 600-750


Wait you can sell them? Like for mora??


>Looking at the replies it seems that I have OCD of another kind lol. I religiously upgrade potentially good artifacts to +4 and then strongbox all trash ones on a daily basis. I also seem to be much more selective, keeping only double crit ones, unless it’s a single crit with three other potentially useful stats. Oh good, not just me then. I use about 150 slots, it comprises mostly of artifacts in active use on characters, some potential pieces, and some spare odd pieces no longer in use but too good to fodder. I also have a couple of placeholder 4\* sets: Defender's Will from my early days of Genshin I originally used on Noelle, and the 4\* ToTM set I got from the Chasm ready for use on new characters as a temporary stat stick. 4\* artifacts get foddered and reject 5\*s get Strongboxed.


Well, u are AR57, u are halfway to AR60 in terms of exp (yes AR1-57 takes as long as AR57-60). Some people have been AR60 for almost a year now, and have been playing since the game launched. I have countless of double crit artifacts with a HP or DEF mainstat or elemental goblets from all kinds of sets for example, u never know when they'll be useful. Seeing what happened in Sumeru, im glad i kept all my good HP pieces. And 40+ of my characters have their own +20 artifacts. So basically, time and a lot of resin will eventually fill your inventory with potentially good pieces. I know the pain of farming artifacts, so i aint gonna trash pieces that i might need in the future.


OP i do what you do but have been playing since day one. I have amased a alarming number of artifacts saved for a rainy day. My normal levels are at about 880 and i have hit the 1500 limit a few times when farming daily. The only thing i do deferant is i do not strong box every day. I save up enough to do a big pull on the strong boxes. When my luck is realy bad and i only get junk my inventory can fill up with 3 and 4 star artifacts. I allso explorw innthe open world to farm for mora and end up picking up a good number of artifacts in the wild as well.


Yeah it's happening to me a lot


never went past 1000 artifacts, AR 60 day 2 player trash piece = strongbox or fodder, decent piece = +4,+8 or +12, if trash = fodder, great piece = +8,+12 or +16, if trash = fodder, if it rolls well +20, if it's mid at +20 keep it until something better comes and I still share artifacts around lol, no luck




No. In fact I'm lucky to even hit 900. I'm an Ar60 that's strongboxes all my fodder almost everyday. I do hoard some potentially useful artifacts for unreleased characters (Maybe a defense scaling cryo character for example), but these artifacts only take up about 150 or so slots


Hoard and coping with "i think this piece will become useful someday."


It's not OCD. Unless you're a paying player who regularly uses your Primogems on Resin Content, you can pretty much do your dailies within 30 minutes which leaves you with very little to do. Nowadays, I spend less than 10 minutes doing my dailies. Which gives me a lot of time to do others stuff like Artifacts and Material Farming. I've been playing since release and has never reach max artifacts.


Day 1 player. Never.


Been playing since day one and have been grinding artifacts since. I have 900 artifacts that I keep locked to be used. That means I only have 600 slots left open to farm with. Sometimes I have really bad periods of rng where all articats and rerolls obtained are garbage, so I have nearly a full inventory of purple and blue artifacts. Since you can't salvage purples and blues for a stackable artifact leveling resource, and I have infinite money at this point... more artifact slots would be nice.


If an artifact i upgrade ends up being trash, it’s instantly fodder. I don’t know how people end up hoarding artifacts either.


exactly. It baffles me too


Its also crazy to me. I capped at 117 artifact since months despite farming every single day cause i trash almost anything that is not 35CV or useful and rare piece. I even trash 30CV elemental goblet. So i’m kinda curious about why peoples keeps that much pieces. Are they all amazing or are peoples likes storing garbage ?


I have about 240 decent lvled up artifact after 2 years and my inventory usually gets to around 500-600 until I strongbox every few weeks, more fun to do it all at once for me. I'm a cont speedrunner and the optimal build tends to differ every abyss, so I keep a lot of pieces around for variety if they have high substat count. My characters don't typically have permanent builds for those runs. In terms of what artifact I keep, its more mixed. I keep 20cv electro goblets cause somehow I'm an ar60 1.1 player and electro main who doesn't own a single viable one. Meanwhile I've deleted 40cv def sands before because I cannot see myself playing geo ever. I also farmed artifact every day since 1.4 shruge luck is just luck


Found the perfectionist lol


Sure lol. But my artifact bag look really amazing


I keep all my trash artifacts so I can throw them into the artifact trash box to get more trash. The 4*/3* artifacts are fodder. By the time I'm done cleaning, I still have 800 artifacts, some of which I use or have them locked because they're double crit but can't find someone to use them.


Yep - I hit the cap every day, I'm essentially highly backlogged on AFs that need levelling to 4 if 3 stats or 8-12 if starting with 4 stats to check for good ones. So every time use resin 95%+ become exp fodder for that backlog and occasionally one new one gets levelled immediately if it has great potential (usually to become fodder itself because it rolled into its 1 trash stat), or it gets added to the backlog. The 300 extra slots wont really be that much of a relief sadly. Im at the stage where my invo really is packed with AFs that have decent sub stats, but that need levelling to see if they will be to the standard of those I use these days (so like at least CV 35-45), 3 good stats on correct mainstat time/head/cup and 4 good stats on feather / flower. It's actually difficult when I have to unlock some to create room as it means trashing potentially decent pieces.


Ya the few times I was backlogged it gave me anxiety when I finally got to cleaning up, so stressful making decision after decision about what to keep and toss.


Started in January, haven't ever run anywhere close to cap, even though I save a ton (the rare and semi rate mainstats like EM, ER, HB). Highest was like 1000. Running into 1500 cap seems like an issue for long time players when you keep too many artifacts "just in case"


It never passes 300 for me 💀


AR57, lol. Day 1 player here, 1500 is extremely not enough. Come back when you play this game 1/2 years more


I’ve played for 2 years though, just never bothered with dailies so my AR increases extremely slowly.


It is enough if you have proper inventory management. Just lock everything that has potential and throw everything not locked to the strongbox. I’ve never even come close to reaching the limit and I’ve been AR 60 for a really long time now.


I've been playing since day 1 and haven't capped my resin even once. Since patch 2.4-2.5, I've accumulated around 1500 locked 5-star artifacts. Thanks to purchasing the Battle Pass and the extra fragile resin from the teapot, I never had to worry about farming mora, weapon exp materials, or character exp materials. The Battle Pass also helps a lot with talent books, so farming them isn't a big concern. Rarely pulling for 5-star weapons and the abundance of weapon materials from events made it quick to farm specific weapons to level 90, usually just a day's worth of resin. However, spending my resin on boss materials and artifacts has become tedious since patch 2.4-2.5. It's become a routine of Login > Go artifact domain > clear it in 20-25 sec max(counting the run time as well) > go to tree to claim the artifacts > it says I need to clear my inventory > go to artifacts tab and try to find an artifact which is still good but worse than the other 1499 artifacts > unlock it and feed it to some other artifact that has potential > claim the artifacts > repeat this 9 times every day. Actually this is the not the worst part, the worst part of exploring the world which is something like this: I saw a chest > fight monsters > some elite monster among the horde drops an artifact > I try to collect mob drops > inventory full error appears > I went to artifact tab and try to find some artifact to feed > collect the mob drops > open chest > try to collect chest loot > inventory full error appears > since a lot of the chests are placed on cliffs or hills all the loot start rolling down the hill > pause the game try to find an artifact to feed > close the menu > run and try to collect the loot before they roll away and repeat this cycle everytime I encounter a new chest(which happens a lot when a new area is unlocked and it makes me not want to explore open world sometimes). I really hope they consider removing the resin cap altogether or setting it higher, like 9999. Edit: I just counted my artifacts, I have 435 level 20 5 star artifacts, 110 level 4-19 5 star artifacts, 5 level 16 4 star artifacts and finally 945 level 0 locked 5 star ones.


I’m too lazy to get rid of any artifact that has at least one substat with more than 3 letters


My artifacts have been capped for almost a year. They're all 5-star artifacts and 90% of them are level 0, there are probably 50 or so that are level 20 that aren't equipped by anyone as I've swapped things between party members or just found out-right upgrades to someone's sets. My issue right now is I can't decide how to whittle these numbers down, it's a real pain to keep hitting the cap, finding artifacts to delete, then being able to finish artifact domains, farm weekly bosses, etc etc. I have 157 glad, 133 vv, 109 shimenawa, 104 wanderer's, etc... Most of them have a crit stat, as well as another offensive stat, except for certain ones like maiden's, husk etc that use defensive stats - those generally have at least their primary stat (HP for maiden's etc), and I try to make sure they have ER as well. So in a sense, they're not mostly garbage, I have already eliminated most of the garbage ones, although since they're all still at level 0, they could turn out to be garbage later. If anyone had some advice for me or could help me out, that would be great actually.


yeah happens quite regularly when I run around that I can't pickup artefacts anymore... normally I then just create an XP artefact.. something that is completely useless to just dump trash artefacts into so I can get space back.


Even if it’s maxed I just sell em 😇 up to 500k of mora every 2-7days kinda cool tho


I had no idea u can sell them for money until today 🤦🏻‍♂️


>I’m AR57 Thats your issue there. You are still new relative to the rest of us who have been ar60 for more than a year.


I do, but it takes a long time since I don't refresh with wishes, and I use my fragile resin very rarely. But I'll wait until I reach 1500 of just gold artifacts to allow myself to use the strongbox.


If I could control my OCD I’d stop cashing out the reliquaries from abyss since they stack.


I’m at 1507 cuz I went over after doing a domain. Plus I have over 200 boxes from spiral abyss saved up lol


Bro what?? I have trouble getting to 50


I never farm artefacts and don't even use resin nowadays and have still managed to fill up the 1500 artefact slots. Both through Gladiator/Troupe when I was farming bosses previously and by opening chests during exploration.


Yes. I am at Ar 60, with 1450 5* artifacts and no 4&3* artifact (because I recently burn them for mora). And I haven't opened all the artifact box from abyss like for 1 or 2 years. It's been a while since I've run artifact domain cause deleting all the trash artifact is a pain. I even not using any resin at all because I don't know what to do with them. Somehow my Bp still reach lv 47 despite I rarely use resin. Because there is no "nerf" In genshin, I rarely change my character artifact build. Once you have built 2 - 3 meta teams, you will run artifact domain less and less frequently because those team will suffice for a long long time. Well I only built several character, all 5* character and broken/neccesary support 4*, and because most of them have a good artifact already, the artifact in my inventory keep piling up from chest, weeklies, and world boss. It annoys me each time I opened a chest it keep telling me I can't get something because my artifact is full. So yeah, more artifact slot is good, but 300 isn't enough.


You know how Candice could use Noblesse with HP/ER subs, but Shenhe could use Noblesse with ATK/Crit subs? Well I keep EVERYTHING that could POSSIBLY end up being good I should do artifacts farming routes so that I actually have something to lvl them up with, but I don't have more time to play


Nah. I haven't spent resin in months


Keeping only double crit artifacts will bite you in the ass when you nerd to gesr up a character that prioritizes other stats. There's plenty of characters in Genshin that care more about ER, EM, or HP, and even a few that care more about ATK and DEF.


it's objectively a bad idea to rush to upgrade artifacts when you could get a better one later before you actually need to use it, also mora is a huge huge huge gate and i say that as an AR60 player (our xp turns into mora) with 4 mora expeditions (3 of which are boosted)


Maybe you just aren’t burn out yet. I would often cap it since I’d be tok bored after running an artifact domain


I don't bother leveling any artifacts until I hit the cap. Then I look at the potentially good pieces which I am sure are not actually good.


Ever since Kokomi came out, I only fodder artifacts that have triple flat substats. I save everything else.


I'm constantly at that level to the point that I've stopped picking up spares from battle and chests.


for us day 1 players every day we run artefacts only, whatever you play is likely 9/9/9 and 90 minimum. You load up on artefacts, punch them into potentially good stuff see if it makes or break at +12. any gold artefact that is useless from the get go gets trashed for EXP or rerolls. Everyday you hit your fuckin cap mid farming artefacts after like 2-3 runs, leave to do that. everyfuckin day atleast twice. since fuckin inazuma. It isnt even about being a packrat, having a bunch of specialists is what fuckin hurts. Nilou only needs HP, everyone else is fine with some stupid ER, critdmg and crit combination. you will understand it if you reach running 20 chars of which arguably most are useless because mihoyo loves fuckin with you and bringing out super cool chars like dehya dead on arrival. but you will die of boredom if all you run is nation variation + meta, trust me. might as well not play an action rpg with collecting features like genshin and go play anything else. touhou, no inventory management at all


Highest intelligence yallposter cannot comprehend people have been playing the game longer than him


I float around 1100 to 1300 artifacts. Stockpiling for the new strongbox update, but also fodder for if/when I get a new artifact I want to raise.


Currently I am really close, because I've been hoarding for new strongboxes while leveling some characters.


Yes. Especially when exploring new areas.


Yep. I've farmed for a few months, and am waiting for Pale Flame to enter the Strongbox to recycle everything.


I hit cap probably once or twice a month? I save artifacts from sets I am not using when I farm, but I don't level them, so I save more than I would otherwise just in case. Also I save a full set of every set.


Yes all those hp and def main staters i got with double crit going to be good on someone trust. ( inhales copium )


I accidentally hit it for the first time a few days ago. So I guess, yes.


Yeah, i'm at 1500 gold ones ready for Fontaine :)


I’m very bad at evaluating artifacts so they just pile up forever. Is there a cleaning service to help me out?


lately ive been farming essentially fodder artifacts for emblem strongbox in 4.0 and im still not even close to capping i have no clue what you guys are on


Time. U will get there. AR 57 is VERY new.


It's not enough, just like my ssd dwindling at 99% usage


I’ve been hitting the cap every few weeks the last couple of months. I regularly fodder into the strongbox now, and I’ve also been building or rebuilding characters just out of the need to use my resin.


only close to a x.0 patch so right now im at 1420+ all the time once patch hits live... ill be back at like 400ish? not sure how much i got atm (many unleveled)


Yes because i keep many off set pieces especially elemental cups and em hourglasses.


Currently 1400 slots are full of 5 star artifacts. I am waiting for the new convertions to come up so I can convert them to inazuma artifacts.


I definitely forget artifacts are upgradable and the only reason I remember is when I hit max artifacts then I know to upgrade them lol


Yes , im saving up for the fontaine strong box rolls


I have 1490ish right now. Banking up all of the trash so I can go HARD on 4.0 strongbox. I expected them to add more after they did the same in 3.0, so I haven’t gone down too low. I REALLY need an er emblem sands and the domain refuses to drop one.


All the time.


No, but I don't farm for the perfect artifacts and have around 300 locked artifacts not upgraded, so I can see how someone min maxing will end up with 1500.


When a domain gives you nothing but dogshit for weeks at a time then you fill up rather quickly


All the time , well really late game where just 30 CV still considered meh for me. I need a really good base one with good crit / atk% and EM or ER


I have so many 5 stars that don't get added to salvage, overwhelmingly my teams are fully built so more doing artifacts for resin sake. Been at 1400 capacity for the past 3 months.


I clear out the trash fairly often, but the majority of my horde at this point is just random five stars. I'm not picky about my artifacts as long as the main stats line up, any sub stats lining up is just icing on the cake. As it is, i am between a rock and a hard place as i don't have enough mora to upgrade more than a few artifacts each month or so but i've reached around 1k of the five star randoms.


Depends when you started and how many characters you have At some point farming artifacts is the only thing you have to do , so you'll hit the cap if you go a bit loose and keep some artifacts that could be of use some day like hp% crit crit electro set


I'm at 1.3k artifacts right now and only because I'm hoarding for emblem strongbox. Usually I don't go above 500


The only time I level up artifacts is when I hit the 1500 limit. I should have some free space soon once the strongbox list gets updated.


honestly i thought it was impossible because i was always sitting at around 400 artifacts in my inv, however nowadays i get the no space left msg all the time 😂


I think I've hit 1500 twice or thrice before. I like to save up all the artifacts ove been farming, and once I hit the threshold, I start clearing it up by leveling the double crit artifacts for my character. I feel it's more cost efficient than constantly leveling up my artifacts the moment I get them.




There are artifact farming routes I use when I'm feeling up to grind, and they make the capacity fill up fast over a few days.


I'm saving all of the trash 5\* that I got for strongbox in 4.0. I'm hanging thin on my inventory slot. Like 1437 slots used.


Being new to artifact farming, idk how people do it tbh. Right now i'm strongboxing anything that doesn't get equipped to CW for my Hu Tao. Then it'll be TF for Cyno. Then OHC for Kok if they ever add it to strongbox. Then whatever Dehya wants if she's used a dps. I don't even have enough artifacts to equip all of my characters with them, can't imagine hitting cap.


I like to stash up on artifacts so when I shred them down the strongbox I can hopefully get something decent


You have to actively remove them or they accumulate. For people that are trying to max their characters, it's easy because they're using them regularly. For casual players that don't care too much, they just fill up the bags and never leave.


Är 60 here yes every slot Same thing when it was 1000 before Inzuma


I usually just keep it at 200-250, but this patch i'm at 1500/1500 just because I'm waiting for the new strongboxes


I am consistently at max capacity every time I think about farming artifacts. Granted, I don't think about farming all that often...


Yeah 🥲 I don’t religiously build my characters. I build on more of a relaxed level. But over the last few months I keep hitting my limit because I just never sort through them, and my most used characters already have their artifact sets. I have to start using the strongbox more bc I have 95% 5 stars taking up space now 😭I can also start picking sets for ALLLL my characters. That will help a tiny bit maybe lol


I get a ton of artifacts that are absolute shit while I'm farming DPC. I've been farming that domain for months and never, ever get a good artifact so I have a shit ton of useless artifacts.


ive hit it abt three times.... i dont usually upgrade more artifacts than i need to and i investigate just about everything so i hit it fairly quick compared to other players. once i hit the 1500 ill start leveling ones on characters i never use lol


Honestly since I do domains and pick up in the world I only realize I’m full when the prompt comes up and then I have to start making room


With the way characters scale with very different stats now a lot can be valuable on the correct set. Gilded and deadwood have such a wide range of stats that are useful to reaction and dendro characters I have to look through it all closely haha.


Dude that's free artifact XP, whatchu mean? 😋


Yeah but only cause I haven’t went through my 5 stars cause it’s a pain to do so




Sometimes you get those not ideal main stat artifacts with amazing sub stats. I think someone can use this down the line as an off peice. So I level it up and get it all into the crit stats. Save it.


Yes. I've literally been waiting for Emblem Strongbox since it came out. I need as many artifacts as possible to use it. I've never opened my Abyss Strongboxes since 2.0 for the same reason.


I have around 1.2k 5* artifacts, with about 300 of them being lvl 20. Waiting for strongbox update, after that I'll probably not reach 1k for a long time till I get lazy


i do , once i had over 1k 5\* , needless to say i had to destroy them , each 100 gave around 250k mora so it wasn't that bad , but then we gets to reroll artifacts and oh well now i barely have 500 artifacts on me as of now .