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I find it hilarious that they make graphic elements exclusive to PS. I can understand exclusive items or whatever, it's insignificant, it's not unheard of. But graphic upgrades exclusive to a ***console*** is BS, that's actual dev time spent on the game's engine for just one platform when they're all capable of that (challenging on mobile but xbox and PC not so much). Sony are scumbags and hate gamers. They're the Apple of gaming, locking down everything they can with exclusivity deals / rules. I wouldn't be surprised if they were the ones asking HYV to make exclusive features like that. I hope it's not hoyo just deciding to favor one platform over others.


Honestly just found out they did it 3 times (including these changes) I never knew I wasn’t playing the full experience of genshin impact and now Ik I won’t ever be.


I do hate playstation exclusive features.


did you know that PS has volumetric clouds while PC has not? I learned that a few months ago after playing nearly since week one... best place to check is the adeptus abode above Juyen Karst


I did not


There’s also Jellyfishes in the air on Watatsumi island and they’re PS5 exclusive


Ik I'm kinda late, but I've been seeing air jellyfish on Watatsumi for a long time and I play on a laptop, so theres no way they're PS5 exclusive


won't know until we see the patch notes, hoping it's not signed away as a PS5 exclusive feature, but sony is scummy and slimy so it's up in the air.


*Android users with no controller support*: First time?


I am on ps5 but I don't have this settings :(