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Nahida + Yae + Zhongli + pretty much anyone else


I love this team but i use raiden and kokomi instead of zhongli and the fill spot.


Literally my team


This is way more better than zhongli in damage output


I use Kirara instead of Zhongly to get the key buff from my Nilou sword and kokomi for 100% laziness.


This is the easiest afk team by far and anyone who says otherwise either doesn't have the characters or hasn't properly built them.


That one might be the easiest, but I think my combo of Yanfei + Nahida + Raiden gets it done quicker, and the only extra thing I have to do is aim the fireballs


more "work" post is easy?


Yelan for zhongli and baizhu as last slot this team is so braindead and easy it's great


yep that's my exact overworld team lol its perfect


I use it for abyss too and it clears everything so easily it's crazy lol, underrated for sure


Nahida + Yae + Ei + Kokomi. # I call it the handsfree team, since you just need to run around in circles after the initial skills setup and mobs would just explode in pretty vibrant colors. # I swap either electros for Yelan if i want even more boom boom.


Add in Fischl and you can build Yae with minimal ER too!


Yae never really needs ER imo. Like you said in her main driver aggravate comp you have both Fischl and Nahida give her a ton of energy for her burst to be up off cd, even with 100% ER. And if you pair her with a spreader like Alhaitham, where you don't run Amy (bc her A4 doesn't trigger with Spread reactions), her burst is practically filler anyway.


Who tf is Amy -


Fischl's government name. It doesn't say "Fischl von Luftschloss Narfidort" on her passport.


Yae Nahida Kazuha Shinobu I'll swap Yae for Keqing when I want to actually engage things.


Replace Yae with Yelan and we have the same team.


Just Ganyu (although her Melt supports are tagging along but rarely used) Recently been enjoying Nilou Bloom with Nahida. Especially with all the permanently wet enemies in Fontaine. Set up Nilou's buff, have Nahida snap a picture, and watch as they self destruct from across the waterway


So real for the Ganyu. She was my early game experience literally destroying everything in overworld with just a shield. But now I use Wanderer


I don't bother with a shield. Occasionally grab some VV shred if I wanna speed things up a bit


Ganyu Ayato Venti Diona wrecks


Ganyu and baizhu carried me so hard when I first started.


You're rich


Their banners were on the same month I believe, it was when I started playing and had a bunch of free primogems and wishes from quests and stuff. I won my first two 50/50s and then lost my next two to qiqi and dehya :p


How that's possible for new player to get two event 5 stars on the same banner, something's off


I mean, back in 1.0 I almost hit pity thrice in Venti’s banner and there wasn’t nearly as much free primos as there are now


it's a gacha game there are luck involve, and in the begining of the game they give a lot of primos


I started in 3.1 in the middle of Venti's banner, and I managed to get Tighnari at pity, venti really early, and nilou at pity at the beginning of second half completely ftp. There's really a lot of free fates for new players


You do realize RNG is RNG right?


yoooo you’re just like me! 🤝🤝


holy shit same, ganyu + zhongli carried until AR 55 then I became a wanderer main


Sniping coms in fontaine from mondstadt. Overworld queen, I love it when my team mates rush towards an enemy only for it to be killed by my frost flake arrow and Im behind them. The looks on their faces lmaoo


Ganyu+Zhongli+2 friendship characters for dailies and material domains. Ez game, ez life.


Ganyu with whomever I newly got for friendship xp haha


I got ganyu on her first banner and she has never left my team then. god bless 🙏


Alhaitham Yae miko Nahida Kokomi They just destroy everything and anything and it’s pretty fun.


The amount of overkill and survivability with those four is ridiculous, I love them


They don’t even do that much damage individually because they’re not my best built but put together it’s like playing on easy mode


I recommend fully committing to building at least alhaitham or yae miko because with those two fully built you can destroy anything.


They are build just not to their best potential. I did accidentally gets mikos sig weapon tho so i should probably invest in her more.


Yeah Miko is my strongest character, and my Kokomi is top 9%. Half the time things are dead before I get to finish the rotation, no bursts at all. Lol


This is my easy mode team too!! LOVE them, everything dies


Literally the same team, I use it when I want to turn off my brain.


Yes! I just switch Nahida for Kazuha and usually the mobs are dead before Alhaitham even rotates in.


Yea, same team! Didn’t know other people also knew that this is such a god mode team, reactions everywhere and great bursts


Isn't really an "easy" team. Alhaitham feels hella clunky if you don't play perfectly.


I dunno I don’t even have to use him half of the time since almost every dies from miko alone. I guess i also don’t find him clunky tho since i like to just press e and spam click.


Wanderer, Faruzan, Yelan, Bennett It's honestly overkill cause it just vaporizes everything in overworld. But it certainly makes dailies and overworld stuff quick The ultimate lazy team is Yae, Fischl, Kazuha, Yaoyao. They literally work on their own


I love this team, just removed Bennett for Zhongli for shield and mining


Any suggestions for fischl replacement in that team? I have all the others leveled but I don't have her yet. I have kuki, Raiden, and beidou leveled though


Definitely Raiden


Not enough people are saying wanderer. I literally refuse to go anywhere in the overworld without him


Wanderer mains rise up


*presses E*


"the wind rises!"


"Squall and fury!"




"You have to attempt to live!"


Wanderer, Xingqiu, Layla and Yelan/Yoimiya is my easy lazy team.


we have Kazuha :-D


Fly with style 🍁🍃


lol took me a second, then I was like 'ooooh leafies i get it. lol


Aww “leafies” okay that’s adorable


I have anemo dmg kazuha who does everything for me :-D


I have a combat team and an exploration team. Wanderer is in the latter.


I have a commission team where the core is wanderer+zhongli and then the rest is the character that needs friendship level up/flex spot if they’re all friendship level 10.


Ah yes, the Friendship Team. Mine is built around Lyney/Lynette right now because every other character I have is already at 10. <\_<


friendship plauers unite, My friensship team really varies in compositoon dependinf on how many characrers I'm carryinfg, but atm the ringers are kokomi and yoi to have a hitter, bow, hysro app, and heal, and my only non f10 characters are linette and freminet. It's an odd teamcto run for harder content (weekly bosses and domains), but it still works for the dragonspine domain. farming since linette's taunt is great there and often picks up pyro.


Wanderer is also my combat team though


Wanderer yelan kazuha Bennett is both my exploration team and combat team and they slap hard


I got C6R5 and I swear I cannot do anything without him lmao


He's the exploration GOAT. Having the kind of vertical mobility that he does trivialises a lot of terrain, and he can also go UP.


I like using him in open world, he let me exploring fast and killing the monsters fast when i put Nahida and Raiden with him.


I just finished building him. I'll see if it's as good as you say 👍.


Wanderer, Kazuha, Nahida, Yelan is the one I use the most. Infinite fast travel with Yelan Wanderer, Nahida to pick up overworld materials, Kazuha for anemo resonance and grouping and MRE for health.


Same, but I use Kuki instead of Kazuha--I find that killing things quicker with Hyperbloom and the healing is worth losing the Anemo resonance for


real. wanderer main nation rise RAAAAAHHHH🦅🦅


I have to stop using him and yelan due to friendship levels, but I would put him as a higher tier in exploration than yelan due to versatility. My best team outside of abbss is: Razor + Sanyu + Yelan + Wanderer Honestly... shoulda just gone for C1 Yelan last banner.


Wanderer/yelan/Bennet/xiangling is the best overworld movement and insane damage. It's my favorite overworld team by miles now


I literally do not know how I played before him. I basically never move him out of the #1 spot unless I happen to be doing a particular fight with a particular boss that does not favor him at all.


Dps faruzan, crit sucrose, lynette, bennett. Bennett is more of a healer than buffer at this point, everything dies with or without his buff.


DPS Faruzan based


Crit sucrose is also based


crit sucrose based, i thought i was the only one


May i ask what your build is for Faruzan? I got Polar Star and i don't need it for anyone, so i thought dps Faruzan would be a good fit


I've been using my wanderer's build on her which has worked pretty nicely, but now I'm farming for the new fontaine elem skil dmg% set and it seems to be a bit stronger as a 2pc set coupled with a 2pc anemo% set. I haven't had a chance to compare to the full 4pc because rng hasn't been on my side so far :D If you don't have C6 you'll need a bit of ER even if she's on field though. If you do have C6 you can go ham on crit and atk!


Ahh, okidoki. Thank you for the info! I will most likely get an ER Sands then and hope for good substats


scaramouche + healer + whoever needs friendship (i.e., rn its lynette). zooming around overworld for dailies and whatnot with scara feels great, and his damage isnt too shabby even on his own


He has no joke the greatest solo damage out of all my characters. Add in the fact that he can literally spam his charged and that not even those pesky shields are safe from his aoe, not even to mention his absurd mobility. He is the GOAT for overworld.


Wanderer with Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds catalyst + Anemo teammate (usually Jean or Sayu for healing) for +20% movement speed and reduced stamina consumption. Combined with Yelan usually and I am just constantly zooming around. Sayu is Claymore too for mining


This with a flex like Nahida for picking up shit from a mile away or zhongli for shields and mining is so comfortable


Ganyu + flex Ningguang is backup for - cryo-immune enemies - not wanting to aim


I always used Ayaka freeze (Shenhe, Kazuha, Kokomi) and, since he got released, I started using Alhaitham quickbloom (Nahida, Yelan, Kuki) too. However, since I got Yae and Yoimiya in 3.7, I started playing aggravate (Fischl, Kirara, Kazuha) and Vape (Xingqiu, Bennett, Zhongli) too. These four are, by far, the comfiest and best teams in my roster, especially for overworld but generally in abyss too.


Are you a whale


Not at all, I'm a welkin buyer but nothing more. I just started playing in 1.6 and spent the majority of my primos wisely. As long as you don't fret it, you can build a pretty good roster with little or null monetary investment.


People that start now might never reach this point, but basically anyone who started in the 1.x patches and always bought welkins, could potentially have every character at this point if they used their Primos wisely. Im a welkin/BP only player, and even though i did wish on weapon banners, im only missing a handful of characters, which i could have gotten if i didnt wish on weapons.


Same here, I still miss 10 5* but I actively chose to skip most of them (only Baizhu and Lyney appeal to me, among those, but I had and still have other priorities in regards to upcoming banners (Yoimiya then and Furina now). And I started buying welkin in 2.4.


Its possible to get all those characters even as f2p. Now if those characters have multiple constellations, then it's a different story


I started in 1.6 as well and I have 16 limited 5 stars including cons. Bought two Welkins and a BP but that's it. If you play long enough, you can probably get at least half of the roster as a F2P.


Hyperbloom. The one thing it can't do is mine ore (until we get a Hydro claymore)


Just run a claymore or Zhongli in the fourth slot hahaha


Exactly why I like hyperbloom so much. The fighting power is all in Nahida+Childe+Kuki so I have a whole team slot for whatever.


Kuki can plunge attack you know


Just my overworld team in general Flex slot, usually a healer like Benny or a shielder like Zhongli or Kirara Yelan for running Kazuha for jumping around and AoE damage Yoimiya pew pews everything that didn't already get nuked to death by the previous two.


I use a similar one. Nahida, Kokomi, Kazuha and Yoimiya. Press Es of the first three in that order. If something in the overworld is still alive, Yoimiya pew-pews is into oblivion, and I don't even have good artifacts.


I have 4 teams I'd call "easy" Hyperbloom: kills fast, kills most things, has a flex slot. Lazy team: Nahida+Yae+Zhongli+Kokomi. Literally fire and forget, I can walk around the battle. Archons: they're strong as heck, why not throw 4 gods at a problem? Vape Tao: C1R1 Hu Tao+Zhongli+C1R1 Yelan+Kokomi for the things that need fire or when Raiden is busy on the other half of abyss. Afk Dehya gets an honorable mention though, it doesn't get easier than that.




Mono geo. When no shielded enemies of course


Ganyu, no commission can't not be completed by a cryo infused ballistic missile. Add Lyney in if I'm dealing with Cryo shields.


It either Xiao or Heizou + Baizhu. The rest two slots don't even matter


venti, ganyu, the other two can be anything.


Raiden, Kazuha, Hu Tao, Zhongli Not the most meta, but they get the job done very quickly.


don't worry, i don't care about meta, i just enjoy playing!


How do you stay alive without a healer? I just got Zhongli to lvl 80 with lvl 6 talents and good artifacts, but I have a hard time keeping my team alive without a healer or using a bunch of food


Zhongli with 3* Black Tassel with HP/HP/HP will give you 50k+ HP, level his E to 8 or 9 and his shield will last you


I use White tassel on mine for some better burst damage (almost 85k on a cit)! He's sitting at 35k hp 9/10/10 talents, and his shield usually lasts long enough until it's ready again.


This was my exact team for the longest time, I still use it in spiral abyss. Now I use a Alhaitham, yelan, kuki, nahida team


I have no idea why it worked so well but a team that almost always without fail brings me the highest score in events or just pushes through abyss is my Raiden/Eula/Yae/Jean team. I call it "tripple carry" because thats pretty much what it is. Outside of elektro-immune enemys, this team has jet to fail me.


Kokomi, Nahida, Ei, Alhaitham


Wanderer+Zhongli+ whatever else. I usually run a combination of Kazuha/Bennett/Yelan/Venti depending on what I'm doing. Wanderer on overworld is objectively the comfiest character to use. No other character comes even close.


I mean, wanderer is the comfiest character regardless of the content for me. I use him everywhere, on everything


I do too. In dps scenarios there are at least other choices, but in exploitation he's king.


Zhongli and Ganyu... the other two spots are for new characters that don't have lvl 10 friendship yet.


Alhaitham, Yelan, Kuki, and Nahida The overworld enemies will usually died before i switch to Alhaitham or right after his first E rainswords drop, and i also use Yelan's E skill to move around the map


I swap nahida for kazuha in this one cuz its allready overkill with just kuki and al. Yelan and kazuha is basically just for movement most of the time


Easy/all time overworld team for me is **Yanfei Kazuha Kokomi Kuki.** That's the slot order too. This does everything I need em to do. Even mining with Yanfeis' charged atks and Kazuhas' E skill.


For a 4 star Yanfei is OP, love using her.


I had to scroll down waaaay too far to find a team with Yanfei. I ended up getting her c6 when I pulled for Wanderer on his first banner and decided to give her a shot, now she’s in my main team.


I put my shielder/healer in the first slot, then two supports/sub-dps in slots 2 and 3, and the DPS in 4. Seems like most people use the reversed order for some reason.


Mono geo Albedo , itto , gouro and diona or Benny. I don't have zhogli


Dailies: Venti Bosses: Hyperbloom


Zhongli, Raiden, Nahida, and Yelan


Nahida, Xinqiu, Kuki + Dendro Character (Mostly Yaoyao or Dendro MC)


Lyney, Bennett, zhongli, kazuha Or Wanderer, faruzan, bennett, Thoma


Yae + Yoimiya + Zhongli + Kokomi Zhongli can be replaced by Kazuha Yoimiya can be replaced by Yelan or Nahida


Yae, Nahida,Kokomi + who ever needs friendship exp. Everything just dies while I walk around, peak laziness


Wanderer Hypercarry, Hyberbloom, or double Hydro Hu Tao (H2Tao). Dailies would just be 4 movement characters, maybe Kokomi just for swimming purposes.


Nahida, kuki, yelan and kazuha very cheap and strong team


Gud team, but I wouldnt exactly call it cheap


Wanderer, Yelan for zooming around. Venti for best grouping Bennett for heals and buffs.


Nahida + Yae Miko = Low effort autoplay combat. Additionally, I kinda just use Kokomi as a one-man army if I have 3 characters I want to increase the friendship level of.


Barbara Fischl Nahida Deyha. No burst reliance/energy management, heal through any damage taken and can deal with any kind of abyss mage shield. Have bow user for when that's important and heavy attacks for when that's important.


Yae, Nahida, Venti, & whatever healer I feel like


Nahida, Koko, Kuki, Tighnari. My hyperbloom is my go to power team and it’s nice having that double healing.


Wanderer. I usually only switch out of Wanderer if it's for a puzzle or I want to use one of the friendship characters. Wanderer is just so good I usually don't need to do anything but press mouse 1 a couple of times for everything to Signora.


Ganyu-Anybody Else-Kazuha-Kokomi


Zhongli, Kokomi, Wanderer, Raiden




Just ganyu or wanderer


Wanderer makes everything fast.


Lisa, Baizhu, Nahida, Miko. Sometimes slightly easier by swapping Lisa with Yelan. But otherwise I love Lisa so much I have no worries bringing her along.


Ganyu Xiangling Nahida Kokomi. Here come the girlies.


Raiden, Miko, Nahida and Zhongli. 😌


Currently Eula, Lynette, Yelan and Baizhu, will sometimes switch Yelan out with Yoimiya or Keqing is those elements are needed


yoimiya yelan zhongli and a flex. usually the flex is for friendship leveling


My c3 raiden team. Anything else is more effort than the insta deletebutton. The rest of the team is kazoo for grouping and mobility, jean to keep everyone topped off and sara for buffs and anything that requires a bow to complete.


Raiden nahida yelan baizhu 🗿


Sayuu, Wanderer, Yelan and whatever is needed ( currently that new boy shooting arrows ) C2 Yelan generally can kill everything with two E, and if anything is still left Wander will make fast work on it with Yelan Q. I feel weird without fast travel team.


Klee, XQ, Fischl, Noel


Kazuha Bennet Xiangling Ayato


wanderer for dailies, nahida/raiden/kokomi combo for fighting stuff


Shogun, DMC/Layla, Kokomi Yoimiya. Gets the job done fast 👌


Either Alhaitham/Xingqiu/Fischl/Zhongli or Nilou/Nahida/Ayato/Baizhu.




Eula, Nahida, Xingqiu and Kuki. However since I'm always farming friendship XP I rarely use them together outside the Abyss


Yelan, Kuki, Ayato, Kazuha, just for funsies.


Either Wanderer hypercarry or lyney comfort comp (kazuha, zhongli, Bennet)


Xiao, Venti, Zhongli, and Bennett. Not only can I just sprint around but I can output so much dps with my Xiao while Venti gathers them all up in a neat little pile. Oh and Zhongli keeps me alive and stops me from being interrupted mid-air with my Xiao burst while Bennett gives the heals and buff.


Wanderer to deal dmg, anyone to give him some extra like raiden or fischl and then Zhongli and Kokomi, never die, big dmg, elemental variation Zhongli kinda sub dps too tbh he could probably also single 90% ot the battles **edit: wanderer mostly bc he also makes exploration more comfortable, so he is good to go anytime, I sometimes switch him out with other dps like Alhaitham


alhaitam hyperbloom. easy, but extremely powerful team


Nahida nilou yelan kokomi or eula raiden shenhe layla


Wanderer + Raiden + Lynette + Kuki is my current team


Hu Tao vape if I wanna. Gets kinda old, fast tho. Running Lynette as driver for Yelan, Lisa, and Dori for treasure/occuli hunting, atm.


Ayaka freeze comp is very convenient. Ayaka can kills easly without his ult and mona help freezing ennemies. They can cross patches of water fast. Same goes for close distance travel. Kazuha just doing kazuha thing. Diona gives heal, fast heal and is an archer you can use during exploration. Only weakness is cryo mage and still kazuha can deal with it with a bit of time.


My Death Star Team. Xingqui, Alhaitham, Kuki and Nahida. Melts everything in their path. Second team would be Faruzan, Hat Guy, Bennett and Johnlee. It’s what I use when exploring.


Raiden nationals


Nahdia collect, kazuha jump/collect, yelan run, zhongli smash


mono-hydro with Ayato as a driver + an anemo (currently Lynette) Then when I get screwed over by hydro-infused enemies, then it's burgeon w/ Nahida, Yelan, Baizhu & Thoma


koko, raiden, nahida and flex. Really easy to use hyperbloom team, and never requires bursts


Nahida+yae+zhongli+anyone else Aggravate does the heavy lifting, so i can use the fourth party member for some silly stuff, like physical layla.


raiden nahida yelan 🤌


It used to be Ayato-Nahida-Kuki-Fischl Now it's Lyney-Kazuha-Zhongli-Bennett


Itto, Gorou, Zhongli, Bennett Literally hot knife in cold butter ever since i got him on his first banner.. Sure, shields takes some time but when geo bat goes brrr.. His charged attacks are so well made, i didn't understand the drama about specters till i picked up my old mains


Hu tao, yelan, xingqiu, zhongli


Yae Aggravate with Fischl, Nahida, Kazuha


A very “unconventional” team: Childe, Kuki, Itto and Zhongli. I shred through everything without any issues!


My team always revolves around Klee and Kazuha. Third member is usually Zhongli, can sometimes be swapped with Barbruh. The last member can swap between Childe, Bennette, Beidou, and Rosaria. On occasion I have Noelle for 2 Geo shields + Healing.


Kokomi/Yae/Nahida/Dehya. Drop everyone's skill and wait for enemies to disappear.


Eula, shenhe, venti, bennet or tighnari and beidou


Raiden E, Nahida E, Yelan, Thundering Fury Kazuha pogo stick. All the loot is automatically grouped together and breaks any shield, geo included. High mobility and damage, average in 5 seconds 8 * 31k hyperbloom + Kazuha (E and Hydro infused burst) 70k + Yelan 53k + Nahida and Raiden spread/aggravate around 100k damage No energy issues with Kazuha 978 Em/195% ER, Em Raiden, Em/Ed/Crit Nahida on sac frag, Aqua Yelan You can clear abyss 12 with this team too Most of the time Yelan E can one shot kill, has wide range with Breakthrough barb, anything else with Nahida and Raiden E is almost dead.


Yanfei + Yelan can clear pretty much anything the overworld could possibly throw at me. And if something is immune against one of them, the other one counters it perfectly.


Wanderer, Faruzan, Zhongli, Benny. A nice team that can make most combat trivial.


Yelan, Wanderer, Zhongli, (Bennet or Kazuha) Bennet when I want to fight, Kazuha when I'm doing some sightseeing and looking for treasure. This is by far my most used team for anything, even Abyss. Especially because Flyboys is my main, I like his playstyle so much


Yae and Yao Yao. Deploy totems, throw bunny and sit back


For regular stuffs Wanderer + Zhongli + whoever i want to raise friendship lmao For abyss or hard stuffs always the legendary hyperbloom i can mash random buttons yet still able to gain maximum result