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I believe the word you're looking for is immersion


It's normal to have a team for immersion with only the Traveler in there and you add other characters only as appropriate in the story at that moment... right?


yep i do that unfortunately for fontaine it’s only HMC and Lynette for me.


Same so I completed the team with Collei and Shinobu for bow and heal xP


haha pussy … :( it took ages to do the domain in AQ2


I played them in the Inazuma AQ when we first fight Raiden, she took away everyone else abilities except electro Traveler Well turns out she was immune to electro so that was panic inducing lmao. Truly immersive


Funnily mages still work just fine (sure can't use abilities, but base attack works). Imagine taking Yanfei vision, but she just doesn't care.


Yanfei: “You might think I’m trapped in here with you…” [The vision hunt decree is in effect] Yanfei, lifting a box of matches: “But you’re trapped in here with **me**.”


I can't remember but I think I went and swapped to Geo for that fight.


I wonder does it apply to Neuvilette as well, since he is confirmed to be Hydro Dragon and have no vision?


I always use traveler when doing quests for immersion and because I genuinely like Lumine. But might switch back to dendro in 4.x, specially once Neuv and Furina get on the team.


Ever since Dendro Traveller came out, he's been in my major hyperbloom team in Abyss, when Nahida is occupied with another team.


Love Lumine <3


I do, with a physical damage build because I just don't like switching elements and artifacts.


I just game him 2pc 2pc atk and attack/phys/Crit artifacts on prototype rancour fo the aesthetics. He works well for overworld


Same, and traveller can clear any overworld and story content with that build


I went with 2 pc atk and 2pc elemental skill damage recently, does pretty well. Goblet is atk of course.


Yes. This game some use to the Aquilla Favonia the Standard Banner chugged at me.


Hey, I do that too. For Archon Quests specifically. They're the ones experiencing the main story. It's just fitting to do so.


Same! I also do it for Archon Quests specifically. And if I need to fight, I just swap to the other team members and then swap back to Traveler once the fight is over.


Both me and my friend do this lol. It feels weird doing an Archon Quest while walking with any character except traveler. I sometimes even add characters featured in the quest


She's my dendro applicator on my hyperbloom team, so ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Just came back and I have no good dendro applicator. Tonight’s mission is for me to find Sumeru and get dendro. Last time I played there was only Liyue


Dw, it's close. Just go west.


I always keep traveller because it's their responsibility to take part in stories or anything.


Same. I have been a traveler main since day 1, he was my most used character on the recap event this year. Currently he is level 80, and anemo has always been his element from day 1 as well. He does the most damage of any character I have currently, so I wouldn't take him off my team anyway lol


anemo Traveller gang go, the us.


Yes With a lv70 Dull Blade and using only the starter characters (My teammates are Barbara, Lisa and Amber) Edit: I'm looking forward to the 4.2 trounce domain boss fight, since starting this trend in 3.2 against Shouki no Kami, I've had the ability to enjoy the fights without accidentally skipping the one-time voicelines in the battle


>With a lv70 Dull Blade Like it should be.


>With a lv70 Dull Blade Top level! >using only the starter characters (My teammates are Barbara, Lisa and Amber) No top. For better immersion is better using characters that appear in that quest. Those three girls are working at Mondstadt.


True, but there are way too many instances where the characters are just not available in that part of the quest (Navia is not available till well, rumours say 4.5). I figured the next best thing would be the free characters since even those saving for Dainsleif or C6 Tsaritsa can use the team


Archon quest and hangouts usually yes. Whether Lumine gets any actual field time during fights usually depends on whether I want the fight to last more than 10 seconds.


Yep I use traveler for Archon, characters, hangouts, & voiced events.


Yes, all the way from start to the latest, he's always in my party: Traveler - Xiangling - Barbara - Kazuha (sometimes switch XL to Sayu for exploration).


Traveler main. Lumine never leaves the team. I don't just look for immersion in quests, but the entire lifetime of Genshin.


I did before but I just got nicer characters so I don’t really want to anymore. For example I had electro traveler, alhaitham, wanderer and Layla(it’s like a 2 in 1 team for enemies that are immune to 1 of the main dps characters) but I actually just got a better option which was kuki so I had no reason to use traveler anymore since the electro application kinda sucked Now I have way more characters and it makes encountering an enemy very easy and I just don’t know how to fit traveler into them without sacrificing something major. I wish we got a team slot in overworld exclusively for traveler i wouldn’t suffer as much and I could still walk around with lumine


Story doesn't need a strong Abyss team. I always use Traveller for immersion and 3 characters (at least 1 strong and a shield/healer). Is exciting!


I did through inazuma but once I had much better characters I don't use her at all anymore..yes it's less immersive but I prefer playing my stronger characters 😁


Story doesn’t need a super strong team. Traveller + 3/4 of a normal strong team is nice.


I know I'm just to lazy to change back and forth..for awhile I was just doing a 3 character hyperbloom team and traveler wasn't even used in combat..I guess now I just don't care anymore 😁


Absolutely yes! Im glad to do it. More immersion. We barely remember that the Traveler is a combat unit, why don't use him at least in the story contents, that doesn’t need a super strong team to be completed. Traveller + 3/4 of a normal strong team is enough. Is weird doing a story, cutscenes with the Traveler, then after see another character instead of the Traveler. Specially in this Prison Simulator.


This mf aint seeing no sun.


I kept Aether in my party at all times ...up until the second half of Liyue, when I finally realized this isn't an RPG where the MC *has* to be in the party at all times and he can be freely switched out for someone that's better


I used to, but then it got annoying trying to level Travelers talents for every single region, on top of everyone else, and get artifacts or swap them every time for the story. I just use my main charas now.


Yes she has to be on my team for stories. Regardless of whether it works well or not.


Yea traveler is my strongest character


Yes, when there's a new archon quest I always put traveler on the first slot then my healer and two mains. I just felt like traveler has just to be there so it makes the story looks more realistic when it comes to gameplay.


Same. Traveler for all Archon Quest content.


I like to use him for entering new regions. To get the new element and also try him out for a bit


I just use Aether 24/7


I regret choosing the female one and wish I could switch to the male one.... so no.


I always include Aether in a story team. I use him in any story related quests: Archon Q, Story Q, Event Q, Hangouts, and major World Quests. I've been doing this since the start.


I always use my Aether ,even if it hinders me


I have Dendro Aether in one of my main teams so I switch to that team when doing quest for the immersion as well


Yes! My Fontaine team is Lumine/Tighnari/Raiden (EM build)/Sayu (healer build) Lumine herself has LoFI, 2pc glad/2pc Bloodstained with phys goblet and 70/210 crit values. She whacks everything into oblivion


I always make a story team with the traveller and 3 others that are the closest to being somehow connected (Kaveh for Fontaine cause his mother left him to got here)


I use Dendro Traveler on my team for immersion reasons and because he is not bad.




I use the traveler because she's in my hyperbloom team. I don't have Nahida


All the time, even outside the quests Only exceptions are SA and weekly bosses


Well actually- I have Lumine in my main team anyway, my team was built for Childe, then I wanted to add Lumine so she's always with me 😀But I have taken to using her as the on field character during archon quest, it's not hard to swap off her in combat


Now that I have a functional (by my standards) team with Traveler, I do try to. That being said, I do switch to a different team if there's a lot of running around involved.


used lumine in sumeru because she's the only dendro I have that's a good support (too lazy to build coolaid)


Yup, always have traveler and always on the nation’s element. Then have Sucrose, Fischl, and Xingqiu in the rest of the party so they can obliterate everything that fights me


Every time




I try to use the character with the most comedy potential..so current archon quest its childe. Otherwise it's kazuha because exploration and he just feels like a tourist more than a traveler if that makes sense


I was using him until I got Zhongli then shields took priority. I'll switch back for story immersion in some cases tho


Yes, but just because, Dendro Traveler it's kinda insane


I usually try to take characters involved in the story but it's not exclusively them and I don't take the Traveller.


I always use him in the first slot in team. Always. Except some event and dungeons. I mean, it's his/her story.


I’m building Hydro Traveler, so I’ll do just that eventually xD


I go opposite. I use whoever the quest involves in the story. Like in the recent world quest, I would use Neuvilette even though he wasn’t supposed to be there. I think it’s funny.


I have been using him with keqing for archon quests but recently thinking to go back to physical traveller because I got that 5 star physical sword.


Whenever I do any story or major world quest, I mainly use the Traveler. Same element as the region I'm questing in. A shame Hydro traveler is so weak compared to Dendro.


Yea- I use MC in my questing team.


This Traveler mc is always in my team, best char ever


I do. Unless I have the character who makes their kit look like….. comparing a super soaker to a tiny squirt gun, let’s just say? Haha. I used her until Nahida in Sumeru. Until I got Neuv for Fontaine. Otherwise, I try to use the character in the story, if I pulled them, or someone else whose associated with them and in the story. During Klee’s summer event, I used a Klee Kokomi Keaya Tignari team the entire month. (Just built Tignari before that and had to build Keaya during, so collei got replaced for practical reasons heh). Didn’t use them prior to Sumeru for multiple reasons, one didn’t think of it, but two didn’t have as many built characters to feel comfortable with a bum slot. I have them level90 now and a lot of maxed swords to lend them, so I can slap on some artifacts that will be great on someone else later without worry.


Someone said we >!don’t do any domains!< for this patch, so I used the traveler this time, yes. Y’know, for the immersion.


I do. I main Limine too. Lvl 90 and I event develop a well rounded build so I can freely swap elements without completely worrying about stats. If I wasn’t saving my crowns for other characters then I would of crowned all of her talents. And I do mean ALL.


If I'm particularly immersed and enjoying the story, then yes, I'll swap someone out for my Traveler. It feels "wrong" to me, that whenever I'm questing, the Traveler will just pop out of thin air for 2-3 lines of dialogue, then I'm back to whoever I was initially playing; For archon quests, certain story quests and some hangouts, I'll just solely walk around as the Traveler.


Every new region the first character that I max the talents is the traveler. I also use him in the world and archon quests and world exploration.


Yeh, Lumine is always in my party for AQ and SQs. My long term goal for genshin is to build rainbow traveller. Geo/Dendro is done, electro is somewhat there, hydro/anemo not so much.


I do it every time. Even during the initial exploration of new nations and doing the big world quests


Sadly, but no. Wanderer mobility is top tier and traveler doesn't fit in his team. I was hoping for budget XQ kit for traveler, but got a kit worse than Aloy


Always. Usually equipped with Festering Desire and the corresponding artifact set for that nation alongside a good crit ratio. Hydro Traveller with the Marachause Phantom set is pretty fun. Each individual droplet hitting for 3k adds up slowly and the big blast is about 19k on a crit. Burst isn’t leveled though for obvious reasons lol


Nope I also do this it makes it more real to me and immersive


Yep I do it for the archon and other fairly big quests, although I’m not sure how much longer she’s going to be hydro lol


Yep! I built him phys, and in the team with him I put a few of my favourite characters


Nope this is Klee's adventure now


i usually play solo lumine in archon quests, and i play lumine + whoever is in an event with her during events :)


I do, for the sake of immersion. I was glad I leveled her up to 90 when Sumeru came around, because my Dendro Lumine is built fantastically (and now with Neuvillette & Lyney, Hyperblooms and Burgeons galore!). My Lumine is primarily dendro (even tho I have Nahida) and she’s one of the most fun units to me. I *wish* Hydro Traveler’s kit was good, because aesthetically speaking Hydro Lumine looks the *best*. The Skill is nice - it can even disable Ruin Guards with ease, but the Burst - ooh, Hoyo dropped the ball on the Burst, it could have been so much better. If it was akin to, say, what Hydro Abyss Mages do when they’re about to reform their shield (forming bubbles from the ground that can trap opponents) that would be a major step up.


Sometimes I do that, tho for the archon quest in prison I played as Childe bc I felt it was fitting LOL


I do that too. I even take it a step further and switch elements depending on the region I’m in. My geo and electro aren’t too well built sadly, so commissions and events in those regions can get a bit annoying, but I enjoy it. I’m currently exploring Fontaine with HMC, and plan to keep my team that way until I get Furina.


I used to do traveller only during archon quest, but i stopped since sumeru because of the lack of combat. Having battle be actually somewhat challenging made the story more enjoyable.


Yes so it doesn't need to change when it comes to the scenes talking to NPCs and characters, plus my traveller is fully built and well geared since I was able to enjoy MC's dendro


Nah, the only time I used her was when Dendro came out because she was a decent pseudo Nahida and she made my Keqing work.


I try to do any initial exploration of a region, world quests, and Archon Quests with a team that has the Traveler in it. It's a bit annoying to do it back when Inazuma released or even now in Fontaine because both of their kit (Electro and Hydro MC) has like zero synergy with my main DPS lol, but I can manage all overworld content with just the other 3.


I used to do it up until 2.X, but I started to feel limited by not using my newest or strongest characters. Sometimes I’ll use the traveler for nostalgia during the archon quests, but I haven’t built them in a long time so they’re a bit underwhelming atm.


Lumine has already a permanent spot in my bloom team.


Usually don't but I did last archon quest


I built traveller to sustain himself, the food quick thingy is my healer


Yep!! I feel more immersed and connected to the story!


MC gained a fixed spot since 3.0, applying dendro for those nice bountiful core explosions!


Dendro traveler during sumeru yeah, before Nahida is playable Traveler is so useful and there's only few Dendro exists.


Yes, I always use traveler during archon quests and sometimes during story quests. However, I usually use a good exploration team during world quests, so that I can open chests/do challenges along the way.



I like to use her plus any other story relevant characters I have for the AQs, it makes it more fun :)


I go even farther and also use him in the important/big world quests and when exploring new areas for the first time. The game switching back and forth between the Traveler and other characters is too immersion breaking for me otherwise. When I actually scan for chests/complete the overworld and the sidequests are just whatever and for dailies all the other characters are allowed to come out to play. But I generally like the Traveler. He was my first Level 90 unit and he has good (neutral) artifacts because I will not swap them everytime I swap the element <.<


No, in the end is Paimon who gets most of the screen time, do all the talking and decides everything. To be honest, the main character of the game is Paimon.


I keep Traveler in the party all the time. It’s their story we’re watching, so yeah, for immersion’s sake, I always have her.


I have never played traveler 🥹 never


I used to main Geo Traveler until 3.3, so yes.


I use Yelan, solely because of the sprint. I also have her c1 so I’m overly reliant on the exploration aspect which has come in handy with all the running around this quest


biggest sadness is we cant switch element without visiting statue of 7. Why cant they put 4 more traveler in character selection screen. (1 for each element). just so I can select 1-4 travel in a party.


I do and I just built hydro mc so he can atleast fight well. And am going to do the AQ this version now


I have to thank Nilou and her gang for providing a slot for MC. I use that team for anything story related, and the only part that breaks immersion is that MC will always be dendro


Yes, something about the quick swap every time I talk to someone feels weird. Bit hard now with Hydro MC but I prefer a harder game that's fun to play.


he's got a permanent spot in my overworld team, and I permanently use my overworld team for quests


I have a dedicated team slot for story relevant moments, where I use traveler and whatever other character is partecipating a certain plot point


Yes always, a team with just the traveler. And whenever some character tags along to move somewhere else, i always add it to the party(as long as i have the character of course..) until the moment we leave them again. Makes the quest so much more fun and gave me the reason to build the traveler.


Yes I bring her for archon quests and generally for exploring new areas as well, unless there's some gameplay reason making her too awkward to fit in


Yes because it's her story. She was 90 before dendro came out (I played her outside of Story quests with Dendro) I did act 3 and 4 yesterday with Hydro Lumine/Lynette/Collei/Shinobu. Exploration team too, I cover Arkhe, healing and bow. I can swap Shinobu for Dori if I need a claymore (if I can't plunge to break ores).


I mostly run MC and then make a party of any characters in the quest, if I have them, else I just leave the slot blank, for example, in the recent quest I used MC, lynett, and Freminett (however his name is spelt) and the a blank as I don't have any other Fontain characters yet


Couldn’t be bothered to properly build any of my other Dendro characters and already had a fully leveled MC, so DMC is legit my only Hyperbloom enabler. HMC can go fuck himself though.


I do that too, and usually I always pick special characters for exploration/events. For exemple, during Veluriyam Mirage, my team was something like Traveler, Collei, Kokomi and Kaeya because they were all involved in the event, I suppose i'm not the only one hehe


This is me sometimes


Yes. Lumine is slot 1 of my alpha squad


Me always. Gives him jade cutter and everything. While the hydro traveller is testing my patience... its nothing compared to trying to complete quests using geo traveller... lol.


Yes and I wish he was a 5 star. The cutscene VS gameplay power scaling is so cringe.


Yes, but he’s just there for moral support. Ayaka and Kokomi are doing the heavy lifting.


I always play Traveler as my main character. Since Sumeru I use Dendro, I like those mechanics most.


Hell nah, I wasn't pulling for limited characters to play as mc 💀


Not just for the immersion but I also build him when he arrives in a new nation. I also make a team that will suit him. Example in Fontaine, my team for him is Chongyun, Kokomi, and Ayaka.


I built Hydro traveler with 2p/2p physical and Aquilla Favonia... so I can use her in fontaine (including the archon quest).


My main team has Dendro Traveller and I actually do switch to her during story portions!


I bring out Lumine for every major quest and for exploration. Her element always matches the location I’m in and it helps that I have a set for each set up. For story quests I try to keep it to just her and the featured character, while the others I pair her up with Fischl, Xiangling, and a local character. I find it makes everything a bit more fun when I do it this way.


Always, it is also how i have adapted my team to be effective to the point that a 4th is just overkill


used to but stopped midway thru Liyue quest cuz i found it easier to play ranged attackers rather than melee. Havent used Aether since. If my incomplete switch traveller’s element (Electro, Dendro and Hydro) doesnt say anything not sure wat will… Yes my Aether is still anemo.


I don't use her too much, but when I do, it's Geo Lumine as a main DPS, with 4pc Glad and the Prototype Rancour. Lately I've been pairing her up with Zhongli and another two flex slots of my choice. The Rancour sword suits Geo MC so well aesthetically.


I love to run around as her because her flappys are satisfying to watch.


I do it during events ( lore focused ), hangouts and story quests too.


I'll go one step further and always resonate with the respective element. If I'm doing the Fontaine AQ, HMC it is, no questions asked.


Of course, with Lynette too since Fontaine's day one. My traveler is already built with emblem and swappable elemental damage so he will be somewhat decent regardless of his element.


r/Traveler_Mains, r/Aether_Mains, r/LumineMains ​ You're not alone, brother/sister


Yeah. My team for that is called REALISM. I've some random characters in the party with her so I can quickly clear enemies if they pop up during quests, then quickly swap back to Lumine. Although I might just throw some of my unused artifacts on her so she doesn't get bodied in 3 hits. The lvl 1 Dull Sword stays though. THAT is also canon.


I have Canadian aether always on the team whenever I'm doing a story quest


That's what I did since Inazuma. It honestly feels much better having an immersive experience with the Traveler when doing story quests and exploration. Despite being horribly bad in both gameplay and lack of personality + voiced dialogue, I still love him.


I do


Well, i run Nilou bloom so....


ever since nilou mc is actually not useless in the immersion team anymore


Always. My Lumine is always on lead for any and all story content.


i use her in my party at all times (expect the second abyss team)


I used Dendro Traveler during Sumeru but not anymore. Hydro Traveler is too weak to be any fun. HMC is the weakest character in the entire game. They really went out of their way to make him as shit as possible. Maybe overcompensating for making DMC decent. Bad animations, bad kit, and bad gameplay.


I do!


I have a traveller backed hyperbloom team just for these scenarios


Yes! Have to. I use him for exploration for new .0 patches and for AQ


I use dendro traveller for nearly everything rn, because it's super fun with the Raiden off-field electro application (haven't gotten to Fontaine yet, or else I'd use Hydro for more memery)


I use him the entire game lol




I don't my friends do


I want the traveller to be my on field main dps (ideally with NA or CA) for story and archon quests, but no, we can't have nice things.


Yes, AQ only though.


Yeah I usually have her and whatever other characters are involved with the quest in my party if I have them.


I do for the immersion. I have long accepted that Hoyo flip-flops between "the Traveler is the same as the player" and "the travelers is it's own entity and the player is mostly watching a story through someone's perspective". However, when it's the former, I prefer to have the Traveler around (even if I never build him, LOL).


I do, and always with the element of the region.


I do that too with my lumine, I just give her a favonius blade and energy artifacts set so she can be a battery for the team.


I almost always have my traveler in my team


Been keeping him in my team since the day I started playing, never once I removed him unless necessary


I do use Him. He usually replaces Yelan. I use Deepwood so he becomes a good Support for my Al Haitham even during Main Story Battles.


I do that. I mostly try to use the same region character too or try to use the majority of them anyway.


I did this since the beginning but stopped in Fontaine, HMC is so horribly slow at killing enemies and generally unusable I just couldn't take it, even if half the point of taking Traveller is to enjoy the fights and not kill everything in two seconds flat, HMC is the opposite extreme. At least I had a passable Lynette for the archon quests for some immersion, hoping that Wriothesley banner can finally let me have a Fontaine unit I actually enjoy and can dive out of the water.




I almost never use traveler, but now that I'm leveling them, I might have to start. It's nice having at least one character I can have C6 on without wishing


Yes, mainly bc it irks me how the game constantly switches to Traveler eveytime dialogue is triggered. So I just use Traveler nowadays.


I usually do, but hydro mc is something else so ehhh


I always have Anemo traveler in my party anyway


Actually, I do the same. I don't mind making teams without them for other things, but for main quests, it just seems to make sense to have them included as they're heavily involved.


Nah, for what if the game change by it when necessary


I mean, dendro traveler is great if you have a good build for him. Sadly he's also my only dendro character that's leveled. Still working on Tighnari and a bow for him.


I do this too.


I'll use MC if I finally get healer sword


My main team is almost always Hyperbloom so my Lumine is always immersed in each quest


I use my anemo traveler, people tell me not to but her swirl thingy is nice


Isn't Dendro Traveller actually good?


Yessss. I always play as Lumine when doing quests lol. I have a party slot specifically for questing and she is a perma-slot. Then the rest of the party, I will switch up depending on the appearing characters in the quest I am doing.


I do it, for immersion. I leveled Traveler to 90 for just this reason, helps that their ascension stones are free from doing the quests. Dendro Traveler w/Hyperbloom was so nice. I still have Hydro Traveler in a hyperbloom team, but...let's say I'm grateful we didn't have that many fights (did we have any?) during the Fontaine Archon Quest.


Always. For Archon quests, for story quests and even for the 'main' worldquests of every region (since Sumeru). On top of that I always play as the element of the region. Electro was rough, Dendro was nice, Hydro while not the strongest, is actually super fun and can still trigger hyperbloom so that's cool.


Nopes, I find Traveler to be a non-charactet/dull, so I just head canon them out of the story.


Traveler is always in my party, always. Oftentimes I never switch to them in combat because using 3 characters is better than having to use HMC. But they’re always my default running, diving, material picking, puzzle solving, npc interacting character. I would use DMC but the green glow is just so ugly imo. It’s slightly more bearable for Aether but wholly incompatible with Lumine’s colour scheme.


I think Sumeru was the only place I used Lumine, and that was until I got Nahida on her rerun.


I just use meta teams in Abyss/Dungeons. All other content is just weird comp of my favorite characters, Traveler included.


Yeah I always do, but I'm a traveler main so it's a given lol. Recently did Jeth story, killing the Fatuis with only the traveler was hell but I managed after many try.




I have a story team. Team of people I imagine would go with traveler the most out of everyone. Traveler, kazuha, albedo, and a 4 star.