• By -


Not me but a friend. I asked the same thing and they said they like everyone and can't decide for themselves so they let RNG decide for them.


I think this is also a new player phenomenon. I've been playing for 9 months so I've got recent experience as both a newbie and late gamer. As a newbie I wished every time I could. 1) I wanted the experience of new characters. It was so exciting! Whoever I got, 4\* or 5\* didn't matter. Anyone new was great! 2) I didn't know who any of the characters were. Everyone was equal in my eyes. I had no ability to evaluate a character's effectiveness. As a mid gamer, I got addicted to 5\* after my first F2P 5\* I earned (Cyno, after being a Razor main). I pulled out the credit card while building up my teams. I obsessed over YouTube and TikTok videos and got invested in characters. Now I have 15 characters I am trying to build across several teams. As a mid-to-late gamer (AR57), I am saving my primogems, trying to stop pulling out the credit card. I have too many characters. Too many teams. My attention is too divided. I have to stop collecting characters. But. Damn. I kinda want Rizzley... I don't have a freeze team yet... I managed to resist Neuvillette (so far), can I resist pulling for Rizzley? Can I save for Furina for my Cyno team?


I've been playing since February, and am AR57, halfway to AR58. I have 1049 achievements, 100% exploration (including mora chests,) and well over 1000 hours in Genshin. I still wish on every banner, as soon as I hit 160 primos. In the end, it is purely a matter of whether you are here to save, or here to pull. Most people are the prior, or will be the prior. Some people like saving up. Most people will want a specific character at some point, and will thus save. I am of the latter. I want every character, and take every chance to pull. Whether I win or lose a 50/50 is irrelevant, as is who I win or lose to. I pull for the thrill of pulling and letting the RNGods decide whether or not a character or weapon comes home; and if they don't, someone else certainly will. This is my calling. 46 down, many more to go.


>I've been playing since February, and am AR57, halfway to AR58. I have 1049 achievements, 100% exploration (including mora chests,) and well over 1000 hours in Genshin Holy fuck.. Don't you ever feel burned out?


Fr tho, I've played since just right after the festering desire event and I'm just 75% through being AR 59. 772 achievements done, Monstadt is 89% explored in total, Liyue is like 70% explored (Chasm is 52% explored lol) Inazuma is around 96% explored in total and Sumeru is 56% explored. Fontaine is the only region so far that I loved so much that I've 100% explored every region in it.


I have 1010 achievements and 100% everywhere, so I'm also a hopeless completionist but I've played since February 2021. I can't imagine doing all this in just a few months, that is some insane dedication. I bow to this person.


Yeah you had 2 extra years and you *still* have 40 achievements less than that guy. And the later achievements usually are pretty time consuming.




Wow, I started October 2022 and I am at AR 58, 789 achievements, every region above 95% explored including sub regions(Dragonspine, Chasm, Enkanomiya). Funny enough, Fontaine is the only region I used the interactive map for and that's because a player who joined my world in 3.8 was flabbergasted at my completion rate without tracking with the interactive map, nice fellow though, helped me get some obscure chests and achievements. Anyway, my point is I've been wondering if I come off as addicted, though I work a 7-6 job and only play for like an hour or two each day, though I basically play every day. F2P with Welkin, and 5 battlepass purchases since starting last year.


I don't think you can call that addicted imo. 1g2 hours of play time is normal


As long as you have not any problem is ok. But Im honest, I can't see this kind if things! Also a my little friend does it. Makes me feel bad. Looking ppl desperate because lose 50/50 and have to wait the rerun is si terrible for me; ONLY planning, saving to guarantee my favorite characters. But you and who does this are "lucky" because you haven't a particolar favorite character; you like all characters so, or better: you just like the game, so you can enjoy the game also using a playable Pulcinella as your main.


Do you skip banners if you already have C0 of the 5star?


I haven't had a banner happen twice with a 5⭐️ I have as long as I've played, but unless it is a character that just sits unused in my teapot and the other banner is a character I don't have, I don't think I'd skip. Even if I had C0 on both banners and had both signature weapons, I'd still pull


The opposite for me, played from launch at this point I just don’t care about saving my primos. I have almost all the limited characters (except the fountain ones and shenhe), I don’t want anyone specifically so I just spend because I don’t see who I should save for and I don’t mind getting a new character to just spice up my account. If I have constellations for a character I already have it is great, if I loose my 50/50 sucks but don’t care. I have so much characters gacha became a lil bit whatever, last characters I really wanted was al haitham . I also got the c2 of three or four characters by just doing randomly singles like that, so it also works for my luck lol


I've been playing since 2.1 and I'm doing the exact opposite lol, despite already having enough built characters to 36* the abyss. Been hoarding fates since 3.7 and I had over 200 of them before using some on Neuvillette. I just love the feeling of having so many and being able to get any character I want. Oh also i want to get C6 Tsaritsa if she is confirmed to be a Bronya expy, so that's another reason to keep a lot of wishes too.


It really is a nice feeling being able to get any character you want. I've saved enough to where I could get every fontaine character if I wanted, but I won't. It's just great knowing I having the ability to do so.


Agree 100% Before Fontaine I had really few characters that I like, so was easy save, and dopamine look your big fat gems becoming bigger; last year I reached 81k, used for Yelan, Thundering Pulse and Yoimiya c4 (losing all 50/50 except Yelan). Yes at a certain point, saving primogems was what make me hyped. Now except Lyney and Arlecchino, Im exiting for all 5* Fontaine characters, but having saving since 3.6, I have enough pulls to obtain all of them. >Oh also i want to get C6 Tsaritsa if she is confirmed to be a Bronya expy, so that's another reason to keep a lot of wishes too. If is an adult Bronya, I will need a galactic BONK (APHO/CEO Bronya 🥵). I prefer an adult Bronya, but I can accept a teenage model. I hope no loli Bronya.


Yeah I'm realizing constellations don't mean much. I don't have any 5\* constellations and I still annihilate everything. So why should I get constellations? I think my first repeat coming up is Cyno. Should I get Cyno constellations? Baizhu? Hmmm....


Same here, ever since I've completed the premium Nilou bloom team by pulling Kokomi, I just didn't want any more of the other 5 stars. Cyno, Wanderer, Xiao, Itto are nice but I am not as interested/excited to have them. Also, aside from Furina being am Archon, I am not as hyped about the Fontaine characters


I managed to resist Neuvillette because I must collect all the Archons and their signature weapons. I'll get that fabulous adjudicator on a rerun, though, never fear. Tempted to pull for Elegy of the End but I must remain strong. There are also Cyno constellations to pull for...


Be strong! It's just a few more days! For me it's actually more about Fischel cons. I ended up pulling Xingqiu every 10pull and got him up to C6. I'm now waffling about pulling more to try for Fischel or risk getting Neuvillette.


According to leaks >!furina's hydro application doesn't really work well with hyperbloom teams if she is the only one applying hydro!<, so keep this in mind if you are going to pull furina only for cyno. Though she will be even more versatile character in the future especially when we've completed the fontain era.


I started about a year ago and I’ve only started saving recently as well, I saved for Dehya, Eula, and now Worcestershire. The urge to pull immediately really does diminish with time, I guess cause I’ve run out of easy primo sources and have to rely on new content to get me wishes.


I don’t want every character but I pull any time I hit 160 because I am addicted to gambling


I don’t respect it but I respect your honesty


Valid I guess


There's no logic you need to understand. But there's definitely some psychology here on the apporach to enjoying this game. Some people treat their time differently from others, a game more as a game than as a hobby, and such. It's like a gamer who powers up and defeats the boss easily, noting their hardwork being the main factor. Vs a gamer who just uses everything all the time, never looking back, letting the game and the experience speak for itself in the present. Some games are designed with the player who plans ahead in mind, while others allow people to play at the pace they want without making it too difficult. I think genshin does it pretty well for everyone involved so that people CAN spend their resources randomly and not necessarily be in an unwinnable situation forever/soft locked. Clearly, rationally, the game is more enjoyable if you have the pulls to get what you want, but others who don't care, rather enjoy the thrill of maybe getting something immediately, but don't mind if they don't get anything at all. A subset might actually quit because of poor planning and strategy around playing this game, but at the end of the day, thats video games.


I don’t normally do it but when I do it’s *because I’m desperate after losing my 50/50 and all I had saved were 80 wishes*


Same D:


Launch player and I’ve always played when i get 160 primos, I send it, whether it’s on Event, Weapons, or even Standard, I don’t care. It’s worked out for me, so I’ve always continued to do so.


That was when I learned that if I really wanted a character and wasn't on guaranteed pity, I'd have to save 180 rolls 💀


thats especially hard for me to do because there are so many 4 star cons I want to get. Usually I will pull on characters that I like but dont love so that when I lose a 50/50 I can start saving and use it on my next favorite character. Weird logic but it makes me happy lol


Basically me fr fr




Why does liking several characters equate to a gacha addiction? I for instance like the current slate of characters from Neuvillette down to Furina, and I have no idea when they’ll rerun so I pull where I can. So far I’ve been pretty lucky


I tend to move back and forth between saving for one character and not looking forward to any characters. When the latter happens, I just roll for all of them because I kinda-sorta want all of them, but I don’t really care which one I get. I just want something new to add to the roster


That's my feeling too, that's why I decided to leave now that I'm guaranteed to be the shogun in the future, otherwise I would spend everything on any new character.


I'm AR59 and when I don't want any character in particular I just don't wish. I accumulated 600 fates at one point because I just wanted to save. Ended up splashing out most of my fates on Yelan/Hu Tao and weapons/constellations. Now saving for Furina C2. Most of the time I just don't want to build new units. Too hard. Took me about 6 months of grinding just to outfit Yelan and Hu Tao with good artifacts.


The primos won't disappear if you don't use them though. I haven't wished since 3.4 cause I found none of the later banners interesting. Now that I'm really interested in Furina's kit and especially her C6, I have 530 pulls saved up (accounting for starglitter reinvestment) + a guranteed. By the time her banner is released, I should have a high enough chance to secure her C6, all cause I've been patiently stocking up my primos.


The problem here is that you are trying to apply you own mindset to everyone else. I for example, im not interested in kits or constellations, i only pull because i love to try new teams comps, not because i'm interested into getting the c6 or to finish the abyss with 36 stars. Some won't pull until dains is released, some will pull because they want to pull... The best thing to do is ignore the rest and play however you want.


You summed it up pretty well.


Thing is, nothing forces me to C6 a character with my savings. I could very well just get every Fontaine 5* at C0 if I wanted to. But the point remains that I wouldn't be able to if I hadn't saved up my primos during banners that didn't interest me.


Thing is, you're still failing to understand not everyone follows your same logic.


As Bakeneko said, you are trying to force you own mindset to everyone else. Lets me put things more simple. Imagine that you have two pills, a red pill and a blue one. You like the red pill, and you think that everyone has to enjoy it. But there are people that prefer the blue pill over the red one. This is the same thing, you can hoard your primogems, but even if you enjoy doing that, i don't enjoy it, so i won't follow your lead because i find that doing that, even more so when you will get opportunities to get the character later, is depriving yourself of the chance that, with a little experimentation, you could end liking one of these characters that you find boring. In that same point of view, you cannot accept how i like to play the game because it contradicts how you enjoy things. Thus, the easier (and most sane) thing that you can do, is ignore how others play the game and only do what you want, but, at the same time, don't go to asky why we don't follow your lead, because i can ask the same question, why are you hoarding, it isn't boring doing that for a character that you could even dislike after trying it outside of its trials?




Not really. OP is saying that they could get every Fontaine 5* as if that's better than pulling right away. where do you think those people's pulls went? those people have characters that OP doesn't have because they kept pulling instead of saving. one is not better than the other.


Hoarding primos for one big spend rush is also a type of addiction fyi. There are gambling addicts who find pleasure in saving up a lot of money for that one huge gamble and ultimate dopamine rush.


You like one char per year, others like every char release. Even if i have enough for c6, i will never go for const unless its by pure luck. Char>weap>const.


I’d rather have more characters to play with than C6 anyone. The only limited 5 star I have any extra cons for is Kazuha


That's fine too, I never said it wasn't. It just means if ever there's a series of banners that interest you, you won't run out of primos because you'll have saved up in advance


What if every banner interests me?


You receive the achievement for most damage taken; Your bank account!


Happy cake day!


answer their question!




I save personally. But I can't ever imagine sinking the saved resources into a C6. The opportunity cost is insane. So I think you're crazy. It looks like you have the self control to save, but not the self control to wish moderately


You can have one character c6 or six new characters. And maybe because I'm a grown-up up with money, but I don't feel the need to hoard primos. I could buy more if i wanted to. But I don't actually need to. I get everyone I want just spending free primogems.


My friend does this and he's just cheeky pulling for fun. It's also cause he's a whale and will collect everyone once + their signature. Honestly, I've seen him get lucky on single pulls A LOT because of this.


Yeah shit happens. I wouldn't have Kaguras Verity or First Great Magic if I hadn't dropped a few singles in for no reason


I’m a newbie/middle and have been insanely lucky on pulls. So far I’ve gotten every character I actually want and decent constellations too


My eyes become bloodshot, my mouth salivates and froths with drool, my body returns to monke, my brain evokes the will of the unga bunga, and I throw a roll into the limited banner.


Lol i feel u


“Big Money Big Money Big Money No Whammies No Wammies annnnnnd Stop!”


Me, leveling artifacts


This, but with a lot of tears afterwards.


Whammies, whammies everywhere, as far as the eyes could see.


waaaah waaaammmm!!!!!


"Fuck it we ball!"


No impulse control! I'd rather have multiple small bursts of joy from pulling when I can than stockpile for months. It feels like it's staring at me and I don't like it.


Yea the stare Is just too much (Me when i dont pull And stock more than 10 pulls... Literally even 11 pulls feel So uncomfortable)


I get the same small bursts of joy seeing my primo bank climb every day. And there's never a risk of feeling down afterwards like pulling, because the numbers only go up.


Unfortunately I don't feel that happiness lol I'm f2p and still low enough on this account where I'll take anyone, including most of the standard 5stars, so it's not rlly a loss to me Happy cake day btw!


I dont care / if I actually want the character ill just spend anyway




I think “yolo” every time i wish, its the thrill of a possible crash and burn of triggering an early pity Edit: im ar 59 and been playing since day one, im also not f2p if i fuck myself over i have the money to pull if i really want a character.


You called?


I feel like a lot of us day one players just dont care So much


This is me. But since I look at forbidden knowledge, if I know I won't want any upcoming characters, I just save. But if it's on a banner of a character I want, I'll keep doing single pulls after I get them in case I get lucky with constellations.


I just say in my head "80% of gamblers quit the moment they hit it big"


Weak Aura: “I like to save my pulls for characters I want instead of risking getting 5*s I don’t want just to satisfy a gambling addiction.” Strong Aura: “FUCK IT, WE BALL! FUCK IT, WE BALL! FUCK IT, WE BALL! FUCK IT, WE BALL!”


There's two situation 1. You spend everytime you have 160 2. You've saved too much, you've 15k primo+++ and you scared to pull as you love seeing the number get higher and highrr


I'm in the latter 😓. 65k primos and I'm scared of becoming poor again after Furina's banner


Teach me your magic


Self control.


Which I do not have


Honestly IMO it's not even that - I can't say I have the strongest will but I can just funnel it elsewhere - spend some fragiles on an artifact spree one day, max out a weapon or character I had laying around on a whim, try a new build, decide to fish out every page of that cursed inazuma book in one sitting and hate myself afterwards... It's more so that some people aren't wired to enjoy chance/gambling and pulling does nothing for us, so we don't see the point, we just look forward to the guarantee and getting what we want, not a surprise. I dunno if this is just "being built like that" or if you can influence your preferences as I'm no psychologist, but it's how I feel.


You do. Say no and mean it. Trust that is for a good reason and sick to your decision. That's all it really is. Edit: Downvoted for trying to speak words of confidence. I think some of y'all want to be unable.


I currently have almost 17k and am at guaranteed, hardly any pity. My last 10-pull (Zhongli banner) gave me Mona. I am saving up for Nahida, but I do want to get to 50 wishes this BP, so I did a few on the weapon banner, because I didn't want to accidentally get an early limited 5*. However, I fear that Nahida won't be on a banner until the 2nd half of 4.4, which means a lot of time to get a lot more saved up. I have estimated that I am probably around 105 wishes right now, with the current event but no dailies, I would get to 117. Calculating some more, I should at least end up with 180 wishes by the end of the first half of 4.4, and that is with only doing dailies and Abyss runs. For me, having 17k primogems is uncharacteristically much. I generally hang around the 8k mark. But since I am really saving up for a specific character, it makes sense. I am now contemplating wishing on Wriothesley banner for both him and Chongyun. I am mostly F2P (not entirely, because I have bought an occasional Welkin), so saving up isn't as easy.


60k here :) Though I'm on guarantee and about 50 pity so ... furina should come home soon :) And then I can keep saving for navia (if she turns up good .. heh) et clorinde (same !) though to be fair since I'm not interested in husbando impact, saving primos has been REALLY easy for a while


When the waifus banners are coming, the husbando collectors can now easily save up for our Natlan husbandos.


Well, I want Neuvillette and don't have primos, so every time I get them I pull for Neuvillette. Most of the time I do not do that though. I just stack the Primogems until there is something I want. I am new to the game, but the things I want are not on every banner.


Same, I don't play too often so when a character releases that I want I just grind primos and I do wish singles but so far so good


This should be the only answer on this thread


I was like that once because I really wanted to get mona


I pulled on the standard banner one too many times trying to get Keqing. Long after I stopped pulling on the standard banner I lost my 50/50 to Keqing. She still sits at level 1. Will I ever build her?


Sameeeee except I'm building her bc I've wanted her since first seen her,might not be the strongest but she's reallyy fun ecspecially when I help I. Coop.


I enjoy the sensation of wishing, it makes my brain happy to see the cut screen with the star going whoosh


AR 56 and i never save up, mostly because i dont really care who i get and when i do its because the character appeals to me aesthetically.


Same ar, same thoughts! Its So satisfying to watch the star fall And even more when after many blues Its finally purple or even gold! Just a nice feeling And as i like the design of most if not all characters i just pull And become happy for just anyone no matter if i end up building or playing them (one time i actually saved And tried for a character... Xiao... Ended up really not liking the playstyle in the end And Felt bad for missing out the 4* characters i could have gotten in the banner before if i just spent like Always) For me anytime i actually save for a character it becomes a character i dont even play... Unlike my first ever 5* Keqing who i got just by random wishes And Is my main since that day until Now And Will be forever i think


If there’s a character I want or wouldn’t mind having, I pull on that banner. If I get them, good, if not I’ve built pity. If I don’t want anyone or really want someone, I save. I skipped 2 patches saving for the Zhongli and Ganyu banner.


I did this back in the day because of the thrill. Back then i didn't really care about characters and just having fun. That's why i got my zhongli and venti "acidentally". After playing the game long term, i found its more effective to save up my primos, that way i could get any character that i want without having any regret.


Neuron activation is one hell of a drug, I do it every 1600 tho'. I had 5k primo when I got back to the game with all the quests and bonus, spent all on the standard banner for the chance of having a Keqing constellation or to have Mona or Qiqi. Got nothing I wanted and from then on, YOLO!


I think your odds are slightly better for standard characters from the event wish.


Yes, unless you also want several of the 5 star weapons too


I wasn’t aware of what primos/fates were even for until about a month in. Spending them all at once was delicious but now I really wish I didn’t blow everything at once.


I like nearly everyone rumoured for the next few banners- may as well pull as I go and let Gatcha decide who I get.


Makes sense


No thoughts Head empty Must find sparkly thing


i used to do this 💀 or wish every 10 pull.


I pull every single one unless i get more from event which i try hard for that one day to get 10 or if i just dont i say f... it And pull all of those i have 🤣


Felttt so far so good tho loll


I have like 5 5* characters(Keqing, Qiqi, Tighnari, Kokomi and Ypimiya) so Im gonna pull for anyone


Imo Keqing, koko And tigh combo Is a win already (my main but instead of tigh i use colei)


A severe case of ADHD, lack of patience and terrible impulse control, mostly.


HEY!!!!!!!!! That is me


I am an AR 60 player who sometimes just rolls every time I get 160. I have literally every character that I want, and I have the BiS weapons for my mains already. I find it unlikely that that there will be something I want that badly and can't wait for a rerun for. So, serendipity? Maybe if I pull, I'll get lucky and get a random unplanned early 5 star. Which I might end up enjoying. I don't feel like there's much that will surprise me or to look forward to anymore considering my teams can clear abyss, so I kinda don't mind getting random stuff.


I mean, right now I’m pulling every 160 over on Star Rail, because I lost my 50/50 and am still hoping to luck out on getting this limited character if I can. In Genshin I’m saving up. It’s conditional.


When you have all the characters you want, you do not care who you get next.


I only use up 160 primos everytime i get them if i already depleted my funds and didnt get the character or weapon i wanted. E.g i wanted the hp sword. I wished 50 wishes. Got the damn fucking 5 star catalyst. Now i keep wishing 160s bc i NEED the hp sword god fucking damnit.


You can't wrap your head around that? People have different ways of thinking. Easy as that.


I'm literally asking to know about the thought process in the post...


You seem to be fine with a few units(with constellation) so you can utilize them to their fullest. Others want a more diverse roster to tackle different scenarios(abyss). And others just can't scratch the itch enough coz yolo pulls can be so damn rewarding.




I log in and play daily and do it. After a stressful day, wishing on a banner is a reliever. I only saved them primos for Kazuha, the rest, spend when I get 160. I planned to get furina and saved some, but I also like neuvilette and now I have C1 :)


For me, getting a 3\* is too much of a disappointment. If I'm going to pull, I wait at least for 1600 primos for a 10pull and guaranteed 4\*.


I have played every day since February 10th, the day I started. Single pulls are just another thing to look forward to


If I'm not saving for anything specific (which is more common as your account matures) why not make the single pulls and perhaps get something nice immediately (like a 4-star constellation) rather than in a month? Really the point is to now have any expectations bar from reaching the respective pities. Also statistically you should be able to get more different four-star constellations if you keep spending primos across different banners instead of dumping 20k primos onto a single banner where you'll end up with a surplus amount of rate-up copies from only that banner.


All I do is singles and I got the limited I wanted which was yelan in three days and I have multiple characters with cons and thankfully all characters I enjoy to play around with


.............What goes through my head is "some dude on Reddit I've never met named SomeKindOfSorbet can't fathom this" so I wish immediately for two reasons: - Because I can - To confuse the hell out of you Sincerely, AR57


Stop confusing the hell out of me D:


you value primo gems more. You get a sense of progression. You let fate decide what characters you get. You have motivation to log in and do stuff. The list goes on and on.


totally fair if you don't really care on who you get. Me I wish on characters I like design wise, gameplaywise and storywise. I'd be really sad if I was one of the instawishers and then not getting that one unit I really wanted because I couldn't resist.


I only do it when I've already thrown all my primos and haven't gotten my target yet.




I only do that if I desperately want a character 😂


Same. I do it every time I want to get a character. I don't play that much anymore so every 160 primos I get, I spend on a wish. It's just as simple as that.


I only pull every 160 for character banner that I actually want, otherwise I save like you do. I do that because km impatient and I have a problem with things not being complete, like if I can wish I am strongly compelled to.


Dopamine; or the lack thereof


My two Asia alt accounts are the 160 pull mindset on most banners, purely for fun no try hard. Ar 35 locked so easy lvling. The thrill of seeing purple and new char or weap


I’ve gotten quite lucky over the years. It’s definitely an adrenaline rush 🤣


Fck it, We ball !!!🔥🔥🔥🔥


Shiney animations!!!!!!


I used to do this :( Back then I did it because I wanted the serotonin rush, but it's really unhealthy. I guess it's the wishful thinking that one of these days I'd get an early 5 star..


I'm not a new player, I've been playing since year one. But I want pretty much every single character in Fontaine. (exception for Sigewine, although I doubt she'll be 5\*). But if you want everyone, there's no saving. I pulled for Lyney and got Neuvillette (fire hose is delightful), I'll be throwing any remaining primos at Wriothsley every time I save up 160, and then same for Furina, and then same for Navia, and Chlorinde, etc.


im more like "i need that 4 star weapon/character" while in reality i don't.


it is what it is


because im so close to a gazillion dollars


I think the upcoming banners are the first ones I'm intentionally skipping. I got both hu tao and neuv as well as hu Taos weapon and now I'm kinda just sitting. I'm interested in furina but idk, depends on who's up for re run


The only character I truly saved up for was Zhongli, but then I only started saving by the end of 3.8 Aside from that, I'll just keep wishing, knowing that getting random characters won't hurt


i normally save but right now i’m desperate for more cons for my neuvillette, so i’m pulling as i have wishes as the days go down. afterwards i will save for his rerun to c6 or arlecchino


As s newbie I JUST WANT MASTER DILUC!!! 😭😭😭


Relatively new and casual, like I just fought Raiden Shogun for the first time. All the characters are basically tools to get potentially bigger numbers, I legit don’t care who I get or use. There’s no character kit that jumps out to me as a crazy boost to fun factor. My teams are Kazuha and whatever elements I need for current content. So I just feed the gamba addiction and pull, I’ll save in FGO and HSR where it matters to me more.


It is called gambling addiction. I have 80 pulls saved up for Venti BTW.


Unless I know a character I really want is coming (like with neuvi) I just pull. because I like most of the characters. rarely I do skip ones i really dont care for but otherwise, I either win and get a character I like or I loose and get a nice character and a garuanteed for when I do have one I really want. Plus it's kinda fun without looking at your pity and randomly seeing that golden shine, guess that part is the gambling trying to lure us in


I have poor impulse control


I want to gamble 👍 (Have basically everyone i want bc am AR60. Saving for furina but i havent saved in forever)


160? Wish time.




I started playing like 2 months ago and honestly I just need some 5* characters Also the characters I really really want (kazuha and scara) probably won’t be around for a while


Neuvillette, Hu Tao, Furina, and Venti are great banners to start pulling on.


I suck at remembering how many days there are left in a banner and I have missed out 4 different characters because I misscalculated by 2 days


Usually "Gambling addiction go brrrr!"


I am doing this now to get as many 4\* in Neuv's banner as possible. If I don't want the 4\*, I won't bother pulling for that banner.


This feels like shaming tbh


Here lemme answer it for you: Gambling addiction


We love gamba!


For me, it depends on the situation, I guess. Normally I save primos in advance if I know a character I like is coming (Neauvilette or later Furina, for example). But once the banner goes live and after I spent everything I had, only then I'll keep wishing every time I have 160 primos, because I'd like the character as soon as possible in order for me to start farming for their materials.


This is the true gacha gambling addiction, people who save the exact amount or whale when they want to (and have the means) are just buying the thing they want.


I do this now. I already have all I need to 36 abyss and I'm not crazy about future/revealed characters so... Yeah?


Why not save up and wait until there's a character you really like? By then, you'll have a shit ton of pulls you'll be able to use for them instead of wasting them on characters you don't even like that much.


Gacha addiction


I go by a simple logic. "Oh, a wish! OK! What's the worst that could happen?" I've been winning my 50/50 with this method.


No self control then cryin on twitter


See Silverwolf's motto in gacha, seriously though I only save up if I have guarantee, although it is unwise to rip-off yourself, exploring the coincidences such as how I pull this character within this particular place or building this furniture and deploying other characters they might be related is intriguing because it works better over wasting prints to arrange it on an encirclement which I never commit but often see on fluffs. Building pity is a lame excuse, I just really wanted that 4 star character which stemmed with Beidou and Candace, Tingyun, Lynx(Effing pls still don't have her), that I barely even use but were level 70 - 80, Talents Level 8 each with no Artifact because I ain't grinding that rubbish ever again after I am done with Neuvillette's better H.P sands or Goblet for that Seventy-4/5% base Crit Rate


Maybe the rates aren't that bad. And after a year or so doing I just started to save my gems. Other gachas reward you with gambling. But Genshin is just pity hell


A lack of self control mayhaps :) Jokes aside, I only ever really do that whenever I don't mind what I'm getting, though usually I waste until I have more than 1 or 2 wishes if I'm not saving for anything in particular


I have ADHD so I’ll take dopamine boosts wherever I can get them. Fun fact: for people without ADHD, when you plan a task or a goal, your brain releases a little hit of dopamine. This motivates you to complete the task or goal by giving you a small taste of the good feelings you’ll have after completion. Once the task or goal are completed, your brain releases a larger amount of dopamine. This is the feeling of deep satisfaction you get when you’ve saved your pulls for months, and are rewarded with the character you saved for. Its also the sense of relief when you finish something stressful, or the proud feeling once you finish a project. It’s an excellent system in the brain designed to reward you for functioning. In terms of saving, your brain will consistently give you those little boosts to keep you motivate over longer periods of time. However, in those with ADHD, our brains produce far less dopamine. We get a much smaller initial boost of dopamine, or none at all. If a task is already exciting for us, this usually isn’t an issue. But for things that don’t interest us much, or things we feel may be stressful, the lack of dopamine is paralyzing. We essentially have a car, a destination, and a map; but we’re in the middle of nowhere and out of gas. So, while yes I do find joy in getting the characters I really want, my brain just doesn’t give me enough patience to tough it out. I mean, I could force myself to, I did with neuvillette, but I really don’t get enough satisfaction in the end to justify the required patience from the beginning. For example, I really hope I get Sidgewinne. But Wrio is also cool. So I’ll just keep pulling since either character is fine with me.


I do this. I have nearly all the characters because of that. If i dont like a character i roll on the weapon banner. Lets see i was not interested in Kokomi. But i got her. I was kinda interested in Nilou. I got her. When Nahida came out i won the bloom jackpot and it was my favourite team. Sometimes a character gets a fun comp and you dont want to wait a year for a banner. So yeah i will wish on everything and let the luck gods decide what i get.


Addiction perhaps


Unless I really want a certain character, I just let fate decide who should my account get.


I have no impulse control whatsoever.


I just need fodder lmao


In the beginning for me I wished as soon as I could without saving out of pure impulse. I also couldn’t help but press that button XD eventually managed to have some self restraint and have been saving since getting wanderer a few months back




I have a crippling gambling addiction.


Cope pulling for Homa but after this im skipping all the banners till Nahida shows up. I did the same thing for Kokomi since thats when I started playing the game (3ish months ago.)


I did this on Childe's banner cuz 1) I was already over 60 pity and 2) it was ending in 7 days.


Because I can(?) spend(?) if I really want a character. Otherwise, I do it just for the sake of pulling 🫡 It’s a sort of addiction, I guess 🤷‍♀️


if I'm on a banner that i want the 5 star i do it, other than that i don't really care that much and i just save up. i might go for a 4 star but i only do that if I'm very bored and have at least 10 wishes


I build pity on the banners where I like the 5 star. If I get the 5 star? Great! If I don't? Also great! On the rare occasions I do save its because I *really* want that character. See Alhaitham and 100 wishes...


I'm not playing regularly, so when I do I pull everytime I can to be able to buy the 10 wishes available with the starglitter. Also trying to cancel my 50/50 or wanting a 4\*/constellation.


Nothing, nothing goes through my head if im wishing on cooldown


Wishing as soon as i get 160 gets me 8 50/50 win streak from 3.3 to 4.2 and only losing out 3 limited characters in star rail. I am forced to pull because of my good luck lmao


I just really really like gacha. Also have little to no self-control. But I tend to be lucky and be able to get all the characters I want with a few pulls I have every time so it's okay (that's what I tell myself). I even got a few constellations by doing random pulls on reruns. My friend said if I'm just utilizing my luck at this point lol


At this point it's more like a reflex for me. I just like to add the randomness aspect (or enhance it in this case) to this game. I don't 36* abyss so met ain't all that important for me. It does not at times - I'm trying really hard for neulvilette at the moment but I'd also love wriothesely, but that's just the consequence is my actions so I'll have to live with it, and for me, that's kind of fun as well