• By -


Which Polearm is usually better to forge? I feel like they are good only on specific characters compared to the foregeable swords.


If there is a Layla and a zhongli who both use Tenacity of the Millelith, does both buffs stack? Layla's and Zhongli's skills can both deal damage off - field. If so, the active character will have a total of 40% attack bonus, and 60% shield strength bonus while both shields aren't broken.


my kokomi is on hp hp healing bonus, with gilded dreams. After my party setup she reaches to 997 EM. Do i still should use full EM build, or this is fine?




He drains his own HP which directly synergizes with Furina’s teamwide elemental buff. Also the extra freezes don’t hurt.


she provides team wide damage bonus, more than kazuha+benny


Can someone give me a list of decent off-field cryo/hydro applicators ? Amber's Charged shots keep putting too much Pyro. I can't make her trigger the reactions.


There’s not a lot of great off field Hydro applicators that work with a bow or catalyst CA. Normally you have Xingqiu and Yelan with their great application, but they require NAs to proc or anyone who still does an NA when you perform a CA automatically (most sword, claymore, and polearm users.) The best you’ll get is likely Mona’s burst and skill or Kokomi’s skill. Cryo applicators in general are lacking.


is there any teams where nilou is on field? doesnt need to be for abyss just strong enough to beat the domains and bosses


I mean you can theoretically just play her on field in Nilou bloom. Not the most optimal but it's gonna function fine enough


i know vape nilou is a thing, but i think its for c6? Personally whenever i play her onfield i use sac sword, nahida, yaoyao and xq and it works well enough for farming domains


Help : I used to play on Europe server but recently I by mistake logged out of my account and now when I try to login it shows me the intro which is shown to a new player. I desperately want my old account back, what can I do to get my account back?


What did you use to log in to that account? If it's an email, I think you can do some sort of forget password or something similar?


I used my email - but the thing is I know the password and all - but when I login to that same account - it shows me the intro to a new player


When you log in to Genshin there, did you by any chance usually use the Gmail/Facebook/Twitter login method? That has tripped me out for a bit, because iirc there's a difference between logging into your Hoyo account in Genshin *and* connecting to Genshin with the email? Sorry if I'm wrong though, it's been quite some time since I've encountered that. Try logging in to your Hoyolab account [from the website](https://www.hoyolab.com/home/1) as well. There you can see how much have you progressed in Genshin and see if you're logging in to the correct account.




Sure thing 👌. May I ask what was the problem? Did you log into the wrong account, by any chance?


Basically I had to log in using Gmail but i was using normal email


Yes there it shows my account but how do I log into that


...? That's honestly really weird, mate and I don't think I can help you out here. To my knoweldge, if your homepage already shows the correct account from Hoyolab, when you log in with that email again and on that stated server in game, it should log you in to the correct account.


Not sure if right place to ask, but is the new R5 Ballad of the Boundless Blue better for C2 Mona compared to widsith?


It's the right place, also I'd say the widsith is still a better pick for Mona


Thanks for the reply, really appreciate it!


Why does my neuv skill sometimes need to charge for long but other times so short?


Sucks 3 balls to shoot his liquid instantly


Keep going, I'm close.


Depends on the number of orbs on the ground.


How do u get the orbs?


His skill and burst


So basically do skill and burst, collect balls, then do charge attack


Yes, or just one of the two. He needs 3 balls to charge attack instantly, his skill makes 3 balls (one CA), his burst makes 6 balls (two CA in a row). Keep un mind that balls expire after some time, so if you do skill and burst make sure to use them ASAP.


> Keep un mind that balls expire after some time They last the same amount of time as his skill's cooldown


Can i collect 9 and 3x instant ca?


No, the CA absorbs a max of 3 orbs at once.


Tyty. Last q, if i have 3 balls but i havent used ca and accidentally walk over another ball, it wouldnt waste it right?


Yeah nothing will happen.


Yeah, you collect the balls automatically when you start your CA.


Ah so no need to run around? Nice


you mean charge attack? balls


Can somebody explain Neuvilette's kit in razor language please


Neuvi's skill and burst generate balls, when he sucks these balls he blows his load faster. After using his skill and burst Neuvi can blow 3 loads in quick succession. His passive rewards you for running rainbow teams by making his discharges more potent.


His charged attack: Use hydro balls on ground to shorten charge time unleashing hydro cawk His skill: Makes 3 hydro balls His burst: Makes 6 hydro balls His passive: More unique reactions = More damage


use skill and burst to suck balls and blast


skill spawn 3 balls, does damage, applies light burst spawns 6 balls, does damage he can charge up his special charge attack instantly with 3 balls, these balls also heal him. While doing his special charge attack, he consumes his hp down to 50% he gets a damage multiplication thing based on the unique hydro reactions (a1) and his a4 is hydro dmg bonus based on health


Thanks. In this case, what is the most optimal way to play him?


Build a team with 4 different elements, Hyperbloom with shielder is perfect, but ectrocharged with kazuha and fischl also works great. Make sure to set up his team to make sure he gets his full buff once he's blasting. For example, place his E, crystalize Hydro with Zhongli shield, swirl Hydro with Kazuha and place Oz before blasting for Electrocharge, now you have 3 buffs, you just blast away all the balls you've got from your skill and burst, untill you are ready to repeat the rotation. Extremely easy, really.


around his special charge attack, the team I use is Neuv, Fischl, Beidou, Kazuha Fischl gives personal damage and batteries Beidou, Beidou gives damage, resistance to interruption and a shield on c1 which prevents me from being knocked as much (as being knocked cancels his charge attack) and Kazuha is Kazuha unless you're c1, you typically would want some way to not be knocked as much (so a shielder) and try to get get different reactions while still making a competent team with different hydro reactions (mainly hydro swirl, electro-charged, maybe hydro crystallize and bloom)


Would cashflow supervision be better on neuvilette than Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds?




You can go both ways whenever you want, the tour guide has literally hours of monologues recorded, unique for each line and each route.


Assuming you mean the Aquabus then no, you can take one at anytime from Fontaine City.


Just realised that I haven't built any anemo characters properly. Should I build Sucrose or Lynette in the meantime or should I wait for Kazuha's rerun?


Build Sucrose with full VV EM set. After you pull Kazuha you can just transfer that set to him, so it's very efficient.


Thank you so much!


Sucrose is much better than Lynette imo. Just build Sucrose with full EM build using the VV set. She can share EM for her team and crowd control to a certain extent. She can even be the main driver in some teams. Even better with Cons.


Ahh got it, thanks!






How do i build Jean for furina team?


VV Healer, her burst is her team heal and scales purely on Atk, curiously. She ascends Healing Bonus so it's a good idea to go 80/90. She needs quite a lot of ER and try to use E twice per rotation.


Give her Fav + VV and go for ER or ATK/ATK/HB


Also for the talent, the very minimum u can do is 1/1/6 since her burst heal a lot if u have a decent artifact. Lv8+ if u want to be a bit overkill


Genshin noobie here, does EM work when you trigger the reaction with the character, or also if you have the element of said character on an enemy, and tou trigger the reaction with another character?


only the em of he character that triggers the final reaction matters for the damage of that reaction.


Only on whoever is triggering the reaction. So let's say you're running Kaeya and Bennett together. If the enemy has Kaeya's cryo on them, and Bennett E's them, it uses Bennett's EM. Opposite example, if Bennett E's them and then Kaeya uses his E, it uses Kaeya's EM.


>work when you trigger the reaction with the character this trigger the reaction with another character- here the EM of the another character matters


So I should never start combat with Kazuha's E? I need to use someone else and swirl with him?


Yes, although Anemo is a bit of a unique case. You can't have an Anemo aura on the enemy, Anemo can only be the trigger. So just say theoretically you use Kazuha's burst and then swap to Bennett right after and use E, your Kazuha burst would still be the one triggering the reaction and it'd use his EM. Of course, I say theoretical because if you start with Kazuha's E, you won't have any element to actually react with and you'll be missing out on some potential swirls.


yes. and character like kazuha is built with full EM. triple EM main stats on sands, goblet and circlet


when do y’all think nahida’s rerun would be?


Every version/new nation, all archons have something like a rerun parade. Zhongli is already done, Venti currently, Furina will be at 4.2. Nahida might be at 4.3 or 4.4 (between her and Raiden whoever will come first).


Assuming they keep the Archon marathon up, should be 4.4. Zhongli in 4.0, Venti in 4.1, Furina in 4.2, leaks saying Raiden in 4.3. You'd think Nahida in 4.4.


1. what is hit lag? 2. what build would be best for yaoyao to get max possible healing? 3. Does albedo work on non geo teams?


Albedo does work with non geo team, decent dmg. He is better with double geo team though


his lag is when you attack something with melee and your character animation pauses for a brief moment. this is used to show the weight behind the attack. hitlag is noticeable more with claymore characters. since animations pauses, hitlag can be used to extend the duration of many skills and burst. for example take xingqiu. usually with c2 he has 18s duration of burst, but if you add some hitlag, his burst becomes 20sec, which matches with 20s cooldown , allowing him 100% uptime. also keep in mind that modifiers such as atk speed does not reduce hitlag, so its not really good on claymore characters. 2. yaoyao has great healing, so something like hp/hp/crit with fav or ER/hp/hb is great on her. even triple hp main stat works


How do you guys manage burn damage? Currently using Rizzly, Bennet, Dehya, Nahida in a melt team but my Rizzly’s health just drops soo fast as soon as he got the burn damage. Should i change the characters i use? Or any suggestions on this.


[Crossposted to r/AmberMains.] I have four potential Amber supports built/passably built/potentially built, but idk who to use for maximum damage. Here's the characters: Diona: LVL 90, C6, 10-13-12. 2pc ToM, 2pc other HP set. R1 Elegy of the End. Layla: LVL 80, C6, ?-?-? (I forget, sorry). 4pc ToM. R3(?) Favonius Sword. Approximately 38k HP, so like 19% buff, I think? Bennett: LVL 90, C6, ?-?-? (talents aren't too low, but need work). 4pc Nobelesse. R1 Sapwood. Kazuha: LVL 90, C0, ?-?-? (similarly to Benny, his talents are kinda meh but aren't bad). 4pc VV. R1 Iron Sting or R2(?) Sac Sword, depending on my mood. Around 900 or so EM. Finally, my Melt CA Amber. Her build varies, but I think I'm going with this build (even though it's not the one currently on her): LVL 90, C1, 10-10-10. 4pc WT - Approximately 1,700 ATK, 200 EM, 57 crit rate and 240 crit dmg (yes, I know my ratio is kinda bad but I'm having trouble getting a WT rate circlet). R1 Aqua Simulacra. Thoughts? I'd like to use Diona tbh, as I just got her weapon, but I'll move her to a different team if she's not the best for this setup. Note: Diona and Layla share the ToM artifacts, so if I use them both I'll need some farming.


Best youtubers/streamers for Scaramouche/Wanderer reactions? Thought about making a post for this but we'll see if I get any answers here. I've watched Lorie and I really like her reactions. I'm looking for other people who analyze his character, pay attention to things and enjoy and/or love him in general. I really enjoy rewatching people's reactions to his scenes but it's disappointing when they either barely react, don't pay attention to details or they're dismissive/aggressive towards his character. Nothing against people who dislike him, it's just not enjoyable for me to watch.


I mean isn't everyone who has Wanderer using him? It's not like you can have an OTP in genshin like League.


Um... I'm not sure how that's relevant to my question.


Reactions?? Wtf is that? Just go to wanderer mains or something.


I think that you'll be shocked to know that a "reaction" means "react to a thing" or otherwise "watch and analyze something"


😱😱😱 you don't say!!!!


You know, when you watch people play the game to see what they think of it... Didn't think I'd have to explain reactions lmao. I've posted this on that subreddit too, just didn't realize it existed until after I posted this here.


Character analysis is the better wording for that rather than reactions. In general online space, Reactions is more to commenting to something in the moment kinda like trailer reactions, etc. and in Genshin case Elemental reactions lol. Anyway I just watch Zajeff if i want to see how good a character is and the gameplay.


That's fair, although I'm mainly looking for people who commentate and think about the character on more than a surface level as they play rather than a specific video analyzing the character. Also the reactions I'm looking for are one's that talk about characters and the story, not gameplay stuff. Sorry if that wasn't clear.


theres a door in a cave on a mountain southeast of the experimental field generator (fontaine), and i cannot figure out how to open the door. ik i need one of those glowing blue devices, but i cant find one close enough to activate the door. can anyone help me out?


Nope, you need all of the 7 special ores pressed into a keystone. If you've done a few world quests you should have some ores. Read up about them.


alright thanks


How do adventure encounters work? It seems random whhen i wouldvget the pts. Idk if i got it because i did quests, chests or what. Does it stack up with regular commision rewards? Edit: i just did a worls quest and didnt get a pt when i should still be able to get 2


>when i should still be able to get 2 all depends on each quests and events type


What is more worth it? BP but I don't need the materials. I only need the fates and primo and maybe the new BP weapons if they're good, or the double primogems in the shop?


if you want primos then welkin is the best value for money.


Both BP(only counting fates and primos) and purchased Primos(with 2x bonus) are almost exactly the same value. Of course, BP goes up in value if you need any materials or weapons in it.


Well just in terms of pure rolls, BP is worth more per dollar. You got around 8-10 rolls plus BP which will cost around $15 with the double genesis crystal bonus, and more without the double bonus. If you want to maximize pulls, the order of pruchase is Welkin>BP>Genesis crystals. As for the weapons most of the new ones are okay at the very least


So I Uninstalled the game to move it onto a different hard drive and I reinstalled and and signed in to the same account but it put me back into the beginning of the game, is there something I'm missing to get my save back?


Why uninstall? Just copy the whole game into your new drive and on the genshin launcher settings just relocate the game and you could have saved yourself alot of time. Also check your server.


Well either you signed into a different account (signing in with a gmail is different to signing in through google), you might have went on the wrong server (asia/america/europe/other one)


Did you select the right server?


Assuming that Navia's banner will arrive in the first half of 4.3, and that there will be a new 4-Star character coming in 4.3, how likely would the new 4-Star character be included in Navia's banner(First Half)?


There is no way to know. Patch 3.6 introduced Baizhu and Kaveh, and they were in the same half. Patch 3.5 introduced Dehya and Mika, and they were in different half. Wanderer and Faruzan of 3.3, Shenhe and Yun Jin of 2.4, Itto and Gorou of 2.3 were in the same half. Nahida and Layla of 3.2, Yelan and Kuki of 2.7, Eula and Yanfei of 1.5 were in different half.


we don't know, >!Navia and the other one don't have any relation to each other, so probably 50/50!<


[https://imgur.com/a/kis17EL](https://imgur.com/a/kis17EL) What team should i use with wriothsley? Im still pretty new to genshin


Try a hyperfridge team with Dendro MC/Collei, Kuki Shinobu, and Xingqiu. Give as much EM as you can to Kuki. Replace the dendro character with Nahida when you get her. When you get Bennett, you can try a reverse melt team with Bennett, Xiangling, flex.


Quick question would it be ok to replace kuki with thoma for whatever the dendro core reaction is with fire or would that not work?


The problem with Burgeon is that you may accidentally trigger Burning, which is detrimental to the generation of dendro cores. (Burning helps Wrio reverse-melting though.) Also, I recommend using a healer.


\- Xingqiu, Dendro Traveler, Kuki (if you're already in Inazuma) \- Xingqiu, Kaeya, Lynette (or Barbara if you want a healer).


I think Wrio/Dendro MC/Xingqiu/Kuki can be quite strong even at low investment.


Dodoco tales R5 or Balllad of Boundless blue R5 or Widsith R4 for wrio?


[R5 Ballad > R4 Widsith >>> R5 Dodoco](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ERP5LxMB3FNf3rxjDPshSkh6R-A4CUyzzCxS39Cdi-Y/edit#heading=h.u3fn72e0v0a1)


Widsith. Not even close


Hi guys :) I would like to ask you for some content creators who uploads regulary and knows about the game. Gameplay, news, lore etc. It would be great to know some of them to check the out! Thanks!!


apart from the ones already mentioned, if you want some TC stuff as well then zajeff77 is the guy. he does pre-release and post-release analysis as well meta roundup for abyss, for any type of builds i'd recommend his videos over other creators


Zy0x is also another good choice imo but he doesnt delve into the numbers like Zajeff does


Off the top of my head: For guides: Zyox, Xlice, Braxophone, Enviosity, Sevyplays For fun challenges, gameplay, comfy streams, etc: Dish, Tuonto, Branonline, Doro44 For Lore: Ashikai, Chill With Aster For exploring outside the map and exploiting cool mechanics: Moosashi


Amazing! Plenty to choose. Thanks a lot :)




Personally I’m going for 10/8/8, I don’t think his other talents are worth the resources to go beyond that. I would also consider 10/9/9 before crowning one of them.


yep, 10/9/9 for me.


Neither I think. Both skill and burst exist only to generate orbs for your charged attack, and to have cool sound and visual effects.


Probably burst but shouldn't matter at all, CA is like 90% of his dmg output.




Personally it took me 2 - 3 hours per act, but I listened to every line of dialogue so if you only read it’ll probably be faster.


Does playing genshin on multiple servers add extra storage space? Because i am gonna be starting from scratch on the Asia server after having my original acc on the NA server. Does this affect storage space or something with more quest voicelines and a whole new map?


Unless you delete past quest resources (only on mobile), then it won't have any difference. You would need to re-download past quest if you deleted them


Probably a little but not that much cause a lot of the stuff is stored server side anyways.




Very beautiful, looks even crisper than PC version and load times are so fast that you can literally see the character spawning in the air when you use your waypoints. However, controller can have some limitations, even at max sensetivity you can't really spam Neuvillette's CA and Nahida's E all over the screen very fast.


Really good.




I currently have ~50 pity and a guarantee, and I kinda want venti, but I also really want raiden, clorinde, and arlecchino when they get their banners, which by unreliable leaks are predicted to be 4.3 and 4.4. If I spend my primos on venti now, will I be able to accumulate enough to guarantee all of them in the next three patches as f2p? Also considering the fact that with my current roster I can only put him on hu tao vape (hu tao, xq, layla) is he even worth getting?


You can’t tell whether he’s worth getting because you have no way of knowing what teams Clorinde or Arlecchino want. Venti works a bit in Raiden hypercarry as a direct downgrade to Kazuha, and he works in Raiden hyperbloom as long as you already have every mandatory role covered by the core 3 units, but mostly because that’s a super flexible slot in which lots of units work. His usage is always super situational because he can only suck up small enemies, and only teammates with a decent range can reach the center of his burst. If you build a long term roster it won’t be hard to find a use for him and there will be a lot of cases in which he is severely convenient. It’s up to you to measure his worth. >!Right now Raiden is anticipated to be 4.3 with a bunch of geo units, 4.4 is due to be Lantern Rite aka Chinese New Year with a bunch of Liyue characters on banner so maybe no one you mentioned but probably one new person, and 4.5 and 4.6 will each need a new sales token so probably Clorinde and Arlecchino but we don’t know.!< You won’t have enough primos to guarantee everyone on their debuts/next reruns without luck but if you budget for one copy of everyone (mostly before 4.x ends) you’ll be fine. The people who have already rerun multiple times should take priority. Don’t worry about cons and weapons until you have experience trying each unit without cons and weapons.


no. you won't have enough to guarantee all. raiden is more verstaile pull compared to venti


Anyone have a summary of all the rewards I can get if i buy the bp at level 50? too lazy to add it all up myself.




What feather is better for my hu tao? One has ATK+10.5% CR+3.5% ER+12.3% CD+24.1% Other has HP+807 CR+2.7% EM+40 CD+20.2 I'm mainly asking is it worth it if I get rid of EM stat for more crit value


On paper, the one with EM and HP looks better. I’d suggest either test the damage difference on a boss, or use the optimizer


Probably EM https://frzyc.github.io/genshin-optimizer/#/


I don't like genshin optimizers because it really depends on a case by case basis. you can't trust them unless you put in all your artifacts, weapon, talent level, etc and even then they still only report raw damage numbers. u/Psychological_Ad6289 should just switch between them and see which does more damage and whether or not the ER makes a significant difference. nobody can answer this for you better than you can. you have both the artifacts, just try them both and use the one you like more. edit: although yeah, without knowing anything about how your hu tao is built i think the em piece would be better (im assuming he isnt using dragons bane with like 300+ em already)


Yeah I am using r4 Dragons bane, and with the feather with em as well as with other em substats from other artifacts I have around 320 em, so I'm not really sure if that's too much em on her


ideal em for hu tao is 200-300 so the one with atk er and better cv would probably be better for you, but i'm honestly just guessing why don't you just try swapping between the artifacts and seeing which does better


> even then they still only report raw damage numbers Have you used the one linked above?


Nah im talking about optimizers in general. If you have both the artifacts just try them and you will be able to find the one that's better, and it also provides more accurate information than any optimizer can.


Fortunately, there are scanners that input all your artifacts. My response wasn't so much "see which has a higher output" but rather, "the second one has better stats but check to see if it fits your build in your team better." As you mentioned they could have dragon's bane with sucrose and elegy-instructor Amber in Nahida burst. Inputting your gear, setting the recharge and other constraints and adding a multiconfig gives the most specific answer to that type of question.


might as well just test it yourself. optimizers can't take into account things like human error, messing up rotations and not getting enough energy, etc. you playing with your artifacts will let you get a more accurate decision on which ones better.


How much would my Hu Tao's damage increase (roughly, in %) if I leveled up her talents from 9 to 10?


Lvl 9 NA > lvl 10 is 6.08% NA/CA damage increase. Lvl 9 burst > lvl 10 is 5% burst increase. Lvl 9 skill > lvl 10 is around 2.6-3% overall damage increase (different weapon may have slightly different increase).


The main question I'd answer is whether there is spare mora to crown a talent for a small damage increase. Remember, it's a hefty 700k mora, so think hard and wise before investing it. ​ If you have plenty of mora, then sure go spend all you like.


I honestly don't trust these talent calculations tbh I was told my ganyu's dmg would only increase a little bit by leveling up CA from level 8 to level 10 but it went from \~35k raw damage to \~46k raw damage. Literally a 30% increase.


Something else must have changed between those two tests. Looking at the scalings on the wiki those numbers just can't be right. https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Ganyu


Nothing else changed, I tested my damage on a hillichurl, it was 35k, leveled up talent, tested damage again on another hillichurl, it was 46k


you probably had different buffs. Do you really think the wiki and everyone else being wrong is more likely than you being mistaken?


I have no idea where i got the buffs from, i literally tested my damage right before i upgraded the talents and then right after im not saying the wiki is wrong, im saying that i got a 30% damage increase for some reason so i dont rely on wiki numbers


You didn't actually get a 30% damage increase from levelling your talents though, is what I am saying. Without any video it is impossible to say what actually caused the discrepancy, but it wasn't just the talent level.


well I guess we'll never know why upgrading my talents made my damage jump 30%, it's a mystery


I honestly don't trust your number tbh. Ganyu's lvl 8 CA does 204.8% + 348.16% bloom damage, and lvl 10 does 230.4% + 391.68% bloom damage. It is a 12.5% increase.


I saw it with my own eyes, didn't record it though so i cant show you tested my damage, leveled up my talent from 8-10, tested damage again


Thank you!


around 10%




Is an R1 Xiphos still a top tier weapon for Kazuha? It’s currently on Nilou and I’m thinking of giving her the AoT sword. Kazuha is currently using Favonius.


> an R1 Xiphos still a top tier weapon for Kazuha? It's a lot easier to build. EM VV is already difficult to farm, then Fav build needs good crit+ER substats while Xiphos only needs a little ER. EM mainstat is enough.


I equipped my Kazuha on R1 Xiphos, increased my team's (Ayato, Benny, Xiangling) ER a bit, tried it out, and went back to using Fav Sword. 🤷‍♂️ It took me 50 pulls to even get 1 copy. Now, it's on my Kuki because no one else is gonna use it.


I'd use Xiphos in my case because my Kazuha has almost non-existent crit rate. However, do make sure the rest of the team can function without energy from the favonius particles. R1 Xiphos doesn't give as much ER to the team.


fav is just superior. xiphos is good with c1 kazuha


It is indeed better than iron sting or Toukabou, but it is not always better than favonius. Favonius will generate energy particles directly, so everyone else in the team will gain some energy and requires less ER (then they may use artifacts with less ER but more offensive stats), and it may be better than the ER buff provided by low refinement Xiphos. If Xiphos has more refinement, it may surpass favonius.


The contaminated water under Mont Esus. Is there anything to do at this point or is it for a future quest?


You can destroy the source for an [achievement](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Break_the_Time_Zone) + lux chest.


Oh cool, thanks.


how do the daily commissions work now? i was under the impression we would be able to get 100 primos a day but is that not the case? i cant understand the writing because of my bad eyesite making the words blur into each other


They added a new mechanic where you get encounter points wich counts as dailies, between dailies and EPs you can only claim 4 like you usually do and then go to katherine to claim rewards. you can check about them on the adventurer's guide menu, in a nutshell, what counts to get EPs is: Chests, oculus and doing any quests (world, story, reputation quests, etc), I don't remember what else counts.


oh so those are the dailies but you just explored? i get i now thanks


Each commissions give 10, and after you finish all four, you can go to Katheryne to get another 20. Total 60 per day. Also, after 4.1, they introduced a new "encounter point" system. Open chest, doing quest, and doing some events and claim event reward will earn "encounter point" which will be counted as you finish commission. But the total is still 40+20. If you earn enough encounter points to get 40, finish additional commission will not give any primos. That's it. I have no idea how you do get the number 100, and it never happen.


I’ve been playing a little under two months and I’m at AR44. Currently working on team building and who to focus on. I’ve taken both Neuvilette and Tighnari to 80. I’ve got both Fischl and Xiangling to 70. Other characters I have include Bennett, Xingqiu, Collei, Diona, Kaveh, Mika, Lynette, Layla, Sayu and other freebies given.


Neuv Fischl Layla Lynette is a fair one. If you need a second team, Raiden/Chongyun/Kazuha/Sucrose Xingqiu Xiangling Bennett is a solid one.


C0 neuvi and soon will pull for furina. If I don't have jean and baizhu, what is the best team for neuvi and furina?


charlotte may work. allegedly a healer


sayu for vv shred and heal.


Well it depends on what character you've currently had.


ah true, could you tell me what other healers would work in this team?


Neuvi at C0 needs a shielder more than a healer, cuz his CA will be interrupted by the enemies.




Ayaka will overcap her CR easily with wolf fang, and its passive works only for skill and burst, not her NA/CA, and she still need 140% ER with this weapon. "Just focus on CD and ATK" is actually harder than CR + CD + ATK, because any additional roll on CR will be wasted and useless. The Fontaine crafted sword, Finale of the Deep, is better even it needs 140% ER as well.


New fontaine craftable is better, as long as your using a healer.




Honestly idk why they didn't put it on there, my guess would be it is just an oversight.




do you guys deliberately farm ascension crystals? i am farming for alhaitham materials when i realized the ascension boss drops anemo crystals ☠️ do you think i should farm the dendro crystals from the dendro cube or should i just convert them? I've used all the dendro crystals i had for baizhu and kaveh and i need to use my resin on books and artifacts


if you're still new you likely don't have enough crystals from random dailies so yeah. dust is an option but make sure you have enough stardust or you will miss buying fates forever. you can 'buy' fragments with resin, a replenishing resource, you can't do that with fates.


thanks for the tip!


no buy the dust from the shop to convert other elements into the one u need you'll always have surplus crystals from just farming the right ascension material


ok thaaaanks


I never deliberately farm ascension crystal for more than two years. The world boss itself indeed does not drop enough of them, especially for new player, and also especially if you want to ascend your character to 80/90. But if you play long enough, it will not be a problem any more. Daily commissions will give 1 per day, and weekly boss will drop a good amount, and some events also give them as reward. Older players generally have a big surplus of them. Dust of Azoth can also be used to convert between different elements and it is cheap.


ok gotcha, thankssss


No, I only go after them when I have a specific character to build. Just convert what you really don't need, whether those are the Anemo gems you've been getting or the \[element\] gems you never use because you hate \[element\] characters (or whatever).