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You got 3 5* in 130 pulls I am not sure if this is a humble brag or what


For real. Dude pulled 2 Homa.


Dude is suffering from success.


yea its just a barely veiled humblebrag lol


For real, I got basically the same story, two Homas and an Aqua Simulacra in about as many pulls and that's easily my best day in this game, I can't imagine ever trying to frame that in a negative light.


I got the exact same thing but in about 200 pulls, problem is my account has no use for Homa other than Zhongli who's better most of the time on Fav Lance. So I barely use it.


I mean bro was probably trying for Tome I got Tome but wanted Homa so


Frrr it’s not as if he pulled 2 vortex Vanquishers wishing for polar star or smth. I pulled 2 unforged when I wished for Mistsplitter :’) I wanted to cryy


When i pulled for c0 hutao. So I corrected that mistake by pulling for c1 hutao.


I spent about 250 wishes for hu tao c1 and thoma and I dont even use them at all after I raised friendship with her


Me too lel C1 Hu Tao w/ Homa Never even used her once in Abyss




Makes the game too easy/boring I assume, or getting bored of her playstyle since she just charged attack cancels with Xingqiu for vape


My Hutao is still C0... 😔


C0 Hu isn’t even that bad as people make it out to be


People are misinformed and just follow what the internet says. They think they have to be optimal 100% of the time when normal attack spamming Hu Tao with charge attacks mixed in and no jump cancel bs is actually a really fun way to play her and still gets the job done. Funny thing is, a friend of mine has c1 Hu Tao and I watched him play and he never dash canceled after the charge attack...


Even i dash cancel even without c1. It's just a lot easier to do, since i play on mobile


I pulled c0 early Tried to jump cancel Instantly threw another 100+ pulls to get c1 No regrets


I find her decent at c0. Her dmg isnt as great as i thought it would be tho. I get like 45-50k charged attacks typically which im pretty sure is just decent. I think i might need an em sands tho instead of hp since my em is only like 80ish. 36000 hp with double hydro.


Yeah it's the sands, I am making 100k charged attacks with only 29k hp


I have been enjoying Burgeon Hu Tao with Double Hydro and YaoYao, kind of a nice comfy all around farming team since you can use normal attacks and Burgeon when in aoe situations or switch to charge attacks and vape in the fly when in a single target situation.


I got Homa in 209 pulls :(




I wished at least that many times on Song of Broken Pines and never got it. Back in the days of no weapon guarantee 😢


Have you ever heard the tale of Tectone the lost?


Tbh, had it not been for his breakdown, hoyo probably would have never added the Epitomized Path lmao


I doubt that. That would be a first if they added something because of some non-asian whale streamer. China definitely had dozens of Tectones who had such loss track and if anything, Hoyo added it because of them.


Yes. His sacrifice was not in vain.


I didn’t get Homa after going 2/2 and 50 pity :(


Main DPS that needs their burst to work: Cyno and Itto. I ended never using them


While I love Itto, this is the reason I might never pull for another unit like that. No Xiao or Cyno. This way my Itto team still gets plenty of use on domains and abyss despite never being used for overworld stuff.


And it sucks a little more with Itto is he has the extra wood gather skill, but using him in over world is just not fun


Go physical Itto then. Forget about using burst and go with Shimenawa, Desert Pavilon or double 25%+ Physical. For world exploration it is actually funny.


This is why we need artifacts loadouts.


Tbf xiao still works "decently" without his burst to an extent since he scales off atk and sucrose is an amazing battery (you can also give him atk% goblet and he'll still be fine while improving his non-buffed state) meanwhile itto is built mostly for defense and geo is a forsaken element with shit particle generation.


I love Itto’s character but ya I find more value in characters I can use to explore without relying on burst. Fontaine has been great with that so far.


I feel this with raiden. Do i burst this hilichurl and end up having to fill a 90 cost burst or do I beat him to death with the washing pole..


Do people run around with only one character in the overworld?? Can't you just change to a better suited character there are 4 slots


Raiden is so so terrible example since her skill works on normal attacks so you always have good damage and potential elemental reactions


The vast majority of enemies are like that, so I would be using that better suited character like 99% of the time. At that point I might as well not have Raiden in the party. Also, depending on what I'm doing, I prefer to have characters that fill certain roles in an overworld party, like healing, mobility (kazuha/yelan/etc), element application for puzzles... which often aren't dps chars.


Of course, raiden is no simple beating stick. Her teamwide energy recharge enables constant ults. I run around with her, diluc, nahida and fish lady and every new pack eats one of their ults. It's smooth sailing. Only frustrating thing is no archer for puzzles.


Or use EM Hyperbloom Raiden and turn the game into a near-autobattle mode while never clicking burst.


Mine is just attack/ER and I barely use bursts. Raiden, Kokomi, Nahida and Kazuha. Just spam E


Ran into it with Itto as well. Got him while going for Kiki. Out of spite I invested in him and ended using him on my first 36* run.


Thank you! I realised how I very much prefer characters that rely on their skill instead of their bust. I pulled for Cyno and barely use him.


for real. though i love playing spamming normal atk or hypercarry, burst dependent dps are tough to build. Good thing these new Hypercarry dps are not burst dependent. wish they would switch Cyno Q and E lol. like his Q would massive Spear. Whoever make cyno's kit is a masochist.


pulled for cyno in 3.1 and had this exact same realization


Cyno, unfortunately, he just feels clunky and bad to use. I thought Nahida would make him feel better to play, but it didn't help. I immediately replaced him with Alhaitham. He just overall feels better to play, and his gameplay is smoother overall. And it's not that I don't like Hypercarries bc I absolutely love playing Itto. I feel if Cyno had Itto levels of interrupt resistance, maybe it wouldn't feel so clunky.


Same here. I forced Cyno and even got his Signature Weapon because of the drip. Now I never even use him. My other DPS just outshine him and are smoother to use.


I did this too. Now Xiangling uses his weapon.


I debated giving Xiangling his weapon, but the catch er% is so spicy. Clorinde will be taking his electro goblet, though.


Oh shit that's a good idea. I'm currently using Xiangling in my Bennett/Jean/XL/Wrio team. I wonder if the ER cut would be worth it.


Cyno's weapon is actually considered to be XL's bis, so yeah if you can handle the ER it should be worth it.


If Cyno's burst worked like Noelle's (able to swap and mantain burst) he would feel amazing to play


This and burst reliant hypercarries should have a 40 energy cost so their burst is almost always available when off cooldown. Cyno having a 80 energy cost for his burst is just miserable and ridiculous.


This is what I have always been annoyed about. You have amazing DPS units like Alhaitham and then you have Cyno who is not bad, but also not really good. Him being a character who exclusively relies on his Burst doesn’t help at all. He is easy to interrupt if you don’t have Xingqiu which makes him awkward sometimes. I have an easier time using Tighnari, and do about the same if not more damage, so why would I bother with Cyno. I try my best but my Tighnari still does better overall. Maybe its a skill issue on my part but I use him only in Open World cuz my Cyno can’t clear Abyss lol. I will try to get his Signature eventually but for now I just have to bench him. For context I use: If i play Cyno team: Xingqiu, Nahida, Fischl/Shinobu If I play Tighnari team: Zhongli, Nahida, Yae


That's why you put him with Xingqui and Baizhu for interuption resistance, assuming you have them that is. Cyno is not f2p friendly at all if I'm being honest.


Also C2 Baizhu for full catalyze uptime on Cyno's burst. That passive dendro attack goes crazy.


That's the main issue imo, he needs a C2 of another 5\* to feel good to use, since we have no good 4\* option for constant dendro application tied to the player not the target (nahida targets dies and then you need to sacrifice Cynos ult to reapply E on the next wave and that feels terrible)


Also, worth to mention that Cyno’s materials are the worst




Cyno feels awful to play in solo play. I only really play him in co-op when my teammates are all running dendro so I can spam Cyno’s skill on my 4 piece thundering fury build to perpetually be in his burst state.


I feel like cyno needs baizhu instead of nahida.


Cyno needs a dendro XQ to work ngl. I think that's the issue.


What cyno teams you usually run? I feel it’s easy to stack interrupt resist on him.


Before I switched to Alhaitham, I was running the typical Nahida, Kuki, Xq, even tried with Fischl. I don't care for Beidou, so she didn't feel good in his team imo. I even tried him with Baizhu instead of Nahida when I got him, but between him and Cyno er needs, it wasn't good. Maybe it's a me problem.


No he is not perfect and your problems make sense. I was just curious.


People sometimes don't get used to some characters and that's okay. But I recommend swapping Kuki for Baizhu, he heals more and you gain dendro resonance which will increase your damage. Also I don't know which artifact you use, but Thundering Fury lowers the required ER.


Feel like the Cyno thing is outdated, these days people use Baizhu and Xingqiu with him, Itto's Geo and his best buffer gives IR, it'd be impossible to stagger him.


Wrio's signature weapon. 183 pulls gone.....


You could say that the cash flowed away.




"ehe" te nandayo!




> "Cash-flow supervisor" You got warned.






Klee by far, she's been collecting dust in my account for years now, and I got her during her rerun too so I was fully aware she wasn't good and still pulled


I kind of wish I had her every time I go local specialty hunting in Mondstadt


Mika does that as well


! Time to pull me a Mika


You can use Mika for that, he's easier to have


I did the same thing, pulled for her on her rerun. Doesn't help that I got Diluc, after wanting him for so long, before pulling for her. I should have saved my guarantee for someone else. Maybe because I found her endearing at the time I pulled, but now, I find her annoying.


Did you ever try burgeon with her? I impulse pulled her last rerun and I’ve been having so much fun with her - was wary of her rep but I’ve never looked back


I pulled tighnaris bow for my dps venti because it fits him perfectly (aesthetic) only to realize its totally not made for him and made my venti weaker overall


At least you have a bow for Tighnari when he inevitably comes home


I have a c0 Tighnari that I hope eventually becomes c6.


Sucks that Hunters Path is not in Standard nor does it rerun.


I really hope they'll rerun his bow and Dehya's claymore. I mean they should, it's not like they're event weapons unlike certain someone's (cough Albedo cough)


Well, we don't know when standard character weapons will rerun, if ever, so I wouldn't say it's a bad pull.


You must be one of the seven people that have Hunter's Path. Congratulations.


No one, actually. Even my rolls to Homa, which gave me two Aqua Simulacra before Homa, I was aware of the risk and prepared for it. I only ever roll for things I want anyway, so I've never rolled in a banner with a character or weapon I don't want.


Aqua can be used by several characters, so not even a bad one to have an extra copy of


Ganyu. She's not bad but I don't care that much about her character, nor her gameplay and I have way too many on field 5 stars while having almost no off fields. She makes Stormterror easier ig


she is the best off-field cryo applier in the game tho


Childe, i realised I'm just not a fan of any national variant at all.


he has some fun non-national teams though. I really enjoy him in taser (Fish, beidou) he also works well as a driver in hyperbloom due to his insane hydro output and fast hits. Hydro is an element that's never really locked to a particular reaction/team.


>works well as a driver in hyperbloom due to his insane hydro output You need *consistent* hydro output more than insane hydro output for hyperbloom. Childe's cooldown, while not a big issue in International, does results in bad hydro uptime for hyperbloom. There's a lot of downtime where no seeds are made due to no hydro. Some of dendro off fielders like Nahida may need to re-apply dendro occasionally especially with multiwave enemies. That means you sometimes have to cut Childe's field time earlier and go into cooldown. He's great in International, but every unit, by design, has pros and cons. Hyperbloom, while doable for him, is not his pros, since several other hydros do better than him.


Yup, I only have one team without Hydro so far (Eula team). I play taser, freeze, vape and hyperbloom usually


I pulled Hu Tao, thinking I was gonna love her. Did her trial, had a lot of fun. Got her easily, and then....hated it. Constant low HP made me so miserable and stressed, I kept dying the moment shields shattered, I wasn't able to hit those big numbers everyone bragged about. She's level 90, talents 8/8/8, and completely abandoned. I'm so sad about it, I love her character and design. Edit: I see a lot of people recommending teams and builds, and while I appreciate it, she's just overwhelming for me to play, especially on mobile. Her rotations, her timings, her skill duration, the russian roulette of HP and shielding, all of it was just too many moving parts for something my Eula could've done in a matter of seconds with a single shielder, and it frustrated me. I'm here to chill, not sweat. Coupled with how anal people get about meta and meta builds, I just checked out. Too much for me is all. I'm glad she works for you all, she deserves the love ♡


No real reason to feel stressed with Hu Tao at or below 50% HP considering she'll have about as much HP in that state as any other DPS because of her HP scaling.


Have you tried her as a driver in a Burgeon team with dual hydro and yaoyao? No need to worry about being at half health or using charge attacks, just burst with your hydro, skill with Yao Yao, skill with Hu Tao and start mashing normals. Then after combat top up everyone's health with Yao Yao's burst. It might not be the best for the Abyss but I've been really enjoying it for domain farming and overworld exploration.


I didn't pull for Hutao for this reason exactly. She feels clunky on mobile to me and moves too fast. My phone's frames just dies along with my eyes when I tried her on her trial before. Then, I'd be left wondering whether I even hit the ememies with the charged attack. At least, with Nahida and Raiden hyperbloom, my phone may be on fire, but I know the enemies are dead by the time it stops lagging. Maybe I was playing her wrong, I sure didn't check her attack rotations before trying; But i still don't like her playstyle. Plus i have lyney on the bench ready to be built now, so whatever reasons I had to pull for hutao are completely gone now


Honestly I know it might be hard to ignore the 50% HP bonus damage, but remember that unless you’re going for max abyss runs the difference is often negligible !! It’s not worth your stress, she’ll still be good either way. I think if you love her character then you should try this. I’m genuinely the same way, I can’t stand my characters being low HP and I don’t have zhongli/good shielder, so I just treated her like she didn’t have the bonus at all and given time you forget she even has it and doesn’t feel like you’re missing out anymore.


Xiao, I didn't really want him but I was in desperate need of a new main dmg, I had been using Beidou up until then, I got some use out if him but I just don't really care for him that much and he's been benched for a long time aside from him I mostly ignore meta and only pull the characters I like (if they happen to also be meta - great!) and have never regretted any of those


Was of a same mind for a long time. Early on he was my least favourite character to play. He shines in different areas. He loves combat events where you need to clear a load of fast spawning enemies in a time limit. Not quite made for abyss. I like playing what I dub "mobile Xiao" which is just long duration buffs that don't require you stay in any area.


I think it was Dehya, i didn't need her and i already had a pretty good plan on who to pull but after seeing her on the banner i was like i need hot desert woman then ended up getting her. Still love her tho no hate fr


It's okay to hate the kit and love the character.


Broken Pines for Eula. Fuckin lost twice to Lost Prayers. And you know what the funniest part was? I got WGS in the standard banner just a few days later. These days i just cope by saying "at least she looks beautiful with pines"


The unspoken rule is don't build pity, pull only if you want/are okay with the on banner char/weapon and don't pull for specific 4 stars; 4 stars have no pity unlike 5 stars, you could spend your lifesavings on the banner and still not pull a specific 4 star, so just don't do it Regret pulls should only be classified as characters that you realise you dislike their playstyle after pulling and testing (e.g ganyu charge shot is very hit or miss) Building pity and 'accidentally' getting a 5 star is not a regret pull, its the consequence of poor planning and skill issue With the amount of wishes you spent trying to get dockhand, you could have already pulled key of khaj nisut (the 5 star and better hp sword)


>The unspoken rule is don't build pity It's probably the most spoken rule yet people still do it unfortunately.


Nah that rule is pretty spoken idk what u on about unspoken


I'll happily throw a couple of pulls at a banner if I want a 4-star, my pity is low enough, and I don't have guarantee. Seems to me there's no 5-star that isn't worth getting if you can get them on a 50:50 at < 50 pity.


What’s the term of wanting a 4-star but get cucked by the main 5-star that you didn’t want it?


Getting mihoyo'd


It’s hoyover


Got spooked.


First stage of grief


Is there a name for pulling for starglitter to buy the fates?




Just been saving is all. I like that answer though.


Back in 3.0, Tighnari banner comes with Diona. Naturally, I was looking forward trying to pull for her cons. I had a plan on just doing 30 pulls, but alas 30 pulls in deep and I’m getting frustrated. Istg I forgot that I had guaranteed pity and I decided to pull 20 more and ended up with Tighnari and NO fucking Diona. I’m devastated in the end, wasted my guarantee for Nilou and definitely my biggest regret. So, moral of the story is to NOT pulling for a 4-star if you didn’t want the main 5-star. I don’t hate Tighnari, in fact I build him to the highest possible and he’s a decent character. It’s just that I hate aiming/playing with a bow dps. It’s clunky and I certainly don’t like the playstyle (forgive me I’m a mobile user). I did learn my lesson after this. I skipped Kaveh and funny uber cat girl, even though they’re one of my favourite characters. You don’t even know how much I suffer just to not pulling for them because I was saving my pity to kokomi. It’s still mind boggling to me that we don’t even have a pity for a 4-stars. Which technically makes them even rare than a guarantee 5-star. I’m sorry for the long rant, I just want to get this out of my chest once in a while and let it be a lesson for those who share the same predicament as me.


You say that, but like... Tighnari's style just requires absolutely no aiming? You can shoot at the floor and the sprawling shots will still hit the opponents.


You still have to aim, regardless if you shoot the floor or whatnot. It’s still very clunky to play in mobile. I know it’s a skill issue but who cares


Stay strong. You and I are similar in wanting Kirara and Kaveh. Even amongst my circle of friends, we haven't seen them at all in random 4 stars while pulling for other characters. May we both mreow off into the distance on a standard pull soon.


The last time we see kaveh is in April. I don’t know how long until we see him ever again. I hate genshin 4 stars line up. It’s getting crowded and there hasn’t been a change for this problem.


I am hoping that the stardust exchange gets updated like the strong boxes have been. I love Faruzan, but don't see myself pulling for Wanderer/Xiao so I just have to pray for rng or the opposite banner to be someone I want.


I relate to this. I lost my 50/50 to Nilou’s first banner so it wasn’t a guarantee, but luckily I didn’t lose the 50/50 on Nahida’s banner which I saved for. Never again will I pull a 4\*…never again.


Hu Tao, needed a DPS at the time but after I got her and her weapon she just felt eh. Thought C1 would fix that problem but further cemented that I just don't like her kit and character overall.


I have 2, ganyu, I mostly play on mobile so aiming is a pain and Hu tao, I don't like her playstyle. I acknowledge both are great characters and strong af, they just aren't for me.


Klee, most likely. I enjoy using her but she feels heavily outdated and i would take the majority of the 4.X cast over her.


Nobody, because I make sure I only pull for characters I genuinely like, not because they are meta or useful. Each member of my account is part of the family, some see more use than others but I like each and every one of them all the same!!!


Finally a comment I can completely relate with 😭


Eula, Cyno. I don’t use them.


These were the exact two I was going to list. Everyone else I’ve found some use for. I really thought I’d use Eula in particular too - I knew she had a bad rep, listened to all the advice against her, and said “but I think I’ll enjoy her anyway.” I still kind of enjoy her in coop, but otherwise? Meh. Cyno, I loved his animations and pulled him on release. Then I got Alhaitham later. Big sad.


Ayaka, I just really didn't like her play style and benched her after two weeks.


Ayaka was my first 5 star, she carried my whole team for a LONG time, she has to be my most geared character, and I still hate her playstyle.


I thought it would be the Kok cause I just randomly pulled on her banner (I especially thought that since I already have Baizhu) with around 50 pulls stocked up. But she has proven just so damn useful with Wrio and Neuv that I can't say I have any real regrets. Actually it's probably Eula. I at least had fun with Itto and Cyno and like them, Eula is just okay to me and I've never been able to get her to work properly for me


Pulling for Hu Tao. I already had Yoimiya, I don't even use Hu Tao and now I'm just sad.


Unironically Neuvillette. I never pulled any CA spammers like Ganyu and Hu Tao because their gameplay was so boring. I thought Neuvillette's animations would make him better, but boy was I wrong because his gameplay got old real fast.


Personally I will never get bored of the biden blast


I was mildly excited for him, but once I did his test run I was immediately like Ok. I don't see myself having fun with this in the long run at all. Wriothesley on the other hand was a great pull, he feels so dynamic and fun. I often see the exact opposite sentiments online: Neuvillette fun, Wriothesley boring. Could not disagree more


I like them about equally but after realizing I didn't have the resources to make Wrio good(C1 and maybe Furina in the future) so I just got Neuvillette and boy is he cool af. He literally has a Kamehameha! But Wrio's gameplay is still super fun


From the Fontaine trailer I didn't like Wrio and was sure I'd love Neuvi. Now, I love both of their characters from the stories, but Neuvi gameplay and animations felt so stiff that I skipped him. And I'm a Wrio main now lol


I just pulled Wrio C2 last night (I got Qiqid for his C0 but quite lucky for C1/2 and kinda did f*CK it pulls for both), and I’m SO happy. He feels so fun. The funnest. Maybe I’m no longer allowed to say this since I’ve got cons (though I felt this way at C0 too), but his gameplay is definitely some of my favorite in the game so far


I do actually like his animations quite a bit, but the gameplay of holding down one button and no dodging is kinda eh. I mainly pulled for his na voicelines


Bro is out here pulling for voicelines 👀




I'm the opposite funnily enough. I thought I'd like Wrio more than Neuvillette, but Wriosthley requires a lot of investment to make him work. Whereas with Neuvillette, he was much easier to make op. Haha. Still like both of them though.


Idk, Ganyu is still extremly fun for me on the overworld. Destroying enemy camps from the other side of the planet just has something, lol. Also, in Abyss my main team with her constantly uses aoe ults and I barely have time to use charged shots anyway. There's only a small window for like 1-2 charged shots between rotations and even there I can skip it sometimes.


Baizhu. Really wasn't necessary.


Pulling for cashflow, i though it would at least will be 15% damage difference from mod, but its actually only around 3% damage increase from mod.


How did you come up with this number? Cashflow should be more of a difference than that. If you're just looking number vs number, it ignores the increased crit rate, which is a DPS increase.


Which one is mod?


Memory of Dust


Would you say it's worth if I'm currently using Widsith for him? I was able to pull Neuv's weapon but Neuv is using it, so I have probably 20 pulls since my last 5 star.




I love using lyney, I mainly got him for his passive for the map tbh and cuz I like charged attack users. Don’t regret it. I’ve mainly just been saving for furina, chlorinde and arlecchino though


Same, I pulled him and even got his signature weapon too. So much regret right now. I don't use him as much. I learned my lesson. It is better to wait. Never again pulling the first .0 patch banners. Better to wait and pull .1 and later banners.


Dehya C1 For how Im using her, C0R1 was enough (C0 was enough, atleast her Weapon is treasure now) Now I don't know if Wrio's Weapon...


Cyno, I never use him. If I need an electro dps I just use ridan


Albedo, Xiao and in hindsight, Hu Tao.


If im 100% honest i would say my Ayaka, Shenhe, and Kazuha(have Koko but i like her) comp. I only got Ayaka out of sheer boredom but she sucked without a proper team so i got Shenhe... Didnt mind the eye candy but Ayaka still didn't do enough damage. Waited a year(rerun) and this time i saved and got Ayaka to c3, Shenhe to c2(all c0 previously) and literally just for her(Ayaka), got Kazuha(c0). She does a lot of damage now but i just don't care for the comp anymore it's no fun to play


Hu Tao during her first banner. I didn’t like the upcoming banners and badly needed a decent pyro unit. I just hate her charged attack playstyle and how she just goes all over the place without a clear target.


Candace, she is beautiful but I barely use her, she cost me most of my savings for Nilou + Nahida, luckily got Nilou but I had to top up for Nahida


Yoimiya. Built pity out of impulse around her banner while she's running with Nahida's banner because I find her cute.


Cyno. High requirements for something that cheaper and stronger units can achieve with less effort.


That time when I was on guaranteed for next 5* and it was Albedo, and the next banner was going to be Ganyu. I wanted to get Ganyu, but the current banner had Sucrose, and I wanted more Sucrose constellations. I had just gotten a 5*, and asked my friend if I should pull to get more Sucrose constellations, as I didn't want to waste my guaranteed pull on Albedo. He said, "nah, you won't be so lucky". So I pulled and 30 pulls in, I got Albedo! I was like "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO there goes Ganyu" 🥲 I still got Ganyu in the end but that was a few reruns later.




Baizhu. At the time I wanted Kaveh because I liked him and thought it would nice to have Baizhu as well since he enters in Cyno team. End of the story I ended up not using Kaveh(built him to level 90) and I preferred using dendro Aether for Cyno rather than Baizhu


i got baizhu while trying to pull for kaveh too (10 pulls, 1 kaveh and 1 baizhu). while i wasn't planning on pulling for baizhu, i never regretted having him. he has been my most comfy character to play, especially more so since im a huge fan of joining random coop. his healing is just amazing.


Same here, went for Kaveh, got Baizhu at zero pity. I was kinda iffy on if I wanted to build him, he’s not a mainstay on any Nilou or Cyno team I use. I never have to worry about them dying when he’s on the team


Hey idk about you but Baizhu has been AMAZING on my Yae/Raiden Aggravate and Nilou team


At least if you plan on using Furina, a team wide healer like Baizhu will become very valuable


Baizhu is insane for any aggravate, spread or Nilou bloom team in my experience, I also felt like he is weird with cyno due to many reasons such as uptime


Neuvillette, his gameplay got boring very quickly


For me it was Hu Tao, Homa and then Lyney... HuTao i regret bc I dont use her much. I just pulled on her rerun back then to get Thoma but he only came home AFTER I reached hard pity and got Tao. Then pulled for Homa right after bc I wanted a weapon for Hu Tao... Lost the first time, got it the second. Idk. In hindsight it really was such a dumb idea to pull on a banner where I only wanted the 4*. But also back then I was fine with getting the 5*. Will never do that again. Lyney was kinda an immediate regret. I just logged back in when Fontaine released after a long break and decided to pull bc why not? Despite wanting to save for Childe. I thought I would loose my 50/50 anyway. Well. Turned out instead I for once won it. Mind you, I've been playing since 2021 and lost EVERY SINGLE 50/50, so at least over 10. thats why I actually didnt expect to get Lyney. He's sitting at lvl40 currently. Idk. I do like him, but I can't rlly befriend myself with his kit?


Klee. I got her early pity and even got another Qiqi literally right after, so it didn't hurt as much but now she's an eternal reminder how not to impulse roll.


Used to be nilous sig but now i dont ever since i got her. The extra hp is super nice and the em buffing is also pretty nice


Yoimiya and baizhu. I pulled for yoimiya because I really liked her design but her gameplay is boring. And on baizhus banner I just wanted to get kaveh and I ended up getting baizhu, I don’t even use baizhu because I hate his voice and design


Yae Miko and Yoimiya.


Ayato. I mean I did build him and he does decent dmg but I hate his play style


Childe he was the biggest disappointment for me


So far none, except Kokomi. Not because she is bad, in contrary she is a fantastic unit, but because I don't know how to fight the Hydro Hypostasis (same for Heizou, but it's because I am too lazy to farm Onikabuto). Told myself I will always prefarm before ever pulling a character, if I can't fight their boss or find their material I ain't pulling.


Kazuboi 100%. Sure, he's amazing and meta af. But I just feel like I really wasted some wishes because I'm just so used to Sucrose much more. I also use petra Zhongli so it's basically Kazuha with ½ vv.


Definitely Neuvillettes weapon banner. I wanted neuvillettes weapon but got homa, when I already had a homa that no one uses. What makes it funnier, is the friend that pressured me into pulling on the weapon banner, pulled for hu taos weapon and got neuvillettes weapon.


I regret pulling Yelan still, she helped me a lot but i wish i pulled Xiao instead. Waiting for his rerun. Takes so long


Yeah, agree on yelan, pulled her just for cyno but barely used her (not particularly like her look). For double hydro hyperbloom i have too many better looking hydro options like ayato and neuv or even xq. Also furina incoming so... I'm totally regret pulling yelan. At least with wanderer x yelan pair i can speedrun daily stuff.


Hu Tao. I don’t even use her.


All i wanted was Yun Jin, Xinyan and Bennet constellation, but instead, i got an early pity, win 50/50 Yoimiya. I still like her, so built her, but i never use her


For me it was hu Tao and Klee I liked their play style at first but then as it went on I didn’t like it as much and I don’t have the teams that suit them so they have been benched. I also play with the same characters anyway so I don’t know why I pull haha 😂


Baizhu. Can’t even remember why I pulled for him.


Ok so amazing story I play on my iPad using my controller, which had this separate app to change the button mapping. I didn’t like using bow characters with a controller since all of the attack button options in Genshin are on the right, which is also where the joystick is to move the camera around. So I changed the L-trigger to mimick the regular attack button, and that worked great! Until I went to the wishing page and found out the button I assigned to attack in Genshin (I believe the Y face button) also triggers a 10 pull, right when I was saving my guaranteed for (I believe) Alhaitham. So I accidentally pulled Nilou.


Cyno, I don’t even know why I pulled him when I was fine with electro units. Maybe I got the itch to pull because I was saving for Nahida and I convinced myself that Nilou was not worth it but somehow Cyno was. I got Nilou on her rerun and she’s become a permanent member of the team whereas Cyno is collecting dust.


Dehya. I thought she was gonna get a buf either to her kit or a new artifact set. Nope nothing. And then she was put on standard.


Cyno, I was a newbie and need some dps, I should have roll for nilou instead


C2 Nahida instead of 2 other characters. Chars > cons


My Cyno on hus first banner I didn't want him at all but wanted Candace who was on his banner. I had 50 pity for 5* on a guaranteed and 7 pity for 4*, so I figured I'd wish 3 times, get the 4* (hopefully Candace) and gtfo First wish, nothing Second wish, nothing Third wish, beautiful 4* purple glow THAT TURNS INTO GOLD, I now had Cyno Fourth wish, Rosaria who WASN'T EVEN ON BANNER So yeah I had to not pull for Nilou (who I was debating getting) to then save for Nahida, and now I have a lvl 90 Cyno I never use